Pharos No. 3 Summer 1909

No. 3. SUMMER, 1909. VOL. I.



Notices An excursion
Editorial An examination allegory
Gleams Scouting
Preliminary certificate examination part 2 Tennis
La traversee du Detroite en monoplane A few hints on cricket
The Channel flight Cricket
Poetry Form notes
Empire day at Wellington College, Hastings Correspondence
Thoughts from history


The next number of The Pharos will appear immediately before the Christmas Vacation.
All contributions intended for that number should reach the Editor before December 10th, 1909.
Out of Term The Pharos can be obtained from the Editor, County School, Dover; or of Grigg and Son, “St. George’s Press,” Worthington Street and High Street.


ARRIVED at its third number, and having completed a School year of existence, The Pharos may begin to look upon itself as added to the permanent institutions of the School. It is already respectably in debt, and there are slight signs that eventually it may be allowed to perform the function which a school magazine must perform if it is to have anything more than a very artificial life. A school magazine should be a means for communication, for expressing views, and finally for making those preliminary flights in literary effort which the editor of the outside world, irrecoverably blind, must reject, which in the school – that stage intermediate between the family and the world may be leniently regarded. Therefore above all things contribute to The Pharos; write and complain of the way you have been treated rather than not write at all; a complaint is a definite sign of life and as such will be welcomed.

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There are this time few Form Notes, and indeed it has been judged wise that in future the space they have occupied should be occupied by subjects of more common interest. We thank the writers for their efforts and beg them to continue to contribute not as chroniclers of class small beer, but freed from the restraints formerly imposed on them.

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The Pharos wishes all those who leave the School this term the best of fortune in their new life, and begs them to keep in touch by contributions and above all by joining the O.S.A. at once.


Students proceeding to College: – Gooding, Goldsmiths’; Marion Ogg, Goldsmiths’; Winifred Gray, St. Gabriel’s (Hostel).

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Young and Broad met accidentally in New York. We shall soon want an over-seas thin paper edition.

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The following are now or have been recently following their business on the high-seas: – Hall, Broad, Peverley (junior and senior), Goodbun, Young. Hall has joined the Royal Naval Reserve.

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We beg to convey to Morgan the sincere congratulations of the Headmaster, Staff and School. He was placed third in England out of 618 candidates in the Boy Clerks’ Examination, and will proceed to enter the Civil Service. We wish him a prosperous career and are confident that the gain is not all on Morgan’s side when he enters the Civil Service.

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Will all members of the Territorial Forces please send in their names with particulars as to branch and unit.

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J. Brown has been appointed Boy Clerk in the Education Department of the Civil Service.

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Gilbert Connellan has been appointed to the National and Provincial Bank.

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A definite beginning is to be made next term with a Commercial Side in the Upper School. It has already been arranged that those who intend to follow a commercial career will have the opportunity of following courses in Commercial French, German, Book-Keeping, Shorthand, and, generally speaking, will be able to present themselves for the certificate of the London Chamber of Commerce.

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On the morning of July 28th, 1909, Mr. R. S. Standring is being presented by the School with a swinging tea kettle, as a slight offering, on the occasion of his marriage to Miss E. I. Stokes, which takes place on August 7th, 1909.

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The Pharos, speaking for Head, Staff and School, wishes them all happiness.

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Next term a substantial cooked dinner will be provided for all students, boys and girls, who find it necessary to stay. The charge per day will be about 6d., but in any case as near cost price as possible.


Of the 21 who entered for this Examination, 21 passed, and the following gained distinctions as hereunder: –

Gwen Wynne Distinction in French, History, English
Rowland Bond Distinction in French and Geography
Norah Maxton Distinction in French
Marion Ogg Distinction in French
Chas. E. Baldwin Distinction in Science

Our congratulations to all who passed, and best wishes for the future, more especially to Gwen Wynne who has done so excellently and brought credit to all concerned.

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All members of the School will be sorry to hear that Miss L. West has been obliged, for reasons of health, to cease work for the present. Her work at the School as student and teacher has been very highly appreciated and all wish her a speedy return to good health.


