OPA Newsletter February 1975
New Series No. 27
February 1975
President: R. W. WINTER. Esq.
Secretary :
B. A. Harrison, Esq., 50 Valley Road, River, Dover (Kearsney 3066)
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury
Editor: .
E. H. Baker, Esq., 24 Downs Road, Maidstone ME14 2JN
It is 40 years ago since I joined the School and gone are the days when the Annual Reunion with your old school friends meant donning the Old School tie-indeed we tried to introduce a new format for our Reunion in 1974 when informality and “get-togetherness” were the underlying ingredient of a very happy and successful evening which we hope will regenerate Old Boys’ interests throughout the year. Thank you. Headmaster, Staff and Old Boys for your continued active interest and support especially at this time when we are trying to create a more active association and to rejuvenate the spirit of its members. We look forward to meeting one another at the May Ball on 16th Mayso do book that date now.
As Chairman of the Trustees of the Diamond Jubilee Trust Fund may I thank you once again for your generosity and wonderful support. Over £1600 has been received and we were able to donate £100 to the School for the continued existence of the Pharos, and we are exploring avenues for helping the School in other ways. Do please try to support the Trust Fund by donations or by extending your present covenanted subscriptions so that we may continue to provide the School, which we all love. with a meaningful income or to provide a real contribution towards a specific bequest.
Of the future, I still feel that whatever changes are made in the pattern of Education “The School on the Hill” to will remain a bastion of educational prowess and tradition. In conclusion, may I extend to all Old Boys my very best wishes for 1975 and a very warm welcome to all our functions during the year.
Bob Winter.
In 1974 the total number of boys in the School rose above 700 for the first time in our history. Fortunately we have been able to secure a full staff and, most important, to maintain a high standard of teaching and involvement in extra curricular activities.
Last year I appealed to all friends of the School to help us to provide these boys and the staff with the facilities to make a success of their work. Everyone has responded splendidly and we have been delighted to take into use our new Advanced Biology Laboratory, and Economics Centre and a new Music Room. Many Old Boys will recall with pleasure their enjoyment of music at this School and some of them gathered last May to join in the Celebration Concert. The Great Hall was packed and a most entertaining programme was presented. In particular. Mr. Alan Smith, himself an Old Boy of the School, gave a foretaste of what he would contribute to the teaching of music here when he joined us in September last. I shall be delighted at any time to show Old Boys these new buildings. It seems that the County Council have at last realised the advantages to be gained from the preservation and development of these buildings, and although the economic situation makes everything more difficult. I am glad to report that almost every aspect of the life of the School is expanding. Whatever new policies we may have to face this present generation of boys at the School will gain much from the opportunities provided.
The number of formally registered Old Pharosians is at its highest for some years and I am most grateful to the Committee for the enthusiasm which they have generated. There is an important part for Old Boys to play in the current life of the School and we are always glad to keep in contact with them.
R. C. Colman.
We offer our congratulations to Mr. J. C. Booth on attaining his 80 years on the 15th December.
Your attention is drawn to the new address of the Hon. Secretary. 50 Valley Road, River, Dover.
A plea was made at the A.G.M. for younger members to volunteer for the Committee. Duties are not onerous. New ideas are welcomed. Send your name to the Hon. Secretary now.
It is anticipated that Old Boys’ Day on the 27th September, 1975, will follow the pattern set in 1974. See next issue of the Newsletter for fuller details.
A regular correspondent is “The Rook” at Millmead, Cliftonville. She writes “I am all right except for vertigo and I am afraid of walking for fear of a fall”.
All connected with the School will have read with admiration in the Press of the gallant rescue by Wilfred Dunn (1927-34) of a young lady from a fire at Temple Ewell. Wilfred has a dental practice in Pencester Road.
The financial success of the May Ball enabled £74 to be divided between the School, Parents and O.P. Associations.
Tickets for the 1975 May Ball, Friday, 16th May. price £1.50 each. are obtainable from Ken Ruffell at the School. First come, first served.
Louis Watt gave a much appreciated talk to the VIth Form on “The Comprehensive School” on the 10th September.
The School secretarial staff comprises Mrs. Wootton. Miss Kennedy and Miss Baker. Mrs. Wootton came to the School from Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln.
There may be a few copies of the recent Pharos for sale at the School. price 25p inc. postage.
We regret to record the deaths of S. D. Igglesden (1906-10) on 13th August. G. W. Webster (1907-09) on 12th August. W. V. Carpenter (1919-27) on 8th August. H. A. Scoff (1916-21) on 23rd September and Mark Jenkins (1970-73) on 6th December. 1974. To the relatives we convey our heartfelt sympathy.
At the Carol Service on the 17th December. Charlton Church was filled by Boys, Staff. Parents. Old Boys and friends, and provided a fitting conclusion to the end of term. Our President read the lesson.
