OPA Newsletter February 1978
New Series No. 33
February 1978
A. E. COULSON, Esq., A.R.C.Sc., B.Sc., M.B.C.S., F.I.M.A
C. J. Henry, Esq., Lachine, Byllan Road, River, Dover. (Kearsney 3764)
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury.
E. H. Baker, Esq., 24 Downs Road, Maidstone.
I would like to send my greetings to all Old Boys, especially to those who are unable because of distance or commitments to join us in Dover at our social events. Lester Borley, last year’s President, hopes to arrange some social event in Londonthis could be a buffet lunch, a dinner or possibly a ploughman’s lunch in a suitable hostelry (“Dover Castle” in Weymouth Street has been suggested, not far from Oxford Circus).
While all schools like to remember those of its Old Boys who have made great achievements or become famous, I feel we should always remember the hundreds of our Old Boys who have become good solid citizens serving their communities here or overseas. We hope these men reflect the quality of the education they received here at Dover. Over the years we have had news of those who have become magistrates, governors of schools, youth leaders or community leaders in many areas. These News Letters have recorded news of many such men and all past copies of the Letter are held at the School if you wish to trace old friends.
Our School has been fortunate in the Headmasters who have served it so well and in their own ways have all continued the tradition of training good solid citizens.
One of the great events of the past year was the dinner held in the Castle on 16th July, followed by a performance of “Son et Lumière”. About 150 Old Pharosians and friends attended and two Old Boys who made an appearance after 40 years were much surprised to be recognised! I would like to thank Bernard Harrison, the retiring Secretary, for untiring efforts in organising these happy events, including the Annual Dinner in September.
The production of the News Letter over the past ten years owes much to Ted Baker-one Old Boy says they are one of the best things done by the O.P.sbut they depend on a constant flow of news from you.
Arch. Coulson.
Louis Watt (1928-39) son of our much respected French Master in the 20’s and 30’s, is our Vice President. He is Headmaster of Tollington Park Comp. School, with a roll of 1000 boys and girls who speak 24 mother tongues.
Will all members please note the change on Page 1 of the name and address of the Hon. Secretary.
B. A Harrison has been co-opted to the Committee.
The Editor would like to hear from anyone who can supply current addresses of:B. Sanders (1948-56); P. Wrightson (1968-75); A. J. Baker (1952-7); P. J. Barraclough (1949-50); R. H. Arnold (1937-44); A. J. Hall (1953-8); P. A Hall (1942-50); C. Marsh (1948-55); W. A. Moore (1951-9); J. R. Cook (1952-5); G. F. Medhurst (1947-51); A. A Malais (1950-1); A. J. W. Webber (1942-50); A W. Levenden.
We congratulate the following 1966-73 Old Boys on the award of B.Tech. degrees at Brunel University, Tony Stennett (Computer Science), Trevor Hutley (Polymer Technology), Nigel Gore (Metallurgy).
We were pleased to hear that Ken Ruffell made a speedy recovery from injuries in a recent car accident, but regret the damage to his car was extensive. He says “I’ve an additional furrow to my brow”.
We congratulate Marcus Longley, Head Prefect, on the award of an exhibition in History at St. John’s Oxford.
The following changes of address have been received:
Brig; W. M. E. White Dolphins, Jerbourg, Guernsey, C.I.
Sir J. W. Menter 1 The Pierhead, Wapping High Street, London E.1.
A. G. Gooding (1905-9) 7 Blacksmiths Hill, S. Croydon.
P. G. H. Ewer (1932-8) 129 Burgess Road, Bassett, Southampton.
R. A. Back (1949-55) 37 Cranfield Crescent, Cuffey, Potters Bar, Herts.
R. D. Knott (1943-50) 5 The Mount, Howe Green, Sandon, Chelmsford, Essex.
E. W. Castle (1936-41) 5 Cranbourne Walk, Canterbury.
Reserve the date nowsee separate item in this issue.
Miss Rookwood is still in Haine Hospital, Ramsgate. Recent letters received have been written for her.
She still derives much pleasure from the visits of Old Boys.
Mark Smith, a Sixth form boy taking his Cambridge Exams, is an active member of the Dover Lifeboat crew.
The Annual Cricket match with the School will be played on Saturday, 15th July, 1978, and the Soccer Match on Saturday, 16th September, 1978, commencing at 2.30 p.m. If you wish to play in either game, please contact Ken Ruffell at the School as soon as possible.