Le bon vieux Calais vient de se réveiller un peu brusquement de son habituel sommeil lethargique, c’est qu’un grand évènement dans la vie sportive va se dérouler à quelques lieues de ses murs.
La petite ville de Sangatte est depuis une semaine, comblée de bicyclettes, d’autos et de monde avide d’obtenir un coup d’œil de l’illustre Latham et son aéroplane. Malheureusement le temps n’a pas été assez propice pour qu’un départ puisse être effectué, et ces journées d’attente ont dû être pour l’aviateur, pleines d’émotions. Le public lui, commençait à s’impatienter et dans son ignorance, ne pouvait réaliser que l’intrépide voyageur risquait à la fois une petite fortune et sa vie.
Enfin Lundi, 19 courant, Latham résolut de profiter de l’accalmie qui règne d’ordinaire au lever du jour, et au milieu d’un public peu nombreux mais délirant d’enthousiasme il fit une envolée superbe. L’aviateur ne semblait aucunement ému, il fumait sa cigarette avec calme, et parmi un silence solennel il donna doucement l’ordre de “Lâchez-tout,” et le monoplan s’éleva.
Qu’elle est élégante et gracicuse, la belle Antoinette! elle plane au dessus de nous comme une immense libellule. Faite d’une toile jaune clair, presque transparente qui recouvre des milliers de petits rayons de bois très fin, les ailes semblent si fragiles qu’un souffle de
vent doit les briser.
Après avoir atteint une altitude de 60 mètres environ, Latham hissa le drapeau français au sommet du petit mât qui surmonte son appareil – l’enthousiasme et les acclamations redoubèrent. Tout portait à croire que la traversée s’effectuerait sans incident. Malheureusement le Harpon rentra, dans la matinée, dans le port de Calais ayant accroché à son mât de charge, l’appareil de Latham. La vue du navire avec son fardeau, annonça au peuple, mieux que ne l’auraient fait des paroles, l’échec de Latham. Espérons que ses
efforts seront enfin couronndé de succès.



For a week Dover has been excited, and one is more surprised at this when one considers how great an event is needed to rouse Dover people from their lethargy. The occasion is a really great one, for at any hour one may find poised on the topmost part of Shakespeare Cliff, a wonderful machine, which, manipulated by Mr. Latham, has crossed the Channel in the air. Everyone hopes that the patient aviator will be successful, but the fact remains the same that the airship is at Sangatte on the French side and not at Dover on the English side. Pessimists say that it will never reach England except by boat, whether the ticket it is forced to take be for twenty-one miles or for ten-and-a-half miles.
Another party has strong faith in the flying powers of this machine. Indeed, this faith has been so constant that at the words of a policeman or of a Post Office official, crowds of people, eager to get a sight with the first, have rushed to the Admiralty Pier or to the cliffs. It is reported that on two successive mornings the interest was strong enough to drag a large crowd of people out of their beds at four o’clock, and that among the crowd there were some persons of local note. One wonders who they were, but despite the obscurity of their identity, one cannot help but admire them.
However often Mr. Latham fails to accomplish his task the fact will remain that some day the feat of crossing the Channel in an airship will be accomplished.


In nook remote upon a tripod sat
The youthful hope and heir of Homer’s race.
Sleek was his face; an oily look proclaimed
The oft-repeated visit to the pantry store
So tight his garments that encased his limbs,
Amazement was however he contrived
To get them on, or eke to pull them off.
A linen frill, stiff starched, and snowy white,
His neck did gird, such as in pictures quaint
Is seen around the throat of good Queen Bess.
Upon his brow, receding much and low,
His hair hung straight, with unguents so bedrenched
It shone and dripped, as in the month of June
Does reedy thatch upon a cottage roof.
Intent awhile he sat and gazed upon
A plummy pie, whose rich and mellow crust
Dame Homer’s skill had long time tried at home – –
A toothsome offering for her child at school.
Around him stood a group of hungry boys,
Who licked their lips in hopes to join the feast.
Fond were the names they called him, ” Homey dear,”
“Good Jaci,” “My chum,” “The best of all our form.”
With eager dig he drove his broad fat thumb
Into the deepest caverns of the pie,
And out he drew a plum, which being upheld
Did cause at once a score of jaws to snap
In luscious expectation of a feast.
Quoth he: “‘Tis passing well, you speak me fair,
And call me ‘Good old Jack,’ ‘Horn, dear chum,’
Put yesterday you all did jeer and scoff,
Did call me ‘Fatty,’ ‘Mammy’s pet.’ You, some
Did prick and pinch my body black and blue.”
With that he opened wide his yawning mouth,
And into it did gently drop the plum. ***** A yell of rage uprose. Around the room
Fragmcuts of crust and crumb each way were cast,
While Jack, no longer ” Good,” but “Glutton,” “Greedy Cad,”
Lay writhing on the floor, and striving much
To shield those parts, which late were pricked and pinched. Q.


The girls of Wellington College provide £3 annually for the support of a Hindoo orphan. This year it was decided to raise the money by holding an exhibition of products and curios representative of the Empire on Empire Day. Saturday was spent in arranging the stands, when the articles were grouped according to the Continent to which they belonged. Each mistress was responsible for one Continent, and was assisted by several girls.
On Empire Day, the National Anthem was sung in place of the usual hymn, and the girls then visited the exhibition in groups. Sir William Mackworth Young opened the exhibition at 3 p.m., and made an interesting speech on the origin and meaning of Empire Day. It would be impossible to give a list of the exhibits, but the most interesting were: – Copy of the Doomsday Book, beaten brass work, Native dresses, Indian jewellery and work, fan made of humming birds’ feathers, relics of Boer war, bow and poisoned arrows, skins, African hangings, pictures and post cards innumerable.
Between £4 and £5 was realised by entrance money and tea, and the girls were delighted with the result of their Empire Day celebration.



