Pharos No. 1 Christmas 1908

No. 1. CHRISTMAS, 1908. VOL. I.


Notices First hours in college
Editorial Life at Cheltenham training college
Gleams Impressions of Battersea
Flashes St. Katherine’s College
A Danish Girl’s Letter Obtaining sleep at training college
In this train Scholar in British Columbia
Scouting for boys A day at Goldsmith’s college
Before school commences A weekend in college
Poetry Introduction to college life
Football Form notes
Hockey Correspondence


The next number of The Pharos will appear immediately before the Easter Vacation.
All contributions intended for that number should reach the Editor before March 20th, 1909.
Out of Term, the Magazine can be obtained from the Editor, Claremont, Crabble Hill, Dover; or of Grigg and Son, “St. George’s Press,” Worthington, Street and High Street.
We wish to thank the following for contributions, some of which may be used in due course: – N.H., L.V., Argus, Mac., S.R.H., B.C.H., A Subscriber, E.B., H.H.L., E.J., E.W., E.T., T.W., W.G., Giddy Mon, E.E., G.K., M.L., Louisa, C.B., D.A.W., Country Lass, X., D.M., M.P., Peter Macpherson, Nemo, Rosalind, Keva, A Sixth Former, A Lover of Animals, Eileen, Anon, Wyonnesse, Welch, C.M., L.G.B.

O if we draw a circle premature,
Heedless of far gain,
Greedy for quick returns of profit, sure,
Bad is our bargain!


WITH this number we trust that The Pharos begins a long and useful career – long enough for the first number to become an old English text. Circumstances have brought it about that there is much wanting in this first number: much too of what is present is open to criticism. The latter is most welcome, but let it take the form of letters to the Editor suggesting better things. Please don’t sit at home at ease and criticise the Magazine but either bear with it or mend it. The Pharos is founded with the hope that it may be as nearly as possible a School Magazine and there is no reason why there should not be a student subeditor, not to say editor. Finally on the success of the first few numbers as regards sale depends the future of the undertaking.
To all who read, the Editor wishes a Happy Holiday and a very fortunate New Year.


Evans and Clark have been chosen by the Kent County Council as suitable for admittance to the Royal Navy as Boy Artificers. The importance of this success is increased by the fact that the County Council, having the power to choose two boys from the County of Kent have chosen both from the Dover County School. We heartily congratulate Evans and Clark and wish them a very prosperous career.

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Distinction in another direction has been won by Fisher, who was recently presented by the Mayor of Dover, in the presence of the assembled School, with a certificate from the Humane Society for Life Saving. The facts of the case as gathered from an onlooker appear to be these: – Fisher, after an early morning dip was sitting dressed on the beach with other bathers. Cries for help were heard and a youth was seen struggling out of his depth. Fisher dashed into the water as he was and succeeded in bringing the youth out of danger. Such action requires no comment – unless it is in the following: – Many years ago a foreign sailor, under process of examination in an English court, said that his vessel had gone ashore on the English coast. “But how did you know it was the English coast?” was asked. “Because a lifeboat came out,” was the reply, which deserves to be preserved with the sayings of the English admirals.

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Graves, who left the Dover County School to enter the Civil Service has been fortunate and successful enough to gain admittance into the National and Provincial Bank of England.

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The Headmaster cannot let The Pharos give out its first beams without wishing it success, nor yet without expressing to our Editor, Mr. Coopland, warmest thanks for having undertaken to lay the foundations. Mr. Coopland’s task has not been an easy one – pioneer work never is – but from what the Headmaster knows of the contributions sent in, and the business-like energy of the Editor, he ventures to predict that The Pharos will stand fast in the hearts of all for many years. The Pharos will flash terminally, and it is most desirable that every past and present student should possess himself of each number as the Magazine appears at the end of each term, so thereby to rear a column of recollections rich with the memory of a happy past.

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The Headmaster knows that it will be a matter of much pleasing interest to all present and past students to know, that our first Editor, has just added to his qualifications and academical distinctions by graduating as B. Sc. (Economics Branch) at the University of London. Very hearty congratulations were accorded Mr. Coopland on Tuesday immediately after prayers by the present boys, with rounds of Kentish Fire. The Headmaster feels he can here add those of past students on the Editor’s success.


With the kind assistance of Miss Laurie, an orchestra, composed partly of School students, has reached the rehearsal stage.

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It is proposed to form a register of all old students of the School. We shall be glad if all such who are present at the Reunion will sign the roll provided. Names and addresses of all
old students not present at Reunion should be forwarded to The Pharos as soon as possible
by the students, or by friends.

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A meeting will be held early in the new year to consider the formation of a School scout troop.

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Pharos II. will probably contain contributions from Borough Road and Culham, as well as the colleges represented in the number.

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A. Goodbun has been distinguishing himself and the School by good batting and bowling at Monte Video. Returning from a sub-tropical cricket match in a mule-drawn wagonette appears to be exciting work.

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A. A. West passed as second mate in November last, and is at present undergoing a course of instruction in the use of explosives at Portsmouth. He rejoins the Trinity steamer Mermaid, this month.


At the beginning of March of this year, a postcard arrived at the Girls’ department of the School, hearing the following address and words: – “To the first girl in the first school in Dover, – I wish to correspond with an English girl who collects postcards, and who would like to correspond with a Danish girl.

“GREDA E – ,
“P – 5,

As I am very fond of picture post cards and I thought that it would be very nice to write to a Danish girl, I sent her a post card. Three days later I received a reply in which she asked that I should write to her every week, and tell her all about myself and my School. I agreed with her to do so, and the letter given below is the first letter that I received from her. – ALICE CAMBURN.

“P – 5,
“March 24th, 1908.

“DEAR ALICE, – I cannot describe the joy I felt when I read your letter, thousand thanks for it. I was also glad to see that you will write to me every week, and I will gladly do the same; but if you get my letter one day later than you expect it, please write all the same to me the very day you get it, for it is not my fault. I got your letter at nine o’clock last evening, and as I had not learned my lessons I could not answer you before to-day. I beg you tell me the mistakes I may do in English. Now I will tell you something about myself. I am fourteen years old, too, I have six brothers and three sisters. My father is inspector of the roads. We live as you know ‘Patervangsvej 5,’ and there we have a house, my father is owner of it himself, and we also have a great garden. Not all my sisters and brothers are at home. I have two sisters in Silkebourg, a pleasant little town in the south of Yylland, there they seek Miss Lang’s seminary, they are going to be teacheresses. Then I have three brothers in Kobenhavn, who are University students. The oldest is a law student, number two is studying zoology and botany, and the youngest is studying medicine. We are five children at home and we are all going in the highest school in town. We are about 250 pupils, both boys and girls at school, and we have fifteen masters, but only one mistress, the reason to this is, that the school originally is a boy school, only few years ago there came girls there, I was one of the first, I have sought the school five years. Now I am going in IV. Class, and about three years I am a student, if I am going to study at the University, I should like to study English. As I shall like to have your time-table, I give you mine

  Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Saturday Sun
8 – 9 German Religion Danish Zoology German Danish Free
9 – 10 Danish Gymnas Math History Danish Math Free
10 – 11 History German English Singing Math Physics Free
11 – 12 Physics Zoology Math Math Handwork Geog Free
12 – 1 Latin Latin Gymnas Latin Latin Free Free
1 – 2 English Math Geog English English Singing Free

“Some of my masters I love, and some I dislike. I shall tell you some things about the master I like best, and the one I hate most, the others I shall tell you about another time. The first is our Latin Master, a little thin person with a pair of goggles. He has always a fun on his lips, and that is a thing we pupils like very well. The former is our Danish and German Master, he gives us(?) for nothing, in this year we have one hundred and twenty-five(?). That was very much about our school, and I hope it will interest you to read. I say! We shall be good friends, although there is a great distance between us. I send you some post cards, as I think we do not keep many if we only send one at time. I hope to hear more about what you do and play. Now I must close, I have not time to write any longer. “

Your loving friend,
“GREDA E – .”


