OPA Newsletter June 1944
Ebbw Vale, Mon.
Dear Old Pharosians,
The Editor tells me this is to be your very own “Pharos” – an Old, Pharosians’ News Letter. He remembers, though many of you have probably forgotten, that by the fortune of war I am still your President. Hence my return to the now unaccustomed and almost forgotten task of doing “something for the Magazine.” Well, my “something” is, first, a greeting to all of you, wherever you are – in Army, Navy, Air Force or Merchant Service, or doing your various jobs in other places and in other ways. Whatever your sphere of activity, we at Ebbw Vale are confident that you are taking your share in the national effort, and that the School will always be proud of the part its Old Boys have played in the present war.
This Magazine will contain a record of some of your achievements. Some of you have won high honours, and we congratulate them. Many have lost their lives; we mourn their loss and honour their memory, and we extend our sincere sympathy to their families and relatives. We shall not be unmindful of their sacrifice.
At this time, when victory seems assured and, we hope, not too far off, we may surely look forward with some confidence to the future. You have in this issue a copy of our new (temporary war) cover design for the School Magazine.
Scattered as you are to the four corners of the earth, you will interpret its allegory in your various ways. In imagination you will see the Pharos through the dusty haze of the desert, through the smoke of the battle front, through the salt spray of the seven seas, in the glow of the Indian sunset, or beyond the barbed wire of the prison camp. May it be a symbol of happy meetings in the near future! Do some of you remember the merry gathering at our first annual dinner after the last war, and the annual re-unions when the Town Hall proved almost too small for our numbers? Shall we see the Old Pharosians once again taking part in local cricket and football? Perhaps, with their Ebbw Vale experience, some of the younger members will want to field a rugger team!
And now, what of the School? “Carry on and hope” might be its motto.
Perhaps some of our Latinists might put it into classical form. The Cadet Corps has its own article elsewhere, I believe. Judging by the joyful noises made on ceremonial and other occasions, neither the lungs of the buglers nor the muscles of the drummers have suffered in exile. The A. T . C. has appealed to a good number, and some hearts of oak don the navy blue of the Sea Cadets.
Games are restricted by scarcity of grounds, but the rugger team has played some strenuous games against neighbouring secondary schools, and in spite of the lack of victories they come up smiling for the next game. Their final fixture gave them a good win over Ebbw Vale Technical School. This was advertised as ‘D.C.S.’s last rugger game in Ebbw Vale (“Carry on and hope!”) Soccer has its adherents, who play mostly form games, though the East Cup matches (our sole House Competition at present) still produce the old keenness and enthusiasm, both in players and spectators. Prospects for cricket are doubtful. You may be interested to know that the ground allotted for junior games was recently occupied by a circus, to the detriment of the pitches, but whenever a game can be arranged there is no lack of players. Mr. Slater’s keenness, you all know, is infectious, and he has taken over games since the retirement of Mr. Allin, whose loss we all so sincerely deplore.
Mr. Evans, whom recent leavers will remember, found himself obliged to resign from the Staff at Easter on account of eye trouble. His place was taken by Mrs. McKay-Taylor, so that we now have four ladies on the teaching staff.
This number may be added to in the near future, as I understand Mr. Langley is retiring at the end of this term. His retirement will not mean a cessation of activity, as he is spending a few months at Cambridge with a view to taking Holy Orders later in the year. In addition, your President is beginning to feel the time is approaching for him to make his final exit.
And now, to all of you, good luck, happy landings, and a safe return.
Yours sincerely,
In Memoriam.
It came as a great shock to all who knew him to hear that Mr. F. F. Allin was forced to resign for reasons of health, and a greater to receive the news of his death in September a few months later. He came to Dover in 1919 to lay the foundations and construct the edifice of the classical side of the School. Staff and Old Boys know how well this, his life work, was achieved, even in these material and technical times.
Mr. Allin was a man of delicate culture, of fine artistic temperament, whose powers of observation together with his intellectual appreciation produced, to be particularly his own, a sense of beauty much coveted by some of us. His ability to arouse enthusiasm for truth and to impart something of his logical incisiveness was always an inspiration not only to those who talked with him in the Common Room, but also to those in the Classroom, who studied under his instruction.
But all sides of the School will remember Mr. Allin’s work on the Playing Fields, especially on the spacious grounds at Astor Avenue. Fully to use so great an area necessitated careful thinking, while efficiently to organise both the players and the supplies demanded much time. Only to the few behind the, scenes was this apparent; but the many will recall with gratitude the exercises on the Sports Fields, exercises which were the result of time and effort given so unstintingly by Mr. Allin. The team spirit which he encouraged both in School and House remains with us as a memorial of real worth.
His own teaching was exemplified in the courage he displayed during his last term at School. In spite of the difficulties of evacuation, in spite of the absence of family life, and in spite of continual pain he firmly decided that his duty was with the School. It has been said that courage is the proof of immortality, and that would seem to have been the main theme of his philosophy. He had a great belief in the Godhead, and maintained that the application of the principles of the Gospel was the only means by which the ills of humanity could be cured, and man prevented from becoming a race of civilized cynics.
He is a friend of the School, for “things that are true go on living”; though he has passed on, Mr. Allin yet speaks, since his influence is still felt, his ideas are still remembered by his colleagues, by Old Boys, and by boys at School.
One of the last mentioned was voicing the feelings of a group of his contemporaries when he sent the following contribution to the Editor of “The Pharos,” of April last:-
One Saturday morning the whole School was shocked to hear of the death of Mr. Allin, for he was held high in the esteem of all. He had served the School for many years, and had continued to do so, in spite of bad health, until he was forced to give up.
I joined the School in 1940, and immediately Mr. Allin won my affection and respect. He was our Games Master, and we spent many happy hours on the football field and cricket pitch. He stepped into the breach to give the boys their gym. when the gym. masters had left. He gave us. enjoyable gym. periods full of fun and sport.
On reaching the second form we were faced with Latin – not a very nice prospect! But Mr. Allin soon altered that; Latin was alright after all. His lessons were mingled with laughter, but we were working all the same, because we enjoyed doing so.