England at the present day may be compared with Rome during the first century. Rome at that time was at the zenith of her power; but Romans of that day could no more judge their greatness than Englishmen can estimate the present greatness of England. But had those Romans remembered how their ancestors had laid the foundations of their mighty nation by their simplicity of life, their prowess in war, and constant love of their country, Rome would long have stood mistress of the world, and the emblem of solidity and power. It is from the history of a nation’s infancy that the laws for maintaining her power must be obtained. England, during the Stuart period, was passing through an internal struggle from which she was to emerge fitted for the long years of progress and conquest which have produced our mighty Empire. We of the present day must therefore turn to this period to learn those rules which, at this critical period of our history, will turn the prophesied decline of England into a still greater rise to power.
Englishmen during the seventeenth century fought and died for liberty in action, thought and religion. This highly-prized liberty has, whenever consistent with the laws of society, been obtained. But now England is gradually falling under the hand of an advanced Socialism, which threatens, in its mad desire for liberty, to undo all that has been done to obtain it. England has learnt in many a war that her naval power must be invincible. Our Socialists, however, are blind to this, and would have us spend our money on ephemeral schemes for the benefit of mankind, leaving our shores open to the ever waiting enemy. Defence is the great law of existence. There is no animal but is provided by wise Nature with some means of escape from or defence against his enemy. The strongest and fittest only survive in Nature. This fact above all others is vital to Englishmen of the present day.
Our strong ancestors of the Stuart period, finding their liberty and existence endangered, set out boldly in a crazy little ship to found a new land. Yet the great continents of Canada and Australia now lie waiting only for the hand of labour to deliver up their wealth of mineral and agriculture, while our Socialists prefer to sit at home in idleness, and feed the ignorant on their vain schemes, rather than set out for the rich lands which are crying for the hand of man.



We have been taking Nature Study as one of our subjects this year, and of course whatever we undertake we always do properly. So we determined to have a Nature Study walk for purposes of observation, and on a fine July afternoon we set out. There was no lack of enthusiasm during the early part of our ramble. We gathered small leaves for identification; we examined twigs, the stalks of flowers, the veins of leaves, and even roots; on hands and knees we investigated impressions on the soil, which, though meaningless to others conveyed much to us, we carefully treasured blossoms which the initiated would term weeds, and we even endeavoured to discriminate between the varieties of vetch. We gathered large hunches of poppies for the adornment of our class-room, and collected specimens for future investigation. But poppies drop so quickly, the day was hot and the hill a long one, and remembering the walk before us we thought it better to discard our bunches, or to let others carry them, especially when we discovered trees suitable for climbing. It was cooler beside the hedge, and our energy returned. We scouted, we fought and utterly destroyed invisible Saracens – we were victorious in a civil war – we recaptured our colours from the enemy, and bore them triumphantly before us; our ringing cheers caused the flocks to flee in dismay and a snake to hide in the undergrowth and wait for more peaceful times.
We visited the ruined Abbey and added our names to the list of illustrious one’s already emblazoned on the portal (Pharosians please do not imitate). We passed through the surrounding fields, and would willingly have increased our knowledge of pond life had we been allowed to do so.
On our return we lost three of our companions; we shouted, searched, waited and enquired, but all was of no avail, until, when we reached the edge of the wood they emerged smiling and remarking, “We were a few yards from you all the time.” (Is that what is to be understood by scouting, I wonder).
Some very fine specimens of the spotted orchis gave a renewed zest to our botanical research, and for some minutes at least, we spent our whole energy in struggling through the thick undergrowth and gathering spurge, campion and half-opened St. John’s wort.
But one of our party found wild strawberries, and these reminded us so forcibly of tea, that we were obliged to hurry on. The road seemed hard and very long, and we were hungry, but then one expects to be tired after an afternoon’s arduous study.


In prehistoric times, a savage tribe dwelt on a barren coast, sloping steeply to the sea. The people had built themselves huts of various sizes and had named their settlement Druevos.
Two different races composed the tribe, one, boasting great physical strength, did the manual work of the community, while the other, a race of pigmies, excelled mentally, and spent hours of the day in meditation. But the life of the pigmies was not all smooth, as shall be described.
The Druevosians though ruled by their own chief, were yet under the supreme power of the Lesdrons, a very cruel tribe, living in a village some miles from Druevos. These Lesdrons were cannibals, and the Druevosians had to propitiate them by human sacrifices offered once a year.
Lots were drawn in such a way that some of the pigmies were always the victims, and it was not the old and crippled among them but the cleverest of the pigmies who could hope to appease the Lesdrons. Some of the pigmies felt it an honour to be chosen to die for their tribe, others feared the advent of the day of sacrifice. Shortly before the time appointed, great preparations were made in Druevos. A number of chosen men went to a secret cave, whence they brought bundles of a thin flexible material, some of it white, some green, some mauve, as the pigmies even at such a moment had a love for the beautiful. This material was divided evenly among the victims together with a gourd containing a black fluid, and a slender stick pointed at one end. These formed the armour, and sometimes the sustenance of the pigmies, for some of them in moments of abstraction dipped their fingers into the gourd and gently sucked them. Then they set off along the road towards Lesdron.
When they reached the village they were conducted before the chief and his council, the former in a good humour for once, as he had just feasted. The poor little pigmies were ranged before him and a sudden impulse seized the chief to ask questions of the victims before sending them to the pot. He promised, too, to release those whose answers pleased him. To avoid confusion each pigmy answered by writing words on his material, which was then called paper, by means of his coloured fluid and pointed stick. These answers were conned carefully by the council. Some pigmies were set free, others were tortured and the remainder never more heard of.
Great was the rejoicing as the pigmies trooped home, and strange to say from that date they began to grow tall and strong, and assisted in future in the sacrifice of those who remained pigmies.



