Pharos No. 5 Easter 1910

No. 5. EASTER, 1910. VOL. II.



Notices The life of a boy artificer in the Royal Navy
Editorial A glimps of the County School terminals
Gleams Night scouting on Stebbing Down
The Old Students’ Association The capture of Dover Castle
The Old Pharosians’ Association A holiday in Belgium
Old students’ social A holiday in Tangier
The 1909 re-union Southampton to New York via West Indies
Old boys in Royal services The hills
The Christmas party Hobbies for girls
Sports Fret work
Old boys’ match Commonest birds around Dover
Scouting notes My first wash
Hockey notes The progress of Oppie
Tennis The cannibal and the one-legged man
Fifth form concert Our dog Bob
From A Smith The first ride



The next number of The Pharos will appear July 25th.
All contributions intended for that number should reach the Editor before July 15th, 1910.
Out of Term The Pharos can be obtained from the Editor, County School, Dover; or of Grigg and Son, “St. George’s Press,” Worthington Street and High Street.
We acknowledge with thanks receipt of Harveian and Ruym.
School Re-Opens May 2nd, 1910.


THIS number of the Pharos appears amid alarms and excursions. The latter take the form of the removal of the Junior Boys to the Priory Hill School vice the Girls removed to the High School. What further changes are to accompany these we know not, but may be allowed to congratulate the Girls’ School on arrival in more suitable premises, the Juniors on their rise and the Upper School on its increased room to live. But alas! there is a darker side – what of the Tramway Staff? No more will flying urchin pursue other flying urchins past their door, and the worthy citizen who seeks his umbrella left in the tram will no longer find himself after following devious corridors in the presence of an unsympathetic Form I.
The attention of readers is called to the various balance sheets which appear in this issue; we hope they will receive careful scrutiny from all concerned.
Form V. earlier in the Term gave a concert for the Magazine – economic result very substantial. Other results and aspects may be gathered from an account of the historic event in this Pharos.


Old Students will be pleased to have news of Miss B. R. Ferguson. She writes from the Christian Mission, Ningpo, China, and gives interesting details as to her life and work there. A magazine has been forwarded to her, which will, we hope, help to keep her in touch a little with her old school world.

– : –

General consternation was caused this Term by the news of Miss Chapman’s accident at hockey. The Pharos takes this opportunity of voicing the relief of the School at her recovery.

– : –

The last news of Goodbun was from Newcastle, Australia. Port, who contributes to this number, has just started on a voyage to Rio.

– : –

Hearty congratulations to Allan George on his successes: – Certificate with distinction in Education, Geography and History, London Matriculation and A.C.P.

– : –

Congratulations also to C. Kyle, R. Belcher, R. Ellender and H. T. Harris, who have passed the recent Acting Teachers’ Examination.

– : –

The following students of the School were successful in Part I. of the Prelim. Cert. There were no failures.

Nellie Moody Winifred McVey
Gertrude Ogg Annie James
Eleanor Jones Ivy Walsh
Helen Ainslie Robert Reeder
Lilian Pender Sydney Smith
William George Faircloth

Below we give the names of those who have gained merit for the months ending February 5th and March 5th respectively: –


FormI. EndingMarch 5th Buxton
Form II. Ending February 5th Malley, 1; Rose, 2; Hosking, 3
Form II. Ending March 5th Fox
FormIII. EndingFebruary 5th Kyle, Nye, Belson, Pritchard
Form III. Ending March 5th Kyle, Nye, Birch, Costello, Watts
Form IV. EndingFebruary 5th Smith
FormIV. Ending March 5th Newing, Smith, Palmer, White
Form V. Ending February 5th and March 5th Coombs, Fry, Finnis, Bond, Fisher, Reeder.


Form I. M. White, 2 ; W. Hunter, 2; D. Williams, 2
Form II. V. Costello, 1
Form III. G. Daniels, 1; A. Colyer, 1; E. Keeler, 1; I. May, 1 ;
  A. Petley, 2; M. Thompson, 1; H. Tanton, 1; W. Saunders, 1.
Form IV. M. Clipsham, 2; D. Fell, 1; P. Beck, 1
Form V. E. Wilson, 2; W. Howard, 1; W. Clout, 2; D. French, 2; E. Philpott, 1.

– : –

We hear that the County School Scouts who attended the Camp held recently at Folkestone received praise from high quarters for their efficient ambulance and signalling work.


Since the commencement of the Association in January, 1909, the Committee have to report steady progress, the membership now numbering 88.
The programme suggested at the last General Meeting has been carried out.
The Hockey and Cricket matches have been played and the results noted in the magazine.
A Tennis Tournament has also been held between Past and Present girls.
The Picnic was held on Saturday, July 24th, about 40 of the old Students availed themselves of this opportunity to meet their friends.
The Re-Union was held on Monday, December 27th, about 140 members and friends being present.
The Committee regret that owing to unforeseen difficulties on several occasions it was found necessary to alter the dates that were fixed by the Constitution. This points to the necessity of power being given by the Constitution to the Committee to alter dates if necessary.

Hon. Sec.

Both reports were received and adopted, and were to be inserted in the next issue of the Magazine.
The Officers and Committee for the ensuing year are as follows: –
President: – F. Whitehouse, Esq.
Treasurer: – Mr. G. D. Thomas.
Secretaries: – Mr. S. C. Clout and Miss Chapman.
Sports Secretaries: – Miss Jones and Mr. A. Durban.
Committee: – TheMisses Thomas, Young, Richardson and Lowden, Messrs. Coopland, Hollway, Philpott and Bert.

It was decided to admit honorary members at the discretion of the Committee.
The Constitution was amended and copies of the Constitution as it now stands were to be printed and circulated among the members when the funds in hand warranted the expenditure. A vote of thanks to Mr. Whitehouse for taking the chair concluded the meeting.



  £ s. d.   £ s. d. £ s. d.
83 Subscriptions 11 0 0 Magazines       6 5 0
        Wrappers for Magazines 0 2 0      
        Postage of Magazines 0 9 1      
          0 11 1
        Receipt Book 0 0      
        Account Book 0 0 9      
        Register of Old Students 0 1 0      
          0 2
        Deficit on 1908 Re- Union       0 16 1
        Printing and Post age of Circular,
re Subscription
0 5 6      
        Printing of Picnic Notice 0 2 0      
          0 7 6
        Postage of Receipts 0 0      
        Postage of Picnic Notices 0 3 4      
          0 3
        Printing and Post ages of Notices,
re Committee Meeting
0 2 5      
        Printing and Post ages,
re Annual Meeting
0 2 0      
          0 4 5
        Deficit on Re-Union, 1909       2 5 4
        Balance in hand       0 4 8
  £11 0 0         £11 0 0

Audited and found correct,
17th March, 1910


A Social arranged by the Old Students’ Association was held at the Priory Hill School on February 16th. Dancing and games, with music between, occupied the greater part of the evening. The songs given by Miss Downs and the Glee Party were much appreciated, and the sketch given by Mrs. Thomas was received with great applause. All those who were present apparently had an enjoyable time, and it is hoped that many more Socials will be arranged by the Association.