In the following, nothing of course beyond good-natured criticism is intended.
Among the boys, there may be one, who, as soon as he arrives at the station, pushes by someone else, eager to get to the carriage so that he may secure a corner seat. He sees another person enter the station who makes her (or his) way to the compartment which he occupies, and if it is someone whom he dislikes, he immediately slams the door in her (or his) face. If there is such a boy among the train boys, I hope he will learn better manners from the elder boys and girls. There are also one or two quite well-behaved boys who will stand on one side to allow a girl to enter the compartment first. They will raise their caps and give a polite “good morning,” instead of shouting out “hulloa,” which is the common greeting of some of the ill-mannered individuals of the present day.
There are some girls as well as boys who give vent to sudden slang expressions which would quite shock the fashionable aristocratic class of ladies and gentlemen. To such persons I advise the use of a first-class English dictionary. If thoroughly studied and practised it would give more credit to the Dover County School.
Then there are the very apparent studious scholars. Really most of them are some of the laziest pupils in the whole School. Instead of giving their time of an evening to their studies, they think they can do them in the train. When they arrive at School they are not fit for any work; their brains are in a complete muddle. Would it not be a more profitable plan for those people to do their lessons over-night, and to have the satisfaction of knowing, when they are having their breakfast, that they have nothing to worry about until they get to School? I am sure the work would be better known, for one cannot possibly learn a lesson properly in a train.
There is one good point to be noticed about the boys and girls, and that is the orderly way in which they walk up to School from the Priory Station.
Several travellers used to remark how rough and misbehaved some of the County Scholars were! but certainly I think their conduct has improved lately in the majority of cases.


While in South Africa, Lieutenant-General Baden Powell published in London a book entitled “Aids to Scouting.” Although intended for the military profession the General found on his return that it was being largely adapted as a Games’ Handbook in Schools. Acting on this hint he organised “The Boy Scouts,” and issued a scheme under the title “Scouting for Boys,” and having as a subtitle – “A Handbook of Instruction in Good Citizenship.”
The organisation referred to is a very loose one, as the General, who is himself the “chief scout,” while welcoming reports from scout-masters and patrol-leaders, wishes all unnecessary “red tape” to be avoided. The lads group themselves in “patrols” of six or eight, having a gentleman as “scout-master” to aid them generally in their work, and, when necessary, to communicate on their behalf with Headquarters. Within the last few weeks two “inspectors,” one for the north and one for the south of England have been appointed. The aim of “scouting” is to teach lads – and their scout-masters – to “be prepared,” the motto of the boy scouts. This is attained by open-air exercises demanding observation, deduction, courage, readiness of action, woodcraft, signalling, path-finding, patrolling, exploration, camps, camp-fires and camp cooking, are some of the exciting features. The most serious side of the life – for “scouting” is a life to be led and not merely a game – is indicated by the following headings taken at random from the handbook – “Our King,” “Our Flag,” “Helping Police,” “Our Empire,” “First Aid,” “Duty to God,” “Courage and Fortitude,” and the scouts’ attitude to these is summed up in the “Scout Law.” This law of conduct, every scout on joining swears to obey, and he also swears (1) to do his duty to God and the King; (2) to do his best to help others whatever it costs him. These three promises constitute the “scouts’ oath.” The last named promise involves doing at least one “good turn” to somebody every day without thought of reward. The expense need be very little though the more complete the outfit the better, and a school troop would naturally choose to be in uniform.
There are two grades, first and second class scouts, the tests for which are interesting and not unduly severe. Of course the higher the standard demanded before granting the badge, the more the latter is worth, and the lads who take up the scouting generally attach considerable importance to qualifying for them as soon as possible. The organisation has its paper The Scout, which serves to keep the various patrols and troops in touch with Headquarters, and from its pages may be gathered the fact that in many parts of the country the scouts have been doing valuable work in saving life, aiding police, helping hospitals, and other similar services to the public weal.
The scheme has been largely taken up by schools all over the country – the Simon Langton for example has a powerful troop. The uniform is a common sight in London and the north. Oldham has several hundred boy scouts, while but a few weeks ago some 150 attended a Church parade at Folkestone, much nearer home. There are several small troops in connection with local Churches, but none of them has the glorious chances we should have did we take up scouting. So “Wake up Dover” and “be prepared.”



Scene … … A CLOAKROOM … … Time 1.30 p.m.
(Enter” Tim,’ ‘a happy-go-lucky Fifth-Former. Seats herself on a bench; pulls out a tattered French book, worn with travel; shuts window.)
TIM (sotto voce): “Now I ask you, Tim Shrubsole, did you ever know a cloakroom without a draught? When I’ve fallen a victim to it, I shall be more thought of, and a chapel will be built with an ugly stained glass window.” (Sighs). (Enter two gay Fifth-Formers.)
TWO GAY FIFTH-FORMERS: “Hulloa Tim, here’s your picture post card. Why, you’re not working?”
TIM “Does anyone know the French for “half a loaf’s better than no bread?”
(Two gay Fifth-Formers have already disappeared. A pale pupil-teacher passes panting.)
PALE PUPIL-TEACHER (breathlessly): “No, nobody does. Never mind Tim ; I wouldn’t bother if I were you. Everyone left it.” (Scuttles away.)
(Re-enter gay Fifth-Formers.)
TIM (reproachfully): “You might have helped me. I’ve looked in three dictionaries. Why, I even asked that new girl in our form. She was sitting there yesterday, and I went up to her. But when I said “loaf,” suddenly the front legs of her chair, sort of buckled up under her, and she disappeared under the table. Hullo, here she is.”
(Enter conscientious new-comer. Seats herself near by;. consults illustrated dictionary. Silence. Enter two more new girls. Whisper anxiously in a corner. Pause.)
TWO GAY FIFTH-FORMERS: “Well anyway, time’s up Tim.”
TIM (doggedly): “My dears, I dare not crawl in till I’ve found oh!” (struck with the illustrations in conscientious new-comer’s dictionary). “Why I declare if the dear child isn’t reading up about ostriches! !
(Exit hurriedly, hustled out by the two gay Fifth-Formers. Two new girls come nearer.)
ANGRY CONSCIENTIOUS GIRL (in jerks) “Isn’t she silly? That one they call Tim? You know one isn’t even supposed to speak here. I was looking up “ostracism,” because it comes in the chapter this afternoon. That girl thought she was funny, but she wasn’t.
(First Bell rings. Exit.)



Spring has now come, with all its joys,
The flowers and leaves are now appearing;
The snowdrop and the lily pale
Are lifting their heads to greet us;
The stately daffodils and tulips
Spring out in all their glory;
The modest little violet
Sits under the hedges and plays.

The gardens are decked in all their best,
For the summer has now come.
The roses sweet are smiling,
The daisies, too, are dancing.
The buttercups, like shining stars,
Dance in the meadow grasses.

Autumn is here, for the fields are yellow,
The corn is waving in the soft breezes,
And poppies toss their scarlet heads
Amid the corn so bright.
The roads have put on their yellow carpets,
For the leaves are falling fast.

The snow is falling fast,
The winds are whistling through the doors,
For Christmas will soon be here.
The children, with their muffs and furs,
Are skating on the lake.
They slip, and slide, and laugh, and glide,
Over the icy lake.



In the stables, rude and bare,
The Christ-Child He lay there.
The earth was white,
On that winter night,
Long ago.
In the fields, so wonderfully light,
The Shepherds saw a glorious sight
When the fields were white,
On a winter’s night,
Long ago.
The wise men, who had seen the star,
Brought precious gifts, from lands afar:
When the fields were white,
On a winter’s night,
Long ago.
And now we will together sing,
And to each other presents bring:
As when the fields were white,
On a winter’s night,
Long ago.



