OPA Newsletter February 1969
New Series No. 15
February 1969
President: T. E. ARCHER, Esq.
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury, Kent
Thanks are due to Miss Rookwood, Mr. Home and Mr.
Ruffell for their willing and prompt assistance in providing material regarding Old Boys. They will always welcome news from YOU and ensure that it is forwarded to the Editor.
You will be happy to know that O.M.R. still writes in her firm well-known, well-loved style.
The addresses of many former members of the Staff have been printed in this and the last two issues of the Newsletter. Take the opportunity to visit them or drop them a line.
New fashions are” with it” but many are only old ones revived. The critics should remember that Today will be Tomorrow’s” Forty Years On”. It is to be noted that we congratulate the School on gaining two History Scholarships at Cambridge Ashley Brown an Open at Gonville and Caius, Richard Baker at Peterhouse.
The good wishes of all Old Pharosians are extended to the new Headmaster when he takes up his duties at the commencement of the Summer Term. May his Headship be a long and happy one for the School, Dover and Kent.
Thanks to Mr. Walker for efficiently seeing us all through the interim period.
Although Christmas and the New Year will be almost forgotten by the time this Letter reaches you, may I extend my very best wishes to all Old Boys, and if they are not members of the Old Pharosians’ Association, may we welcome them to membership during the coming year.
The past year has seen some improvement in the activities of the Association, mainly due to the drive and ideas of the immediate Past President. One of the best of his ideas was to have tea for
the families of O.P’s and the Staff (past and present) at the Annual Cricket Match, and a very enjoyable afternoon it turned out to be.
So may I ask you to book the date for this year NOW-Saturday, 19th July. It may seem a long time ahead, but the Annual Dinner suffered because of clashes of engagements. Thanks to latecomers, the number attending was not too bad, although lower than the last few years, but that did not detract from the enjoyment of those who did attend.
Last year’s May Ball was a success numerically. That was due to the support of parents and friends! It would be most welcome to meet a larger proportion of Old Boys this year on 16th May. Why not set about making up parties among your contemporaries as soon as possible?
Saturday, 29th March, 2.00-6.00 p.m.
Saturday, 29th March, 2.45 p.m.
Friday, 16th May, 8.00 p.m.-12.30 a.m.
ANNuAL BALL. Dress optional. Tickets 15s. obtainable from Mr. Ruffell at the School with whom tabl~s may also be booked.
Friday, 23rd May, 2 p.m.
Saturday, 19th July, 2.30 p.m.
OLD BoYs’ CRICKET MATCH (see President’s Letter).
Saturday, 27th September 11.30 a.m. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.
1.00 p.m. JUBll.EE YEAR LUNCH.
2.45 p.m. OLD BoYs’ SoccER MATCH.
4.45 p.m. TEA.
The Bar will be open from 11 a.m.
(Fuller details of all events in this Letter.)
The Annual Cricket Match took on a new look this year with flags, fair ladies and tea on the field in front of the pavilion (thanks to willing lady helpers). All this was planned long before anything was known of Dr. Hinton’s departure but opportunity was taken to make a farewell presentation of some sherry glasses. The Staff (past and present) and their families attended in good number and people seemed to be enjoying themselves. The cricket match, due to rain, ended in a draw, although the School were perhaps overawed by their elders and not too generous with their declaration.
The Soccer Match was moved from icy December to September rain, so that the match could be followed by tea, bar, AG.M.
and Dinner. The match was drawn, a fair result. Several Old Boys had taken the trouble to come down from London and the AG.M. was quite well attended. The main new departure was a proposal that members should be invited to bring Ladies to the 1969 event, the Association’s Golden Jubilee Year. No doubt steps will be taken to see that the May Ball is every iota as good as was last year’s.
Mr. E. H. Baker handed over the Office of President to Mr.
Tom Archer whose after dinner speech drew on memories of ” Fifth Engineering” who seemed to be present in good voice. Mr.