The Old Students of the late Pupil Teachers’ Centre, the late Municipal Secondary School, and the present County School celebrated their annual Re-Union at the Town Hall on the 27th December, 1909.
The fact that the date of the Re-Union was unavoidably altered was no doubt the cause of our missing a large number of the old familiar faces; but those who were fortunate enough not to have made previous arrangements spent a most enjoyable evening.
The musical programme included a pianoforte duet by Miss L. Allen and Miss A. Couch, songs by Miss Downs, Miss Lewis, Mr. Allan George, Mr. F. Plowright and Mr. Spinner.
Each item of the programme was well rendered and thoroughly enjoyed.
Dancing was commenced at 8.30 and continued till 12; those who did not dance either played cards or were to be seen sitting in little groups engaged in earnest conversation.
One need hardly add that the card-players were, for the most part, of the sterner sex, and the talkers mainly the ladies.
Thanks to the untiring energies of the Committee everybody was kept busy and happy, and the proceedings terminated with “Sir Roger” and “Auld Lang Syne.”



  £ s. d.   £ s. d.
Sale of 115 Tickets 8 12 6 Refreshments 6 17 0
Money taken at Door 0 7 6 Programmes 1 6 0
Balance (Deficit) 2 5 4 Hire of Red Baize 1 0 0
        Hire of Piano 0 5 0
        Hire of Cards and Tables 0 3 0
        Payment of Attendants 0 11 6
        Invitation Cards, Postage,etc. 1 2 10
  £11 5 4   £11 5 4



On Wednesday, March 16th, a very interesting debate was held by this Society. The subject was “That men and women should be paid equal salaries for equal work.” Miss Richardson read an excellent paper in support of this, and she quite convinced us that from an ethical standpoint, no difference should be made in the salaries of men and women for the same work. But her opponent, Mr. Green, who spoke from notes, and whose points were well thought cut, showed that from an economic point of view, equal payment is not possible under present conditions.
Miss Richardson was ably seconded by Mr. Hollway, and Mr. Green by Miss Ching. The discussion was then thrown open, and various members of the Association took part, some very interesting points being raised.
At the close of the discussion a ballot was taken, and Miss Richardson’s supporters were disappointed to find that the “ayes” had lost by one vote.



Sergeant H. D. Hollway Sapper Martin
Sapper Igglesden Bugler Gasson

4th Battalion, The Buffs

K Company.

Private Allingham.

Band Boys.

C. MacWalter J. R. MacWalter

10th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment.

A Company.

Private A. E. Durban Private S. B. Pritchard
Private S. N. Godfrey Private W. Newing

20th London.

Private A. G. Gooding


Trooper C. Hancock Trooper Graves

London Troop.

Trooper F. Downes


Baker A. Monger




Boy Artificers.
Evans Clarke


E. Hall

If this list is incomplete or inaccurate we should be glad of information.


The Annual School Party was held this year in the Town Hall as usual. A diversion was created on this occasion by a large number appearing in fancy dress, and the Hall, when the fun had really started, presented a gay and animated appearance. Hideous golliwogs, dainty little Dutch and Japanese damsels, picturesque gipsies, and gorgeous Indian princes and Chinese mandarins all joined merrily in “Push the business on,” and even the Kaffir of frightening aspect prevailed upon timid little fairies to accompany him in the intricacies of polka, waltz, and time-honoured “lancers.” The more serious-minded, having but little liking for this type of amusement, were agreeably surprised to hear a gramaphone of magnificent proportions producing such music as was heartily appreciated by both young and old.
Later, having partaken of refreshments, small boys fell over one another in the wild race for potatoes, while the girls endeavoured to gain fame and fortune by whistling “God save the King,” animated, it is feared, more by competition than by patriotism.
The heroic “Aunt Sally,” who so patiently bore the many blows lavished upon her, rather astonished some of her persecutors by suddenly becoming endued with life and transforming herself into Hall of Nickleby fame, who certainly stood the ordeal admirably.
After the presentation of their rewards to the lucky prize-winners, the whole assembly joined in an innovation in the shape of the “Swedish dance” in place of “Sir Roger,” and then raised their voices and clasped hands in singing “Auld Lang Syne.” Finally, having exchanged Christmas wishes and uttered a few sighs for the enjoyable time now over, the revellers departed to their respective homes to – sleep, perchance to dream.

G. W.


As has always been the case in past years, the Easter Term has not proved one of the most active as regards sport; for various reasons interest seems to droop, and the average boy is content just to glance at that paper on the notice board, and then pass on without any special comment, perhaps thinking what a silly lot those footballers must be. This year, however, the committee endeavoured to improve the usual state of things at this time of the year, by introducing hockey, but alas man only proposes – . Owing to the capriciousness of “the weather” only a few games have been possible, but, judging from these, it seems that hockey has “caught on,” (especially with the lower part of the School), and has come to stay. To the practised eye the first game seemed nothing but “sticks,” but, in spite of this, there is some talent in the Boys’ School, and perhaps this accounts for the surprise shown by one or two of the girls in their match with the Mistresses and Boys, which it is to be regretted ended in such an unfortunate manner. Next year the School should be able to put a fairly good team on the field – especially if the present enthusiasm is maintained.

– : –

The Football Photo, this season, is generally held to be one of the best we have ever had taken, and, although the team’s record is not so good as usual, I am sure the 1909 group will, before long, hold a conspicuous place in the School Picture Gallery. Casting our minds back over the past four years we remember how, at first, we, in our inferiority (perhaps self-imposed), were content to act merely as linesmen; then later on we were occasionally asked to play, until at last we became “regulars.” We cannot fail to notice on glancing at these records of the past how, year by year, fresh faces seem to present themselves. Truly, “the old order changeth, yielding place to new,” and now has come the time for one or two of us when only pleasant memories of School football will be ours. Yet we have had our turn, and now it is our earnest wish that the coming years may be as happy, and their games as full of interest to future teams as the past have been to us.

– : –

The Football Season closed with the match with the Old Boys, which took place at the Danes, on Wednesday, March 30th. Result: 3-2 for O.B.’s

– : –

The arrangements for the Cricket Season are almost completed, and the General Meeting was held on Tuesday, March 29th. The Minutes of the last General Meeting having been read and approved, Mr. Coopland proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Standring and the Officers of the past Football Season for the way in which they had given their time and energy in aid of the School Sports. The proposition was seconded by Mr. Thomas, and carried unanimously.