The 1st XI. has had a very successful season so far, as will be seen from the record of the matches given below. We have had only eleven goals scored against us, whereas in all we have scored forty-five. This is in itself a very good record for any team, but it is not all, for out of eight matches played, we have won seven and lost only one. We started the season very well by beating the Simon Langton School at Canterbury, but, nevertheless, it was easy to see that the team was suffering from inexperience and from a lack of a thorough knowledge of one another. Experience soon told, however, and by the middle of the term we had improved greatly and were able to beat St. Bartholomew’s (the only team that has beaten us so far) in the return match. The left wing has undoubtedly been the weak spot of the XI. but judging from the play in the match with St. Augustine’s College (Ramsgate) this seems to have been righted at last. We have had a team of willing triers and there was an excellent spirit among the members. Consequently we have had many enjoyable matches.
The success of the team has been marred, however, by one or two things which if corrected next year should result in spending a still more enjoyable and a still more successful season. In the first place the officers (and more especially the secretary) were elected much too late in the year. Contrary to past years the officers were not elected until the beginning of the term, and as a result, no fixtures were arranged until the end of September when most of the other school teams had filled their fixture lists. The secretary, at least, should be elected during the summer term even if the election of the remaining officers is left over until the beginning of the Christmas term. In this way matches for the football season could be arranged during the summer term and the fixture list printed in the Magazine published at the end of that term.
It is to be regretted that so little encouragement is given to the members of the team by the rest of the School. The whole XI. is greatly encouraged on hearing such a shout as “Play up the County,” or “Play up the Reds,” even when it comes from the linesman – the only County boy watching the game. After all the team is the representative of the whole School and therefore a greater interest should be taken in its matches. We know that we are at a disadvantage in having to play so far away from the School, but this does not entirely account for the lack of supporters, and a much greater effort should be made to provide more encouragement for the team.
All good wishes for the “School” next term.

Captain, 1908-09.

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Date Opponents Where
Result. Goals
Oct. 7th Simon Langton School Away Won 3 2
Oct. 21st St. Bartholomew’s F.C. Away Lost 2 3
Oct. 28th Simon Langton School Home Won 10 2
Nov. 4th Harvey Grammar School Away Won 3 1
Nov. 11th St. Bartholomew’s P.C. Home Won 6 1
Nov. 18th Harvey Grammar School Home Won 4 1
Nov. 25th Wednesday United F.C. Home Won 5 1
Dec. 2nd St. Augustine’s College Home Won 11 0

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On September 30th a Practice Match was held at the Danes, under ideal cricket conditions. The two teams were captained respectively by Gann and Reeder. The half-time score was 1 goal to nil in favour of Reeder’s side. During the second half, however, Gann’s side scored three goals, and the eventual score was 3 – 2 in Gann’s favour.
GANN’S XI. – Maynard (goal); Gann (capt.), Gooding (backs); Broadbridge pri., Saville, Grimer pri. (half-backs) ; Igglesden, Hall, Broad, Morgan, Mills (forwards).
REEDER’S XI. – Morrison (goal) ; Fisher, Reeder (capt.) (backs) Carey, Dunn, Morford (half-backs); Grimer sec., Pritchard, Hardy, Finnis, Broadbridge sec. (forwards).

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The Football season opened with the above match, the School team, in the end, proving the winners by 7 – 0. Took and Jones played well for the School.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL “A.” – Maynard (goal); Gann (capt.), Fisher (backs); Morford, Port, Broad (half-backs); Took, Hall, Jones, Fishwick, Reeder (forwards).

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The above match was played at Canterbury, on Wednesday, October 7th, 1908. At half-time the score stood 1 – 1, but the visitors eventually retired the winners by 3 – 2. For the School, Jones scored 2 and Hardy 1.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL.: – Maynard (goal); Gann (capt.), Kay (backs); Port, Gooding, Broad (half-backs); Hardy, Took, Jones, Fishwick, Fisher (forwards).

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Played on the Danes, October 21st, 1908. The School, favoured by the wind, scored twice during the first half, through Jones and Carey. St. Bartholomew’s scored before five minutes had passed; on resuming play, and before time, Eastman and Craven had brought their score up to 3 goals. The School thus lost by 3 – 2.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL : – Maynard (goal); Gann, Kay (backs); Bond,. Fishwick, Fisher (half-backs); Took, Hardy, Jones, Hall, Carey (forwards);
ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S: – Halke (goal); T. Borrow, Blundell (backs); Harvey, Hope, Craven (half-backs); Marsh, Eastman, G. Borrow, Grant, Barber (forwards).

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Played on the Danes, October 28th, and resulted in a win for the School, 10 – 2. Although at half – time the score stood only 3 – 1. Of the goals, Jones scored 5, Fisher 2, Hardy 2, and Fishwick 1.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL.: – Maynard (goal); Gana (capt.), Kay (backs); Gooding, Fishwick, Hall (half-backs); Took, Hardy, Jones, Carey, Fisher (forwards).

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The above match took place at Folkestone, November 4th. In the first half Hardy scored with a fast low shot giving the home custodian no chance. In the second half, the School obtained two more goals through Jones and Took, whilst Mr. Wadley scored once for the Home Team, which was thus defeated by 3 – 1. The School was represented by the same team as that which defeated Simon Langton School the previous week.

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Played at the Danes, November 11th. The only scoring in the first half was done by Hardy, who gave the School a lead of one goal. After half-time Hardy again scored, and the game was henceforward in the School’s hands. Jones put two goals in in quick succession, and Carey and Fishwick each scored one. Mannock scored the only goal for the visitors, and the game thus resulted in a win for the School by 6 – 1.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL: – Maynard (goal); Gann, Kay (backs); Gooding, Fishwick, Hall (half-backs); Took, Hardy, Jones, Fisher, Carey (forwards).

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The above match was played at the Danes, on Wednesday, November 18th, resulting in a win for the School by 4 goals to 1. The Folkestone team was leading at half-time by 1 – 0, but the School had matters nearly all their own way in the second half, after the scoring had been opened by Jones from a penalty kick. The remaining three goals were scored by Hardy, Jones and Carey.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL: – Maynard (goal); Gann (capt.), Kay (backs); Gooding, Fishwick, Hall (half-backs); Took, Hardy, Jones, Broad, Carey (forwards).

– : –


The above match was played at the Danes, on November 25th,Both sides pressed, and half-time saw the score at 1 – 1, Jones having scored for the School. The School had the advantage during the second half, and made good use of it. Jones netted first from a penalty, and afterwards added three more to the score. The School thus won by 5 – 1, Jones having carried off all the honours.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL: – Maynard (goal); Gann, Kay (backs); Gooding, Fishwick, Hall (half-backs); Port, Hardy, Jones, Reeder, Fisher (forwards).

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Played on the Danes, December 2nd, resulting in a win for the County School by 11 – 0. The game was shortened to half-an-hour each way owing to the late arrival of the visitors. As will be inferred from the score, the home defence was not troubled very much. Of the goals, Jones secured eight, and Fishwick, Reeder, Fisher, one each. After the match both teams were entertained to tea at the Girls’ School, a function ably presided over by Miss
Chapman, assisted by the girls of VIa.
DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL: – Maynard (goal); Gann (capt.), Kay (backs); Gooding, Fishwick, Hall (half-backs); Took, Hardy, Jones, Reeder, Fisher (forwards).

– : –


Date Opponents Where
Result. Goals
Oct. 7th Barton United Home Lost 0 9
Oct. 14th Belmont House (Deal) Home Won 3 2
Nov. 21st Simon Langton School 2nd XI. Away Lost 0 10
Nov. 4th Harvey Grammar School2nd XI. Away Lost 0 1
Nov. 18th Harvey Grammar School 2nd XI. Home Won 10 0

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Date Opponents Result.
Nov. 2nd Form V. v. Rest of School
(except P.T.’s).
Form V. won 5 – 3
Nov. 18th Form IV. v. Form II. Form IV won 4 – 3
Nov 18th Form IV. v. Form III. Draw 1 – 1
Nov. 25th Form II. v. Form III. Form II won 2 – 1
Dec. 2nd Form II. v. Form IV. Form II won 2 – 1



The girls had their first Hockey Practice on September 23rd. The teams were very evenly matched and by half-time the score was even, both sides having scored one goal. Marion Ogg and Lily Morrison were centre-forwards of the opposing teams, and the goals were due to their exertions. After half-time, the game was, on the whole, much better. The score at the end of the afternoon was 2 – 2.