The most important item of this term’s work was the preparation for the 2nd class badges. The requirements necessary for obtaining these are, under the new regulations, (1) a knowledge of semaphore, (2) to be able to light a fire without using more than two matches, (3) to be able to cook ¼lb meat and two potatoes, (4) to be able to describe one shop window out of four, each observed for one minute, (5) to know the composition of the Union Jack and the way to fly it, (6) to know the points of the compass, (7) to have at least 6d. in the Savings Bank, (8) to have a satisfactory knowledge of ambulance work.

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The D.C.S. have been working strongly to obtain these badges, and in many individual cases have succeeded in passing some or all of the tests. On several days a camp has been held on the Minnis for the afternoon. In camp, we have had a camp fire, cooking was practised, tea was made, and we were instructed in ambulance work, and tested for our 2nd class badge.

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On May 15th a contest was held on the Minnis between St. Mary’s and St. Martin’s (defending) and the rest of Dover (attacking. The result was a win for St. Mary’s and St. Martin’s.

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On May 31st a contest was held between Dover and Folkestone. Folkestone defended and Dover attacked. The result was a decided win for Dover, as the flag was pulled down five times by them. As regards ribbons captured, Folkestone captured about 50 to Dover’s 40.

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The Corps has now been strengthened by the addition of 1st Class Scouts Mills, Morford, Igglesden and Belson. All of these, however, are 1st class scouts under the old regulations, which are not much harder than the new 2nd class.

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We have also obtained a few recruits to the cause.

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During the holidays a regular scheme of training will be worked through under 1st Class Scout Mills, on lines laid down by the Scoutmaster. If there is anything in the hint contained in the local Press a week or two ago, there will he big things and hard tussles in October, and for these the D.C.S. must “BE PREPARED.”



The following have qualified as 2nd Class Scouts, and so cease to be Tenderfeet
Peewits: Reeder, Hussey, Clout, Baldwin, Pryor.
Otters: French, Smith.
Wolves: Finnis, Malley, Oram.
The Inter-Patrol Championship results are as follows: –
Peewits:472 points.
The Peewits have well-earned the honour by hard work from the commencement.
A concrete fact for critics Scouting requirements have induced two boys to open Savings Bank Accounts this term.


In spite of the miserable weather we have experienced this year, the Tennis season has been a very happy and enjoyable one. The fact that all the practices have been well-attended shows that the girls thoroughly enjoy the game. Everything has been done to ensure good practice for all the Forms, and though the lower Forms have had to play on the Danes this year, they must remember that when they reach the higher Forms they also will have the privilege of using the Park courts.

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With regard to the matches we cannot perhaps boast of any great success, but in no case have we been completely outmatched; but of the five matches played we have lost four and won one. There are, however, two more matches to be played before the season closes, and we can perhaps hope for better success in these. One of these matches is the return against the Old Students and the other against Victoria College, Deal.

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A competition for a Tennis Championship has also been arranged to take place before the end of the Term. The champion will be presented with a silver shield for her tennis racket.


This match, played on June 2nd, resulted in a win for the Institute by one game. It had been arranged at the commencement of the play that each couple should play four sets, but owing to rain the match had to be stopped when only three had been played.
K.Thompson and D. Green won their three sets (6 – 3) (6 – 1) (6 – 3).
D.Monger and H. Ainslie lost their sets (3 – 6) (1 – 6) (2 – 6).
Result: – Institute won by 25 games to 24.

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This match was played on June 11th, and after a close fight the School won by three games.
K.Thompson and D. Green won their sets (6 – 2) (6 – 1).
D.Monger and H. Ainslie lost their sets (5 – 6) (1 – 6).
Result: – School won by 18 games to 15.


This match was played on July 3rd, and the opposing team was decidedly the stronger. A very good stand, however, was made by our girls, and some very interesting play was seen. Three sets of couples instead of two played.
K. Thompson and D. Green won two sets and lost one (6 – 0) (6 – 1) (3 – 6).
D. Monger and H. Ainslie lost their three sets (0 – 6) (1 – 6) (1 – 6).
O. Cullin and T. Morrison lost their three sets (2 – 6) (0 – 6) (1 – 6).
Result: – Folkestone won by 43 games to 20.