– : –

The following Officers for the ensuing season were then elected: –

President Mr. WHITEHOUSE
Chairman and Treasurer Mr. STANDRING
Captain (1st XI.) E. H. GANN
Vice-Captain A. HALL
Hon. Sec. H. E. FISHER
Captain (2nd XI.) S. IGGLESDEN
Vice-Captain S. BANKS
Match Sec. E. RUSSELL

At the time of writing, the following 1st XI. Fixtures have been arranged: –

May 18th Simon Langton’s School Canterbury
June 15th Harvey Grammar Athletic Ground
June 22nd Ramsgate County Danes
June 29th Simon Langton’s Athletic Ground
July 6th St. Augustine’s College Ramsgate
July 13th St. Augustine’s College Athletic Ground
July 20th Ramsgate County School Ramsgate

That the School may have a successful and enjoyable Cricket Season is the sincere wish of ERNEST H. GANN,
Captain, 1909-10.


  £ s. d.   £ s. d.
Balance from Tennis 1 18 11½ Sticks-Balls 4 17 4
Subs-Autumn, 1908 5 5 0 Stationery, Postage, Telegrams 0 10 4
Subs-Spring, 1909 5 1 0 Coach for Hockey 1 7 6
Subs-Summer, 1908 5 10 0 Teas 1 1
Sale of Balls 0 7 0 Train Fares 2 11 10½
        Groundsman, Tennis and Hockey 0 10 0
        Hire of Tennis Courts 5 8 6
        Balance 1 14
  £18 1 11½   £18 1 11½
Audited and found correct, H. M. Q. WATSON.

– : –

Cash Statement, for School year ending July 29th, 1909.

  £ s. d.   £ s. d.
To Balance from 1908 3 5 3 By Secretaries, 1st and 2nd Teams 0 8 6
To Fees 15 5 0 By Railway Expenses 2 7 6
To Late Fees from 1908 0 2 0 By Materials 7 16 2
To Entrance Fees-Sixes 0 12 0 By Photographs, 1908-09 0 8 6
To Proceeds of Party 1 15 6 By Teas 1 3
        By Telegrams, etc 0 1
        By Old Boys’ Matches 1 11
        By Groundsman – The Danes 0 10 0
        By Hire of Athletic Ground 1 11 6
        By School Colours 0 7 6
        By Football Sixes 0 19
        By Scouts 1 5 0
        By Balance forward 2 9 1
  £20 19 9   £20 19 9
September 1909-To Balance  
C/d. £2 9 1 E. S. STANDRING,
Audited and found correct, Chairman and Treasurer.
17th March, 1910,  


The 3rd Annual Old Boys’ Match was played on Wednesday, March 30th, before a meagre attendance. The game was in every way successful and was played in the right spirit. The School were beaten by 3 goals to 2, though the names of the “rude forefathers” of the present School who were to play made all expect a heavier defeat. For the School it is to be said that they had played only one game of football this season; on the other hand, certain Old Boys had not played for longer periods and their team was one short. Mr. Tomlinson kindly refereed.
After the game, the two teams had tea together and the Headmaster expressed, on behalf of the School, the pleasure it gave them to have the Old Boys again among them.
It is impossible to pass over, without comment, one decidedly unpleasant feature of the match; that is, the attitude of the non-playing School to the game. At certain moments of the match we can say definitely that not one single school-boy was watching the game. The attitude of a boy who would leave his school match to watch even the finest teams in the country is contemptible and nothing is more earnestly to be desired than that there should be sufficient change in school spirit completely to change this attitude. The Old Boys’ match should have been the event of the term; should have been talked of in committee and out; and no smallest detail should have been left unarranged in a function which shows more than any other the real continuity between past and present.


Owing to bad weather outdoor work has been almost impossible this term; however, we have had two contests, one against St. James’ Troop and the other against No. 3 Troop, Folkestone.

– : –

The principles of the St. James’ contest were that the C.S. were a defeated army retreating to the sea, while the St. James’ were to find out and report on our movements, numbers, etc. The result was a total victory for the C.S., all the enemy being captured before they could transmit any report.

– : –

The contest against the Folkestone Troop was marred by a misunderstanding, as Folkestone penetrated as far as Dover without coming in touch with us, owing to the small numbers of the C.S.

– : –

The Term has been chiefly occupied in preparation in ambulance work and signalling, for the Proficiency Badges and the “King’s Rally.”

– : –

Our warmest thanks are due to Messrs. Knott and Plater, of the St. John Ambulance Association, for their instruction; also to Miss Joyce for her signalling practice, and Mr Wright for teaching us camp songs.

– : –

“And the rain it raineth every day,” as Patrol-Leader French would have sung had he finished the play at the Prize Distribution, but as he didn’t we’ve been singing, saying, or thinking it ever since. Hence an uneventful term’s scouting and the fact that these Notes deal chiefly with the future.

– : –

Nevertheless the Troop will be proud to know that at the last meeting of the Executive Committee the Deputy-Commissioner referred in terms of highest praise to the Quartermaster’s handling of the troops “retreat” in the contest with St. James’, and of his report thereon. Will other leaders try and go one better?

– : –

Several exercises were worked during the Xmas Holidays, and the Peewits’ mapping was excellent, but why didn’t they give details as required of their measurements of heights and distances? The Otters made the same mistake, and the results look like guesses – and bad ones at that. Consequently no points could be awarded for this work.

– : –

The Patrol Championship turns chiefly on the above mentioned work. The results are as follows: –

Possible Points 411
Curlews 290
Peewits 266
Otters and Wolves 230

– : –

The Deputy-Commissioner offers a bugle to the Dover Troop making the highest average percentage attendance on parade between March 1st and the date of the award of the Mayor’s Trophy.

– : –

By-the-bye we want a bugle, Belson is learning the calls, and a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.

– : –

Ere the next set of Notes is published we shall probably have commenced the struggle for the Mayor’s Trophy, so let us pull ourselves together, lest the record of the Xmas Magazine be “Ichabod.”

– : –

The King’s Rally comes off in June. Remember that what His Majesty wants to see is, not Tender Feet but King’s Scouts and All Round Cordsmen. So may we have fine weather, and more power to our elbows.


The hockey this term has been taken up with practising rather than with matches. On the whole the girls have improved with the able coaching of Sergeant Flannagan, and no doubt the School will turn out good hockey players if the girls take notice of and practise the style they have been taught. Through girls leaving School the team has had to be re-arranged more than once; this has been a drawback to its success.

– : –

The first match was played at the Danes on January 26th, against a team of the mistresses and boys, arranged by Miss Chapman. It proved a hard game for the girls, especially for the half-backs who had to contend against five boys. The game resulted in a win for Miss Chapman’s XI. by 7 – 1.

– : –

On January 29th we played the Folkestone County School at Folkestone. This was the most even match played this season; after twenty minutes’ hard play on both sides Olive Marsh scored a goal for the Dover County School. Throughout the whole game it seemed as though we should be successful, but in the last five minutes Folkestone scored making the result l – l. The return match will be played at the Danes on April 6th.

