The Old Pharosians’ Association is keen to move forward and work more actively with the school. This will include raising more funds and using them to help the school in any way we can.
As a charity we are reliant on donations to help with our objective; to advance the education of the pupils in the School.
We encourage members to donate annually but we are also happy to receive ad hoc donations.
An online Membership application form can be found in the menu if you would like to receive our newsletters.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to make an ad hoc donation, the Old Pharosians’ Association’s bank details are as follows:-Sort code: 30-93-34 Account number: 01991864 IBAN: GB44 LOYD 3093 3401 9918 64 BIC: LOYDGB21109
Alternatively, if you would like to make a regular donation you may use our online Donation form.
We hope this will mean that Old Pharosians can give as much as they would like to help us work actively with the school.
Any donations will be gratefully received and will help us with our work.
Finally, to boost our income, we would like to claim Gift Aid from HMRC on as many of the donations that we can. Gift Aid means the association can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated and this will not cost you any extra (apart from the postage!). A Gift Aid declaration form is is available that you can print off, fill in and send to the Treasurer. The form does not need to be completed for every donation, it is a one-off form and will cover all of your donations.
Thank you for your kind donations to date and we hope you will continue to help us in the future.
Leaving a gift in your Will to The Old Pharosians’ Association is a promise to be there for the School in the future.
If you would like to leave a gift in your Will to the charity, we recommend you consult a solicitor who can advise on wording to ensure that your wishes are carried out exactly as you want them to be.