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This match was played on July 9th, and was naturally looked forward to as the best match of the season. Tea was kindly provided in the Park by Miss Chapman, and the play was enjoyed both by the Old Students and the Present Students. The teams were on the whole fairly equal, and it looked at one time as if we should be the winners.
K. Thompson and D. Green won their three sets (6 – 3) (6 – 3) (7 – 5).
T. Morrison and O. Cullin lost their sets (1 – 6) (1 – 6) (2 – 6).
E. Wilson and D. Monger lost two sets and won one (1 – 6) (4 – 6) (6 – 4).
Result: – Old Students won by 45 games to 34.
The players for the Old Students’ were
May Ching and Phoebe Crawshaw.
Dorothy Young and Ethel Richardson.
May Nash and Annie Jones.

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This match was played at Folkestone on July 17th. One of our team was suffering with a bad hand at the time and was unable to play after the first set. This complicated matters a little, as one of the other players had to take her place as well as her own. As before, however, the Folkestone team was much the stronger, and the match resulted in a win for them by 33 games to 20.


Running. – Whilst watching the boys playing their Inter-Form matches, I was particularly struck with the general weakness displayed in judging a run. There was too much indecision. A vocabulary of three words is all that is required when batting. Yes, No, and Wait. These must be spoken loudly. There is no rule forbidding batsmen to call to each other. As to the one who should call – when the ball is played behind the wicket, the striker should look to his partner for the call, a batsman is not supposed to look behind, but when he plays a ball in front of the wicket, he himself must call.
Batting. – Very few boys played a straight bat, no doubt this was owing to lack of practice. A very useful way of overcoming this defect, is to take a broom handle cut down to the length of a bat, stand a couple of yards from the edge of an open door, slide the left foot forward and push the stick lengthways against the door’s edge. This may be practised against any upright corner. A few of the boys stepped in front of the ball when it was well on the leg side and consequently received hard knocks. This should not be, if a ball is coming in the direction named, step in front of the wicket with the right foot, pivot round on the left and hit hard. Well practised, this will show also how to move the left foot back, and strike at right angles to the pitch. A great stroke of Arthur Shrewsbury.
Bowling. – Do not attempt a fast pace, it means over-pitching and being hit. Two boys may practice getting a length quite easily by bowling from each end to one another, and placing a piece of white paper fastened to the turf four or five yards in front of the batting crease. Bowl slowly at first for a few weeks until you can hit the paper or thereabouts, then try a faster pace, but never increase the speed until the length is assured. Great slow bowlers, like Blythe, can drop a ball where they like according to the batsmen opposed to them. The distance as to length would depend, in the case of boys, on the reach of the batsmen.
Fielding. – When fielding do not wait for the ball to come to you but run in and meet it, picking it up in the right position for throwing, as it is a waste of a few yards to pose for the throw. When taking a ball near the wicket, do not trouble about an overhead shy but send it underhand. The overhead throw is only necessary over a greater distance, when the ball has to travel at a great rate.
Catching. – In catching, do not hold your hands pointing upwards but across the field, in order that a ball will fall on a part which is not too rigid, otherwise it will certainly rebound to the cry of “butter fingers.” Watch K. L. Hutchings when he makes a catch in August.

R.S. S.


On the whole the Cricket season has not been very successful. Out of eight matches played up to the time of writing, we have won only three, and lost the remaining five. Perhaps our failure has been due to lack of practice and the condition of the playing ground, the Danes.

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As usual the two matches with St. Augustine’s College were most enjoyable, the second giving St. Augustine’s the victory by a narrow margin only.

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With regard to the team in general there is not much to complain of, although the fielding might have been much better. We have not had to depend so much on “individual” members for a good score in batting as was the case last year. It has been pleasing to find our captain in form both at batting and bowling, his second attempt with the bat at Ramsgate being an admirable display. Fishwick has shown his qualities as a bowler, having captured over 50 wickets – a fine performance for only eight matches.

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The annual fixture between the School and the Old Boys is arranged for July 30th. Both teams are looking forward to an enjoyable game on the Athletic Ground. We hope that in future the Old Boys’ match will take place in the term.

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Again it is necessary to complain of the support given by the School to their representative XI. Although we have not won as many as could be desired we have had some very interesting and exciting games, notably the one with the R.W.K. Band Boys, time robbing us of victory. However, we hope to have more support in the match with the Old Boys. From what we gather a strong team has been got together to meet us.

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The Committee and Team tender their thanks to C. E. Baldwin for services rendered as umpire. A.L. JONES,
Vice-Captain, 1909.

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This match was played on the Danes, on May 5th, and resulted in a win for Jones’ XI. by an innings and 21 runs.