Tom Walker replying for the School spoke of varied new signs of vigorous growth evident in many departments of present day school life. The tone of the evening showed less of the usual sentimental backward glances to the past and there was a desire to see application of new ideas in the years ahead.
Your Committee have considered the resolution carried at the AG.M. that Ladies be invited to the next Dinner.
Mr. K. H. Ruffell (Vice-President) moved (and it was agreed) that for the special occasion of the Association’s Golden Jubilee, a Lunch should take the place of the Dinner in 1969. The general plan is as follows :-
1. The Annual General Meeting from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., during which time Ladies could have coffee or sherry.
2. 12.30-1 p.m. O.P’s. could join the Ladies for sherry.
3. 1 p.m. a good Lunch would be served for a modest price (7/6 approx.) making the cost for two people generally acceptable.
4. Staff, past and present, would be able to attend in good number.
5. After lunch Old Boys could wander round the School at leisure or watch the Old Boys’ Soccer Match at 2.45 p.m.
6. Old Boys from London and a distance could travel down during the morning and return at a reasonable hour.
It is hoped that many Old Boys, with or without their ladies will feel that this is an occasion they would wish to support.
Anyone who has suggestions to make or would like to accept now this open invitation to attend should write to Mr. Ruffell at the School. The invitation is open to all Old Boys, whether members of the Association or not.
The new Headmaster and Mrs. Colman were the first to accept invitation to this Jubilee Lunch, and the Headmaster will reply to the Toast of” The School “.
Your Committee are now undertaking a review of the Articles of the Association for approval at the 1969 AG.M. These will be printed in the July, 1969 Newsletter.
Much interest has been aroused locally regarding School Governors and Managers nominated by the Local Council. We must congratulate Denis Weaver, J.P. on his appointment as a Governor of our School and fully endorse the Council’s choice.
There would be fewer misgivings if all appointments were men of his calibre rather than nominations solely because they are members of the majority party on the Council at the time. The first essential in any appointment should be that those nominated are interested and best qualified to serve the Schools and Education.
Who are better qualified than Old Pupils or Parents of present pupils? We can only hope that Denis Weaver’s is the fore-runner of many such appointments. Membership of the Council is not essential for appointment as a Governor or Manager. We look for your assistance, John, Bernard and Denis.
The names spring to mind of many resident local Old Pupils who are worthy of appointment.
It is regretted that the list of members in the July, 1968 issue was incorrectly headed” Life Members”. This should have read Ordinary Members. Apologies are conveyed to those who were inconvenienced, but thanks are due to those who wrote drawing attention to the inaccuracy. At least they read the Letter!
Your assistance in maintaining correct records will be appreciated. It is intended to publish amendments to both lists (February and July, 1968 Newsletters) as they are notified to the Secretary.
The following have been received to date :-
Life Members
B. E. Argent, 39 Berkely Close, Rochester.
G. E. Cheeseman, 41 Mill Road, Deal.
W. E. Collard, Canti, Crescent Drive, Brentwood, Essex.
W. R. Haydon, 7L Hyde Park Mansions, Cabbell Street, London, N.W.I.
E. W. Pudney, 36 Crabble Road, Dover.
T. E. Archer, 13 Chisnall Road, Dover. W. W. Baxter, 127 The Gateway, Dover. J. C. Booth, 20 Godwyne Close, Dover. A E. Coulson, 154 Lower Road, River.
A A Coveney, 7 Meadway, River.
M. G. Hinton, Sevenoaks School.
F. L. Kendall, 216 The Gateway, Dover.
W. G. King, Bushy Ruff, Goodwin Road, St. Margaret’s Bay.
C. Rowlands, 1 Meadway, River.
K H. Ruffell, 11 Friars Way, Dover.
S. F. Willis, 445 Folkestone Road, Dover.
Information is requested regarding present addresses of C.
Marsh and A. W. Levenden.
Ordinary Members I. Weeks, 10 Waldron Drive, Loose, Maidstone.