The following year he was our Form Master, and we proudly boasted of having the best form master in the School. He was indeed the best form master in the School, for he took an interest in our activities.
But all good things come to an end. Mr. Allin had to leave us for a while. It was said he was ill, and we very much hoped he would get better.
Later on in the year he re-visited us. But he did not come back to stay as we dared to hope. He had come to say “Good-bye.”
Our form was visited by him; he told us he was going to a convalescent home for a while to regain his health. Then, with a cheerful smile, he bade us good-bye. Had we been able to penetrate that smile of his, we would have seen a sad heart that knew there was no return to the School.
Of the months of illness that followed, little is known, except that Mr. Allin was very brave.
When Mr. Booth told us of his courage, our hearts were filled with admiration for our dear friend.
I am sure we all wish it to be known that his unselfish sacrifice was not in vain . . . “Fortis Erat.”
J.H.T. (D.IV)
It is a tradition that notes under the above heading should be written by the senior N.C.O. It is perhaps a tribute to age that the present ones are contributed by the oldest member. It might be argued that as the writer has been temporarily seconded to another unit his membership has lapsed, but can we leave so easily? Have the hundreds of former sappers now giving world-wide service in many capacities lost the stamp of their old company? Surely those who happen to meet in Cairo, Burma, Cambridge or Dover very quickly find themselves talking of things known only to the sergeants’ mess and the tents of camp. So if you would have news of the Corps you want to hear of past and present.
In the early days of evacuation the numbers in the Corps rose to record heights, and the many field days part-time school afforded proved a pleasant safety valve for the energies of half the school. Our senior N.C.O.’s were in great demand for the training of the local Home Guard, and we even lent them our rifles. A section formed of some of the Staff and the Corps had good fun manning road blocks and mounting guards.
Camps were impossible in those days, but the unit was able to go under canvas at Tonbridge in 1942 and 1943. Although the spirit of a combined camp must differ considerably from that of our family party at Sandwich, the performances of the company on both occasions added considerably to their laurels.
But the pressure of circumstances which necessitated the formation of a School flight of the A.T.C., the attraction of a local Sea Cadet unit, and the fall in school numbers have all combined to cause a somewhat drastic reduction in our strength. At present the position is not serious, but the future is viewed with some apprehension. The permanent bright spot is the band. This has expanded so that on the march the Drum-Major seems a distant figure to the head of the company. It has won more than local reputation, for its services are in demand outside the valley.
Perhaps the Editor, who was always optimistic, expects a detailed list of the many distinctions and promotions gained by those who have left School. It is much more interesting to recall the personal reactions the news of such events causes when it filters through to us. The award of an M.C. instantly makes one think of moonlit golf links, that of a D.S.O., of a cadet climbing poles, one new colonel is associated with porridge, another with turnips, and yet another with a punctured bicycle. So many wear crowns nowadays that there arise confused images of blackshirts, the cook house, gauntlets, the corner of Frith Road, fishing and flashlight photography. Cymbals can almost be heard when a certain brass hat visits us. It seems that the past refuses to be suppressed. In reality, we are rather proud of you, and if your thoughts turn homeward ours are often outward bound.
A vanguard has gone on to a rendezvous beyond our ken. They are still of the company.
The Editor has generously invited me to add my greeting to those that reach you with this News Letter.
My message comes to you, not from that corner room in the Quad with one window looking across to the Castle and another down to the Harbour, but from a small study looking out on a fringe of trees and rhododendron bushes that will shortly be in bloom. It was not in this room that my wife and I were privileged to receive parents at the annual meeting, and to welcome you and your partners at the Prefects’ Dance Yet it is not unfitting that I should write from this room, for here a number of you have said “Good-bye” as you set out on your War Service; here many of you have been kind enough to call when you had managed to spare a few minutes of your “leave,” and here your letters, from all sorts of queer places, have helped to show us how much the School means to you.
We can indeed look back with pride and gratitude-pride in you and your achievements, pride in our close association with Dover. But in wishing you a speedy and victorious return we can also look forward – forward to the day when you will co-operate with us in building up the life of the School, and in helping us to make our contribution to the life of the wider community.
Dear Old Pharsosians,
The accompanying leaflet explains itself. The idea is Sutton’s and mine:
the realisation must be yours. Much will depend upon the paper situation – far more upon your good will and interest. Write to either of us if you have a suggestion to make, or a story to tell, or even a story that can only be told after the war.
I think the rest of the magazine speaks for itself: the line drawing shows that the present generation – most of whom have never been inside the school on the hill – have not forgotten their real home.
9. 6. 43 – to Ethel Aileen, wife of S. T. Newing, a daughter.
11. 6. 43 – to Constance, wife of W. C. Claringbold, P.O., R.N., a son.
18. 11. 43 – to Audrey, wife of R. G. Standen, a daughter.
13. 12. 43 – to Joyce, wife of Douglas A. Lewis, a son.
2. 2. 44 – to Brenda, wife of Squadron Leader E. H. B. Martin, a son.
16. 2. 44 – to Queenie, wife of W. R. P. Horn, R.E.M.E., a daughter.
21. 2. 44 – to Grace, wife of John D. B. Borrett, a daughter.
23. 2. 44 – to Mavis, wife of Austin M. Smith, a son.
22. 2. 44 – to the wife of Robin Haydon, a daughter.
7. 4. 44 – to Evelyn, wife of Charles W. Scutt, a daughter.
6. 4. 44 – to the wife of D. Hunnisett, a son.
8. 5. 44 – to Joan, wife of Keith Crush, a daughter.
12. 5. 44 – to Eleanor Elizabeth, wife of Frederick G. Licence, a son.
13. 5. 44 – to Frances, wife of the late Squadron Leader J. H. Kirton, a daughter.
12. 7. 41. F. G. Stearn to M. Knight, of Dover.
5. 6. 43. Gilbert John Bartlett to Netta Lily Farthing, of Whitfield.
3. 7. 43. Richard L. Delahaye to Vivien J. Taylor, of Dover.
