OPA Newsletter June 2005
New Series No. 88
June 2005
One of the earliest photos in the school records,
the 1906-7 football team.
Click for names
· Officers and Committee Members
· Annual Meeting, Football Match and Dinner 2005
· President’s Message
· Centenary Tie
· Centenary Year
· From The Committee Room
· Archivist’s Corner
· Can Anyone Help?
· Archives Exhibition
· Philip Dale
· Gordon King
· Comings and Goings
· “Focus”
· Obituaries
· Members still Living and Learning
37 Old Park Hill Dover CT16 2AW PAST PRESIDENT Ian Pascall
“Karibu” 45A Bewsbury Cross Lane Whitfield, Dover CT16 3EZ
01304 821187 e-mail: Ian.Pascall@mfw.co.uk SECRETARY Philip Harding
6 Chestnut Road, Elms Vale Dover CT17 9PY
01304 205007 e-mail: phil@ksfa.freeserve.co.uk ASSISTANT SECRETARY Graham Tutthill
21 Orchard Drive, River, Dover CT17 OND
01304 822121 e-mail: graham@tutthill.freeserve.co.uk TREASURER Neil Beverton
6 Riverdale River, Dover CT17 0QY
01304 820628 MEMBERSHIP
SECRETARY Roger Gabriel
229 St Richard’s Road Deal CT14 9LF
01304 366110 e-mail: RogGabriel@aol.com NEWSLETTER EDITORS
Terry Sutton MBE
17 Bewsbury Cross Lane,
Whitfield, Dover CT16 3HB
01304 820122 e-mail: terry.sutton@route56.co.uk
and Graham Tutthill
ARCHIVIST Peter Burville
Seagate, Goodwin Road St. Margaret’s Bay, Dover CT15 6ED
01304 853267 e-mail: pj.burville@btinternet.com WEBSITE MANAGER Paul Skelton
Little Rock, 6 Park Road, Temple Ewell, Dover CT16 3AJ
01304 822260 e-mail: ]]> COMMITTEE Reg Colman OBE (to retire 2005) Rev John Philpott (to retire 2005) Maurice Smith (to retire 2006) Barry Crush (to retire 2007) Mike Palmer (to retire 2007) One vacancy AUDITOR John Sheather HEAD TEACHER Sally Lees STAFF REPRESENTATIVES Gary Potter Francoise Lloyd One to be elected by the staff HEAD PREFECT Rahul Bakshi
INTERNET ADDRESS: http://dovergrammar.co.uk
E-MAIL ADDRESS: pharos@dovergrammar.co.uk
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Old Pharosians’ Association will be held on Saturday 1 October 2005, at the Dover Grammar School for Boys, commencing at 11 a.m.
1. To read the notice convening the meeting
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the previous AGM
4. Matters arising
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. To adopt the new Constitution
7. Election of Officers and Committee
- President/Chairman (Committee’s nomination: J Kremer)
- President-elect
- Secretary (currently P J Harding)
- Assistant Secretary (G Tutthill)
- Treasurer (N Beverton)
- Membership Secretary (R Gabriel)
- Newsletter Editors (T Sutton and G Tutthill)
- Archivist (P Burville)
- Auditor (J Sheather)
- Committee Members (retiring members R Colman and J Philpott)
8. Any Other Business
Philip Harding (Hon Secretary)
The football match will take place at 2.30 p.m., and the dinner will be held in the evening. Full details of the dinner are given on the booking form enclosed with this copy of the newsletter. Please make sure you book your place as soon as possible – we are expecting a big demand!
The School’s Centenary celebrations are in full swing and the Old Pharosians Committee is delighted to be supporting the School in its programme of events. The raising of the new flag started the year well and we very much hope that the installation of the Turnpenny Clock might take place before 2005 ends, but so much depends on the generosity of Old Pharosians (see accompanying letter).
We have watched the School grow in strength and confidence over the last few months and the great improvements in the changing rooms and the plans for technology and washrooms are exciting. Boys and staff alike seem reinvigorated and great credit must go to the dynamism of Sally Lees, the Head.
When I became President it struck me that a year in the job was too short a period of time to be able to do very much beyond attend major functions and plant a few seeds for the future. To overcome this problem and to improve liaison between the Old Pharosians and the School, the Committee is proposing the election of a Chairman who would serve for a three-year period and be the key link with the School. The position of President would be retained to ensure that distinguished Old Pharosians from the local area and further afield can play a role in the Association. I do hope that those of you who attend the AGM will support this move.
For all Old Pharosians the Centenary Dinner in the Great Hall on Saturday 1 October promises to be a truly memorable occasion and I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Best wishes for a warm and peaceful summer.
David Elleray
A special Centenary Tie has been produced and Old Pharosians can buy them from the school for £6 including package and postage. A cheque for that amount, payable to “DGSB”, sent to the school will secure a piece of history.