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Another practice match was held on the following Wednesday, September 30th. The play this week was better, the cry for “sticks” being less frequent. On both occasions there was a full number of players.

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This match was played on October 7th, and started at 3.30. The strangers were the stronger team, and from the outset the play centred round the home goal. The match ended in a defeat for our girls, the score being 17 goals to nil.

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On October 14th there was a very large number of Hockey players. From 2.30 to 3.15 a friendly match was played between the two 1st XI.’s, and for the rest of the afternoon the beginners had a practice. These beginners entered into the game very well and showed promise of becoming good players.

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This year the number of members has greatly increased, so much so that there are now four teams. The first two teams had a practice on October 21st, and they were so well matched that when the game was over, neither side had scored.

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1ST XI. V. 2ND XI.

This match was played on November 4th, and began at 3.15, and was a splendid practice for both teams. The 1st XI. scored one goal in each half, and the result was 2 – 0. – : – The match to be played against St. Patrick’s team on November 11th, had to be postponed owing to the inclement weather.

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This match was played on November 18th, and brought our Hockey team very near success. At 3.15 the centres bullied and the play was fairly even, until in the second half Ramsgate scored a goal. At the end the score remained against Dover 1 – 0.

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This match was played on November 25th, and began at 3.15. After fairly even play, St. Patrick’s scored one goal, and others followed. Our team scored one, and during the second half more goals were scored by the opposing team. At the end the score against us was 9 – 1.

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This match was played at Maxton, on November 28th, and began at 2.30. Folkestone scored three goals in each half, and in the second half one was scored by Dover. The ball was passed from the centre to the inner, from the inner to the wing, who took it up the field and a goal was scored. The result was 6 – 1 against Dover.


Will this train never reach that glorious Battersea?
After hours of waiting we at last crawl into Victoria, and from there rush on eagerly to our wonderful future home, which silently waits to receive its new children. A crowd of “Sinjuns” meets us at the entrance, and eagerly they lead us to our dormitories, known to them by such weird names as “Jerusalem,” “Top Ten,” “Pinchers,” and “Top” and “Bot. Cy.”
This word “Cy” has a curious derivation. It was at first thought to be “side,” but later explained as “Cy,” a contraction for Cyprus, for these dormitories were built in 1878, the year in which Cyprus came under the British Crown.
We arrive at our room, and its appearance is at first decidedly disappointing, for the paint on the partitions, although new, is dark, and the room itself is small and somehow quite “unbedroomlike.” Not so a month later: by that time it has come to be the most glorious palace in existence, we are always loath to leave it, and especially at 6.30 a.m. The view to be obtained from the window is not magnificent. A galvanised iron roof, innumerable chimney stacks, and a spire in the distance, all towering above an undergrowth of bricks and mortar – these complete the truly unrural scenes.
From the inspection of our bedrooms and dormitories we go to the dining hall and partake of our first meal in College. The tea does not strike us so much as the hall, for that is truly magnificent. Its size, windows, electric lamps, heating apparatus, and general decoration are far out of the common.
Tea finished, we find our way about the grounds. On the “flats” we meet a north-country man and wander round with him. Of course his speech strikes us as strange, and strange in the extreme, like everything.
We are told there is a fine library, which must be inspected. On our way to it, we find our passage stopped by a crowd of juniors in the entrance hall, who are all eagerly watching the clock. We join the throng, and, to our surprise, find that, although the clock indicates the correct time, the hands are motionless. On its face is the mystic word, “Magneta,” and running down the wall into the back of the clock is the familiar electric wire. All is now explained. Electricity is up to its tricks again. There! from everybody. The big hand has jumped on a minute and is again still. Strange! strange! strange! all is strange.
Arrived at the library we find an excellent collection of literature; as well as the College museum; a grand skeleton, peering at us from his glass case, curious, like everybody and everything else; and high up on the wall, the College “Roll of Honour.”
Oh! those seniors! We ask them after tea, what we are to do for the rest of the day, and sympathisingly, they tell us we are to have an examination. This, of course, to our infinite relief, proves a “wet.” Punctually at 9.55 we assemble for roll and Chapel. The Chapel itself we find to be just large enough to hold the 140 students. There is no pulpit, but a fine brass lectern serves in its stead. A voluntary is being played as we enter, but where is the organ? There seems to be no side chapel, in which it possibly can be stored, but it must be somewhere. At last we discover it, perched high up, on a pretty little gallery, at the west end of the Chapel, over the vestry.
Coming from Chapel, we are startled to hear what appears to be thunder; and yet the sky is clear and bright. However, it must be something, even though it is in a strange land. Upon enquiring we find that it is only a train, rumbling over a neighbouring railway bridge.
It is now time for bed. Once more we go to our room – liking it a little better this time, and while away the first sleepless hoar, by making the acquaintance of our neighbours, and generally finding out all about them. So pass the first few hours in College, and we soon begin real work: rising at 6.30 am., hurrying down to early lecture from 7 – 8, before breakfast. That early hour seems quite as long as two ordinary ones, and is generally spent at real work, but sometimes in watching the cold fog rush by the windows, or the hands of the clock slowly jumping round; and when at last 7.55 is reached, how eagerly we troop off to breakfast, upon the word, “That’s all now.”



The “Bishop” here holds an office which has no counterpart in any other Training College in England. He is the centre of religious life and since it is far removed from the hollow mockery and sham which it is in some Colleges, he plays a very big part in College life. To understand the great hold which he has over the fellows you must understand that he is one of the students and is elected by the seniors. His office burdens him with many duties; he arranges the Sunday services; through him admission is obtained to the sick room; he alone is allowed to visit the sick room or the matron; his dormitory is public property, for here he keeps a stock of the commoner medicines and cold cures and preventives which he doles out to those in need. Embrocation for the footballers forms the bulk of his store. The “Bishop” is certainly the most popular chap in College, at all hours of the day you will hear cries of “Where’s the Bish?” when found he is probably rubbing some fellow’s leg with embrocation or performing some like task.
The “Bishop” holds a very popular meeting on Sundays in the long gallery. It generally consists of two hymns, a vocal and an instrumental solo and a short paper by one of the students. A very pretty custom which the “Bishop” maintains is the practice of getting one of the students to sing in the dormitories after lights are out on Sunday nights. Immediately after “lights out” and when all the College is dark and quiet, the “Bishop,” with a volunteer singer, makes a round of the dormitories, singing three times, once in the senior dormitory, once in the junior dormitory and once in the Tower (a small dormitory of seven juniors and one senior). The song is generally an old favourite, e.g., the “Bishop” promised us (on the first Sunday) that we should not get “Home, Sweet Home” until the end of the term, but he gave in “The song that reached my heart,” the closest thing to it. When that song is rendered by one who knows how to sing, and when the listeners see nothing but the flickering of the candle over the partitions and all that in the perfect stillness of a Sunday night, songs of that description are sure to reach home.
When the song is finished, there is “Good-night, Tower,” “goodnight, thanks,” and the footsteps of the “Bishop” and his companion are heard retreating down the Tower’s leaden steps.