NEWS OF OLD BOYS R. D. West (1946-54). Working for his firm at Hatfield in charge of 15 graduates. Hopes to play in the 1969 Rugger Match.
H. J. Yates (1961-66). Vice-President of the Union, University of East Anglia. Reading Fine Art.
R. Hopkins (1953-58). Graduated at Nottingham with B.Sc.(Engin.) with Honours. Now married and has a three year contract in Zambia.
R. Standen (1932-37). Chairman of Strood R.D.c. Finance Committee. Leading an attempt to axe grants of Kent students convicted of serious offences following public demonstrations.
Sir Clifford Jarrett, K.B.E., C.B. Permanent Under Secretary of State who now advises the Secretary of State for Social Services (formerly Ministries of Health and Social Security) on the organisation of the Department as a whole and on Social Security in particular.
I. P. Watt. Now Professor of English Literature at Stanford University, California.
G. L. Watt is Deputy Headmaster at Holloway School.
A. Marsh is Cashier at Corralls and lives in Beresford Road River.
M. F. Hendy (1953-61). Had a book published on coins. SubCurator at Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.
G. P. Ayres (1953-61). Working at Wind scale as nuclear physicist.
K. A. Ayling (1953-58). Teaching at Bognor Regis.
D. E. Beer (1953-61). Teaching at Swindon Senior High School.
A. K. Perkins (1955-61). Qualified as a Youth Leader.
J. Forwood (1937-44). Engineer to Malvern R.D.C.
R. Blackbum (1961-63). Has been in Australia and New Guinea. His frequent letters have enlivened the work of the School’s Geography Department.
C. Thome (1961-68). Reading for a Degree at Birmingham.
G. Fisher (1959-67), G. RusseD (1959-67), N. Ellis (1960-67), are all students at Birkbeck College.
M. W. Bryan (1953-60). Inland Revenue, Bexhill.
J. D. Cox (1953-61). Teaching at Simon Langton School.
D. Marriott (1953-56). Commercial Photographer, Melbourne, Australia.
W. R. Haydon (1929-37). Press Secretary at Foreign Office.
Just completed two weeks tour of Pakistan and India with the Minister of Finance.
P. L. Reed has retired as Public Relations Officer, Submarine Cables Ltd., Greenwich. Address, 145 George V Avenue, Worthing.
L. Bordeaux is Divisional Manager, Cable Wireless Ltd., West Indies.
L. J. Taylor (1924-30). Warden to the British and Foreign Bible Society, Bible House, 146 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4.
K. Crush (1924-31). Address, 73 Birtley Towers, Elizabeth Bay Road, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
R. E. Smith (1921-29). Principal, Hackney Technical College.
Hopes to retire soon.
R. Delahaye (1928-37). Chief Customs Officer H.Q., Tower Bridge. Home address, 211 Pickhurst Lane, West Wickham, Kent.
K. J. Jones (1955-61). Has made a career in the Police Service, after working in Kent is now in Central London. Address, 16 Wray House, Elystan Street, S.W.3.
Michael Igglesden emigrated to Australia in 1950. He is now a Woodwork Master and a successful yachtsman. Married with three sons.
J. H. Morecroft is a leading reporter for the Press Association at the Old Bailey. He appeared in a recent Spy Film.
Arthur Makey is a Consultant Surgeon at Charing Cross Hospital.
G. F. Geddes (1921-26). Joined the Kent County Council as a Clerk on leaving School. He is now in charge of the Payments of Accounts Section at County Hall.
G. E. BudgeD. Left School in 1930 to become a Clerk in the District Education Office. Now KC.c. Area Finance Officer for N.E. Kent (Sittingboume).
Editor-E. H. Baker, 24 Downs Road, Maidstone. Why not drop him a line with information regarding yourself for inclusion in the next Letter? Please give years you were at the School.
Years cannot change, nor custom chill, The gladsome glow of friendships still.
Denis Weaver Ltd., Printers, 38 Castle Street, Dover