As we reported in the last newsletter, a specially-composed fanfare – sounded from the top of the tower – heralded the start of the school’s centenary year. And it also marked the raising of the new centenary flag for the first time. But just a few days later, storm-force winds swept across the area, and the flagpole snapped! A new, taller one was ordered, and the flag was soon flying proudly again – and will continue to do so on every day of this special year.
A whole school photograph was taken on 11 May, and on 11 July a fun day will be held at the school – this is an expanded Sports Day. The centenary Junior Prize Giving is on 13 July, and the Centenary Ball is on Saturday 16 July. This is a formal Black Tie or lounge suit event and will start at 6.30 p.m. with a Cocktail reception accompanied by a String Quartet. A four-course dinner will be served at 7.30 p.m. in the Dining Room. In the Great Hall, which will be festooned in celebratory gold and silver, there will be non-stop music. The nine-piece Kingsdown Band will perform on the stage, alternating throughout the evening with a disco under the balcony. After the meal, it is hoped bagpipers will play from the top of the Tower during a firework display on the top field. The event will end with Auld Lang Syne at 2 a.m. Tickets are £29 per person inclusive, and bookings can be made at the school.
On Friday 12 September – 100 years to the day since the first boys were admitted – a service will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Dover, at 9 a.m. and this will be followed by an open air picnic and pop concert on the top field. Everyone is welcome to attend these events.
A photo of the centenary intake of Year 7 pupils will be taken also in September. A Centenary Arts Week will be held from 17 to 21 October, and this will include lunchtime musical concerts. The date of the carol service has yet to be fixed.
On the last day of term, in December, there will be a closing ceremony including a Christmas Party, fireworks and the lowering of the centenary flag.
Head teacher Sally Lees reported that the latest OFSTED report had categorised the school as “under achieving” but steps were in hand to rectify this. OFSTED are making another visit in 2006. The school has achieved Investors in People status, and the specialist business and enterprise bid has been submitted for which £50,000 had been raised. The changing rooms have been transformed and the toilet block on the quad level has gone at last! More renovation work is continuing in various parts of the school.
The association had nearly £10,000 in its accounts, and £5,964 had been received for the clock appeal. As you will see from the appeal letter enclosed with this newsletter, the estimated cost of the clock has now increased, and more money is needed to make it a reality.
After some discussion it was decided not to recommend the re-naming of the school hall, but it was suggested that the new computer room might be called the Coulson Room or Suite, after Archie Coulson, a former staff member who was a pioneer with computers.
It was also decided not to recommend renaming the association. It had been suggested that it should just be the Pharosians’ Association, rather than “Old Pharosians”. It was thought the word Old indicated “former” not “ancient”!!
There is a suggestion that a function for “younger” Old Pharosians might take place in December, possibly including some sporting event. This may be on Saturday 17 December, as the senior prizegiving is on Friday 16 December.
Greetings. In this centenary year I thought it might be of interest to give a brief summary of the history of the School, particularly relating to the earlier years.
There has certainly been a grammar school in Dover at least as early as the 17th century but the origins of the Dover Grammar School for Boys are rooted in the end of 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
At that time the government was keen to have more children progress on to secondary education as there was a demand for a more highly educated workforce, rather than them leaving aged 11 or 12. Also there was a desire to have a more uniform educational regime in the country. These may sound rather familiar objectives to you with recent governments having doubts about “selection” and seeking to have half the population progress on to tertiary education.
One hundred years ago there was a mixture of primary schools with church schools providing free education for the many and private schools for a few. At the secondary level there was also a mixture. In Dover there were various schools including the Municipal School, a Pupil-Teacher Training Centre and an Arts and Technical School. These schools were fee-paying but there were also scholarships to be won.
Out of the government’s ambitions to provide a more unified educational structure came the founding of the Dover County School, with headteacher Fed Whitehouse, on 11 September 1905. Effectively it was the combining of the Pupil Teacher Centre and the Municipal Day School. The premises were based on that previously used by the earlier schools and consisted of rooms at the rear of the Maison Dieu in Ladywell and properties on Priory Hill. Although catering for both girls and boys, the extent of mixed classes seems to have been limited, probably only to sixth-forms. When opened, the County School comprised 53 schoolboys, 12 pupil-teacher boys, 82 schoolgirls and 50 pupil-teacher girls.
The Old Pharosians’ Association was founded during 1910. In that year there were about 136 girls and 115 boys at the school, and there was a waiting list for the £5 a term school which also offered scholarships. At one time there was the suggestion that the County School should combine with Dover College but Fred Whitehouse was keen to expand numbers with the school having its own premises.
During 1910 the girls moved into a Maison Dieu Road building previously occupied by the High School for Girls and by 1912 a site was bought for the boys’ school in Frith Road. This splitting of the School allowed for an expansion in numbers for both girls and boys. Despite World War I (1914-1918), the Frith Road building was completed and the boys moved in during October 1916. The war had a great effect on the School and its members, pupils and staff. The Memorial Window, on the stairs going up to the library in the present school building, records the names of those who gave their lives during the war.