Bond, b Fishwick 3
Hall, b Fishwick 6
Jones, b Fishwick 38
Fisher, not out 18
Dunn, run out 1
Took, b Reeder 0
Webster, b Fisbwick 0
Morrison, c Morford, b Fishwick 0
Broadbridge sec., b Reeder 0
Saville, b Reeder 0
Extras 7
Total 73


1st innings. 2ndinnings.
Fishwick, b Jones 13 b Hall 1
Gann, b Jones 1 b Jones 3
Kay, b Bond 3 c Hall,b Jones 0
Reeder, b Jones 0 c Jones,b Hall 5
Morford, c Hall, b Jones 3 c Jones,b Hall 4
Broadbridge pri., b Bond 3 b Bond 3
Wilson, not out 0 c Hall b Jones 0
Banks, run out 0 not out 0
Carey, b Jones 0 b Hall 3
Coombs, c and b Jones 2 b Jones 1
Igglesden, b Bond 0 b Bond 1
Extras 3 Extras 3
Total 28 Total 24

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This match was played at Canterbury, on May 12th, and resulted in a win for Simon Langton’s School by 11 runs.


Jones, b Crow 10
Bond, b Lott 2
Fishwick, c and b Crow 6
Fisher, c Hearne, bCrow 2
Gann, b Crow 0
Reeder, c Hearne, bCrow 0
Kay, lbw, b Lott 0
Carey, c and b Lott 0
Belchamber, c and bCrow 11
Webster, b Lott 5
Took, not out 0
Extras 11
Total 47


Hearne, c Carey, b Fishwick 13
Welsh, c Fishwick, b Jones 1
Baillie, c Kay, b Jones 16
Jones, c and b Jones 2
Mackenzie, b Fishwick 8
Lott, b Fishwick 0
Wacker, c Fishwick, bJones 0
Crow, not out 3
Wales, c Fishwick, bJones 4
East, b Jones 0
Parke, b Fishwick 5
Extras 6
Total 58

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DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL V. SIMON LANGTON’S SCHOOL. This match was played on the Athletic Ground, Crabble, on May 19th, and resulted in a win for Simon Langton’s School by an innings and 88 runs.

1st innings. 2nd innings.
Bond, b Lott 0 b Crow 2
Jones, c Jones, b Lott 4 b Crow 0
Fishwick, c Lott, b Crow 3 c Crow, b Lott 1
Belchamber, c McKenzie,bCrow 2 b Lott 0
Fisher, b Lott 0 c McKenzie, bCrow 0
Gann, c and b Lott 2 b Lott 3
Reeder, b Crow 0 b Lott 5
Carey, c and b Crow 0 b Lott 2
Hardy, b Crow 0 not out 1
Webster, not out 1 c Nash, b Lott 6
Took, b Crow 0 b Lott 0
Extras 3 Extras 6
Total 15 Total 26


Hearne, c Gann, b Fishwick 0
Welsh, b Fishwick 17
Jones, b Fishwick 28
Baillie, c Jones, bFishwick 0
McKenzie, b Reeder 12
Lott, b Fishwick 5
Wacker, c Jones, bReeder 5
Crow, b Jones 27
Wales, c Fisher, hReeder 6
Parke, b Fishwick 23
Nash, not out 5
Extras 1
Total 129

DOVER COUNTY SCHOOL v. HARVEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. This match was played at Folkestone, on May 28th, and resulted in a win for the School by an innings and 17 runs.


Jones, c Wright, b Fayers 0
Fishwick, b Wright 2
Hall, h Fayers 0
Bond, c Wright, b Fayers 11
Gann, c Musgrave, b Wright 15
Hardy, c Montgomery, bFayers 2
Belchamber, b Wright 5
Reeder, b Ketchington 3
Fisher, not out 3
Carey, c Clarke, b Fayers 2
Took, lbw, b Fayers 0
Extras 5
Total 48


1st innings. 2nd innings.
Purdey, b Jones 1 b Fishwick 4
Montgomery, c and b Bond 2 c Hall, bFishwick 0
Wright, c Bond, b Fishwick 6 c Gann, b Bond 0
Fayers, run out 5 c Gann, b Bond 0
Ketchington, h Fishwick 0 b Fishwick 4
Clarke, st Jones, b Bond 4 b Bond 1
Harrison, b Fishwick 0 b Fishwick 1
Musgrave, run out 1 b Fishwick 0
Morton, c Took, b Bond 0 not out 0
Cuff, b Fishwick 0 b Fishwick 0
Marshall, not out 0 c Reeder, bBond 0
Extras 1 Extras 1
Total 20 Total 11

– : –


This match was played on the Athletic Ground, Crabble, on June 2nd, and resulted in a win for St. Augustine’s College, by 80 runs.

Jones, b Mangot 3
Fishwick, c Kerr, bWilson 2
Hall, b Wilson 4
Bond, b Mangot 2
Gann, run out 2
Belchamber, c and b Wilson 1
Reeder, b Mangot 2
Fisher, not out 1
Carey, b Mangot 0
Took, c and b Wilson 0
Webster, c Diran, bWilson 0
Extras 4
Total 21
Blake, c and b Bond 1
Cotton, c Gann, b Fishwick 5
Hayes, c Fishwick, b Bond 2
Diran, b Fishwick 0
Feeny, b Fishwick 13
Mangot, lbw, b Gann 42
Wilson, c Belehamber, bReeder 5
Schovener, b Fishwick 7
Kerr, c and b Fishwick 1
Samson, not out 13
Thunder, c Reeder, bFishwick 8
Extras 4
Total 101


This match was played on the Danes, on June 16th, and resulted in a win for the School by 18 runs.

