The pictures contain “HOT SPOTS”. Details of each person in the photograph will be found by running the cursor over the faces. If you should know any details of any people shown in the photographs, we would be very happy to hear from you.
N.B. Names are not yet sorted in order.
Headteacher Reg Colman
Ian Bird
Nigel Horne
Maurace Smith
May Parfitte
Paul Skelton
Dave Murray
Richard Sewell
Charles Benson
Danielle Middleton
Alan French
Cheryl Woods
Dave Judson
Jim Goldthorpe
Kelvin Carter
Graham Lodder
Brian Haines
Roger Gabriel
Mick Thomas
Alan Jackson
Dave Benjamin
Pete Jennings
Steve Callacher
Maria Clarke
Don Page
Alan Rogers
Sue Mira
Malcolm Grant
Dick Hoern
Nicol Gaye
Ian Burgess
Gill Saville
Julie Lyddon
Pete Chatfield
John Ellis
Adrian Boynton
Tony Manners
Clive Fieldwick
Gordon Jolliffe
Kevin Raine
Steve Bailey
???? Bailey
Ian Philpott
Kate Curtis
Angela Elliott
Dave Best
Danny Miller
Please contact the webmaster using the form on the Contact Us page, stating the page address and title. Details of pupils will be added or amended as we receive them.