OPA Newsletter July 1973
New Series No. 24
July 1973
President: B. A. HARRISON, Esq.
Secretary :
H. R. Slater, Esq., 88 Beauxfield, Whitfield, Dover
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory. Denton, Canterbury
E. H. Baker, Esq., 24 Downs Road, Maidstone ME14 2JN
The Annual General Meeting of the Old Pharosians’ Association will be held at the School on Saturday, 22nd September. 1973 at 6.30 p.m.
- To read notice convening the Meeting.
- To read the Minutes of the previous A.G.M.
- To consider matters arising.
- To receive Treasurer’s report.
- To receive Secretary’s report.
- To elect Officers for 1973-74.
- Any other business.
Harold R. Slater.
Hon. Secretary.
The Annual Dinner will be held at 8.00 p.m. Ladies are invited. The Dinner will be followed by dancing. Tickets £2. Dresslounge suits. Reservations to the Hon. Secretary, 88 Beauxfield, Whitfield (Kearsney 2033) not later than Wednesday, 19th September.
A returnable slip is enclosed. Please see it finds its way to the Hon. Secretary and not to your waste paper basket The programme for the evening is:
6.15 pm. Bar opens.
6.30 pm. Annual General Meeting in the Library.
7.30 p.m. Pre-Dinner drinks in the Hall.
8.00 pm. Dinner.
10.00 p.m. to Midnight. Dancing.
During the period of the A.G.M. Ladies will be entertained in the Headmaster’s Study.
The annual match with the School XI will be played at the School at 2.30 p.m., Saturday, 22nd September, 1973. Will any Old Boy wishing to play, please contact me at the School as soon as possible.
Ken Ruffell.
Members are reminded that annual subscriptions of 50p become due on 1st August. 1973 and should be remitted to the Hon. Treasurer. As the subscription has been revised, will members who pay by Banker’s Order please amend the instructions to their Bank.
We hear with regret that Ken Ruffell has felt that passing years have compelled him to hand on the duties of Master i/c Games but we learn with pleasure that he is to be Master i/c Sixth Forms.
Messrs. George Lock are being supplied with a list of current members to ensure that the new tie is supplied only to members of the Association.
Colin Henry has been nominated by the Committee as the O.P.s trustee for the W. E. Pearce Memorial Fund.
The death of Tom Archer on the 10th March, 1973 severed nearly fifty years association with the School and Town. Our President in 1968, the theme of his speech was his never failing gratitude to the people of Ebbw Vale for their reception of the School during evacuation. The School closed on the afternoon of the funeral at River Church. Mr. Best played the organ and the School Choir led the singing.
School Guest Evening is on Friday, 16th November, at 7.30 p.m.
Carol Service is at Charlton Church on 17th December, at 7.30 p.m.
New Life Members are:
P. Ewer, 5 Rusper Road, Horsham, Sussex RH12 4BA.
G. L. C. Bailey, 215 Park Road, Uxbridge UB8 1WR.
A. D. Dewar, 1 Belford Place, Edinburgh 4.
E. C. Mantle, 1 Woodbindings Avenue, Hatch End, Pinner, Middx.
Mr. F. W. Ockenden, Sunnyside, Blyford Lane, Wenhaston, Halesworth, Suffolk (Blythburgh 375). Many O.P.s of the 30’s will remember Frank as the Senior Craft Master and many will retain nostalgic memories of pleasant hours spent with him as a member of the O.P. cricket teams. It is a pleasure to quote from a recent letter and to wish him many more years enjoyable retirement. “After 19 years as Head of the Craft Dept. at Loughborough College of Education, I retired in 1965 and came here, where my wife and I have found great friendship and satisfaction in joining the various village activities. A garden of half an acre and a workshop keep me well occupied and contented. I think the cost of the Newsletter and postage must have exhausted my subscription of many years ago and I have pleasure in enclosing a further cheque. Please give my good wishes to any O.P.s who remember me. I still look back with pleasure to the cricket tours in the Isle of Wight. What cricket! What fun!”
The Association has lost touch with the following Life members. Can anyone please let the Editor have any information about them and their current addresses if possible? A. W. Levenden. A. W. Salmon (25-30). A. Malais (50-51). C. Marsh (48-55). J. D. Patrick (39-46). M. E. Hearn (26-31). P. J. McVey (32-42). P. McVey (36-45). A. Norman (44-51). A. W. S. Webber (42-50).