After the war there were about 300 boys, at the School, who were formed into the four houses of Buckland, Country, Maxton and Town, depending on the location of their homes. Once again growing numbers found boys accommodated at different locations and Fred Whitehouse drove through the building of yet another school, this time on Whinless Down off Astor Avenue. On the 6 March 1924 Canon Elnor cut the first sod on what was to become the playing-fields sculptured from the hill on which the School stands. The event was witnessed by the assembled school.
By 1925 the roll exceeded 400, doubtless the reduction of the fees from £15 a year to £12 had contributed to the increase. For each pair of fee-paying pupil there was one scholarship boy attending the School.
On the 17th September 1931 the boys moved into the new school. The formal opening ceremony featured HRH the Duke of Kent on the 9th December, which was a great day for the School and for Fred Whitehouse who remained the headmaster until 1936 when J.C. Booth took over. The Frith Road building was taken over for the Girls County School.
When the Second World War started, the new headmaster, J.C. Booth, moved the boys to Ebbw Vale in Wales. The School building was used by the armed forces as accommodation for WRNS, some of whom worked in the “secret tunnels” under Dover Castle. As reported in an earlier Newsletter, when the library was being renovated recently an unposted letter from a Deirdre to Third Officer M. Bradish-Ellams on HMS Robertson was found behind the shelving.
As with the first, the Second World War had a great impact on the lives of those associated with the School. A memorial book, of those who gave their lives for King and country, is kept in a case on the sill of the Great War Memorial Window. On occasions a leaf of the book is turned to reveal the name of another hero.
In September 1945 the boys were back at the School which was then called a Grammar rather than County School. At that time the school-roll was about 400 in number and all the new arrivals were scholarship boys. The School has continued to expand with the number of the sixth-formers showing the greatest increase in a population which, at times, has reached 800 boys. Just as in the year 1900 the government wanted more pupils in secondary education and in 2000 the objective was to get more students entering tertiary education. This has been reflected in the increase of places available at universities.
It is pleasing to look back over the history of the School and see how well it responded to the demands and threats it encountered. All those now at the School see the prospect of many challenges in the future but doubtless they have the drive and ability to overcome whatever fate throws in their direction.
Hoping you are all enjoying the centenary year.
Peter Burville (1946-51)
Who can provide any information about the late Dr Keith Dadds who was at school at the time of evacuation to Ebbw Vale? Co-editor Terry Sutton has been approached by his partner (Marion Welton), living in Nottingham, who wants to compile a chronological record of Keith’s life for his children.
Marion writes that Keith died in February 2003 after several years of an Alzheimers/Parkinson’s type disease. He was evacuated to Ebbw Vale with the school in 1940, and from there began two years teacher training in London, followed by National Service and then a teaching career. At school he was in the Army Cadet Force. His personal life was apparently “mostly chaotic” with personal freedom a priority, possibly originating from his days in evacuation. Keith was married three times and had four daughters and (says Marion) there were various other relationships. Marion and Keith were together from 1981, in Brighton and then Nottinghamshire. His two elder daughters located Keith through the Salvation Army.
One intriguing incident, in Ebbw Vale, involved a young lady called Mary Harris (or Harries), the result of which Keith (staying with the local vicar) nearly lost his billet. She made a lasting impression on Keith, says Marion.
Well that’s a potted history about Keith (I remember him as chairman of Dover and Deal Labour Party) so if anyone can fill in the gaps Terry Sutton would like to hear so details can be sent on to Marion.
Paul Carrahar is conducting historical research of Fraser Gunner Range at Eastney in Portsmouth and noticed a photograph taken in 1961, showing members of Dover Grammar School, which has the title “R.N. Gunnery School Eastney”, although it also says at the bottom R.A.F. Stradishall 11 April 1961. The archive adds that it was supplied by Brian Marsh on 6 May 2004 and Paul would like to contact him. So if anyone can help with Brian Marsh’s contact details, please let the newsletter editors know, and we will put Paul in contact with him.
Students from the School and members of the Archive Team are working on the creation of an exhibition of archive material that illustrates the history of the School. The plan is to have it available for OPs to view on the day of the AGM and Reunion Dinner (Saturday 1 October), as well as other days. For visits to the exhibition other than on AGM day it will be necessary to check with the School.
There are two computer-based sources of archive material. On AGM day it is planned to have manned computers available so that OPs can be assisted to search the archives website (at dovergrammar.co.uk) and the archive database that is held on the School computer network. It will be possible to search for people and events in these archives. The WEB Site can, of course, be accessed from anywhere in the world but the archive database is limited to entry at the School.
The website, which was created by Paul Skelton (1972-79), has numerous photographs on it as well as the Pharos Magazines. We have attempted to name all of those on the photographs but there are many “not knowns” and the naming of any of these would be greatly appreciated – which can be done “on-line”.
Dr Ray Thorp wrote to tell us that Philip Dale, who taught Music and English at the school in the 1950s had died in April 2004, aged 82.