We regret to record the death of Robert WICKS (1961-7) in a road accident in Beirut on 18th November, 1977. He was a member of the British Diplomatic Service and had previously served in Zaire and West Germany. He leaves a widow and one daughter.
Your support is requested at the School Spring Fair on Saturday, 29th April.
The School Play “The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew” was presented in December. The production was imaginative and artistic.
Jack Dixon, P.E. (1938-40) and Maths (1952-5) Master at the School has received an honorary doctorate at Cologne Sports University. He is the first non-German to receive the award.
This Annual event will be at the School on Saturday, 20th May, 1978. Sherry will be served in the Hall at 7 p.m., followed by dinner at 7.30 sharp in the dining-hall, after which we return upstairs for dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dress is optional and the band of musicians from the Royal Marines is called “Something New”.
Tickets cost £3.50 each, inclusive of sherry, and for those who do not wish to have dinner the price is £1.50.
Bookings open on March 20th and your applications, with remittance, should be addressed to Ken Ruffell at the School. Tables for your party can be reserved beside the dance floor and in the dining-hall.
This Ball is organised jointly by the School, Parents and Old Boys. Only two hundred tickets are printed so early application is recommended.
In view of the successful day in 1977 it is proposed to follow the same format for 1978. The A.G.M. will be held at the School at 11.30 a.m. and Coffee will be provided from 11 to 11.30.
The Annual Re-Union Dinner will be at 7.30 p.m. at the School. Wives/girl friends are always very welcome.
The Annual Soccer Match with the School will be at 2.30 p.m. on the Lower Playing-field.
BOOK the date now. SATURDAY, 16th SEPTEMBER, 1978. Further details in our July issue.
It has been suggested that Old Boys and their friends might like to get together and form a party for a day trip to France on a Saturday early in June 1978. Fare for adults approx. £8 each. If you are interested, will you please contact the HON. SECRETARY before 1st APRIL, 1978 together with any observations you may have regarding:
- the provision of a party meal.
- whether you would wish to make arrangements for your own refreshments.
An active supporter of the Association for fifty years has invested a sum of money to produce funds for boys to travel or in other ways further their study of Geography in the School.
The anonymous donor wishes the award to be a memorial to Mr. W. H. Darby who taught him the subject and encouraged him to follow a university course.
The cost of producing and despatching the two copies of the News Letter annually to members is approx. 50p per member. The A.G.M. considered that if the present subscription was maintained the Association would soon be ‘in the red’. It was, therefore, decided to increase subscriptions from 1st August, 1978 as follows:
School Leavers 50p
Others £1 per annum.
Life membership £10.
The Hon. Treasurer will be grateful if those members who pay by Banker’s Order will arrange for the necessary adjustment to be made with their bank prior to 1st August, 1978. The Association’s Account No. 0143968, Lloyds Bank, Market Square, Dover.
It was reported that many long-standing Life members (in view of the modest sum paid in years gone by) have sent a generous donation to the Funds to assist us m meeting the increased expenditure. The suggestion was made from the ‘floor’ that there might be other senior Life members who might now feel able to assist the Association in this way.
Robert R. G. HAY (1918-19) 41 Somerset Road, Dartford, visited Rookie in Hospital and recalled days when she taught him in Ladywell. He became a teacher on leaving School and until he retired 11 years ago, he was for many years a headmaster at Dartford.
Capt. J. W. HOWGEGO, O.B.E. (1920-2) passed away on 12th July, 1977 in Edinburgh.
Hubert W. SHERRED (1926-30) formerly of Norman Street died suddenly on 28th June, 1977 aged 63 years.
David R. E. PHILPOTT (1947-54) is Deputy Head of Grange Comp. School, Bristol.
Andrew MUMMERY (1967-74) obtained B.A.Hons. Degree in Geography at London and is now at Bath College of Higher Education.
Robert WILKIE (1965-72) has passed the final exam of the Royal Inst. of Chartered Surveyors. His brother, William (1957-64) is also a chartered surveyor with Worsfolds, Canterbury.
John MOUNT (1961-3) has been awarded a Master of Science degree in clinical biochemistry at London. He is senior biochemist at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London and a visiting lecturer at Paddington College.
David JONES (1967-74) obtained a B.A.Hons. degree in History at the University of Wales, Cardiff.