A most enjoyable evening was spent by some forty young men at “The Eagle” get-together on the 14th December.
If you would like to play against the School at Cricket on 12th July and/or at Soccer on 27th September, please let Ken Ruffell know as soon as possible.
At Guest Evening 1974 the Orchestra and Choir again gave proof of their excellence and of the instruction given by the Music Staff. Mr. Grove, former Master of Dulwich College, presented the prizes. The Headmaster stressed three ways in which Old Boys can assist the School:
1. By visiting the School and talking to the boys on their career and experiences in life.
2. By participating in School Expeditions and Camps.
3. By donating to the School any material or machinery surplus to requirements.
Saturday, 13th July, 1974, proved to be the day the weatherman set aside for refilling the reservoirs. The Sports were cancelled. Tennis was impossible because the lines were washed out. But some two dozen cricketers gathered in the pavilion and did not want to go home. Some had travelled a long way. They wanted to play and a 25 overs match was agreed on with the umpire wearing gum boots.
The Old Boys scored at a good rate until they found that the pitch was longer or they were shorter of breath than of yore. The rain continued throughout the match and what the groundsman said on Monday morning cannot be printed. It was pleasing to note the presence of the Headmaster, President and other O.P’s. for the duration of the game. O.P’s. XI: Tony Norman, Lew Willcocks, John Ems, John Booth, Richard Gretton, Nick Bloor, Derek Towe, Phil Janaway, Don Hagell, Malcolm Grant and Chris King.
The activities commenced with a good Soccer match, excellently refereed by David Elleray and reasonable support by Staff and Old Boys on the line. The Old Boys were leading 3-2 at half-time but age and the elements eventually ensured a 5-3 win for the School. Old Boys’ XI:P. Noms, R. Hastie, R. Durrant, M. Robbins, R. Mitchell, K. Redsull, M. Palmer, B. Taylor, T. Lawson, N. Woolhouse and A Smith.
The A.G.M. at the Dover Stage was attended by 30 members with the President in the Chair. The Hon. Treasurer reported balances in hand at 31st July as General £171, Deposit £188 and Register Account £83. R. Winter was elected President and M. G. Sayers Vice-President. The Hon. Sec., Hon.Treas., and Committee (G. Tutthill, D. Gunn, K. Ruffell and B. Denham) were re-elected. It was decided that the future of the Jubilee Trust Fund should be discussed with the Headmaster.
There are certain to be differing views on the experiment of the Buffet Dance but many found the evening enjoyable and more entertaining than a formal dinner with set speeches. Change is essential if any organisation is to be a living force. About 70 people took an active part in the dancing and this number would be about right for the floor space available. The buffet was ample if ordinary.
Almost everyone stayed until midnight, which must have reassured our President that his venture had succeeded. We await the next President’s decision whether to plan on similar lines or to undertake some new departure.
It was very encouraging to see many Old Boys at the Reunion this year and to realise that they were supporting me not only as the newly elected President of the Old Pharosians, but also as one of their colleagues in the Old Boys’ Masonic LodgeThe Pharos Lodge No. 6967. It meets on the third Saturday in each month October to April, excluding December, and any inquiries should be made to the Secretary, A. W. Lyons, Sandymount, 55 London Road, River, Dover (Kearsney 2744). This year’s Master is Bill Ratcliffe, and his Wardens are David Gunn and Colin Brice.
John Morecroft (1920-22) has retired to 164 The Gateway. His recently published book White Tie and Tales, Bailey Bros & Swinfen, £1.75, is full of after-dinner wisecracks. All first edition copies have been sold and a second edition is being printed.
We would like to receive any information regarding R. E. B. Hickman (1930-34) formerly of 115 Landley Road, Slough, and L. W. T. Wilkinson (1921-28).
David Langley (1958-63) qualified as a Medical Lab. Technician in 1970 and gained his M.I.Biol(Biochemistry) in 1973. A chief technician at King Edward VII Hospital, Windsor, he is studying for his M.Sc. at Brunel University. At the last count he had three daughters.
John R. Catt (1962-69) passed his final Associateship Exam of the Institute of Bankers in 1973 and is with the Nat.-West. Bank, Folkestone.
David Doble (1948-55) after service with the RAF. went to New College, Oxford and obtained 2nd Class Honours History. Since 1960 he has been with the Colonial Office and Diplomatic Service in London, Brussels and Lagos.
Alan Buckman (1966-73) is taking a four year course for Honours Degree in Applied Physics at Bath University and came third in the first year exam. There are two periods of industrial training associated with the course and he has been at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Sussex.
Lester Borley (1944-49) has been appointed chief executive of the English Tourist Board, London.