10. 7. 43. F./Off. Harold J. Burt (Middle East Secretary of O.P. Association!) to 3rd Officer Lillian D. Eckhoff, W.R.N.S.
21. 8. 43. S. E. A. Holrnes, R.A.F., to Eileen Johnston, W.A.A.F. of Welwyn Garden City.
8. 5. 44. F./Off. John Chadwick to Kathleen Helen Anne Strain, Civil Nursing Reserve, of Bambridge.
11. 12. 43. Reginald John Diack to Evelyn Amy Langley.
4. 12. 43. Charles Alfred Groombridge to Joyce Rose Booth.
29. 2. 44. L.A.C. B. G. Boothroyde to Pamela Molly Yeats, W.A.A.F.
29. 4. 44. Harry C. Blackford to Jocelyn McNeill, of N. Ireland.
(Details to June, 1943.)
Pilot Officer Stanley Mornington West, R.A.F.
Killed on active service, January 13th, 1940.
Sub-Lieutenant (A.) Henry Morris, R.N.
Killed on active service, February,. 1940.
Robert Killick, R.A.O.C.
Died at sea from enemy action, May, 1940.
Cecil Charles Cox, R.A.S.C.
Died at sea from enemy action, June, 1940.
Sergeant John J. Myers, R.A.
Killed in action near Amiens, June 11th, 1940.
Hubert Harold Tomlin, A.F.S.
Killed by enemy action in Bristol, January, 1941.
Lieutenant P. T. Rothwell, R.A.C.
Killed in action in the M. East, May, 1941.
Q.M.S. Norman W. E. Jenkins.
Killed in action in the M. East, May, 1941.
Frank McToldridge, R.C.S. (attached to R.A.C.).
Killed in action.- M. East, November, 1941.
Wing Commander James Owen Willis, O.F.C., R.A.F.
Killed in action over Sidi Omar, November , 1941.
(Various dates to July 1942.)
Ronald Victor Castle, Engineer Officer, M.N.
Drowned at sea.
L./Bombardier Harold Williams, R.A.
Died of wounds in a M. East Hospital.
L.A.C. Peter Ernest Coles, R.A.F.
Killed whilst training as Observer.
Fl./Officer C. Ronald Archibald, R.A.F. (Coastal Command).
Died of exposure at sea.
Sergt. Pilot David Ian Kirton, R.A.F.
Killed in action.
P. /Officer Keith Re Gillman, R.A.F.
Killed in action off Dover.
Reginald F. Kirby, R.A.F.
Died of pneumonia after evacuation from Dunkirk.
Acting Lieut. Commander (E.) Lewis Robert Kennedy, R.N.
Killed in action.
G. Noel Plews, R.A.O.C.
Killed in action in Malaya.
F. L. Garlinge, R.T.R.
Drowned at sea.
Sergt. Observer Maurice W. Buckley, R.A.F.
Killed in action in Libya.
Peter Noel Howarth, R.A.F.
Killed in action, Middle East, August, 1942.
Sergeant Pilot Roy John Sutton, R.A.F.
Killed on active service, November, 1942.
John Dermott, M.N.
Lost at sea, January, 1943.
Sergt. Observer Kenneth William Peverley, R.A.F., (V.R.).
Killed on active service, March, 1943.
Captain Cecil W. Teasdale, R.A.
Killed in action in N. Africa, March, 1943.
Sergeant Observer Wilfred James Pelham, R.A.F.
Killed on active service, May, 1943.
Sydney Sharp, R.A.S.C.
Died of pneumonia in N. Africa, May, 1943.
(Various dates to June, 1943.)
Fl./Officer Richard Harrison, Coastal Command.
Killed in action.
Sgt. P. B. E. Woodham, R.A.F.
Died on active service.
Acting Chief E.R.A. William Hood, R.N.
Missing from H.M.S. Sikh.
E.R.A. Roland Douglas Board, R.N.
Killed in collision.
June 1943 – June 1944.
Sergeant Observer Gibbard Selkirk Standring, R.A.F. (V.R.).
Killed on operations over Germany, 23/6/42.
Sergeant W.O./A.G. Jack Vosper, R.A.F. (Coastal Command).
Killed on operations, 13/12/42.
Sergeant Observer Allan Williams, R.A.F.
Frederick dames Frame, 1st Class E.R.A, R.N.
Lost in H.M. Submarine Upholder.
Ian Robert Weir, Sergeant Surveyor, Kent Yeomanry (97th Field
Regi., R.A.).
Drowned whilst P.O.W., 13/11/42.
Flying Officer John E. Wilson.
Killed on operations in the East.
Flight Sergeant Navigator Sydney Charles Fermor,
Killed in action near Paris, May 17th, 1943.
Pilot Officer J. F. L. Wise, R.A.F. (V.R.).
Killed on operations, 1943.
Sub-Lieutenant Robert Charles Reeder.
Killed on active service, January, 1944.
Sergeant Navigator Frederick Edward Ashman, R.A.F.
Killed in action over Berlin in November, 1943.
Pilot Officer Leslie Merricks.
Missing from a raid over Germany in November, 1943, now presumed killed.
Squadron Leader James Kirton.
Killed on active service, January, 1944.
Captain Alan George Paddock, Beds. and Herts. Regt., attached to Indian Army.
Killed in action in Burma, January, 1944.
Guardsman A” Co Chell, Grenadier Guards.
Killed in action in Italy, March, 1944.
Major Eric C. Sharp, R.E.C.C.E. Corps.
Killed in action in Italy, April, 1944.
Stanley George Kingsmill, R.A.F.
Killed on active service, April, 1944.
DISTINCTIONS – to June, 1944.
C. H. Gormley, Colonial Service, awarded the M.B.E.
Surgeon-Lieutenant Kenneth W. Donald, awarded the D.S.C. for services in the Battle of Narvik.
Captain C. R. Pilcher, M.N., awarded the M.B.E. for bravery in action at sea.
Squadron-Leader J. O. Willis, R.A.F., awarded the D.F.C.
Sergeant W. G. Castle (Intelligence), mentioned in despatches for good
Lieutenant-Colonel G. A. Bond, awarded the O.B.E. (Military Division).