He joined the school in September 1952 and left three years later to join the staff of Kimbolton School. In the Pharos at the time, it was reported that during his comparatively short stay in Dover few boys had failed to feel the impact of his personality on the musical life of the school. He would be best remembered by the members of the choir who, guided and inspired by him, had reached a high standard and given great pleasure in their public performances. The members of the school orchestra would also miss him greatly. By encouraging a large number of youngsters to take up an instrument, and to try their hands at the tricky business of playing together, he laid the foundations of a life-long love of music for many. He impressed boys and staff by his insistence that nothing mediocre or shoddy would do. Even the venerable members of the orchestra had been taken to task and “had to mind their sharps and flats”.
Dr Thorp commented: “I can not be the only one who owes a lifetime of music enjoyment to his inspired teaching and encouragement.”
There was a good sprinkling of Old Pharosians at the funeral and cremation in March of William Gordon King, for more than 40 years a member of the staff, who died at the age of 96. Gordon, who taught economics and economic history from 1934 until retirement in 1979, was a lifetime Liberal (later Liberal Democrat) and a Quaker. The cremation service at Barham was held in the Quaker tradition, mostly in silence but with individual members of the congregation speaking of Gordon’s full life. A number of Liberal Democrats and Quakers were among the full congregation.
His son Martin, at our school from 1954-57, and now living in Quebec, spoke of Gordon’s love for his family and for education and revealed that his father, a pacifist, worked for British Intelligence during the 1939-45 war using his knowledge of German to decode enemy messages. Former headmaster, the Reverend Michael Hinton, paid his tribute to a much-respected colleague and former Old Pharosians’ Association President Tony Bradley spoke on behalf of former pupils. Mr King, educated at the Judd School at Tonbridge, read economics at the LSE. He was co-author of the economics textbook The Livelihood of Man. He was at one stage of his long life, in the 1930s, captain of Dover Rugby Club, a keen gardener and traveller.
News of Mr King’s death brought messages from several old boys, among them Trevor Heaver, who wrote:
Gordon King was a very patient man. He had a keen interest in economics and economic history. He had a strong desire to impart his interests to his students. The combination of those attributes opened the door for some valuable lessons. For me, two lessons stand out. The first was the importance of understanding and not just learning. I do not remember the particular topic in economics, nor do I remember the outcome, (but it must have been the ‘teacher’ was right and I was missing some point) but I DO remember the experience of the long discussion in a sixth form class during which I was clearly entitled to have and (to try) to express my view. That discussion and other experiences with ‘Mr. King’ contributed to my lifelong expectation to understand matters to my satisfaction before I would adopt a view propounded by others – no matter what position of authority they may hold. It is an attitude that I have tried to pass on to others.
The second experience was my heightened interest in everyday life of other times and cultures. The contrast between the history of everyday life and that of the political and macroeconomic events was brought home to me by Mr. King getting me to read a biography of Edwin Chadwick the 19th century champion of public health, particularly through water and sewage systems.
I visited Gordon at his home in St. Margaret’s Bay in 2004. His recall of events 50 years ago was probably better than mine and his ability to inform my wife of the accomplishments of Edwin Chadwick certainly was. It was a pleasure to have visited him. The strength of DGSB lies in the quality and commitment of its teachers. Gordon King was a major contributor and the value of his lessons will live on.
And John Newman wrote: My memory of Mr King is of a very kind and committed teacher, and a man of evident principles, even though he would have been the last to have imposed them on anybody. He was my form teacher for much of my time in the Sixth Form. He taught me the Economic History part of the A Level History syllabus and also an introductory sixth form course in Economics, and I remember him being very clear, and with an amazing ability to write notes on the board as he taught. I also remember him as being a regular host for the Phoenix Society. I was very pleased to be able to meet him for the final time at Ken Ruffell’s memorial service.
John Baker commented: Gordon was my last form master and an outstanding teacher.
We understand a number of staff are leaving at the end of this term – including Senior Teacher Gary Potter – but full details are not yet available.
Year 7 boys have been corresponding with students aged 10 to 13 in Ontario, Canada, and have been exchanging chocolates!
Psychology, sociology and law students visited the Institute of Education in London for a day conference on national and international legal issues. Boys also took part in a Mock Trial Competition at Medway Magistrates’ Court.
The Lenten Appeal raised around £1,000 for the Kent Air Ambulance and Cancer Research UK.
A school newspaper, Fiat Vox (Let There Be Voice) has been launched.
David Buhler (cello) won first prize in the instrumental section of the Dover Young Musician of the Year competition, organised by Dover Rotary Club, and violinist Miles Brett was second. A concert of pop and rock music was held at the school in February, involving pupils and staff.
Michael Crofts wrote to tell us that his father Lt. Col. Reginald Alfred Crofts CBE died peacefully at Lowestoft on 15 May. He always spoke of our school with affection. Indeed, some years ago, when Michael built a small steam railway in the Royal Forest of Dean, which he and his wife run as a tourist attraction, they were naming the stations when his father and uncle, Eric Crofts, proposed that one of the stations should be named ‘Rookwood’ in commemoration of their favourite schoolmistress, Miss Rookwood at our school. Michael says he will place a suitable plaque at the station one day, explaining the link. Mr Crofts brother-in-law, Vivian Kenward DFC, was also a pupil at the school. He died some years ago.