P. GARNER (1968-75) 42 Coxhill Gardens, Dover, worked for a year with a Snargate Street transport firm where he met Ken Day, Barrie Tomlin, Chris Barling, Doug Greig and Colin Marsh. Since September, 1976 he has been studying Law at Sheffield University.
William E. COLLARD (1941-7) is General Operations Manager Ford Motor Co. assembly in Dagenham, Belgium and Spain. He recently moved to Fohrenweg 16, 5063 Overath Heilgenhaus, West Germany.
Rev. John A. MAKEY (1945-52) served with the Methodist Missionary Society (1959-69) in British Honduras. Now Methodist Minister of the Tonbridge Circuit.
R. W. PAKE (1969-75) is a trainee manager with Woolworths, Maidstone.
Trevor W. PEARCE (1968-75) is a member of the Kent Police stationed at Sheerness. In 1975 he represented Great Britain at the International Air Cadet Exchange in America.
Brian ROBB (1943-8) a works study officer with Seeboard, has published a book of poetry “And Time Stood Still” price 75p.
Alan BUCKMAN (1966-73) has been awarded a B.Sc. Hons. degree in physics at Bath. He is joining Avro’s to do research and development work.
Stephen MITCHELL (1967-74) obtained a B.A.Hons. degree in comparative American studies at Warwick and plans to become a chartered accountant.
Fred PRUE (1952-60) is now Headmaster of a school at Stanford-in-the-Vale, Oxfordshire.
J. S. MASLEN (1946-52) is a chief engineer with British Rail ships at Dover and has a son at the School.
Peter SHERRED (1935-40) called at the School in October. He is executive Vice-President of the ARCO publishing company in New York.
Andrew BRODIE (1964-8) has been working in Social Services at Deal. He has travelled whenever he can both in Europe and America. He is applying for a university course in this country.
Michael NORTHCUTT (1949-57) has been elected a Fellow of the Inst. of Mech. Engineers and is technical director of a Tewkesbury firm specialising in aircraft bearings. He recently gained his B.A. in civil engineering at Open University. His brother Roger teaches at Canterbury.
Bernard CARPENTER (1933-8) called at the School in November. He was a flying instructor in Rhodesia during the War. Afterwards he trained as a quantity surveyor, but is now happily employed as a bricklayer and is active in Trades Union work in Lewes.
L. G. DUNFORD (1947-53) is now one of the many Old Boys who have sons at the School. He is an Estate Agent in Deal.
Roger PACKMAN (1953-58) is a Lieut. R.N. He is married with a small daughter and lives at Portsmouth when not at sea.
William HUTCHISON (1954-61) is a Lieut. Commander R.N. and a helicopter pilot. His wife and two children live at Stubbington.
David JOHNSON (1957-65) visited the School. He is with a metallurgic firm and lives at Ladbroke Grove, West London. He still plays the clarinet and has broadcast in a programme “Folkweave”.
Gary LLOYD REES (REED) (1967-74) gained his B.Sc. at the Royal Holloway College, London and is a trainee actuary with Pearl Assurance Co.
Chris JONES (1970-77) gained a £1225 Elect. Board Scholarship for an electrical engineering course at Loughborough.
Terence ELLENDER (1945-50) a Flight Sgt. in the R.A.F. has been awarded the B.E.M. for devotion to duty. He is married with three children.
Philip SCRIVENER (1966-73) has left the “Dover Express” to join the “Sheffield Star”. He has been a prominent member of voluntary organisations in Dover.
Oliver SANSUM (1966-73) 26A Gregories Road, Beaconsfield, Bucks, is now a fully qualified optician and the Manager of a practice owned by S. H. Harrold Ltd. at Hayes, Middlesex.
Alan BUCKMAN (1966-73) is an Engineer with Avo Ltd. He has supplied Peter Wrightson’s address 1 West Nooks, Towthorpe Road, Haxby, York.
N. J. DUNKLEY (1961-66) called at the School. He took his degree at Manchester and now teaches A level History in a 2000 strong Doncaster Comprehensive School.
Brigadier R. L. (Bill) BAILEY (1955-7) 23 Base Workshops, Germany, was visited by the School Cadet Corps during the Summer vacation.
Derek ALMOND (1947-51) is chief technician in the Dept. of Geology and Geography, City of London Polytechnic.
Mark HAMILTON (1966-70) has gained B.A.Hons. degree in Geography at London University.