Bond, b Elvey 0
Hall, c Grant, b Elvey 12
Fishwick, b Elvey 12
Gann, b Hope 18
Belchamber, c Hope, bMedhurst 14
Kay, b Medhurst 5
Fisher, not out 9
Carey, c Grant, b Medhurst 0
Webster, c Gilbert, bMedhurst 6
Took, c Gilbert, b Rotham 1
Coombs, lbw, b Medhurst 0
Extras 27
Total 104
In the 2nd innings the School made 24.
Rev. A. S. Hope, c Took, b Bond 20
Medhurst, c Gann, b Bond 42
Elvey, c Fishwick, b Bond 0
Gilbert, b Bond 3
Rotham, b Fishwick 1
Grant, lbw, b Fishwick 0
Borrow, c Bond, b Fishwick 3
Pilcher, bFishwick 2
Harvey, not out 0
Taylor, b Bond 0
Butt, b Bond 9
Extras 6
Total 86

– : –


This match was played on the Danes, on June 23rd, and resulted in a win for St. Augustine’s College, by 17 runs.

1st innings. 2nd innings.
Bond, b Wilson 26 c Schovener, bWilson 4
Hall, lbw, b Mangot 3 b Wilson 28
Fishwick, b Mangot 1 c Schovener, bWilson 0
Gann, c O’Malley, bMangot 7 not out 33
Belchamber, b Mangot 4 not out 4
Reeder, b Kerr 6 did not bat  
Keightley, b Kerr 2 did not bat  
Carey, c Feeny, b Wilson 0 did not bat  
Took, not out 9 did not bat  
Coombs, b Wilson 0 did not bat  
Webster, b Wilson 0 did not bat  
Extras 9 Extras 0
Total 67 Total 69


Feeny, b Bond 1
Blake, b Fishwick 1
Mangot, c Hall, b Gann 42
Kerr, c Took, b Bond 8
Hayes, b Fishwick 5
Dinan, b Fishwick 2
Schovener, b Bond 1
Wilson, b Gann 6
Thunder, b Fishwick 4
O’Malley, c Reeder, bFishwick 12
Miller, not out 0
Extras 2
Total 84

– : –


This match was played on the Athletic Ground, on June 30th, and resulted in a win for the School by an innings and 10 runs.

Bond, c and b Fayers 14
Hall, lbw, b Gore 44
Fishwick, b Fayers 0
Gann, c Fayers, b Gore 5
Reeder, c Fayers, bGore 0
Kay, b Fayers 6
Keightly, b Fayers 0
Fisher, b Fayers 3
Belchamber, b Fayers 7
Took, b Wright 0
Carey, not out 1
Extras 6
Total 86


1st innings. 2nd innings.
Wright, run out 7 c Reeder, b Bond 13
Morton, b Bond 10 b Bond 4
Harrison, c Kay, b Bond 1 b Carey 10
Gore, b Bond 0 c Fishwick, b Bond 3
Fayers, b Bond 0 b Fishwick 2
Musgrave, b Bond 2 run out 1
Clark, b Carey 16 c Fisher, bBond 0
Marshall, b Fishwick 0 b Fishwick 0
Purdey, c Hall, bBond 2 b Bond 1
Cuff, b Bond 0 b Fishwick 1
Moody, not out 0 not out 0
Extras 3 Extras 0
Total 41 Total 35

– : –


This match was played at the Danes, on July 14th, and resulted in a win for the “West Kents” by 18 runs on the first innings.

1st innings. 2nd innings.
Bond, c Ballard, b Johnson 8 run out 1
Hardy, b Lythall 0 not out 16
Jones, b Johnson 3 c G. Coe, bLythall 3
Fishwick, c Whithorn, bLythall 0 b G. Coe 43
Belchamber, b Lythall 4 did not bat  
Kay, c Mersh, b Lythall 2 b Johnson 2
Webster, b Lythall 7 did not bat  
Took, c G. Coe, b Johnson 2 did not bat  
Keightley, c G. Coe, b Lythall 0 did not bat  
Aedy, c Mersh, b Lythall 4 did not bat  
Packer, not out 5 did not bat  
Extras 3 Extras 2
Total 38 Total (for 4 wkts.) *
*Innings declared.
1st innings.   2nd innings.  
G. Coe, b Fishwick 0 b Fishwick 0
J. Coe, c Jones, b Bond 11 b Jones 0
Lythall, b Fishwick 13 lbw, b Fishwick 2
Ballard, lbw, b Fishwick 0 not out 4
Johnson, lbw, bFishwick 14 b Fishwick 5
Fletcher, b Bond 0 b Fishwick 0
James, b Fishwick 1 b Fishwick 0
Hardwicke, b Fishwick 1 c and b Jones 1
Whithorn, c and b Jones 11 b Jones 8
Mersh, b Jones 0 b Fishwick 2
Standen, not out 1 not out 0
Extras 4 Extras 5
Total 56 Total (for 9 wkts.) 27

– : –

2nd XI.