S. T. Newing (1919-26), 23 Woodstock Road, Redland Green, Bristol BS6, has written in nostalgic vein. He particularly remembers Sid Nowers and would like news of H. B. Garland, F. Tapley, A. (Bud) Quinlan, A. Muttett, J. Betts and G. Peyton, so please write to him or us. One paragraph is his letter will be echoed by many O.P’s. I have had plenty of chances over the years of comparing the kind of education we received at D.C.S. with what goes on in other schools. I am convinced that those who where in the School in the golden years of F.W’s reign were fortunate indeed. Since then I have realised he had great shrewdness in collecting staffmany of whom would not have disgraced university postsand a firmness and insistence on standards of work and behaviour so manifestly lacking in present day headmasters. When one realises what one owes to a man such as this it is usually too late to make any acknowledgmenthe has passed on his way. But if we meet in the Elysian Fields I have heartfelt thanks to convey.”
Albert Muddiman (1966-70) has received the David Lowe Memorial Prize presented to the best all-round Fleet Air Arm apprentice in the completion of his first year in H.M.S. Fishguard.
John Darby (1920-29) has retired as Manager of Lloyds Bank, Cole Green Lane, Welwyn, and has moved to 8 The Handbridge, Highgate Park, Fulwood, Preston.
Vyvyan Ellen (1927-33), 4 Sermon Road, Teg Down, Winchester, is a Principal Collector with the Inland Revenue with responsibility for some- 40 offices covering some 12 counties. We congratulate him on his appointment as a Companion of the Imperial Service Order in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Keith Thompson (1959-64) is a script writer for Crawford T.V. Productions, Melbourne, Australia. Previously he was involved in production work on the Danny La Rue Show and Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre.
Ian Watt (1924-35) has been Professor of English at Stanford University, California, since 1964. He is Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor of Humanities and has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Michael Ayers (1963-70) has obtained his B.Sc.(Agric) at Reading.
G. P. Ayers (1953-61) is on the Staff at Calder Hall Atomic Power Station.
D. J. Thompson (1945-48) is Manager of a Nat.-West. Bank in the Brighton area.
Raymond Halke (1928-31) has been the owner of the Raymar Cinema, West Malling, for 23 years.
Tony Fleming (1963-70) has gained a Fine Arts Degree at Reading.
John Le Prevost (1927-36) with his wife runs a private school for spastic and disabled children.
Rev. Sidney Riley (1954-62) has jointed the Staff of St. Saviour’s, Croydon.
Sqdn. Ldr. Tony Norman (1944-51) has been posted to a NATO HQ just north of the Black Forest, Germany and has decided it will be no great hardship to be there for three years. His daughters were impressed with the School Cricket tea but thought the School looked like Colditz.
J. V. Hopkins (1964-71) has gained an Upper 2nd Class in Geology at Swansea.
D. R. Elleray (1966-73) gained-a Class I and R. Gretton (1965-73) a Class II in Geography at the end of their first year at Oxford.
L. E. H. Moseliog (1926-33), 45 Kimberley, Letchworth, Herts., called at the School. He has retired from an army career in the RASC and is at present in the Pension Broker business.
Peter Sutton (1950-57) has been appointed Headmaster of Powick School, Worcester. A graduate of Redland College, Bristol, he is married with a son and daughter.
Malcolm Durrant (1962-70). B.A.(History) Oxford, has been appointed to the Staff of Dover College.
Ronald P. Begbie (1928-35), Box Cottage, Broad Oak, Brede, Rye, Sussex, would like to receive information (and so would we) regarding D. J. Suter, J. Merricks and W. D. McQueen, former school friends. Can you help?
Frank Taylor (1920-25) now lives at Kearsney Court, having retired after 36 years with the Royal London Mutual Ins. Co. On leaving School he was farming for 12 years in Canada, and during the war he joined the N.F.S. and was coxwain of the Dover fireboat.
Peter Brothwell (1961-68) is married and lives in Heathfield Avenue. He has qualified as a Solicitor and is with Maurice Sayers of Stilwell & Harby. He is a keen dinghy sailor and plays soccer for a local side.
Wing Com. Peter Hearn (1944-51) is congratulated on the award of the Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air, an oak leaf to wear on the Air Force Cross awarded to him in 1962. He is Command P.T. Officer to Strike Command, Abingdon.
John Philpott (1958-63) has been appointed Vicar of Whitfield. He is married with a young daughter.
Geoffrey Neat (1966-68) gained a diploma in Art and Design at Goldsmith’s College of Art in 1973 and has recently obtained the Art Teachers’ Diploma at Leicester Polytechnic.
Roger Cork (1958-63) is senior port health inspector at Newhaven and has drawn up a coat of arms for Lewes District Council.
“The Committee got this one right. We enjoyed meeting one another. Should be repeated next Christmas.”
“Enlivened by a bomb scare, the party went with a bang. A few dozen sandwiches were consumed and countless pints of beer drunk. Must be the first of bigger, better and beerier parties.”
Best wishes for 1975 to you all.