Brian STEVENSON (1963-6) has been awarded a commission in the R.A.F. as a Flying Officer in the P.E. Branch. On leaving School he studied advanced P.E. at Avery Hill College, and later taught at St. Edmunds, Dover and Cathay High School, Cardiff.
Michael TRITTON (1956-63) after obtaining a French and German Honours degree at Keele, taught in a Colchester Comp. School for two years. Since 1970 he has been teaching English at Colmar Polytechnic, France, and has obtained French qualifications to teach at University level.
Stephen WINTER (1963-70) obtained a B.Sc. degree at Southampton and recently gained his M.A. from Exeter University. He is now working as an educational psychologist in Cleveland, Ohio.
A visitor to “Rook” enquired ‘What pleasures remain for you?’ and she replied ‘Happy Memories’.
This is most appropriate to 1977 for many O.P.s How pleasing it has been to meet at our functions friends one had not seen for many a year, who had made the effort to be present:to name a few Jack Ewell (Cowes), Bill Collard (Brentwood), Bill Ratcliffe (Paris), Hugh Newman (Sidmouth), Reg Pelham (Midhurst), Ivor Weekes (Loose), Dick Standen (Strood), Louis Watt (London), Denis Gibb (Chessington) with whom to re-live ‘Happy Memories’ covering half a century; also to meet stalwarts like Norman Sutton, George Plater and John Morecroft at the A.G.M. Memories will remain of Lester Barley and Terry Sutton coming straight from the boat to be with us; of Arch Coulson and Ken Ruffell who have served their entire teaching career at the school (a record, few in the profession achieve); and the willingness with which offers were made to ensure that pedestrians were driven to and from the School. These are happy memories that will be cherished for many a year to come, just as “Rook” does her years at D.G.S. and the boys she knew so well.
The attendance at the A.G.M. in the H.M’s Room at 11.30 a.m. 17th September was gratifying, the President and 28 members representative of all decades of the School’s life. Several apologies were received including “Rook” and Doug Sanders. The Rev. W. Kemp presented the accounts and referred to the decline in the credit balance to £114 at 31st July. Bernard Harrison gave his last report as Hon. Secretary and was suitably thanked for his services in a post few wish to fill. Lester Borley gave a brief resume of his year as President, one he can view with pride after his endeavours to engender new life in the Association and increased interest in the School. Arch Coulson was elected President, Louis Watt Vice-President, Colin Henry Hon. Secretary, Bob Winter and Philip Harding to the Committee for 3 years and Ian Pascall for one year. David Gunn was thanked for his services for many years on the Committee.
The Soccer Match with the School in the afternoon before a reasonable number of spectators was a better contest than usual, the School eventually winning 32. Old Boys XI:David Palmer, John Barrett, John Pay, Peter Liddell, Ian Blaskett, Russell Friend, Mick Palmer, Philip Smith, Nigel Hopkinson, Chris King. RefereePhilip Harding.
The gathering of 52 in the Staff Room (Former Library) at 7.30 for the Dinner proved that the late decision to transfer the function from Canterbury to the School was a success. Many pleasant nostalgic memories were exchanged at the bar before and after the meal, which included the wine, was excellent and well served. The President proposed the “School” and said that in addition to those who had carved a brilliant career for themselves, the School would always be proud of that solid core of Old Boys who, although not bestowed with honours, have contributed so much in a quiet and efficient way in many walks of life to the success of our country. A pleasant evening, for even at 10.30 many were reluctant to depart from the School to which they owe the basic start in life on which all the success they have attained was founded.
It is not the wish of the News Letter to become involved in controversial or political matters, but the question of the appointment of School Governors is one in which all Old Pharosians should be interested, especially as it is likely to come to the fore in the near future.
For many years your Committee has pressed for the appointment of Old Boys to the Governing Body with only partial success. It is to be hoped that all Old Boys, Staff and Parents will support to the utmost any proposals to ensure that appointments are not made for political reasons, but rather that they are people who have a real interest in, and a full knowledge of the School they govern.
If an Old Boy can be an asset to the School as a Governor and he is willing to give the time, then he should be given the opportunity to serve the School, and residence in the School’s catchment area should not be essential.
Surely the greatest progress will be made in Education when it is divorced entirely from the political arena, both locally and nationally.