W.Off. E. W. Fuller; R.N., awarded the M.B.E. for “resource and leadership.”
E.R.A. (1st Class) Philip Edward Robinsan, R.N., awarded the D.S.M. for distinguished service in a Murmansk convoy.
Lieutenant Eric A. D. Wilde, R.A.C., awarded the M.C. for “an outstanding example of devotion to duty and courage.”
E.R.A. Roland Douglas Board, R.N., mentioned in despatches for gallant conduct at Narvik.
George Edward Mayne, M.N., Chief Officer, awarded Lloyds’ War Medal for gallantry when his ship was torpedoed.
Lieutenant E. J. Binfield, R.N.R., awarded the D.S.C. for services in the Malta convoy.
P.O. T. Moyes awarded the D.S.M. “for gallantry.”
P.Off. Ronald Edmond, R.A.F. (V.R.), awarded the D.F.C.. “for great courage and leadership.”
Fl.-Sergt. John C. Goodson, awarded the D.F.M. for “his fine example in missions against the enemy.”
Lieut. Colin Paddock, R.T.R., R.A.C., awarded the M.C. for “gallant and distinguished service in the M.E.”
Captain Robert Grimer, M.N., awarded the D.S.C. for “bravery and skill when his ship was attacked by enemy aircraft.”
Lance-Corporal F. G. Stearn, mentioned in despatches “for distinguished service,” December, 1940.
June, 1943, Corporal R. Humphrey, R.C.S., mentioned in despatches for service in Commando raids.
August, 1943, Pilot Officer Claud Robert Wilson, awarded the D.F.C. for “outstanding skill as a pilot and captain of aircraft, which has made his crew one of the most successful of his squadron.”
Flight Lieutenant Vivian Frederick Roy Kenward has been awarded the D.F.C. for a “a fine fighting spirit,” “a high degree of technical skill,” and “the utmost determination to hit the enemy as hard and as accurately as possible.”
Alex. Henney, Captain, M.N., special commendation for bravery when his ship encountered an enemy vessel.
Captain Colin Paddock, M.C., mentioned in despatches for rescuing two of the crew of a blazing aircraft.
G. E. Mayne, Captain M.N., Lloyd’s Medal, has been mentioned in despatches.
Jack Cuthbert Cornhill, P./Off. R.A.F. (V.R.), was awarded the D.F.C.” January, 1944.
Commander (E.) E. H. J. Kirby has been awarded the D.S.C.
Sergt. A. J. Floyd, R.A,F. (of Deal) has been mentioned in despatches.
F. J. Frame, 1st class E.R.A., R.N., the Distinguished Service Medal, and also Mentioned in Despatches for service in H.M. Submarines.
Sgt. Peter W. Kendall, R.C.S. Mentioned in despatches for “gallantry and outstanding service in the M. East.”
Pilot Officer (Navigator) George E. Pleasance.
Flight Sergeant Jack Miriams.
Sergt. Navigator Louis J. Langham, R.A.F. (V.R.).
Pilot Officer Alfred (Rob) H. A. Treadwell, known to every contemporary as “Treadie.”
JUNE, 1943.
Sydney J. Wenborn is P.O.W. in Malaya.
L. G. Webster is in the R.A.F. His brother, Norman, has won a Royal Scholarship to the R. College of Art of £130 per annum for 3 years.
P./Off. Claud Wilson, D.F.C., R.A..F. (brother of F./Off. John E. Wilson, later reported killed in action) has been on many raids.
Sergt. Pilot F. J. Evans is safe. His family received a letter from the continent saying that he was “making well and not imprisoning by the Germans.” Later (May, 1944) it was learned that he had baled out off the coast of Holland, and had set off to walk the 800 miles to Spain! Details of his capture by the Gestapo as he was waiting for his train to leave the Gare d’ Austerlitz, Paris, months later must wait till peace comes. He is now P.O.W. in Germany in Stalag Luft III.
More good news: P./Off. J. Goodson, D.F.M., who figured several times in the last issue, and was reported missing, has broadcast from Germany saying he was well, though his face had been burned, and all his crew but one killed.
Lieut. Colin Paddock, M.C., on leave this month, has just returned from a few weeks in the D.S.A. lecturing and broadcasting on his experiences. Incidentally, he was the anonymous tank officer whose broadcast was so admired on our own wireless. In the Middle East he met his brother, Captain Alan Paddock (later reported killed in action) whilst Geoffrey is 2nd Lieut. R.T.R. in India.
F. G. Stearn joined the Buffs in Sept., 1939, served in France, was evacuated from Brest, mentioned in despatches, married, and invalided out in April, 1942.
P./Off. Vivian Kenward is promoted to Flight-Lieut. and bombing leader of his squadron.
J. W. Richardson, Gunner R.A. Later: 2nd Lieut., Frontier Force, India.
F/Off. R. J. M. Harvie is now in the Azores.
JULY, 1943.
S. T. Claw, a ‘Lieutenant, is in the Intelligence Corps; his brother-in-law, R. Pellatt, is in the R.C.S.
Kenneth O’Brien is at a Naval Training College.
G. C. Bushell, now Gunner in a Light A.A. Battery.
P./Off. George E. Pleasance, after training in Canada, is now Navigator/W.O., Coastal Command. In a letter from the Air Ministry, January, 1944, Mr. Pleasance was informed that his son’s aircraft “was one of a formation on reconnaissance duty in the Bay of Biscay, where enemy destroyers and our cruisers were in action. That evening your son’s pilot was heard on the radio calling for his position – 10 to 15 miles west of base. He requested and received permission to descend through cloud. Nothing more was seen or heard of the aircraft.”
A. H. Mulcahy – still not recovered from air-raid injuries – is now 2nd Lt. in the Dover Cadet Force. G. Reason is Under Officer, and G. Gilman a Sergeant, having passed his Cert. A there.
Major Alan Andrews, Adjutant to Lord Bridgeman, inspected the Cadets here in June. Andrews is now rejoining his regiment.