C. E .W.


For the first few days things seemed decidedly queer, but it is remarkable how soon one settles down. After the first ten days it seems as if one has never led any other existence. One thing you speedily learn is that you must be punctual, no slipping in a minute or two late. All the clocks are worked by electricity and move in simultaneous jerks, so the time-honoured excuse about the clock being wrong is of no avail. Since the first week I do not suppose that there have been more than six people late, and I am writing this a fortnight before coming down. Before coming up I looked upon my prospective College life with a certain amount of awe. Battersea is, as everyone knows, the finest and oldest Training College in England, and when I thought of those who had left Battersea, and what they were, I often felt anxious for my own poor credit. In going to most of the Colleges it is merely a matter of going through a formality in order to put “Trained” after one’s name, but not so when one goes to St. John’s. One feels that, in becoming a “Sinjun,” he is joining a noble brotherhood, bound together by undefinable ties of gratitude and admiration for a grand institution. The fellows come from all parts of England, the northerners and midlanders predominating. Many of them speak with a strong local accent. Each fellow swears that his own particular county is the finest in England, but for blind bigotism the Yorkshire men take the biscuit. No matter what the discussion may be about you may bet your boots something finer may be seen in Yorkshire. They even tried to persuade me that Yorkshire have a finer cricket team than Kent. I must say that for sociability and real good fun it is hard to beat a Yorkshire man. A Yorkshire man can take as well as give. I must make it clear that I am not referring to money matters, although I have heard fellows say that the Scots and the Tykes are very closely related. One cannot help noticing that the northerner is less reserved than the southerner.
Some of the fellows hold extraordinary views, but happily they are in a distinct minority, and this was made self-evident when a resolution, expressing dissatisfaction with the present Government was carried by an overwhelming majority at a debate. Every student is a member of the Territorial Army, and I think this speaks volumes for the tone of the place. Only the other day I heard a remark by one of our chaps to the effect that the German invasion of 1910 had been indefinitely postponed. I think it is the good-humoured raillery and practical jokes that make College life so pleasant. College jokes, and as a matter of fact all jokes, depend much upon their environment, and since it falls to the lot of very few people to enjoy life in a Training College I must refrain from attempting to illustrate the amusing side of College life. When we first came we had one or two surly-tempered fellows, but they soon altered, for their life was made a misery until they showed signs of altering. In a place like this everyone depends upon his relations with his fellow students as to whether he will have a good or bad time. It does one a world of good to be absolutely isolated from the place in which he lived all his life.
Hitherto, the native place has filled the foreground of one’s outlook, but after a time things begin to take their true perspective. It does not take long to find out that after all there are other places in the world besides the place in which one has lived. I do not mean to say that one learns to despise one’s native place, rather it is by being absent that one really learns to appreciate it.
At home, letters are not of much importance, at least I did not think much of them, but since I have been here I have found that a letter is like unto an oasis in the desert. It seems very strange to be within easy access of the principal attractions of London. Six months ago the Embankment was a mere name to me, now it is my nightly view. As end of term begins to draw nigh everyone begins to wish he were at home, especially is this the case when one has to turn out at 6.30 in the morning, and attend early morning lecture without paying any attention to the need of the inner man. You people who stroll to school at nine, just remember this. In ordinary society the weather provides the topic when conversation drags, up here it is “Only so many weeks more and we shall be home.” The Chapel plays an important part in our daily life, we have a short service twice a day, and in my opinion it is an excellent thing. Living amongst a lot of fellows one is apt to become a trifle thoughtless, and the Chapel service brings home the seriousness of life. Around the walls of the Chapel are memorials to students who have died whilst at College, young men filled with the ambitions peculiar to youth. In such an atmosphere the serious side of life is brought home, and one cannot but realise the seriousness of the whole matter. To most of us home will in future be but a place for spending holidays, and ambitious hopes are mingled with regrets, for after all there is no place like Dover.



St. Katharine’s Training College is situated on the breezy uplands of North London. It has accommodation for 114 students; at present there are 56 seniors and 58 juniors. The life which is led by the students is the brightest and happiest possible.
First impressions of College life are strange but pleasant. The seniors are waiting at the College to receive the juniors with almost as great a feeling of excitement as the juniors themselves have. Each Junior is claimed on arrival by her College “mother”; that is the girl who occupied the same position in class during the previous year. She at once takes her “daughter” upstairs to her cubicle. The cubicles are rather small, but they can be made to look very pretty and comfortable.
Throughout the evening the crowd of strange faces increases as the new juniors continue to arrive, and one feels very lonely among all the unfamiliar faces. Many girls begin to unpack their trunks and by the end of the evening some rooms look quite homelike with their familiar photographs of friends and relations, hanging on the walls. Other girls spend the evening with their “mothers,” who tell them a little about their future career. After supper, the senior student speaks a few words to the newcomers. It is interesting to notice that at St. Katharine’s there are no written rules. There are, however, customs which have been kept up in the College for many years and the students are trusted to observe them.
Lectures last from nine o’clock till one o’clock every day except on Saturdays, when work finishes at noon. On Saturday afternoons the students are free from twelve o’clock until eight o’clock, but on all other afternoons, only from two o’clock till four o’clock. On Saturday, those girls who live within convenient distance, go home, while others go into the city to see the sights.
Every student is obliged to subscribe to the Sports Club. This club is in a very flourishing condition, and hockey, basket-ball, and tennis are entered into with great enjoyment. Matches are played with other training colleges and everyone takes the greatest interest in them.
Every morning and evening a shortened form of Matins and Evensong is held in the College Chapel. This Chapel is very beautiful, the altar and all the stained glass windows have been given by old students. On Sunday mornings the students attend the Parish Church of Tottenham.
Every evening at 9.30 a bell is rung, and all are supposed to be in their own dormitories after this. Another bell goes at 9.45, after which no one is allowed to speak. At 10 o’clock all lights are put out by the head girl in the dormitory.
Once a year the Principal gives a concert to the students, which is followed by a dance, and every alternate year the fancy dress ball is held. Throughout the year various amusing and interesting lantern lectures are given, and altogether the life which the students lead is a very enjoyable one.

E.G. and M.N.


We – the poor trembling juniors – were informed by our dormitory-monitors on the first night in College that a bell would be rung at 10.30 at which time we should have all retired to our rooms, and at 10.40 lights would be turned out. I naturally thought this an excellent rule, but when one is in Rome, etc. Consequently, I frequently find myself in the corridor, enveloped in a thin covering and darkness, in conversation with many similarly clad figures. During the first week this was felt a great feat of daring, now – and it grieves me to say it – this is a nightly occurrence. As the reader has a great insight into human nature I will not reason out the natural results of this breaking of the ice, but with the aid of an excellent pen nib, will describe a few interesting, but most demoralising events in Top Cy.
It was the night of November the 5th and we had all retired to our dormitories after the usual 5th proceedings on the flats. Suddenly news was brought that Bot. Cy were going to “rag” us. Immediately towels were brought into requisition and with bated breath all waited for the ensuing combat. The pat of bare feet on cold stone stairs prepared us and in rushed the attacking party, in full sleeping uniform. The impact was terrible, the constant thud of bodies against partitions, shouts and explosions of laughter, the fierce hand to hand encounter, towels now being useless in the mêlée, the continual swaying of forty hardy combatants, all this presented an exciting scene when “This must be stopped at once. Get to your rooms all of you,” it was the dormitory master.
Bot. Cy greatly mortified at their want of success, retreated downstairs strangely cognisant of the effect of cold atmosphere on stone. The excitement gradually cooled down and before midnight we were all in bed. Of course such proceedings do not occur nightly. The usual thing is a little quiet and intelligent conversation on last Sunday’s sermon or some such topic. These meetings, which take place in different rooms are carried out in a most methodical manner, boasting a chairman, upper seats – the bed – and a “scrogger.” The latter’s duty is to “scrog,” that is to nicely arrange the hair of anyone who indulges in contempt of the meeting, too much “barge” (talk). There are many stronger punishments, but space will not permit me to be more lucid.
Now that soccer and rugger are getting in full swing, training is also. But it’s “heavy” on a chap when on returning from a run round the “flats” after Chapel, he finds his room nicely re-arranged for him. I have heard it said that the feminine section of the people rather prides itself on arrangement. If the ladies could occasionally see a room, after intelligent man, in the shape of twenty students, has arranged it, they could but admit, and I am sure they like advice on this subject from the male section, that they have still very much to learn. Perhaps some would not agree that the proper place for the washstand is on the bed, or that blankets make a good covering for boots, but opinions must differ. It’s very strange; the change that takes place when an official position begins to pall.
Once the dormitory monitor saw to our being in our rooms by “lights out.” This changed to orders not to talk after “lights out,” which came to mean not to talk loudly. After this, there was to be no noise, talking did not matter, which at present means, no noise after eleven o’clock. As we have to be up in time for seven o’clock lecture in the morning, I do not expect we shall get much later than midnight. I, for one, hope not, being naturally inclined on the side of law and order.
By the time the next number of the Magazine is issued I shall be able to say something about Mark’s match. The rivalry between the two Colleges is very keen, and always leads to great excitement.