– : –

On February 12th we played Ramsgate County School at Rams gate, where we suffered a terrible defeat of 12 – 0. Owing to the Ramsgate team being unable to fix a date, the return match has not been played.

– : –

The members of the Hockey Committee wish the tennis players of next term all success.



Though hockey is still in full swing, the approach of the Easter Holidays, and the bright weather, make us think of summer sports. We have already started making arrangements for the tennis season, but have not had time to draw up a definite scheme. The High School courts are not yet in condition for play, but steps are being taken to put the ground in Order. Until we call use these courts, the Seniors will play at the Park and the Juniors at the Danes. If one can prophesy, by reading the signs of the times, this year’s tennis will break the record for success. The loss of some of our best players is no cause for despondency, but should put the rest of us on our mettle. What is wanted is enthusiasm and a keen love for the sport, sufficient to prevent a petty spirit and selfish squabbles at the nets. Beginners, or rather juniors, should endeavour to master the details of the game now, then when they are seniors they will be crack players. For those who have played before: – Don’t be slack, be as keen on winning at a practice as in a tournament, play against people able to beat you, and watch good players. It is the only way to improve in style, and take defeat with a good grace. Above all, don’t hug grievances to yourselves. Make all complaints to the Committee, and, if possible, matters will be set right.
At a General Meeting held on March 23rd the Officers were elected, and the names of Committee members submitted to the School.


H.Ainslie (Form VI.); D. French, Treasurer (Form V.); C. Bradley, Secretary (Form V.); D. Fell (Form IV.); E. Elvey (Foral III.); N. Friend (Form II.); M. Bach (Form I.) L.V. VASS,


Again there was a Concert . . . . But this was in earnest; not as last year, merely gay and debonair: this was serious: consider for one moment that French Play-delivered in its native tongue.
The really distinctive feature about our concert was this: that whereas rehearsals were of daily occurrence-Sundays excepted – and everyone always turned up at those rehearsals; yet no one by any chance ever learnt her part in between. They were wont to reply to the Stage-Manager (Dorothy) that there was no time in between – as a matter of fact there was not. And we have heard and our fathers have told us, that on the very night itself, one character, no-not the “Artesian Lady” as one of the audience would persist in calling her but the dignified and decorous one, was still to be seen busily reading as she embroidered. But this I do not know I was too busy cheering.
There was a duet, a panting and perspiring gallop – we cheered; a song, we cheered again; a French Play – how many of us understood it? yet we cheered; more songs, the cheering waxed; a recitation, the thunder grew; an encore recitation, and then – then Authority strode down towards us and pointed out very reasonably that though we leave these buildings soon, yet we must yield them up intact. For G. was kicking on the door, and F the fire-irons did wave, and Bunny R. leapt – leapt to strike envy in the stoutest kangaroo.
And now Authority resumes its chair, and peace broods o’er Olympus. The curtain rises on Act V.
A strangely quiet looking child had wild, “American” adventures in a vision. And in that dream she saw . . . shoals of books and shadowy spectres; crowds of dons and stodgy coaches; hours of work and dictionaries; Latin, Greek, and Mathematics. Miss Price drew near and stood there angry; Miss Flint swooped down and spoke yet shriller; Andromache weighed down upon her, not quite speechless in her wrath. And as they wrangled o’er their problems, came another, stranger figure, one who passed but had no death bed. Some say ’twas Ophelia looking for her cue; others that it was a harpy with not one snake in her hair; perhaps a pupil driven distracted, or may be a budding donlet come to claim her “sixteen hours.” But why – that” little grain of humour?”
Well, well, it was all very perplexing, for my own part I remained where I was before; that is to say continued blowing out the twinkling row of footlights provided by the Stage Manager; and so rang down the curtain, remembering that there are some things in which we must be simple lest we err.
Now the candle is out and the play is over: we are all atoms you know, even Fifth-form actors.
N.B. – We were rather proud of those hand painted programmes.
And did you hear how much we took at the door?


It is with some pride that I call myself a “Smith.” Some may ask what reason I have to be proud of that unassuming name, but they would not ask if they were in my place, if they had had all the advantages and pleasures which accrue from being a student in Goldsmith’s College. From the very first I have felt at home within the immense building which bears that name; already the corridors, gymnasium, and, above all, the Great Hall have a share in my affections.
It is within the College that we spend the greater part of the day; we begin work at half-past nine and we finish at five o’clock. During these six-and-a-half hours we have six lectures, three in the morning and three in the afternoon, while we have an interval of two hours at mid-day. Of course, we have dinner then, but as we don’t take long over this we have plenty of time for hockey or basket ball or for a quiet hour in one of the armchairs in the Common Room.
Our College is particularly strong in its social life. We have Literary and Debating Society, a Choral Society, a Dramatic Society and several others. Men and women join to make the meetings of the Societies eminently enjoyable and exciting. It is no uncommon sight to see three hundred of us at a debate in the Lecture Hall.
Outside the College our life is very much like that we led at home. Especially is this the case with those of us who live in the Kent Hostel, which is so “homey,” that we call it home. The few rules are kept, and outside them we are left to judge for ourselves as to what we shall or shall not do.
Hockey is taken up here with great enthusiasm; we practise on Thursdays and play matches on Saturdays. The Kent Hostel is particularly strong in this direction, and you will be glad to hear that we always beat the Surrey Hostel and always mean to. “Invicta” is our cry.
Some of the girls do not join in the sports, they think that work is the only thing worth doing, but in my opinion such people miss much of the joy of College life by ignoring this one side of it.
I wish The Pharos every success, and I wish that its readers could hear our Great Hall ringing with the sound of more than four hundred voices singing “Smiths are we!”



I have been requested by the Editor to give an account of my life as a boy artificer in the Royal Navy. I, in company with another old County School Boy, obtained a berth here eighteen months ago. We are stationed at Chatham on H.M.S. Tenedos, the engineering depôt at Chatham, with about 230 other boy artificers and several supernumerary engineers. Boys are entered twice a year, at mid-summer by competitive examination, at Christmas by educational recommendation; by which method we entered. H.M.S. Tenedos is really an establishment consisting of three old ships lying in a dockyard basin, and some workshops. We live on what was the old Pembroke, a roofed in wooden hulk where is found accommodation for all the boys. On joining, new boys are served with hammocks, bedding and kit. The uniform is to be had as soon as the tailor has finished it. We sleep in hammocks on the main and lower decks, have a large mess room on the lower deck, and a gymnasium in the hold where we have half-an-hour a day at drill. There is a nice church on the quarterdeck for Church of England boys, where services are held on Sundays and some evenings. Another old ship is the residence of a ship’s company, who clean for us, wait in the mess room and help in the workshops. Another ship is used for workshops. There are two workshops ashore opposite the ships.
Four trades are taught: – Engine Fitter, Boiler Maker, Copper Smith and Engine Smith.
And now with regard to our routine: –
We turn out at 6.15 a.m., and wash and dress, etc., at 6.45 cocoa is served, and then to work from 7 till 8.30. Breakfast is at 8.45. Prayer’s at 9.30, and thence to work until 12.30. Dinner is at 1 p.m., then we go to work from 2 until 5.30. Tea at 5.45. Then two evenings a week boys go to School, four classes at a time. When not at School boys may go ashore. At School juniors learn Science, Mathematics; and seniors Machine Drawing, Steam Lectures and Electricity.
Football and cricket are much indulged in in their season; we run four teams at each game, and have a Recreation Field with four full sized football pitches. We won the Kent Junior Football Cup last season, but have lost it this.
Pay is received in the usual Navy way, i.e., on the top of the hat.
Three long holidays are allowed a year: – Easter, Midsummer and Christmas. Ascension Day and Ash Wednesday are also allowed.
Navy tobacco is served out after the age of eighteen.