Lieut. Louis Watt, Cameronians, very fit and smart in plaid trews! visited us here in June. May, 1944, he was having leave in Tanganyika, says he is enjoying training native troops.
Corporal Humphrey, R.C.S., visited us (?) in June, just back from his eighth (!) commando raid. An explanation of his frequent visits here was forthcoming early in 1944, when his engagement to an Ebbw Vale resident was announced.
R. Winter, finished his exams. at Goldsmiths one Wednesday recently, and was called up the next day.
G. E. Took, Captain in the last war, joined the Glosters in September, ’39, now seconded to S. Command Staff as Major and Schools Liaison Officer. His brother, A. J. (Sammy), is in Rhodesia as Corporal R.A.F. The latter’s son, Gerald, is farming there.
Alex. Henney was in command of a Tanker before the war, and is still going strong. Has been twice torpedoed, landed once in Iceland, and once in Puerto Rico, saving his crew each time!
E. F. Legg is W.O., R.A.F.
H. E. Legg, no relation! our Drum-Major in 1925, is slowly recovering from T.B. in Harefield Sanatoriurn, from which he wrote for a copy of the Pharos.
V. Saville got to Tripoli, and then was flown back to Egypt; since smashed his toes with a gas cylinder! D. Saville is in Madras, and E. Saville is Gas Sergeant in England – all R.A.F.
AUGUST, 1943.
Pat Elworthy still in India has been promoted to Captain.
P. J. McVey is in an O.C.T.U. Later: 2nd Lieut. R.C.S. visited us here.
S. A. Price has had to leave Magdelen College, Oxford for the Army. He has got his Cert. B. Later: After many interviews he finally got his posting to the Buffs, despite the call for naval ratings. (2-6-44 – posted to Dover Castle).
E. J. F. Ambrose is in the Naval Stores Dept. in Colombo. Writes to say that his immediate superior is F. L. Cockfield.
G. Snelgrove is Air Mechanic, R.A.F., and his brother is in the R.A.P.C.
J. Waight is Lieut., R.A., in M. East.
J. McCulloch after 3 years training in De Havillands and passing A.F.R.A.E. is being posted to the Aerodynamic Dept.
C. I. Watson is with the 8th Punjab Regt., and has been promoted to Captain.
Maurice Standring is teaching at Rickmansworth, and lecturing on A.R.P.
Paul Coles has transferred to the R.A. as driver and wireless operator.
Phillip Hayden’s last letter was from Lampedusa!
L. R. Bailiff is with Shorts.
R. J. Unstead, after periods of floor scrubbing and P.T. Instructor is now Fl.Lt. Controller of a fighter station.
A. Salmon has been promoted to Lt.-Colonel; he was at Sandhurst some years before the war.
B. G. Ashman is on special work under the War Office as Experimental Wireless Assistant.
R. W. DeAth has a commission, and is at the Small Arms School now somewhere in Surrey.
S. J. White is Lieut., R.E.
K. W. Forward is Gunner, R.A.
F. S. Wraight is Lieut., R.A., at present in Mid-Wales.
H. W. G. Stock is Corporal in a County Regt., stationed in Gibraltar.
A. W. Hopper is L./.Sgt. in the R.E.
Hunmble apologies to P. E. Philpott for daring to suggest that a mere Writer could be P.P.S., to an Admiral! Philpott is already Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant; will probably be an Admiral himself before this is published!
Congratulations to C. H. Benz; he is copying Massey in the last war, who opted to join the French Army. Benz is now in the Royal Dutch Air Service.
G. A. Stourton is Lieut., R.E., in India.
J. H. Drake is Paymaster Lieut., R.N.
J. A. Flanders is P.O., R.N., in a repair ship in the Red Sea.
Suter ii is Armourer Sergt., R.E.M.E.; met Sergt. E. H. Baker in N. Ireland. Suter i is Lieut., R.E.
Captain R. A. B. Bushell, after serving as Adjutant of his R.A.S.C. unit for 18 months, is promoted Major.
F. L. W. Eade was one of two successful entrants for the final exam. of the I.A. of Hospital Administration. It needs guts to turn a liability into an asset as he has done! Congratulations.
Denyss J. Matcham is 2nd Lieut. in the E. Yorks. Rgt.
“Ric” Ralph, Officer in the M.N., recently home on survivor’s leave, after other hair-raising adventures.
Eric Cole, Royal Corps of Signals, is now Colonel on the Staff.
A. H. Smith, medically unfit, is evacuated with the S.E. Kent Electric Power Co. to Hawkhurst. He sends the following details: Maurice Castle is in the R.A.F. in the M.E. John Merricks is P.O.W. Gordon Hamilton (Smith’s brother-in-law) is in the R. N. at present in Bombay after nearly two years on Atlantic convoys, and Ron. Trigg is Sergt. Pilot in India.
Jimmy Hart is a Major, R.E., at the War Office.
In reply to my query in the last issue, N. Sutton writes that Costello i was a Major, R.E., and Supt. Air Defence Experimental Establishment at Biggin Hill in 1939, and when last heard of was Lt.-Colonel. H. Street is in the K.C.C. Offices at Maidstone. He mentions, too, that the Rev. J. M. Clayson, late Rector of Holy Trinity, is now Sub Warden of the Croydon Archdeaconry. Colin Paddock, now Captain, R.A.C., has had a few months as Instructor at Sandhurst, while recovering from leg wounds. Les Merricks, after raids on Berlin, Hamburg, etc., was posted missing after Nuremburg – that makes three of his Form lost in a few months – Roy Sutton, Wilfred Pelham, and he.
OCTOBER, 1943.
Eric R. N orris, R.A. (M.E.F.), has been gazetted 2nd Lieut.
A. Tucker is in an O.C.T.V.
F. A. Webb, Ashford Railway Works.
J. Lavery Corpl., R.A.M.C., found himself treating Jimmy Niblett near El Alamein.
Letter from Ian Watt, P.O.W. in Malaya, taken nearly a year to arrive!
A. J. Kennett, in peace time in H.M. Paymaster’s Office, now Armoury Sergt., R.A.F.
Raymond Port, Sergt., R.A.F., training in Rhodesia. Later: Has his wings as Fighter Pilot. Later: P./Off. flying a Spitfire in the Mediterranean.