After a very long and tiring journey I arrived at Nelson Bay, British Columbia. A five-cent piece seems to be the lowest coin used here. The Canadians feed well, and the food is not stinted. The railway engines ran about 100 miles, and were then changed. The guards remain on the trains for half a day, and are then changed. My ticket was punched sixteen times. We passed a train lying on its side. The country outside Montreal was very rough and barren, trees were here and there in bunches. The train ran along the banks of Lake Superior, which looked like the sea. I had to wait at Medicine Hat for 17½ hours; some rum characters about, but I merely had my meals at a restaurant, the boss of which was a Chinaman. We left Medicine Hat at 9.30 p.m. on Wednesday and arrived at Fort Steele at 11 a.m. on Thursday; here the country gets mountainous, the scenery was splendid; the evergreen trees were lovely, and lakes, rivers, trees and mountains looked fine after the prairie and snow. The late Mr. Cecil Rhodes’s place at Cape Town bears no comparison. The mountain sides are covered with trees, which are tall and slim. We stopped at a lot of small stations to let miners and lumbermen get on and off. I saw a black speck in the clouds and wondered what it was, it turned out to be a mountain. The log cabins hidden in the trees looked quite snug. British Columbia is really a beautiful country. The train arrived at Kootenay at 5 p.m. on Thursday. Here I had to embark on the Canadian Pacific Railway’s boat for Nelson; she was a fast boat, going about 18½ knots an hour. The River Kootenay was a splendid sight, hidden in between the mountains. The weather was glorious on arrival at Nelson – temperature 65° in the shade. Everything is made of wood here; pavements, roads, and houses, even slates are made of wood. The river is full of fish. I leave here tomorrow with three others to prepare some land for fruit farms: it is in a wild state, and will be divided into ten acre plots. My pay will be forty dollars (£8) a month and board. This is pretty well the standard wage on a fruit farm. We have three guns, fishing tackle and a boat, but we shall have to build a house. We have some strong, thick, leather driving gloves, as everyone who has rough work to do wears them. I have bought a straw hat, which will do until I can buy a felt one, but they cost from two to ten dollars each; two dollars are too much for a hat for me at present. I bought a pair of boots, they are splendid boots and come three-quarters of the way up my shin and are water-tight; they cost eight dollars (£1 12s.).

A. B.


It is-close on 9.30 a.m. and there is a steady rush of men and women towards the Goldsmith’s College. They come from up the road, from down the road, from over the road; from off the tram, from out of the train; walking, running and cycling. A few minutes’ later the rush has subsided. In the Great Hall of the College from four to five hundred students are assembled. They are summoned thither by no ear-piercing bell, but by the rich harmonious sounds of a grand organ. The appearance on the platform of the Warden and College Staff is a signal for silence. The music ceases; the hitherto murmurous and restless mass of students becomes quiet and orderly; and the words of the Holy Book receive the undisturbed attention of Jews and Gentiles, Christians and Mohammedans – for the latter there are three dusky representatives from Egypt.
This is the simple but impressive “Assembly.” After it the students make their exits by various doors, according to their classes or “groups.” Prefects stand at each door to mark the attendance registers. The men and women go to opposite sides of the building for lectures, of which there are three during the morning. A break of two hours follows these lectures, during which time the dinners have to be provided. There is plenty to occupy one’s time in the interval between dinner and work. An exciting match on the hockey-field attracts many spectators. In the Quadrangle, enthusiasts at tennis are making the most of the precious moments. In the Gymnasium, dancing or basket-ball employs the energies of another section of the College community. There is yet one place more where the social joys of College may be indulged in – the Common Room. Here music, games, fancy-work and friendly gossip give pleasant relaxation to minds oppressed with the strain of lectures.
Those for whom such convivial society has little attraction, will find an ideal refuge in the Library, with its wealth of literature and its respected silence rule. Lectures re-commence at 2 p.m. and end at 4 or 5 p.m. Often special lectures, by outside lecturers, debates, concerts, “group teas,” club meetings, etc., are arranged for the evenings. But the clock in the great Hall moves steadily round, and College is as steadily emptied of its students. Darkness takes possession of the deserted corridors and fills every nook and cranny of the Great Hall. Silence reigns everywhere with more than usual awe, because the sounds and signs of day have so completely departed.



On Friday evening at 7.15 the hardest part of the College work is over for the week. Immediately after supper there is a general rush along the corridor to the Principal’s office where the girls wait in turn to obtain permission for the Saturday afternoon visits. Prefects go into the office first, then second years, and lastly the first years, after permission is obtained (or otherwise) each student signs the visiting book in the presence of the Matron, stating where she is going and the time of return. Every other Saturday extension is given until 7 o’clock, otherwise each student is expected in to tea at 4.45.
The next Friday night duty is the “washing.” This is distributed by three first years’ from each dormitory – a duty avoided when possible, as it entails the carrying of all the bundles to the dormitories from the lower regions, a matter of ninety-six steps (cf. Grand Shaft). This provides a little beneficial exercise after the sedentary occupations of the week. It is no unusual sight for a second year, on her way upstairs, to see a distressed and weary first year feverishly clutching at the various perverse bundles, which are falling in all directions, while she is bewailingly seeking help from the passers by.
This arduous duty over, the victims, with their fellow students, seek repose in the lecturers’ studies. Here a diversion of a lighter kind takes place in the way of darning (? ?) stockings while the mind is refreshed by light literature.
On Saturday morning work is again resumed until 1 o’clock, when dinner is served. The unfortunate hungry souls demanding “two-turns” (second helping) are promptly overawed by the frowns of the impatient. After grace and the exit of the lecturers, follows a general scramble, and in five minutes the College is deserted. After tea some students betake them to the various music-rooms, from whence dulcet sounds other than “to the Orphean lyre” soon issue. Others, less ambitious content themselves by climbing to the studio, where they endeavour to arouse any latent artistic powers which may require development. After supper when all have returned, the Entertainment Committee arrange an evening’s amusement, usually taking the form of a concert, when blushing débutantes warble à la Patti; others with an airy grace “trip it as they go on the light fantastic toe” to the infinite delight of the less talented onlookers. At 9 o’clock most of the students descend to the “boot-hole,” where the more wealthy regale themselves with biscuits or fruit, only to be interrupted by the Chapel bell at 9.30. The Chapel service lasts for a quarter of an hour and then half-an-hour is given for preparation for bed, and by 10.15 all lights are out.
On Sunday morning there is always a Celebration at 8 o’clock. Breakfast takes place at 9 o’clock, and as there is no morning service in College, the students are free to attend any Church they wish, provided they are back for dinner at 1.30. In the afternoon all are at liberty to go out for walks together, read or write letters. At 4.15 eight second years’ volunteer to get tea ready (counting it a privilege), as on Sundays most of the maids go out. Letter writing is resumed again after tea until evensong in the Chapel, at 5.45. Supper takes place at 7.30, after which there is a short choir practice. After this, the students are free to go to bed when they like; lights are allowed in the dormitories from 9 o’clock to 10 o’clock. Thus the week end closes, on Monday morning work begins again as usual.