There were strong family connections with the school in the pre-war era. My father’s younger brother Eric Crofts was a pupil – he is still going strong. Also, my father’s brother-in-law Vivian Kenward DFC was at the school, sadly he died some years ago.
You are right about the connection with Trinity College of Music. My father and uncle contributed to a bursary which I think was transferred elsewhere when the Centre closed.
Some years ago I built a small steam railway in the Royal Forest of Dean, which my wife and I run as a tourist attraction. When we were naming the stations my father and uncle proposed that we name one of the stations ‘Rookwood’ in commemoration of their favourite schoolmistress, Miss Rookwood of the County School. I must get round to placing a suitable plaque at the station one day. Was her name Jean? And do you know her dates of service?
Dover has changed so much since the time when my father, mother and uncles were young people in the town. The school, with its enthusiastic record keeping, must be one of the last remaining links with that era.
From the Pharos No 97 July 1942. Lieut in Army Intelligence after exciting experiences in Narvik as Colour Sgt Major. 1943 Captain in Intelligence. By 1934 he was a member of the Old Pharosians and lived at 110 Crabble Hill. Junior Exhibition in 1923 and won prizes at both junior and senior level and was on the merit list. 1929 working at the Westminster Bank in Folkestone. 1932 completed the Finals of the Institute of Bankers Examination. In 1933 he was elected to serve on the Old Pharosians’ committee. Became a life member of the association.
By 1935 he had graduated with B Com at London University, was awarded a Cassel Travelling Scholarship and went to study banking and international finance in Brussels. In 1938 he gained M Sc in Economics at London University. On 3 December 1938 he married Valerie Kenward at St Mary’s Church, Dover. In 1944, Major Crofts had a Special Mention in Orders for Meritorious Conduct. In 1953 he had an appointment in Nigeria dealing with the export trade of that country. Attended one of the summer garden parties at Buckingham Palace. In 1956 he flew to the USA, Canada, India and Japan as economic adviser to the Prime Minister of Nigeria. M Comms.
Derek, who died in May this year after a short illness, was born in 1930 and was with the school in evacuation in Ebbw Vale. He was one of the pupils interviewed by the BBC in 2000 about his experiences of evacuation. He obtained his School Certificate in 1946 and his Higher School Certificate in 1948.
He was a school prefect, Captain of Buckland House and represented the school at all sports receiving his colours in rugby. In the year 1947-48 he was awarded the Victor Ludorum prize. He took a deep interest in the Old Pharosians’ Association and served a year as President in 1980-81. National Service followed within a few months of leaving school and Derek was drafted into the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), training as a radiographer and served in Singapore. Following demobilisation Derek went to Guys Hospital Dental School were he qualified as a dental surgeon in 1955. Two years later he purchased premises in Canterbury where he established his own practice which he continued until his retirement in 1990.
In 1955 he married Margaret and in March this year they celebrated their Golden Wedding. They lived at Stelling Minnis near Canterbury. Derek is survived by his widow, their five children and 11 grand children.
A former President of our association and a great authority on Charles Dickens, Dr. George Curry, died on 23 May aged 88. The son of Mr George Curry of Dover Swimming Club, young George, unsurprisingly, did very well at swimming. While at school in 1933 he was selected to attend a Summer School being held in Maribor, Yugoslavia. In 1938 after studying at Goldsmith’s College, he won a Scholarship to the Sorbonne, the University of Paris.
He served in the intelligence corps of the British Army from 1939-47, attaining the rank of major and serving in France, North Africa and Italy. In 1944, while serving as Captain in Intelligence, he was Mentioned in Despatches for distinguished service in Italy.
He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and served as professor of history, assistant to the president and secretary of the board of trustees at the University of South Carolina for 30 years. He spent a year as a charter professor at New College in Sarasota.
But he made several visits to England. In 1959 he lectured at Oxford, and in 1961 he was guest speaker at the Old Pharosians’ annual dinner when it was held at the Dover Stage Hotel. At the dinner in 1980, when he proposed the toast to The Association, he spoke of the great debt of gratitude we all owe to the school for whatever we have made of our lives. He was President of our association in 1987-88.
In 1993 he returned to the school to officially open the school library when it returned to our building “from another place”. A plaque in the library recalls that occasion.
An authority on Charles Dickens, he travelled the world with his Dickens presentation and in November 1992 he was at St Mary’s Parish Hall for the Dover Society. A report of the time said: “He gave a selection of the works of Charles Dickens quite brilliantly performed, standing on stage alone at a reading desk, with virtually no props, dressed in costume of the period. He has been travelling the world, as did Dickens himself more than a century earlier, giving readings that are totalling convincing and often deeply moving. George has a profound affection for Dover and this school where he first developed his early love of theatre and literature. Quoting from the programme “he recalls with gratitude the Dover Boys’ Grammar School with Mr Fred Whitehouse as headmaster, supported by what he considers have been the most able and dedicated assembly of teachers anywhere”.