H.M.S. Tenedos,


Scene 1: – The County School garden. Girls walking slowly up and down, frantically trying to learn from lesson books.
Time: – Before school on terminal day.
Third Former: – “Oh dear! (sighs) I know I shall fail in arithmetic, it’s no use trying.”
Fourth Former: – ” Yes, and if we have those equations, I’m done for. But the bell will go in a minute. Let’s learn for all we’re worth.”
They consult their books. Bell rings.

– : –

Scene 2: – Interior of School. Girls giving out papers. As the others receive them, they hastily read the questions and make signs of desperation or surprise to each other.
Teacher: – ” Does anyone wish to ask any questions? In five minutes none will be answered.”
Second Former: – ” I can’t quite understand the first word in the fifth line.”
Fifth Former: – ” Shall we use both sides of the paper, or only one?”
Numerous other questions asked and answered. Then silence. Scratching of pens.

– : –

Scene 3: – Cloakroom.
Time: – Next day at ” break.”
Third Formers (in chorus): – ” The French list’s up!”
A rush up the steps, and into class-room. They crowd in front of list, pushing and scrambling.
Chorus: – ” I’ve got 35 Fancy me being sixth! I know I ought to have had more that 23!” etc.
Enter Teacher.
Teacher: – ” What is all this noise about? You must not get so excited, or I shall take the list down.” Gloominess.

– : –

Scene 4: – Interior of School, Third Form room. Teacher gives out reports.
Girls (as they receive reports): – ” Oh! please do let us look at them for once.”
Teacher: – ” Certainly not. You must wait till you get home.” Bell rings. They go down to prayers.



Now prosper long our noble troop,
The champions of Dover,
We met one night on Stebbing Down,
Before the term was over.To guard a flag on “Pudding Hill”
Half of the heroes sped;
The rest, they waited to attack
By patrol-leader led.The hoar-frost hit with awful force
The defending heroes’ knees,
But they cover took behind the gorse,
And watched the dewdrops freeze.But soon those brave men one by one
Came creeping to the flag,
The corporal hugged the leader’s knees,
And their spirits began to drag.”It’s awful dark and awful cold,”
The patrol-leader said.
The heroes answered in return,
“We wish we were in bed.”Then from behind a gorse bush peeped
The attacking chief and forces,
But all they saw was a huddled heap
Of warriors’ lifeless corpses.But soon those corpses waked to life,
And loud the cry was heard,
“Oh, why so late begin the strife-?”
“You have not kept your word.”The veteran chief politely asked
If they wanted a feather bed,
Or would they prefer an eider-down.
Would a comforter do instead?The scouts marched back to their native clime.
And a mighty vow they swore
That without the sun and a stated time
They’d night attack no more.


It was a clear moonlight night, at the beginning of the ” Great Civil War,” when several dark figures could be seen on the beach below Dover Castle. As the bells of a Dover church struck midnight the figures, whose number was only eleven, noiselessly glided towards the cliff and cautiously commenced to climb it.
They were a small band of fellow-republicans of this town, who, headed by a merchant named Drake, had conceived the idea of earning glory on a small scale by seizing the Royal fortress of Dover Castle from the servants of the King, and being the first to hoist the parliamentarian flag on a Kentish fortress.
They quickly scaled the crag which overhung the sea and then went along the hollow between the Ashford Towers and the opposite hill till they found the easiest point for the use of their rope ladders. The Castle wall was quietly scaled, and the few guards who were on the ramparts were speedily overpowered. The warder at the gate of the Keep yard was suddenly surprised by some muffled figures who demanded admission in the name of Parliament, and a few minutes afterwards the whole of the garrison, which only consisted of about twenty men-at-arms, was overpowered and the “People’s Flag” waved gaily on the Keep in the early morning breeze.
Messengers were sent around the district, and soon all those who dared to bid defiance to the few loyal gentlemen of the country-side were mustered behind the Castle walls.
Led by Sir Richard Hales, the Crown troops, or rather volunteers, suddenly levied under a few countrymen, first secured the several lesser forts and batteries, and opened fire upon the Castle from the north. Their force and munitions of war, however, were quite unequal to the task before them, and after a few days they were obliged to evacuate their position on the approach of a Parliamentary army of sufficiently superior numbers. This ended the attempt to recover the ancient and Royal Castle for the King, and no more was ventured again. And so the daring act of Drake and his little hand of assailants accomplished that which had hitherto failed in any ordinary assault of was. It had twice cost the repulsed efforts of the Dauphin and his best French forces, and till this time no one had taken from these heights their rightful claim upon the boasted motto of their county, “INVICTA.”

C.A. O.


(Continued from the Christmas number.) (start)