Date. Name of Opponents. Ground. Results.
May 12th. v. Simon Langton School Dover Lost by 188 runs
May 19th. v. Harvey Grammar School Dover Won by 3 wickets
May 27th. v. St. Andrew’s, Deal Deal Lost by 11 runs
June 2nd v. St. Mary’s Junior Institute Dover Lost by an innings and 32 runs
June 17th v. St. Andrew’s, Deal Dover Lost by 11 runs
June 23rd. v. St. Mary’s Junior Institute Dover Lost by 102 runs
30th June. v. Harvey Grammar School Folkestone Lost by 8 runs
July 14th v. Simon Langton School Canterbury Lost by an innings and 53 runs
July 21st. v. Belmont House School Dover
Matches played .. 8; Won .. 1; Lost .. 7.

FORM YI. – P.T.’s.

The end of the term has come once more and for the last time the P.T.’s will take their place in The Pharos among other forms. Their days at the School are now numbered, and it is with mingled feelings that they see the 28th of July approaching with long strides, for then they must say good-bye to School and begin a new and very important chapter in their book of life.

– : –

The last term has been a very happy one although the greater part was spent in grim suspense. All, however, were satisfied with the results of the Prelim., and the only regret was the distinctions were so very very scarce. The Oxford Senior is practically upon us and the P.T.’s will obtain such an unparalleled success that it will quite make up for the mediocrity of the previous Examination. During the term a photograph was taken of the form, that will help us when we are old and wrinkled to recall our youthful days and last moments of our School life.

– : –

The impending separation has tended to knit us more closely together. It is strange to think that we, who have spent so many happy hours together, will so shortly disperse to begin a new era in our existence. We trust however that The Pharos will fulfil its aim, and keep us in touch with the School and one another.


To the Editor of “The Pharos.”


DEAR SIR, – This is not a message from Mars, neither is it a voice from the dead, it is merely a croak from one of the ancients of the County School, a rambling reminiscence from a drifting derelict of the “Muni.” Au old scholar, sir? I should think so, indeed! Why, it’s four years since I, with others, was called into the Head’s private study, that awful room, there to receive the parting blessing of that dignitary. His benediction was followed – outside of course – by our doxology, for we were glad to begin a new era in our lives, glad to leave “hic, haec, hoc” and “Let x equal – ,” but, my word, if we’d only known then what opportunities school life affords, even those of us who honestly did our best, would have made superhuman efforts, and would have clung to the old place as tenaciously as a dog clings to a dry bone.
Four years! We old students have been changed, and the School has not been left untouched. We have changed. Some of us have been chasing the sun round the world, and in our pursuit have encountered many thrilling adventures; some of us old Munischolars have stayed on to the County School and are now “VI.-a-ers” and P.T.’s, these have won honour and glory to themselves and to their tutors. Yes, we have changed, but perhaps the School has changed still more.
In the first place, there is The Pharos. In the dark ages, before the command “Fiat Lux” went forth, each class lived independently of the other classes. Now all are joined; old and young, past and present; all combine in reading and compiling this mag. May it thrive!
Then there is the Staff. (Here follow words, of course laudatory on character of Staff. – Ed.)
Again, there are now the Scouts. No such thing in our days, worse luck. Why in the world couldn’t Baden-Powell have invented this system in our days? It makes us almost wish to join even now, old enough though we are to be “Terriers.” It has been suggested that this movement will promote unhealthy rivalry between the boys; that the Peewits, Owls and Rams of Dover will hate their corresponding menagerie brethren of Folkestone with a hatred almost equal to a cricket squabble, but County boys wouldn’t be so small and mean; they don’t take their pleasures sadly.
Again – but I shall be “boiled down” – I was going to speak of how some of us, when cycling down Ladywell, look in at the open doors and windows and remember James, yet I must just let you know that the halycon days are not all in the present. For one great thing we had a beautiful playground, in which grew roses, raspberries, currants and other sweet things, not to mention the “forbidden (?) (!) fruits” which grew the other side of a plank spanning the river. And then the mulberry tree! Some of us will bear the Council an everlasting grudge for removing that; we can’t breed silk worms now. Where is the playground of to-day? Is it the Danes? A verbal expression to the sagacious should suffice; a word to the wise is sufficient.
I must stop. If I have been too long and prosy, forgive me. If I have bored you, expunge this reminiscent growl from your copy of The Pharos that that copy may not be spoiled.
Wishing everybody everything they wish themselves.

Yours remembringly,

T. Kiddle has followed up his success here in the Oxford Junior (1st Class Honours) by gaining an Open Science Scholarship at the City of London School. The Pharos congratulates him and wishes him continued success.

At the last committee meeting of the O.S.A. it was unanimously decided that a letter should be sent to Miss Turner expressing the regret of the Association at her resignation of the Secretaryship and thanking her for her kind services.

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Old Pharosians