Dr. Curry retired to Holmes Beach, Florida, from Columbia, and lived there for 25 years.
A memorial service was held on 4 June, at the Church of the Annunciation, in Holmes Beach. We extend our sympathy to his widow Ruth, and stepsons Alex and Boradus Thompson and Gene Andress.
Henry’s daughter Joanna contacted the school by e-mail to say she had identified her father in the 1933 school photo, and was trying to find him in the 1930 photo. Sadly he died in 2001. Joanna would be very pleased to hear from anyone who knew her father. Please contact her via Graham Tutthill.
After leaving our school, Henry, also known as Frankie Franklin, joined the RAF as a Wireless Operator. He quickly got his wings after training in Canada and flew many different aircraft but particularly the Spitfire and Lysander. He spent much of the war flying Lysanders into France to deliver and collect French Resistance and military personnel. He was also the first person to fly into Greece just as the Germans were leaving.
After the war he continued in the RAF and earned an AFC. In 1955 he met and married Kay, who was in the WRAF. He retired from the RAF as a Squadron Leader and they then went to Marbella in Spain to open the first nightclub there! On their return to England in 1960 he trained as a teacher of English and Mathematics and then started a career of teaching abroad. He taught in Aden, Cyprus, Kenya and Nigeria before retiring. Since retirement he lived mainly back in Maidstone. He sadly died on his 85th birthday in 2001 and leaves behind his wife, Kay, and two daughters, Annette and Joanna.
Helen Taylor (nee Walters and sister of Chris), identified a couple of people in the 1989 school photo, including Ben Green who, she was sorry to inform us, had died in December.
DAVID HOLMAN (1958-65)
John Silkstone (1958-1960) informed us of David’s death which occurred in February 2004. For about a year he had suffered from a cancer of the jaw, which eventually took his life.
Born and raised in Aylesham where he received his early education, David went on to become a teacher and along with his wife Fay, also a teacher, spent almost all his working life outside the UK. They had two sons; Nick, an officer in the British Army, and Matt, a teacher. At the time of David’s death, he and Fay were civilian teachers for the Brunei military.
“In mid-2002 David contacted me through Friends Reunited,” said John. “We had not seen each other since 1960 when I left England for Australia. We exchanged photographs and began a most interesting e-mail correspondence, which covered mainly schooldays (we sat next to each other in our final year at Aylesham Junior School before going on to DGSB together) and mutual acquaintances, but also politics, family, sport and travel. Then after a long break, an e-mail from David telling of his battle with cancer but ending most positively with him looking forward to his recovery and off to the UK for Christmas. Another long period without correspondence; eventually, through family in the UK, I heard that David had died. I rang his mother in Canterbury and she confirmed the news. To hear of David’s death at any time would have saddened me – for it to happen so soon after our ‘reunion’ made it all the more poignant.
“The message for us all in David’s story? If you are thinking of contacting old friends, don’t wait; do as David did and act now. I am so glad he made the effort.”
Ron, who was born and bred in St Margaret’s, died early this year in the village. He used to ride his bike to and from our school each day, in all weathers, along the Old St Margaret’s Road. His father was a market gardener, supplying a village greengrocers’ shop which Ron took over in 1935. He retired in 1970. At one stage he was a member of the village church choir, tennis player and cricketer. He was a founder member of the Bredenstone Lodge. He had also been a member of the village fire brigade and during the Second World War Ron saw service in North Africa and Italy.
We reported on Cliff’s death in the last newsletter, recalling his sporting activities at school and some details of his career, but his nephew, Keith Ashby (whose son Dan was a much more recent pupil at the school) kindly sent us more details of his life.
Born in Clarendon Road, Dover, on 31 August 1922, on leaving school he was apprenticed to Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford) Ltd, Seaplane Works, at Rochester from August 1938 to August 1943. During this time he also gained his ONC Engineering in mathematics, applied mechanics, strength of aircraft materials and metallurgy. He continued to work at Shorts until February 1945 to enlist in the forces but in the January prior to leaving he was elected Graduate of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
He joined the Royal Engineers in February 1945 and that same year went onto his Officer Training Course gaining his commission to 2nd Lieutenant in January 1946 and Lieutenant in June 1946. He passed through France en route to Greece, Italy and Egypt serving in these areas until 1948 with first 17 E&M Pl RE and then 59 Field Coy RE. In 1948 he returned to civvy street to work at Yeadon Engineering Ltd near Leeds, leaving them in 1949 to join the Ministry of Supply at Kidbrooke. It was while living and working in the Leeds area that he met his future wife Nell who he found to his surprise had been born in the Royal Marine Infirmary at Deal.