We arrived at St. Gabriel’s on the afternoon of September 14th, and we were met at the gates by the second year Dover students. They gave us a hearty welcome, and conducted us into the College. Several introductions then took place, and we had a very kind reception from our new friends.
One of the prefects then directed us to the Principal’s study. The interviews with her were very short, as new students were arriving every few minutes, and our boxes were waiting to be unpacked. The Principal gave us the name of our dormitory, and to our great satisfaction we found that all the Dover girls were to sleep in Lower West. One student remarked that there was quite a colony of Dovorians. It is impossible to say how much we appreciated this kind forethought on the part of the Principal – especially on the first night.
The unpacking was very exciting, as the trunks had been placed in the basement, and we had to carry their contents up six flights of steps to our dormitory. This was rather bewildering, and, had it not been for the perfects, stationed like sentinels on the stair-case, we should have lost ourselves in the various passages. However, with their directions, we succeeded in depositing our packages safely in the cubicles before tea-time.
After tea, the second year students went to their class-room for study, and we were allowed time to arrange our cubicles. The most fascinating part of this was the decoration of the walls – we had to hang up our pictures with drawing pins.
We spent the next half-hour in sewing on our College hat-bands – dark blue and white, with the St. Gabriel’s lily in the centre, and then dressed for supper at 7.30. This was followed by the first meeting of all the new students in the class-room. The Principal gave a short impressive address, inspiring us with enthusiasm for the College which is to prepare us for our life’s work – so forcibly expressed in the College motto – “Disce, Doce, Dilige,” – Learn, Teach, Love. She assured us that before long we should love the Chapel service, which takes a very prominent place in the College life. Before dismissing us, she distributed copies of the rules, and advised us to keep them for reference. We spent the rest of the evening in the Common Room, making the acquaintance of our fellow-students. At 9.30 we went to the Chapel for Evening Prayers, and retired to the dormitory immediately after service. The silence bell rang at 10 o’clock, and the lights were put out at 10.15. As this was our first night at College, we were all comfortably settled when we heard the second bell, but things are different now.
We rose at 6.30 the next morning, and at 7.30 attended Chapel. After breakfast we made our beds and dusted our cubicles. There was great excitement in the dormitory, when the letters were brought up.
At 9 o’clock we began work in earnest. We usually have four lectures in the course of the morning, but on that day the time was devoted to a test in general knowledge.
We were obliged to spend the first afternoon indoors, owing to the heavy rain, but we have since had some very pleasant experiences, in visiting the various places of interest in the neighbourhood of the College.
The daily routine was strange at first, but we are quite accustomed to it now, and very happy.


FORM VI. – P.T.’s

The Pupil Teachers have begun the School year 1908-09 under most favourable circumstances; a new era has dawned for them. For many years past the P.T.’s might, with reason, have been compared to the traditional “wandering Jew,” being perpetually removed from one room to another. This certainly tends to awaken feelings of restlessness which can only be suppressed with great effort. Now all this is changed; the annexation of Pageant House has extended the School, and one room has been reserved for these patient and much enduring P. T.’s. We have now a private retreat in which to conduct our multitudinous studies. How we have already grown to love the dear room, so bright and sunny! It is very pleasant to work in such cheerful surroundings, and we mean to act up to our motto, “Labor omnia vincit.” From the large bay window we have a glimpse of the old Priory ruins and gardens.
Our combined artistic tastes have been brought into play in the decoration of the room with pictures kindly placed at our disposal. The effect is altogether charming. We have a little visitor who has discovered the charms of the “Abode of Friendship,” and who pays us daily visits. He has shown a great predilection for the music lessons, when he listens quite rapturously to the sweet harmony (!)………. This is the next door cat.
The great event of the term is the first part of the Preliminary Certificate Examination, which is to take place on the 17th of December. The fatal day draws very near, will it be graced by success or – failure? But we must remember that “failure,” the dreadful word, should not exist in the vocabulary of a County School student. All the VIth Form Girls will sit for this examination, which they are looking forward to with keen anticipation.



The work of the above form has gone smoothly and without a hitch throughout the whole term, which was commenced with a rather mixed class; some working for the Matriculation, some for the Civil Service Examination, and, last but not least, some for the London Intermediate. However, we soon got to know one another, and before many days had passed we began to recognise that we were all of one form. It was a great relief when we heard that we had received “marching orders.” For the first part of the term we worked (or at least we came to School with that intention) in the room approached by the Tramway Office door and which is commonly known in connection with the “Inner Room” as “The Dungeon.” (Whilst dealing with this subject it might be mentioned that once upon a time it was appropriately named “L’Oubliette” this name being used, presumably, in French lessons only). The news came whilst we were experimenting (?) in the Chemical Laboratory that henceforth we were to work in the “Well,” at the back of the Lecture Room. This information was gratifying to most of us although one or two may have felt a little sorrow at forsaking the Dungeon entirely as they were carrying their books from that room to the Well, which was being put in readiness by some of the girls of Form VIb. However, we soon grew accustomed to our new room which has proved much warmer, and on the whole, much nicer to work in.
The form has been well represented in the Football and Hockey teams, and, in connection with the latter, it should be mentioned that the only goal of the season was scored by one of the Form VIa. girls. This is, indeed, something of which we may justly feel proud, and that next term may see more goals credited to members of Form VIa. is the sincere wish of



This term as regards Form VIb. has been comparatively uneventful; no member has succeeded in accomplishing anything extremely outrageous, or extremely brilliant. At intervals certain members appeared as fully-fledged poets and poetesses, writing odes and sonnets on divers subjects; others exhibited their artistic propensities, their mode of caricaturing the Girls’ Hockey Club being decidedly original if nothing else.
Primarily it was unknown that there were such geniuses in this line in the form, but the members are gradually awakening to the fact that they must “live and learn.” A certain period may be described as very warlike, skirmishes taking place between both sexes regarding their respective merits in the noble pastimes of hockey and football. The flame of enthusiasm has abated somewhat, however. One important incident of the term’s events deserves to be recorded. Commencing the term the girls kept their books and other implements of industry in the “Well.” Later, a report circulated that the said Well should be vacated for the accommodation of Form VIa. An uproar ensued, but on the presentation of “lockers” to the parties concerned, the strong feeling subsided, and the injured members have learnt to look almost lovingly on the intruders. Owing to the winter closing of the Public Gardens, the girls are forced to abandon their daily promenade, it being necessary to trot round the Town Hall if they require fresh air. Resigning themselves to the inevitable, daily walks are now regretfully viewed as “dreams of the past.” Other items in the term’s news are the starting of dancing classes, and opening of the boys’ Library to the girls, a detailed account of which is impossible. Perhaps when the next number of the honoured and welcomed School Magazine is issued, Form VIb. will have succeeded in doing something really meritorious; it is to he hoped that the form will be spared the pain of recording anything tending to the contrary.

G. W.

FORM V. – Girls.

Nothing worth recording ever happens in our form. Things go on just the same day after day. There are thirteen girls in the form and to this we attribute any misfortune which occurs. During the first month only one girl attained merit, the next month no one obtained it, probably owing to the fact that there are thirteen in the form. Several of us have applied to be bursars next year, but we have not heard yet if we are accepted. We are getting up a concert and according to the number of rehearsals we have had it should be a great success. We have been told that it will take about six and a half hours, if so we shall take pity on the audience and cut some of it out. If it proves a success outsiders will probably be allowed to come to see it, but if it proves otherwise it will be semi-private. The proceeds will go to the Library. We all of us made a resolution to try and go through this month without getting any conduct marks, but unhappily we have not all been able to keep it, much to our own regret and that of our form mistress. Our concert will take place somewhere near the end of the term.
During this term we have had a new waste-paper basket, and this was no small event in our eyes, as our old one was so broken that as fast as we put paper in it it fell out again.


FORM V. – Boys.