The newly appointed Governing Body, which serves both the Boys’ and the Girls’ Grammar Schools, still contains two Old Pharosians, Peter Mee and Denis Weaver who is vice-chairman.
(The committee have requested the Headmaster to forward the gist of this item to the Education AuthoritiesEditor).
To the older generation this event was Speech Day, Prize Giving plus a superb musical entertainment. The Headmaster gave an address (report) without a single noteHow pleased his Secretary must be that it does not have to be typed and re-typed nine or ten times!
The musical items, choral and orchestral, under the enthusiastic direction of Adrian Boynton maintained the high standards set over the years by H. J. Taylor, Sidney Willis and Kenneth Best.
Major General Lloyd Howell, Director of Army Education, addressed the assembly and Mrs. Lloyd Howell graciously presented the prizes.
It was pleasing to note the improved standard of the boys’ dress and tone compared with a few years ago. The programme provided ample evidence of the ever growing number of extra-school activities and the increase in scholastic successes achieved.
With the Headmaster so ably leading a competent and enthusiastic staff, even the sternest critic can rest assured that the School is now set on the right course.
This visit, primarily due to the enterprise of our President, was eminently successful and drew Old Pharosians from a wide area. The gathering for drinks between 8 and 9 p.m. was immensely congested and good humoured. The restaurant was packed to its capacity by the O.P. party. The meal was adequate but limited by the modest facilities of a mediaeval aircraft hangar.
The performance of Son et Lumière was most impressive, as splendid a history lesson as Dover could provide, beautifully illuminated and spokena truly memorable presentation.
(It is pleasing to report many letters of appreciation receivedEd).
CRICKET, 16th JULY, 1977
The School batted first, which is unusual, and by some enterprising play scored 135. Hudson and Aslett batted well for the Old Boys, but good fielding by the School contained the O.B.s to 133 for 9 and so the match resulted in the not unusual draw. Old Boys XI:Jack Kremeer (Capt.), John Booth, David Hudson, Nigel Hopkinson, Derek Aslett, Robert Eade, Dick Gretton, Kevin Redsull, Mark Wenborn, Bill Ratcliffe and Malcolm Grant. Umpires were those veterans William Kemp and Ken Ruffell.
Colin Henry, Maurice Sayers and Bernard Harrison arranged to open the bar in Crabble pavilion of Friday 16th December. Their wives very kindly provided hot food. The first round of drinks was on the house and about thirty young men came along fresh from their first term at College or their first few months in the great world of employment. Their conversation flowed cheerfully and the evening proved worth wile and enjoyable for those on both sides of the bar.
Again the Charlton Church was filled to overflowing, such is the reputation in Dover of this observance of the spirit of Christmas.
The Choir showed again their strength and versatility under the direction of Mr. Boynton.
The familiar lessons were read from the Authorised Version. Our President read one of the lessons and it was pleasing to see many of the younger Old Pharosians present.
Can anyone please supply information regarding Leslie Edward ARTER (1916-19)? Also W. H. G. COSTELLO (1909-15)possibly a Brigadier who died in 1977. Also a recent item in a Journal stated that Paul England, died 26th October, 1977, aged 72, interred at Eythorne, was an Old Boy of Dover Grammar School. He was a “remarkable showman and helped the career of Winifred Atwell.” The School has no information regarding him. Any news regarding these three sent to the Editor will be appreciated.
E. H. Baker.
M. H. FORD (1946-53) 7 Cherimoya Gardens, Hurst Park, West Molesey, returned from Kenya, graduated in Civil Engineering, and joined the Met. Water Board as a chartered engineer. He is now Resident Engineer (Distribution) for a large part of London including the West End, City and Royal Palaces.
Jonathan AYLEN (1962-9) lives in Eccles, Lancs. A lecturer at Salford University, he has been involved in the writing of two Parliamentary reports on the British Steel Corporation published in the New Year.
Bob WINTER (1934-41) Chairman on Dover Charities Knock-out Cricket Competition was recently awarded the Bill Tomlin Trophy for services to local cricket.
Keith MIDDLETON (1962-9) went to Qatar in 1976 as Resident Engineer on an extension to a fertilizer plant. In August 1977 he returned by car to England in 87 days, visiting 12 countries en route, keeping a daily log and taking 700 photographs. Now seeks a post in S. America.
Richard COUCHMAN (1958-63) a Major, Royal Signals, is on a lecture tour of Universities. He lives at Wantage with his wife and two children.