Ken Ruffell addressed the School Leavers on the 18th May. They were invited to have some share in the continuing life of the School and to maintain their friendships with school-fellows. Fifty-six boys indicated their wish to join and of these fifteen immediately paid their subscription.
The Editor would like to convey his thanks to all who have assisted in the production of the Newsletter, especially to Denis Weaver and Ken Ruffell.
We congratulate James W. Menter (our President in 1970) on being created a Knight Bachelor in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
With regret we learnt of the death of Mr. Allen in early January, 1973 at the age of 93 years. He will be remembered by all who attended the School from 1920 to 1941. In the main he taught English. We tender our sympathy to his two sons who attended the School.
The death of Reg Cuff on the 5th February, 1973 at the age of 72 saw the passing of a faithful and keen supporter of the Association since its formation more than half a century ago. He was our President in 1950 and for many years was responsible for the success of the popular Christmas Re-Unions. On leaving School he joined Dover Harbour Board and from 1922-71 he served with Lewis & Pain, Solicitors. During the 14-18 War he served with the Royal Fusiliers and R.A.S.C. The Association was represented at the service at River, and representatives of Toc H, River Bowling Club, C. of E. Children’s Society, Dover Rowing Club and St. John’s Ambulance Brigade were evidence of his full and varied life in Dover. The Association extends its deepest sympathy to his wife and family.
Tom Archer was buried in River Churchyard on an afternoon of Spring sunshine that he would have enjoyed in his garden or on a golf course. Much else happened that Tom would have appreciated, such as the company of most of his colleagues, as well as representatives of the Girls’ School and Astor Secondary where his wife and daughter will continue to teach.
He would have liked the singing of Cwm Rhondda and “By cool Siloam’s shady rill” to the tune “Belmont”. There followed an Easter Hymn with the trebles in the School choir rising above all other voices in the triumphant Alleluia.
As Tom was carried from the Church, the School choir sang “Jesu, Joy of man’s desiring” and we followed him out into the sunshine. representatives of School, Old Boys and the parish of River, a demonstration of quiet respect for a quiet gentleman.
R. C. Wilson (1905-12). Flat 3. Alma House, 1 The Beacon, Exmouth. writes recalling his days at “The Well” taking part in the Dover Pageant of 1908. membership of the O.P.s Cricket XI and his early risings to watch the first aeroplanes and such events as the “Circuit of Europe”. Sadly he reports the death last year of Harold T. Holman (1907-12). He enclosed a donation towards the new Music Room.
J. A. Paterson (1922-31), 17 High Cross Avenue, Poulton-le-Fylde. Blackpool. recalls his friendship with Arnold Stanway and the very many cricket matches he played with and against him for “Buckland”, the School 1st XI and Pembroke College. He is Head of the German Department. Baines Grammar School, and at their Annual O.B. Dinner they sing “Forty Years On”. Kent Cricket and the Lake District are “the great loves of my life”.
E. F. Legg (1923-28) writes that Hobert Hopkins (1923-31) is now Director of the Scientific Research Council Radio and Space Station, Slough, and Reggie Croft (1920-29) is a retired Lieut. Colonel now farming in Suffolk.
D. A. Dewar (1920-28). 2 Southgate. Beaminster, Dorset, retired in 1972 after teaching for 26 years at Upbury Manor Secondary School, Gillingham. Kent. where he was Head of the Remedial Dept. He is a bachelor and now happily enjoying life in “Emminster” of Hardy’s “Tess”. His brother A. D. (Bill) Dewar (1923-34) is a Ph.D. and Senior Lecturer of the Physiology Dept. of Edinburgh University. Bill graduated at London in 1941 and he has researched in reproductive endocrinology. Donald frequently meets G. S. Allen (1923-34) a veterinary surgeon at Salmon Leap Cottage, Bickton, Fordingbridge, Hants.
Harry Hopkins (1926-36) now resides at 13 Hyde Road, Maidstone.
R. A. Pelham (1915-21). President of the Association in 1963 has sought warmer climes at Pensoro Victoria, Funchal, Madeira.
L. J. Bach (1923-27), The Gate House, Tidmarsh Road, Pangbourne, retired as Manager of the Midland Bank, Henley-on-Thames. He was a Captain in the Royal Marines during the 39-45 War. He has two sons and two grandchildren.
J. J. Rainbow (1970-72), Y Survey Troop, 73 Battery, 94 Loc Regt. R.A., BFPO 23, sent Ken Ruffell an interesting letter on the country around Celle, north-east of Hanover. It should be of assistance at future geography lessons.