Kenneth Newing is in an O.C.T.U.
B. S. Jell has now been commissioned in the R.A.O.C. He has met R. Bax, who left here a year later for the same O.T.S. in Bangalore.
Surg.-Lieut. (D.) A. E. Cadman, R.N.V.R., on arrival at Asbury Park (New Jersey) was “greeted by Ott, of Buckland House.”
R. C. Neill sends a letter from King’s College, Cambridge, giving news of Bradley, who is at Emmanuel, of Brabham i still at Jesus, cox of his college boat, and lamenting that Brabham ii has been sent to Battersea Polytechnic; of Coveney at Downing; of R. D.. West whom he had seen in Dover on leave before embarking for India, he is in the Light Coastal Forces; of E. G. Bailey who has an Eng. Cadetship; of Reeves at a Birmingham Technical College; of Flanders with an Engineering Cadetship at Cardiff; of Buss and Young who are at Reading, the latter taking a veterinary course – thanks! Neill, McInnes, Flanders and Arthur were in school when we broke up at Easter this year.
John L. Pain met Stuart Allerton – the latter now 3rd Mate and the former Midshipman in the Holt Line. Derek Allerton is entering the Navy as E.R.A.
I. J. Brewster (i) is in an Airborne Division.
Q.M.S. Arnold (C.W.) has now been commissioned in the R.E.’s.
Norman O’Brien who was P.O.W. in Italy has been transferred to Germany.
J. Licence is now Captain (Intelligence).
Dr. R. A. Pelham broadcast on the 27th on Roads, Railways and Rivers of the Ukraine. He had just previously broadcast on Kieff in “The World Goes By.”
Roy Howard is P./Off. R.A.F., and still in Canada.
P.T.E. Brooker visited us, and took the Corps Parade – he is in the Coldstreams awaiting O.C.T.U.
Eric Wilde, M.C., Lt., R.A.C., whilst serving in Italy, got out of his tank beside a German officer who put a revolver bullet through him – fortunately without touching a vital spot! In April, 1944, he visited us – 1939-43 ribbon with the coveted 8 on it, the equally coveted desert rat on his shoulder, and the envy of all the present generation.
Ian Weir’s gallant escape, with F. H. Martin, Rodney Tye and Robin Haydon, from Veules-les-Roses after Dunkirk, will be remembered by many. Later he served in Iraq and Libya. He was among those left to hold Tobruk. When the 97th was surrounded, they forced their way through the German lines to El Alamein. Weir was one of the unlucky ones. Capt. Colin Paddock has ascertained from a survivor that Ian was not among the 25 survivors of 810 British prisoners when the ship carrying them to Sicily was torpedoed and sunk.
R. J. Simmons (Bob) is now Sighting Instructor in the R.A.F., after a long period overseas. His brother is a Flight Sergeant in Malta, and has been in the Sicily show.
H. G. Bond has been visiting R.A.F. stations “commissioning” his firm’s equipment; is now back at B.T.H.
S. D. Bradley writes from Cambridge and mentions that Harry Garland – Dr. H. B. Garland, M.A., Ph.D. – was a, Major in the C.U.S.T.C. before joining the Regular Army.
S./Sgt. R. G. Borthwick, R.E., who was P.O.W. in Italy is now in Stalag IV B.
The Daily Sketch publishes photos of D. for Donald returning from Berlin, and Sgt.-Nav. F. E. Ashman is easily recognised. (He was killed over Berlin the next night.)
Colin Paddock attended the Investiture at Buckingham Palace to receive his M.C. The previous day he was mentioned in special orders by the G. Off. C. in C. for pulling two members of the crew out of a crashed and burning plane!
Christmas greetings to the School came from Ldg. Writer Eagles, H.M.S. Hamilcar, B.Q.M.S. E. E. Sutton, Persia, Iraq Forces, and Victor Wakerell from the same place; F./Off. H. G. Richards in the Middle East; Major Alan Andrews, War Office; A. H. Smith; and Corporal Humphrey, R.C.S.
John James Walsh is now Pilot Officer Navigator; he is remaining in Canada for a time.
Mr. Hazleden is now in charge of the production departments of London’s Technical Institutes.
Brian Harris has a commission in the Royal Corps of Signals; met G. A.
Stourton in India.
JANUARY, 1944.
The marriage took place on the 15th January at All Saints, Idmiston, near Salisbury, of Lieut. John K. Lee, Royal Marines, and Joan B. Shewring.
In connection with the death of Sub-Lieut. Robert Charles Reeder, it is recalled that his father is also an Old Pharosian, and that his uncle was Capt. Robert Reeder, whose name you have so often heard at 11 a.m. on November 11th.
R. Hewitt is in the R.A.F.
G: Gilman is with the B.B.C. at Folkestone.
H. Castle, Gunner with the 8th Army in Italy.
Leonard Castle is now L. Bombardier, R.A.
Peter Hill, now with R.A.F. Signals in N. Africa; in a letter he gives news of Floyd and Burt (of course!), also of M. Blunt, Cpl., R.A.F., and recently married, and Blunt ii in the R.A.F., training in Canada.
P. J. Harvey is now F./Off. R.A.F.
D. S. Kingsland is in the M.N,
E. Young, L.A.C., R.A.F., in N. Africa, married 18/12/43.
P. D. Prescott at Goldsmith’s sends news of F. Davies, V. Packham, and C. R. Reynolds as Seniors, and L. J. Vale, K. Garwood, H. R. Slater, and E. Bayly as Juniors. He mentions M. C. Wilson being promoted to Sergeant, and R. Galvin to Corporal in the Dover A.T.C., and K. W. Forward, on leave, in the Artillery, and D. J. Richards passed P.N.B., for R.A.F.
Capt. L. W. T. Wilkinson, R.A.O.C., now in Egypt, has been promoted to Major.
Ronald Lawrence, awarded his wings and commissioned in U.S.A., and now in Canada.