In 1953 he moved to the Military Vehicle and Engineering Establishment at Chertsey in Surrey, returning to Leeds to marry Nell on 5 June 1954 and take her back to Surrey with him. Cliff continued to work at Chertsey until his retirement in January 1980 but he had already moved Nell back to Deal the previous year in readiness. During his time at Chertsey his work was covered by the Official Secrets Act so little could be said of what he was up to, but the title Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment speaks for itself. He never gave up his learning in the 1950s and gained his HNC Mech Eng as well as ONC in more work-related subjects. These as well as many in-house courses ensured his rise through the ranks to Professional and Technical Officer Grade 1.
On retirement he still remained active taking on Hospital Car Service work as well as becoming well involved with the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship but whilst he gave up the car service before Nell passed away in 1997 he continued to be involved with the CSRF. During their years in Surrey Nell and Cliff spent their free time in their caravan and became members of the West Surrey Caravan Club and needless to say he soon became a committee member, then Vice Chairman and then spent four years as Chairman. They toured all over the UK and Europe with the WSCC and were sorry to leave all their friends behind when they moved back to Kent.
Dr Clyde Binfield, who lives in Sheffield, tells us of the death in December 2004 of Charles Christopher Turner, a contemporary at school and a close friend.
Christopher’s father was a missionary in Burma caught by the Japanese invasion in the Second World War. In the 1950s his father was rector of East Langdon and then Petham. At school Chris Turner shone academically, particularly in Latin, French, History and English and contributed to form and school magazines. He went up to Oriel College, Oxford intending to become, like his father, an Anglican priest. But that did not happen and he went into retail management, working for a while in the 1960s in Sheffield for the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, but chiefly in London where for some years he worked for an art suppliers near Regent Street. His church links were maintained through what was probably the most distinctive thread in his life:music. He was a licentiate in piano and organ of the Guildhall School of Music. From 1983 to 1994 he was organist and choirmaster at Trinity Congregational Church, Brixton, and made lasting friendships there.
He also played for West Indian Pentecostals and had links with Christ Church, Brixton, a notable South London Church which in its formative days had owed much to the Mowll family of Christ Church, Dover. Chris, who was unmarried, moved to Derby in 1994. He died suddenly in December 2004 having apparently recuperated fully and rapidly from surgery.
JOHN BAILE (1966-72)
John has been adding names to Arthur Elliott’s collection of photos on the archives website.John was a friend of our President, David Elleray while at school, but said they lost contact when they went to university. “I told my friends for years that one day he would referee at Anfield, where I had a season ticket. When he did, I had moved offshore and missed him every time! The only game I ever saw him referee live was FC Porto v Werder Bremen in the Champions’ League in Portugal. I bet he would be surprised to know that.” He does now, John!
TED CADMAN (1929-37)
No sooner had the ink dried on the last newsletter and it had gone into the post box than a letter arrived from Ted saying his copy had arrived and he had already read it, cover to cover. “So much interesting reading and some news of my contemporaries,” he said. Ted Baker’s obituary caused him to remember Ted as Fred Whitehouse’s secretary and that he lived not too far from his old home. “Albert Partridge was a small Buckland House boy, a likeable lad, born the same month as me. I remember him joining Boots, a job I might have taken myself but decided on dentistry. Fred Goldsmith was the first Jewish refugee to come to us from Nazi Germany. I found him rather shy, unlike another called Rudy Metzger, I think, who followed him. He was quite an extrovert. However, they both settled into our school routine quite quickly.
“I look forward to joining you again at the annual dinner when I will buy a Centenary Tie!”
TERRY CLEAR (1960-65) and TERRY CLEAR (1981-87)
Terry senior sold his shipping and forwarding business in Dover in 1989 and retired to sunny Andalucia in Spain. “I now farm olives and almonds in the countryside about 35 kilometres west of Malaga, and I also work part-time as a radio presenter for a major Spanish radio station (Onda Cero International) in Marbella.”
TC Jnr stayed behind in UK and ran his father’s old business for the new owners until the end of 2004. He now works in Dartford for a large German Shipping and Forwarding company. He has two children, Charlie, 12, and Callum, aged five. “We are hoping that Callum will follow tradition and attend DGSB in a few years’ time,” says proud grandfather. Both Terrys attended the annual dinner last year and are planning to be with us again this year. “I’ve booked my flight already,” said Terry senior.
BRIAN GAMMON (1954-59)
Brian has just retired after more than 40 years working for Buckland Press. He joined as an apprentice straight from school, and recalls his interview with the then company chairman, Arnold Stanway (1921-29) when they spent most of the time talking about teachers who were still at the school! Apart from a year working at Whitefriars at Tonbridge, Brian remained at Buckland Press, as compositor, then in sales and finally as estimator. Brian has two sons and a daughter, and lives with his wife Lynn in River.
EDDIE HARE (1966-72)
Eddie found himself in the collection of Arthur Elliott’s photos on the Old Pharosians’ website and was able to add some more names to faces. “I remember the day the photograph was taken, I just wish I could remember more of the names!” he said. Eddie recalls coming sixth in the Kent Schools’ Trampolining Championships in the year it was held at Archers Court School, and the same year Mr Elliott took him, John Edwards and Ian Luff to the All-England Championships.