R. Blackburn (1961-63), 9 District Office, Goroka, Eastern Higlands District, Papua, New Guinea, writes that the colony will probably be independent by 1974. His contract will expire then and he would like to get into the Australian Primary Industry, as a forestry officer.
R. Haydon (1929-37), formerly British High Commissioner in Malawi, has been appointed Chief Press Secretary to the Prime Minister.
F. R Eversfield (1932-38) passed away on 3rd March, 1973. He was a clerical employee of British Railways for 35 years and will be remembered as a member of the O.P. Football XI.
Sir F. A. Cockfield (1924-33) has been appointed Chairman of the Prices Commission.
Brigadier W. M. E. White (1924-34), Lands Down, Petworth Road, Haslemere, still plays cricket three days a week as well as being President (Incogniti C.C.) or otherwise officiating in five different clubs and writes” I had a great thrill last May when the Headmaster invited me to spend a day at the School inspecting the C.C.F.-40 years on precisely”.
J. R. E. White (1927-35), 25 Avon Close, Taunton,Higher S.R.O. in the Civil Servicewrites that on his way home from Singapore he met H. R. Ralph (1929-34), Marine Superintendent of Melbourne. Rick Ralph has a daughter and two sons, and hopes to visit England this Spring after an absence of 20 years.
Dr. J. W. Menter (1932-39) is a Vice-President of the Royal Society. He is a member of the Science Research Council and in 1970 was elected President of the Institute of Physics.
S. J. Nowers (1916-25), Rodmell, Pay Street, Densole, Folkestone, was a recent successful competitor in a Sunday newspaper crossword.
F. J. Rhodes (1926-32) has received a specially minted gold medal to mark 35 years’ service with the Royal Autobile Club. He is the Club’s Chief Port Officer at Pegwell Bay.
It is impossible to keep mystery out of the May Ball. We printed 200 tickets and two days before the Ball we announced that all were sold and no more applications could be entertained. But you can’t say “No” to Governors and high officers of the Parents’ Association. The Head Prefect and others, dressed as Gendarmes, saw that no one got in without a ticket or some note of authority.
Somehow when it came to supper time, 250 platefuls were disposed of without the aid of any small boy with loaves and fishes.
There was a new band that began quietly and got more enthusiastic as the evening passed on into tomorrow. The decorations were as amazing as ever, thanks to Mr. Carter’s ingenuity.
The hall can accommodate only 200 in acceptable conditions for everyone’s enjoyment. So the organisers have a few problems to solve, and if you want a ticket for the 17th May, 1974 you should write to the School early.
C. R. Wilson (brother of R C.), Flat 2, 10 Arlington Road, Eastbourne, has not enjoyed the best of health recently. Apart from a serious stomach operation, he was badly injured in the Brighton bank raid whilst relieving there, after his retirement as Manager of N.P. High Street Branch, Tunbridge Wells. He was coshed and due to ammonia has practically lost the sight of his left eye.
E. V. Belsey (1920-25), 32 Edward Road, Hampton Hill, Middlesex, after 36 years in the water business retired as senior engineer with the Metropolitan Water Board. 1925-30 he was apprenticed with the marine engineering department of British Rail, and then for seven years he was a maintenance engineer at Buckland Paper Mill.
John Booth (1948-56) has taught geography and looked after 1st XI Cricket at King Edward VII School in Sheffield for many years. He is now moving to Maidstone Grammar School as Head of the Geography Department.
Ken Marsh (1948-57) called at the School in June. He is an engineer mainly engaged on highway construction but finds time for cricket at Farningham, for whom he scored a century against Brian Luckhurst’s XI in a benefit match.
Barry Crush (1948-56) lives at Shepherdswell and plays cricket for East Langdon. He is employed in the Dover Borough Engineer’s Department, and in recent years has assisted in the construction of Dover swimming pool, the new roundabout in Townwall Street, and the Friars Way housing scheme.
The names of School Leavers who have paid subscriptions are:
A. D. Banks, S. Bannister, S. E. Conroy, M. J. Dale, J. H. English, V. H. Flood, A. D. Freeman, A. H. Johnson, K. King, I. S. Macnab, R. A. Mark, I. C. T. McKenzie, A. J. Paddock. C. A. Parrett, D. Smith.
If you have read anything of interest, please drop me a line. Someone somewhere will be interested in you and your activities since leaving School.
E. H. Baker.