Stourmont is in the heart of the Ardennes, and has the characteristic Ardenne scenery, low wooded hills, with a beautiful river valley. But when we arrived there that night, the prospect was not amusing for the only hotel, in fact the only house anywhere near, had a most unpromising outside, and the village was three miles away, and it was still raining ! However, as we had already proved, one must not judge a country inn in Belgium by its outside, and the inside of this one, though extremely bare was perfectly clean. The furniture of the rooms only consisted of the barest necessaries, and the beds had evidently been intended for a race of pigmies, for it took us all our time not to fall out of them.
When we got up next morning it was still raining, but we thought it a pity to go without seeing the village, so we set off for it after breakfast. The village is really only a hamlet, and quite ordinary; but the walk to it, winding up a hill with a fine view all the way of the valley beneath, was so beautiful that the rain did not spoil it. We did a great deal of walking in the rain that day, and when we got to Bastogne at night it required careful scheming and much borrowing to find sufficient dry clothing to appear in at supper at the hotel, which is of course one disadvantage of very limited luggage.
Bastogne is a straggling village, but like so many small unimportant villages in Belgium, it has a beautiful and elaborate church.
We went on to Rochfort chiefly to see the famous Grottos de Han, about four miles from the town. They are very wonderful caves, like those at Cheddar on a large scale, and they can be lit with electric light, so that their strange beauties can be clearly seen. It took two and a half hours to go through and the most weird experience of all was when we entered a boat and were rowed out of the caves in complete darkness until a gleam of light from the entrance could be seen. We were really very glad to see daylight again, and the day was so fine that it seemed a pity to spend it underground.
Dinant well deserves to be considered the Mecca of visitors to the Ardennes. We loved the Venice-like effect of the many buildings right on the edge of the river, and the queer narrow streets. It was market day the morning after we arrived, an open air market in the square in front of the Cathedral. We wandered through, and got mixed up with ducks, hens, pigeons and domestic animals of all sorts, which the vendors waved at us convinced that we wanted to buy their wares. Our landlord at Dinant was rather proud of being able to talk English, and we had to listen politely to him, and laugh when he was out of earshot. This is a specimen, when he was describing how we were to find some rocks near the river, ” Walk to the place where you can no further go, then fall on the river!”
It was a very hot afternoon when we left Dinant to go by steamer on the Meuse to Namur. So it was a deliciously lazy journey, amid beautiful river scenery, and it was enlivened by the singing of some Belgian school children.
We spent three days at Brussels, but we did not stay in the city. We lived at the queer little town of Alost, about half an hour away by the quick trains, and came to Brussels each morning. I can recommend this method of seeing Brussels when cheapness has to be considered, as of course the small towns provide accommodation at much less cost than the capital.
Before finishing I should like to describe the most interesting place we saw at Brussels, the house which used to be occupied by the Duchess of Richmond, and in which the famous ball took place on the eve of Waterloo. It is now a convent, and the nuns have a hospital for the sick poor. We had found out that visitors were admitted, so we presented ourselves at the door and explained that we had not come to visit the sick, but to see the historic rooms of the house.
The sister who answered the door led us to a small room, where we waited for some time, amusing ourselves by murmuring “There was a sound of revelry by night,” helping each other with the different verses. In the midst of this exercise another Sister entered, and she did not seem as if she were going to grant our request. At last, however, when we had nearly given up hope, she said she would show us the room if we would give five francs to the “pauvres malados,” and when we agreed to do so, she led us first to the former ball room, now used as a dining room by the nuns. It was quite easy to picture it on the famous night ; our only disappointment was that we could find no “windowed niche of that high hall ” where “Brunswick’s fated chieftain” could have sat. Then we saw the small room close by which was the Duke of Richmond’s study, and where serious consultations were held on the night of the ball. Next we were taken up a fine oak staircase to the Duchess’s room on the first floor, which was given up to the Duke of Wellington to write his dispatches in.
It was just as well that we knew exactly what we wanted to see, and where the rooms were, for our conductress did not seem to know much about things, and she spoke in a monotone with head bent down, so that it was difficult to follow what she said. I expect, as a French-woman, she did not share our enthusiasm over Wellington and Waterloo!


Tangier is a curious place, all the Moors are not exactly black, but brownish-black. There are Arabs also that are like the Moors, except for a cloth which is wrapt round a kind of cap with a tassel from the top. There is a Moor called a snake charmer, because he makes the snakes do tricks. One day a snake got loose while some Moors were watching and went after them and they were frightened, however, he was caught again. One day my sister and I were playing on the beach when she ran across the beach where a horse was galloping along and was knocked over, but she was not hurt. One day we all went on donkeys to a sardine factory. There were long carpets on rollers where all the men used to prepare the sardines and put them on the carpets, which kept on revolving, and when the sardines came to the end where the carpet went round the roller they used to drop in a basket and be carried to the places where they have to be tinned. There is a machine for putting the lids on the tins and sometimes there are pieces of tin round the machine after it has cut out the lids. It is sometimes dangerous to go bathing, for there are pieces of tin and glass on the sand under water.

N. H.


Leaving Southampton on the Wednesday, we arrive at Cherbourg the same evening, and on the morning of the thirteenth day out we drop anchor in the roadstead of Bridgetown, Barbadoes. On our way out, between England and Barbadoes, we see schools of porpoises leaping out of the water on every side.
From the ship the beauty of Barbadoes is seen to the full, affording a very pretty scene, with the palms and cocoanut trees fringing the shore. As soon as we drop anchor, hundreds of little niggers in little cockle-shell boats swarm around us and dive for coppers, keeping up an incessant cry of “Say-say-say-say-Sab!! ! A remarkable thing about these boys is the absolute whiteness of the soles of their feet, which show up very distinctly through the very transparent water. We take in coal here, and hundreds of nigger passengers, who, whilst on their way to the various ports, sing lively songs for hours.
Next morning we arrive at Port of Spain, Trinidad, which is also a very beautiful island. The short run between Barbadoes and Trinidad is the prettiest of the whole voyage, and is the subject of many snap-shotters as we glide between great green mountains and past hundreds of picturesque caves.
On this island is the celebrated pitch lake of La Brae, covering an area of about a hundred acres, and from which we get our pitch lake palm walking-stick.
Our next calls are Savanilla, Cartagena, and Colon, which are on the South American coast. The first-named is remarkable for its pier, which extends for four thousand feet.
The last-named is renowned for being the northern terminus of the Panama Canal, at which port we land hundreds of negroes and Spaniards, who are seeking work on the Canal.
A day or two after leaving the Isthmus of Panama, we arrive at Port Kingston, Jamaica, and have the consolation of knowing that Southampton is only 5,670 miles away.
From the ship the sight of the wonderful Blue Mountains is obtained.
Here again hundreds of little nigger boys swim round us, keeping up their peculiar cry of “Orl right, sirr,” in a very harsh voice. As soon as we reach the jetty we are crowded with niggers, nearly every one of whom is singing his own peculiar song.
Then comes the business of coaling and shipping fruit, principally bananas and oranges.
The tally-man, that is the nigger who counts each bunch of bananas as it comes up, sings monotonously “Banana one! – an dis one make banana two,” until he gets to “five,” at which he ends his little ditty with ” Tally! ” The coaling process is very interesting, for the coolies have to run about a hundred yards to fill the little baskets with coal, which they carry on their heads, and receive a halfpenny for each basket. At intervals along the wharf are overseers with huge whips in their hands to use on the coolies as a gentle reminder not to upset each other’s basket.
Right through the West Indies shoals of flying fish are seen all round us flying in silvery showers from the sides of the vessel for about ten yards or more.
The run up to New York is not very interesting, except when we get in the river, and no change of climate is felt until we arrive within two-days run of our destination. We “turn in” at night wet with perspiration and wake up next morning about two o’clock shivering with intense cold.
As we go up the river we see what the Americans call “eye-openers,” in the shape of the great Statue of Liberty on our left and huge buildings on our right, among which stands out prominently Singer’s Sewing Machine Building.
Around us shuffle and puff dozens of little tugs, which crowd round us and nose us into our position alongside the wharf.
We remain at New York for three days, then turn our bow round and have the consolation of knowing we are homeward hound, completing a trip of nine weeks, a distance of about 15,000 miles.