After the long holidays, spent mainly in recovering from the effects of the high mental pressure we had been subjected to in cramming for the Oxford Junior, we came back full of enthusiasm for everything not connected with work. Our new form-master is Mr. Tomlinson, whom we respect very much.
Our lung capacities were developed early in the term in rehearsing for the trial scene of the “Merchant of Venice,” which was duly performed at the Prize-Giving, and seemed to be a great success (see local press). On half-term holiday we played the rest of the School at footer, and won – “vivent ourselves.” We have been learning to dance on Friday nights, and at drill on Saturdays. Our form having diminished in numbers, the remainder must work hard to maintain and increase our reputation. Port, our Gratiano, an amusing if somewhat free poet, has left us. O-Port-o, why did you go? On leaving, the poet gave us a feast. – : – We have had three new subjects this term: – Burke (alias Potted Politics), Trigonometry, and Latin. Talking of work reminds us of – who informed us that the “spectre” did not depart from the royal house of Judah till A.D. 6. Before concluding, we congratulate Evans, who with Clark, an old boy, competing with all Kent, obtained the only two vacancies in the County for Boy Artificers. Well done!

T. K.

FORM IV. – Girls.

Nothing of great importance has happened in our form during this term; we have not been industrious enough to obtain a single merit in the monthly reports. Some excitement was caused at the commencement of the term by the arrival of the new desks, several of which were allotted to our room.
On Friday evenings the majority of us go to the dancing class at Mr. Long’s house, where we spend a most pleasant and enjoyable evening. Miss Chapman or Mr. Whitehouse sometimes come to watch our “graceful antics.”
We regret that we have not given pleasure to the rest of the School by giving a concert as most of the other forms have done; but we request that the girls will excuse us on the plea that our work has been so strenuous and has taken up so much of our time. We hope to give an “At Home” next term, and the provisions are to be made by girls in the Fourth Form.


FORM IV. – Boys.

No Notes to hand.

FORM III. – Girls.

Great surprise was witnessed when, on reaching their class room, before morning school on the 22nd October, the Third Form found that their desks, etc., had disappeared, and nothing was left but piles of books upon the floor. All came to the conclusion that their hopes had at last been realised, and that they were to be the happy possessors of a comfortable room.
Further investigation showed that the Drawing Room, in Pageant House, was for the future to be the Third Form room.
This room is a very pleasant one. The floor is covered with linoleum, which makes it look altogether different from a school room, while the walls are covered with a dark green wall-paper. The white marble mantelpiece is decorated with flowers, the vases being gifts from the girls. The class room leads into a tiny conservatory, which is very useful for botanical purposes.
This term Form III. has five new-comers, three being Scholarship holders.
The month ending November 9th, Form III. had the record number of marks, nine girls getting Merit. On Wednesday, November 25th, a concert was given by Form III., in the School Hall, in aid of the School Library. M. Tapley and D. Grigg played pianoforte solos. The recitations were as follows : – “A City Tale,” M. Clipsham; “Two Church Spiders,” A. Thorpe; “Mr. Nobody,” S. Webber. A. Thorpe also sang the song, “The Fairies’ Lullaby.”
The second part of the programme was taken up by the play, “Beauty and the Beast,” in which N. Goodbun took part as Beauty, and N. Ransom as Beast. Cassim, Beauty’s father, was taken by C. Friend; while Beauty’s sisters, Emerald and Ruby, were E. Wild and M. Hayes. The Beast’s servants, Mary and Boy, were L. Plater and D. Fell. All went off very well, the proceeds being 10/6, with all expenses cleared.

M. H.

FORM III. – Boys.

The Third Form room is a very quiet place. It is nice and cool – especially in winter. The fire is generally about freezing point, but sometimes it is very warm. Of course the smoke naturally goes out of the window, so as to be sure of choking everybody. A passing motor adds more row and smell. A little H2S. from the upstairs lab. gives the mell a finishing touch. The bell for change helps matters, but it eventually does stop. The only sun we get is reflected into the room by windows opposite. The stray dogs take morning exercise outside the windows, by having dog-fights, or sometimes practice rabbit hunting by chasing cats into the drain pipes. Sometimes a regiment of soldiers passes by, with the band playing; but still that is nothing to grumble at.


FORM II. – Girls.

This term has been a very eventful term for us (Form II). This term is the beginning one of our School year, and there was the Prize-Giving of the last School year. This year the Prize-Giving was about the nicest we have ever had; there were several plays, and songs given by both boys and girls, after the concert part there was the actual Prize-Giving, and then the speeches which I am afraid we did not enjoy a bit; but one thing pleased us very much and that was when the Mayor asked if we might have a half-holiday the next day.
One day when we came to school we were very pleased to find that we all had new desks, but alas! a few days later nearly all were taken from us and we had to go back to those disagreeable tables.
Some girls in our form got up a play and concert, the play they called “Cinderella”; it was a great success, it was held on Saturday afternoon, November 7th, in our class-room. The seats were a 1d. and 2d., and reserved seats, 3d. There were no expenses and all the money was given to buying seven or eight nice books for the School Library which is still young.
We have had two visitors to our class-room, namely two mice, one was very tiny and the other one I should think was his great grand-father. The tiny one had a very warm snug little home in a hole by the stove, in front of which we strewed crumbs, now and again the mouse came out to eat a crumb. A trap was set to catch this mouse, but not to kill it, we were then going to let it out in the stables from whence it must have come, but the next morning when we came to School the poor little mite had its back broken, we then were all very sorry. It was not known if there were any more mice but at all events a trap was set and another mouse was caught and then drowned.


FORM II. – Boys.

No Notes to hand.

FORM I. – Girls.

Form I. has a room to itself, which it has never had before. It has its room at Pageant House. The room is light, and has green wall-paper. It is on the first floor, facing the other school. We have little gardens each, and we plant what we like in them. There are fourteen girls in the form, our Form Mistress is Miss Jackman, and we like her very much. We all went to the Prize-Giving on Friday, October 23rd. It was given at the Town Hall. A great many of the old girls got prizes. The Mayor gave the prizes and made a speech. There were a lot of speeches, and some were very interesting. We had the half term, and a lot of us went away for a change. It was lovely weather and we all had a nice time. We have hung a cocoanut on a tree for the birds to eat. I expect they will soon come. If they do come we will hang another one out, we all hope they will come. We are growing two cocoanuts in two boxes, we covered them up with cocoanut fibre. All the leaves have fallen off the trees, and they make the garden in such a mess. The girls’ gardens do not look very nice now, but they will when the bulbs come up I expect, they usually do. In the summer some of them look very nice. Some of us go to dancing. It is very nice indeed. We go after we leave School, and leave about 5 o’clock or half-past.


FORM I. – Boys.

When we went back to School the first thing we did was to get our books back. I did not feel very much like School the first day after the long summer holidays. One day, when we were having cardboard work with Mr. Whitehouse, he was talking about right-angles. He pointed to the board and asked what that was on the board. One boy said a left-angle, which of course was wrong.
Cricket was the game in the playground, and we used to get the ball and throw it to one another. At the beginning of the term we had our lessons in the Elementary Room, and in the afternoon we did not know where to go to. Soon after we went into the office. It is lovely here because we have box desks in which we can keep our books. So we do not get any impositions for losing our books. Every Saturday we have a Library, and our room is next to it. On Saturdays when the bell rings we go out and can get a nice pick before the others come. Some of the boys in the School are dinner boys. They go into another room just next to ours. Sometimes when the lights are turned on in the afternoon a lot of children come and put their faces close up to the windows. Of course we cannot resist the temptation of standing up and having a look. The consequence is that we get about five conduct marks taken off. At other times a traction engine with a lot of beer barrels comes along and with the same result. These are the disadvantages of our room.



To the Editor of ” The Pharos.” DEAR SIR, – I think that it is only fair to the Girls’ Hockey Club, that in judging the results of the matches one should bear in mind, that it is only possible for each player to have at most three-quarters of an hour’s practice a week.
I am, yours truly,

– : –

To the Editor of ” The Pharos.” DEAR SIR, – I think one of the great difficulties in the way of The Pharos, is that it will have to be run almost entirely by the Girls’ School. Can you imagine boys writing magazine articles? The idea is absurd.
Yours faithfully,

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Old Pharosians