C. G. Blackford (Blackford i), Major, R.E., wounded in N. Africa, now back in England.
Harry Blackford is now General Manager of an engineering firm in Edinburgh.
Rudy Metzger sends word that at last he has secured his release from his firm and is now in R.E.M.E.; Later, 2nd Lieut. R.E.M.E.
F. Gale is in the Corps of Signals, and his brother is overseas with the R.A.F.
Mr. Pearce has handed me a budget of letters from A. B. McFarlane, S. C. Hambley, N. W. McInnes, T. B. Arthur, Alan Andrews and J. W. Menter. Major Andrews has joined a Special Service Battalion as Second in Comrnand. R. A. White was on leave awaiting a ship. R. DeAth is married. Eric Wilde’s brother Alan is a mystery man in I.C.I., “playing with high explosives, and just finished seven parachute jumps.” Later: Is Captain in an Airborne Division. R. Fox broke an ankle in port, after being torpedoed off Sicily. Allington was W./O., flying in the M.E. J. W. Menter gives details throwing considerable light on the bald statement in our last issue “Research Work, Admiralty,” suffice it to say that he has had more seafaring than most would like, and will one day have a story to tell of how the Battle of the Atlantic was won. Delahay i is now a subaltern in Signals. C. Abbott is entering the Navy under the “Y” Scheme.
T. Cannell is in the R.S.D. Ordnance Depot. P. Bean is in a Dover bank, and P. Hawkins, too, the latter awaiting R.A.F. call-up. Neill and McInnes are “thoroughly fed-up with Dover and glad to get back” to their respective courses. McInnes draws a harrowing picture of our railless playing fields. T. B. Arthur is at Univ. Coll, Cardiff, taking a degree in Metallurgy. S. Mason has his Inter Eng., and is still at Brighton. Gray, Blackmore and McFarlane are 3rd year men at R.C.S., and P. C. T. Jones is still there. Hopper, who graduated last June is Sub-Lieut. in the Navy. Marsden and Bolt have now joined them. S. C. Hambly has a story to tell of how B.T.H. apprentices are trying to combine culture with electrical engineering; he, Bond and H. J. Smith astonish some of their fellows with their orgies of “hiraeth,” based on memories of D.C.S.
H. R. Slater, now at Goldsmiths’ has distinguished himself in cross country running for Nottingham Univ. against various other Univ. teams. On one occasion he ran for the N. Universities against an R.A.F. team, came in second to an R.A.F. Olympic runner! (Later: Has been appointed Capt. of the Goldsmiths’ team and Vice-Capt. of the University team).
Capt. J. G. Dixon is recovering from typhoid; in April a photo appeared in the London Press showing Capt. Dixon in charge of Italian soldiers behind the line, salvaging Army Signals cable.
MARCH, 1944.
News from S. Africa says that David Baxter has now been commissioned as Sub-Lieut., R.N.V.R.
Received an astounding letter from Eric Butt to convince me that the report of his death, in our last issue, was greatly exaggerated! Last June on his way by plane from Labrador to Gander, he had to bale out over Newfoundland. He and one other survived a journey of 50 days, living on leaves and occasional rabbit. They landed in four feet of snow, and Butt lost his flying boots during the descent. His feet became frost-bitten, gangrene set in, but they reached the coast, and were finally rescued. He was invalided out of the R.A.F., and is now married and working as a radio engineer (of course!!) in Huntingdon.
M. Fliess has achieved his ambition, and has now joined the Suffolk Regt.
George Reay is reported training as a Glider Pilot – at least so a nephew of Mr. Coulson, who is on the course informs us. In May he is reported as being an A.A. gunner aboard a Merchant Navy ship!
W. S. Borthwick, R.S.M., has been gazetted Lieut., R.A.
Douglas Davies, Lt. Indian Army is in Madras; the son of a local resident happened to mention Wales in a Madras hotel, and it was discovered they had mutual acquaintances in Ebbw Vale, naturally.
R. E. Fittall, Sgt., R.A.F., rear gunner in a – Lancaster.
APRIL, 1944.
Have just heard of the promotion of A. F. J. Elmslie, who left school with his brother, A. F. J. Elmslie, in 1921, to the rank of Brigadier. Congratulations! This is the first Old Boy to reach the rank of General – as far. as my records go, at least.
E. G. Bailey, Eng. Cadet at Wandsworth.
H. F. Clare, now a medical student at St. Thomas’s.
The Dover Express., 14/4/44: “Four Old Boys of D.C.S. met recently in “Shepherd’s,” Cairo. They were Major Eric Sharp, Reconnaissance Corps; Captain Warwick McQueen, 2nd Ghurkas, Indian Army; Captain Alan Hurrell, Royal Artillery; and. Lieutenant Geoffrey Paddock, Hodson’s Horse, Indian Army.”
Sergt. P. W. Munday writes from Aden. He has been in the same mess for six months as Flt.-Sergt. W. F. Pinkerton, and only just discovered that the latter left D.C.S. in 1923.
MAY, 1944.
Further news about Sergt.-Navigator F. E. Ashman. He was killed on November 26th last, and was buried two days later with five other members of the crew in the City Cemetery of Gransee, thirty-five miles N.N.W. of Berlin.