R.M.S.P. Clyde, 4051.


From the window as I write I can see them rising, range on range, as far as eye can reach. Those most distant look hazy as if a fine veil were draped around them. The sun shining upon them makes queer shadows; the cattle and sheep graze contentedly upon their sides; the whole seems peaceful and in quiet harmony.
Has it ever occurred to you that the hills may be full of life and movement, or sad and lonely, just according to the mood one is in? As I wander along the slopes some sunny afternoon, the air is quiet, yet full of small sounds. The sparrow twitters, the thrush sounds his roundelay, the blackbird trills his notes as if to drown his fellows’ songs.
Hark! what is that?
Up, up in the sky, a mere black speck against the blue, a lark is joyously carolling. He seems as though he will never tire; but no, the sound is stronger, he is descending. Down, down he comes, still singing, till he is quite close to the earth, then of a sudden he stops, and with one swift swoop is lost to sight among the grass.
I drop down upon a bank of soft grass, and lie there listening. No sounds of human beings are to be heard, only the wild and free of Nature’s children gambol in the sun and breeze. Suddenly my attention is caught by a faint sound, different from those I heard before.
“Chirrup, chirrup, chirrup,” I hear in the distance; the noise is taken up close to my ear, “Chirrup, chirrup, chirrup” it is the grasshopper.
Looking steadily on the ground, my eyes become accustomed to the varying shades, and I see dozens of little green forms hopping about, stopping now and again to make their peculiar song.
It would take too long to tell of half the beautiful and interesting things; the flowers, the butterflies, the myriad tiny insects and animals that creep and fly upon the hills ; the grasses, trees, and all the things which grow and flourish there.
We must remember that the hills are not always beautiful and bright. In rainy weather how dreary, dripping, and sodden they look. No grasshoppers chirrup, the birds have forgotten their songs, and the flowers are bending and weighted with the rain.
In the winter they are bare and desolate. No crops, no cattle, no sheep, no flowers. Only when the pure dazzling snow comes do they assume a more brilliant appearance, and then they appear cold and hard.
They are like some people; cheerful and full of song while there is sunshine, but dreary and silent during the time of storms.

O.M. S.


We hear of boys who collect stamps, coins, butterflies, or birds’ eggs, but how few “collectors” there are among girls. We all have autograph books and some collect postcards and that is about all we do in the way of “hobbies.” Why is this ? Certainly not because there is nothing left to collect or study! We who have lived in Dover the greater part of our lives know the curves of the surrounding hills almost by heart, but they are something more than mere ” curves.” Among the grass on those “barren” slopes and hidden in the woods which clothe the hill-sides in many places there is the wonder of the “ordinary” things, which I may venture to say we know practically nothing about. Take for instance the most obvious thing in a wood – the trees. There is rough and smooth, polished and dull bark, sterns that grow straight as a dart and others that curl and twist themselves into strange designs. There are thin buds and fat buds, brown buds and black buds. An infinite variety of form and colour. We cannot “collect” trees, but we can collect buds, bark and branches. It is a most interesting study to grow tree seedlings, most fascinating to see them burst their brown covering and unwrap their twin cotyledons in the sunshine. But trees are not the only wonders of the woodland, there is a great variety of moss, the velvety dress of old tree-trunks, the golden covering of loose flints in damp places, and the masses of fern-like moss which grow in shady ditches. Moss collecting is also a very interesting hobby. There are many other things too numerous to be mentioned growing in the woods and on the grass lands; fungi of all kinds, flowering grasses and plants that creep and cling and climb. They all wait to be studied and collected, and surely it would not be waste of time to learn a little more about them and spend a half-holiday sometimes ” where Nature’s heart beats strong amid the hills.”

C. B.


Before starting on the actual cutting of the article in hand, it is as well to study the pattern for a few minutes, as some are rather complicated. Know well where every joint is going to fit, and how the article is going to turn out generally.
PUTTING ON THE PATTERN. – Some prefer to put the original pattern straight on the wood, others to trace the pattern on to another piece of paper, or straight on to the wood. This can easily be done with a piece of carbon paper. When sticking on the pattern, do not use glue, but fine gum or flour paste.
DRILLING. – When drilling, do not drill over the cutting table, for, if the wood slips and the cutting table is steel or iron, the hit will probably strike against it and blunt. Lay the wood on another piece about an inch thick and then proceed to drill.
CUTTING. – On cutting, hold the handle of the saw frame firmly and do not let it wobble, as this makes an uneven cut. Incline the saw frame slightly towards you. This ensures a perfectly clean and even cut.
REMOVING THE PATTERN. – After the article has been carefully cut out, it is time to remove the pattern. Do not soak the wood in water and scrape it off, but rub hard with very coarse sand-paper, until the pattern is entirely removed.
FINISHING. Go over the whole article carefully with fine sand-paper and fretwork files, particularly in and out of the ornamental holes of the article. Then carefully stick together the joints with glue. In the case of a bracket, the joints may he left out, and hinges used. It is quite a matter of taste whether the article is then polished, stained or left plain.



Blackbird. – Very common. Perfectly black, with an orange colour beak. Hen bird, dark grey. When startled it flies away with a descending cry of alarm. Sings with a deep throated note. Builds in the same position as thrush.
Song Thrush. – Very common. Dark, rusty brown back ; dark straw coloured front, speckled with greyish brown ; sings higher than a blackbird. Builds in thick hedges, especially holly bushes.
Missle Thrush. – Much larger than song thrush ; does not sing, but makes a noise, not unlike a house sparrow. Builds at the fork of branches in large trees.
House Sparrow. – Very common. Dark, rusty back; dirty white front. May be seen quarrelling on roofs. Builds in gutter pipes and roofs. Tom bird has a black head.
Tree Sparrow-Common. – More evenly coloured; builds in large bushy trees.
Hedge Sparrow. – Common. Darker than other sparrows and feathers more compressed; builds in short thick hedges.
Crow. – Much larger than blackbird; long greyish beak; builds in very tall trees; generally flies in pairs.
Rook. – Same as crow ; beak rather sharper and blacker; feeds in fields and flies in flock.
Jackdaw. – Smaller than rook. Very common ; neck is whitish grey, with a ring of black on top of head. Chiefly inhabits cliffs; builds in crannies and rotten trees.
Magpie. – Same size as a jackdaw. Common. White underneath and on shoulder; very artful; builds in high trees.
Starling. – Smaller than blackbird; bluish black spotted with white. Whistles; builds in high holes and corners.
Yellow Hammer or Bunting. – Common. Dirty yellow front ; dark brown back with feathers tipped with white, with yellow down between. Flits along the road in front of any one; builds on ground or in low bushes; not a very good singer.
Skylark. – Very common. Sings continuously in the air; flies with a dipping flitter. Grey back, speckled brown front, dirty white underneath. Distinguished by the long claw of hind toe. Builds on ground.
Bullfinch. – Not common. Male has black head with dark red front; hen, greyish brown; short neck and beak; builds in thickets; good singer.
Jenny Wren. – Common. Smaller than sparrow ; dark variable brown; hops about looking for insects ; very tame; builds in thatching.
Willow Wren. – Not common. Larger than Jenny Wren; plain dark grey back; dirty straw colour front; builds in tall hedges.
Golden Crested Wren. – Rare. Smallest British bird greyish yellow bird, back rather darker. Tom has bright golden red crest; hen’s crest not so bright; builds in fir plantations.
Robin. – Common. Tom generally distinguished by dark brown back and red breast; not always. Hen like Jenny Wren, but larger. Good singer; builds in ivy and holes.
Partridge. – Common. Bigger than a bantam ; variable brown; small head and short tail, and wings which causes a peculiar creaking sound when flying; builds on the ground.
Pheasant. – Not common. Larger than partridge. Tom bird very gorgeous, with long tail ; hen not unlike a partridge ; builds on ground.
Wood Pigeon. – Common. Same as ordinary tame rock pigeons; builds in large thick bushy trees.
Moorhen. – Common. Smaller than partridge; dark brown back; dark grey front; lower tail white; builds near lakes. Many may be seen at Water’s End with wild ducks.
Wild Duck. – Common. Hen like a grey domestic duck. Drake very pretty bird and may be distinguished by end feather of its tail being curled.



I am a white rat, with pink eyes, a pretty nose, and a very long tail. This episode which I am now going to tell you of remains as clear in my memory as if it had happened an hour ago. It is the memory of my first and, it is to be hoped, last wash. The real cause of it was that I was a little too fond of going to sleep in my mistress’s stove-cleaning box and blacking myself with stove polish. So one day my mistress, thinking I was blacker than usual resolved to wash me. Acting on the spur of the moment she put me in a tub six times bigger than myself, poured in some hot water and commenced scrubbing at my black fur. This was the most terrifying moment in the whole process. I kicked and squeaked till I was exhausted, but in vain, the more I kicked and squeaked the more tightly I was held. After the first few moments my terror somewhat abated, and when I was taken out and partially dried I was quite myself though rather weak and shaky. Then I was taken into the dining room and laid in front of the fire wrapped in flannel, the pet and admiration of everybody. This certainly was some consolation, but, for myself, I prefer to avoid blacklead and blacklead brushes for the future. What do you say, little readers?

M. M.


As a matter of fact his name was Theophilus Victor Adolphus, but this was used only by his mother in her sterner moments. The island knew him as “Oppie.” His eyes and teeth gleamed from a visage of utter blackness, and he was famed for a disinclination to book-learning, and an ability beyond his years at swimming, diving, boat-sailing, rowing and sculling, besides other things of which we may hear more. Let it be also regretfully chronicled that at the age of ten years he could chew a “quid” of twist tobacco with as much enjoyment as the oldest mariner.
Now you must hear something of the twins. These were Dick and Bob. Their father was the Resident Justice of the Island – commonly known as the Magistrate. His fame on the bench was as nothing beside his prowess at cricket, for he had played once or twice for his county at home, and was still a terror to the island bowlers. He had pegged down a matting pitch in the small piece of ground on which his house stood, and there was net practice any afternoon for whoever cared to turn up. Dick and Bob were as keen as anyone, and made it their business to unearth fresh talent.
One day the twins were in the blues. Cricket was languishing. No one had got the “Dad’s” wicket at the nets for over a fortnight. The batting was suffering too from the weakness of the bowling. The yearly match with the team from the capital was nearly due, and some pretty useful bats were expected. These things were discussed at length.
Then Dick saw Oppie and a story he had heard crossed his mind.
“Hullo, Oppie!” he called. A flash of teeth and eyes was the only reply. Oppie was evidently out on business. “Say, Oppie!” called Dick again, and the black boy came slowly across. “Can you bowl?” was the first question, answered by a broader flash of white; Oppie was sparing of words.
“Well,” said Dick, ” I hear you bowled Big Jim three balls out of six up in the grove last week.” Big Jim was the island terror – a six foot nigger and a fearful slogger when in form. Oppie was tempted into words. “Then he git mad and come at me wid a stump,” he said with a grin. There was a pause. The boys chuckled as they remembered the sequel. “How did you get away,” said Bob. Oppie’s smile became amazing. “Ran on de wharf,” he said, “and jumped in de sea. Big Jim scared he might come clean if he jump in after me.”
“Well,” said one of the boys, when they recovered breath, “come up to the house to-morrow, and give us a few balls.” Oppie’s nod settled the business, and he strolled away.
This was the true beginning of Oppie’s emergence from obscurity. Of the results of this, and of his first public appearance you shall bear more later on. (continue)


The cannibal came from the glorious east;
He look’d around for his usual feast,
But the only thing that he could spy
Was a one-legged man without an eye.To the one-legged man, “Come here,” quoth he,
(A learnèd savage he was, you see),
“I’ll show you how I use my skill
On things that to look at make me ill.”With this he advanced towards the man,
Looking as only a cannibal can.
The man, he fled o’er hill and dale,
The cannibal followed, so ends my tale.



Some years ago my parents lived just outside the famous city of Cawnpore. While here they had a terrier pup given them. Bob, for that was his name, was very much attached to mother, for she made a great pet of him. He was always delighted to accompany her on her morning walks. Sometimes the little beggar would go into the bedroom and thrust a shoe into mother’s face, as much as to say “Get up and come for our walk.”
One day some other dogs came to live there, and Bob was not long in making friends with a big ugly bull dog and two little dogs. As soon as mother was nearly ready to go out he would rush off and call his three chums and they would accompany her. Bob would always have a good game with the little dogs, but the bull dog would solemnly stay beside mother as if he thought that it was his duty to guard her from all harm.



One day when the weather turned out to be fine, my brother planned to go out with his new (circus) horse. It so happened that he went out before we got home from school. The stableman was very nice, and so we went out to see how he had got on. He said “Very nicely so far as he could see.” But when Tom came home it was quite different. To begin with, as soon as he was in the centre of the town he met a man with a barrel organ. The circus horse calmly stood on its back legs and started dancing. Tom fell off, much to the laughter of the people. As he was going down on the banks of the River Dour he met a man who was fishing for “Dover soles.” A stool was by his side. The horse seeing it jumped upon it, kicking the man into the water. He was drowned of course.
After all, it was a novel ride. On behalf of Tom, he was not so well pleased as those who saw him.



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Old Pharosians