A long letter from Miss Rookwood, now fully recovered and enjoying the balmy air of Kent. She is living at 2, Brogdale Road, Faversham. She sends news of many Old Boys: Dudley. Sanders is Major, R.W. Kents, somewhere in Italy – looks upon the school corps as his military cradle! George Curry, Captain, Intelligence – now in Italy and getting a grasp of the language. He paid a visit to the grave of Sidney Sharp, just outside Algiers, and has met Michael White, now a Lt.-Colonel. Pat Connor is a L.-Cpl. and in Beirut – married – smiles at the idea of D. C. S. as a Wrenery; has been confirmed by the Bishop of Iran, and made his first communion in Jerusalem. Stanley Waters on being torpedoed: “It wasn’t so bad, we were on a raft and not in the water!’ Ronald Harman, transferred from a camp in Poland to Marienberg; frequent raids are viewed with mixed feelings! E. H. Baker, Staff Sergt., has at last, left N. Ireland, and is somewhere in Yorkshire. Alex Lyons is now Lieut., R.E., and on his way overseas. Philip Buss, left Wye College, enlisted in the Guards, passed Cert. A. She quotes an extract from Eric Sharp’s Colonel’s letter to Mrs. Sharp, which tells how Eric was killed by a grenade accident. He was “such an excellent Squadron Commander, and a grand leader.” His regiment had recently taken over a sector of Cassino. A letter from Capt. Allan Hurrell mentions the meeting already recorded. He has been in Basrah, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, as an Instructor. Has met Dick Slator, now Major, R.T. Corps, now in Italy; also Pat Elworthy now Lt. in Scinde Horse, I.A.C. Ron Fox recently met Stuart Allerton and mentions that Cyril Allingham, Sgt. Pilot, R.A.F., travelled out to the .M. East in the same troopship as Phillip Ewer, who is in the Navy. Alan Gane, working on a farm, hopes to get to an Agricultural College; is now over 6ft. Thanks for the news.
Sergt. John S. Darby, R.A-.P.C., is now in Allahabad.
Norman (“John”) Shewring, just finishing his training as bomb aimer in Canada.
Frank Bromley, Sgt., R.A.M.C.
Ron Bromley, Captain, R.A.
R. Mercer (remember him behind the big drum?) was surprised on leaving a room at Shepherd’s in Cairo to find Colin Paddock writing to go in!
Robert Jenkins, now on the Mercury.
J. Lloyd, training as Wireless Operator for the Merchant Navy.
Frank Constable is now Squadron Leader, R.A.F., and John, Major on the Staff and D.A.Q.M.G., Indian Army, near Burma; has met Major Philip Pearce, R.E., by chance, in the bar of an hotel!
– . Blackman, back from Canada, is Sgt. Pilot.
C. H. Curtis, of Kearsney, has been on several raids over Germany, and now has his commission. In a cricket match for Guy’s 2nd XI, Jack Williams found MacFarlane playing for I.C.S. Mac scored 63. Jack doesn’t say what his own score was.
V. F. West is now Lieut., R.E., and serving in India.
Keith Crush is in engineering in Stockton-on-Tees; he is now G.I.Mech.E. Recently, on York station, met his one-time partner in crime, Ivan Hover, now Lieut., R.E., and R. E. Smith, B.Sc. (Eng.), on the staff of Derby Technical College.
Edmund Crush is now Lt., R.E., commissioned at Sandhurst in September, 1942, R.A.C., and now transferred.
Paul Gane, P./Off., R.A.F., after commissioning in Rhodesia, went to S. Africa for a specialist reconnaissance course. Passed out 2nd, and travelled 7,000 miles overland to Cairo-taking 5 weeks.
W. Gosby, Pte., R.A.O.C., hears from Major Ian Watson, in India, and says Dick Arnold has been home on leave from M. E.
Kenneth Newing, Pte., R.A.O.C. The above six items further news from Miss Rookwood. Editor’s question: What has happened to Bill Lovely?
News of Eric Pudney has been received through repatriated internees from Stanley Camp, Hong Kong. He is taking a very active part in the life of the camp amongst other things keeping the accounts and organising and taking part in entertainments. He is also said to be an expert in camp cookery.
A. H. Butler, with the E. Surreys in Italy.
A. E. Pritchard, left the police and in R.A.S.C.
D. W. G. Pritchard, specially commended by P.M.G. for courage during the shelling of a well-known Post Office.
A. Tolputt, with the R.A. in Italy.
Sub-Lieut. P. Spear, R.N.R., is now reported P.O.W. in Java.
June, 1944.
B. S. Jell is now Lieut. in the I.A.O.C.” and has much to do in an ordnance depot somewhere in India.
R. S. N. Bax has had to postpone his O.T.S. in India due to foot trouble.
Sydney E. A. Holmes, R.A.F., is training as navigator in Canada. His brother Arthur is wireless mechanic on Atlantic Transport machines at Montreal.
P./Off. Leslie F. Bromley is with the Air Sea Rescue Service in Ceylon.
F./Off. Keith Lohan has been promoted to Flt./Lt.
John Atwood is now serving in the Royal Navy as a Coder on H.M.S. Buttercup.
David Atwood is a Monitor at Cotham School, Redcar, and is C.S.M. of the J.T.C.; has joined the “Y” scheme.
B. A. Rigden, after a course, at Exeter Univ., and others at Worcester and Catterick, is now at an O.C.T.D. in Cumberland.
Lt., Peter McVey, R.C.S., is now in Italy, as is Eric Pelham, R.A.F. (Met.).
Geoffrey Hope is now 3rd Radio Officer, M.N.
B. A. Harrison is a draughtsman attached to the R.A.O.C.
The Smiths of Charlton: Walter is P./0ff., R.A.F., Palestine; Ralph is Captain, 10th Baluchis, India; Bill, chemist in an Ordnance Factory; Charles, Lieut. in an R.A. Coastal Battery.
R. Powell, W. Telegraphist on H.M.S. (Coastal Forces).
Sub-Lieut. Roger West is in the same command.
Peter W. Kendell, Sgt., R.C.S., was in the Auchinleck and Montgomery pushes, and then with the 8th Army through N. Africa and Sicily into – Italy as despatch rider.
Louis Sparham is a C. of E. Chaplain in Italy after three years in the M. East.
Geoffrey Brazier, home on embarkation leave, Radio Operator, R.A.F.
Jim Niblett has been promoted to Sergeant Fitter, and is in Italy. He has formed a small band, and writes himself what music is necessary.
Capt. Victor Ravensdale has been appointed to the G.H.Q. Staff of S.E.A.C., and has been flown out to his destination. John, Sgt., R.A.F., has at last returned to England, and is posted in the South.
A. J. Hall is now Sub-Lieut., R.N.V.R.
A. T. Killiner is now in the Rolls Royce drawing office.
The Editor wishes it to be known that he, in common with many others, is just as interested in the doings of Private X, A.C.2, Y, or O.S.Z., as in any of the brass hats. He regrets the modesty that deprives us of news of them.