Eddie went on to specialise in birds of prey, and in 1977 he founded The Raptor Centre at Groombridge near Royal Tunbridge Wells. In more recent years he has returned to the school on two occasions to lecture on birds of prey in the school hall. Visit his website at www.raptorcentre.co.uk
JOHN HENDY (1963-65)
John, who is celebrating 40 years as a maritime journalist, was guest of honour at the annual dinner of the Marine Officers’ Club of Dover and Folkestone in February. He tells us that the church he attends, St. George’s in Ivychurch (the cathedral of the Romney Marsh) had recently been fortunate enough to be visited by the former Head of Sixth Form the Rev Charles Hill and there has been much talk of the school before and after services!
DAVID HUMBLE (1956-63)
David and his wife Liz visited Dover in May from their home in Australia, and he was soon reminiscing with one of his former classmates, Keith Tutthill. David, who has spent his career in banking, emigrated 38 years ago. He has an excellent memory for many of the names of former pupils and staff.
Richard wrote with a change of address last year and informed us he is currently Director of Music at Newlands Manor School in Seaford, East Sussex and also an examiner with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. “There is plenty of music in the home – my wife, Jackie, is a music teacher and my son a keen drummer and my daughter a reasonably keen trumpeter. The newsletter makes fascinating reading and regularly brings back many happy memories of school, particularly with regard to school music under the leadership of Kenneth Best and Adrian Boynton.”
IAN McINNES (1936-43)
The days when, aged 16, he kept a Sten gun and rifle in his bedroom are recalled in a very interesting letter from Ian (real Christian name Euring) who now lives in Somerset. Ian was evacuated with the school to Ebbw Vale and was billeted in the nearby village of Waunllwyd. “Aged 16 I was a member of the Cwm Home Guard and I used to keep a Ross .300 rifle and a Sten gun with 50 rounds of ammunition in my bedroom. Just in case (of invasion),” he writes. He expresses surprise there is not more archive material about what was going on at the school, and in Dover, from 10 May 1940 when the Germans invaded the Low Countries until Sunday 2 June 1940 when “we steamed out of Dover Priory waving goodbye to crowds of weeping parents.”
Ian remembers in the last week before evacuation it was common to see French and Dutch uniforms in the town with the biggest action on Dover beach near the Clock Tower where the WVS set up shop to provide a 24 hour picnic stop for the boys of the Royal Navy and others bringing home the troops from the Dunkirk beaches. When he left school he was conscripted as a Bevin Boy working as a coal miner underground in the Kent pits. The experience led to a career with the NCB and mining companies abroad. He ended up back among the Welsh coalfields, looking after 88 pits and some 100,000 mine workers.
Ian’s memories of the pits are covered on tapes at the Imperial War Museum and on video in his local museum in Radstock, the former centre of the Somerset coalfield. Ian’s address is 9 Sunset Close, Peasedown St. John, Bath and NE Somerset, BA2 8HE.
JOHN MONGER (1978-85)
John has put some 30 more names to the 1983 school photo, and he has sent a few more photos and newspaper clippings for the archives.
ADAM MORRIS (1988-95)
Adam went to Sheffield University where he gained a degree in Mathematics and Economics. Since 1998 he has pursued a career in retail management which has taken him back down south to Reading, via stints in Sheffield, Leeds, Dublin and Nottingham. Recalling that it is 10 years since he left school, he would be pleased to hear from any others of his year who might be interested in a reunion. His e-mail address is adam.morris1@tesco.net
JOHN NEWMAN (1959-64)
John wrote to say he enjoyed reading the latest edition of the Old Pharosians’ Newsletter, and had spent a merry hour looking back over all the old sports photos and trying to identify names and send them in to school. Interesting trying to do this at 40 years’ remove! He is still teaching at Midhurst Grammar (comprehensive) School in West Sussex, as he has done since 1968, but took early retirement just over two years ago, so is now working “only” part time. He is teaching law, which he says has been an interesting new challenge.
“I am still singing regularly and for the last few years have tried to learn to play a church organ at any rate to a vaguely serviceable level of competence, and I remain eternally grateful to all the help that Kenneth Best gave me in sparking off what has been a lifelong commitment to music. I am also still playing cricket and getting the odd wicket – for which addiction I have AS Pitceathly and Ken Ruffell to thank! I hope that the latter would be pleased that I share his “Living and still learning” philosophy, having just achieved (at last!) a Diploma in French from the Open University, which might surprise Mr Marriott, of whose death I was sorry to read in the magazine. I am afraid that my contacts with DGSB are now very spasmodic. I appreciated coming to the memorial service for Ken Ruffell and meeting former teachers such as Reg Payne, Dr Hinton, WG King and MH Smith again. Since my mother left East Kent some five years ago or so I am afraid that visits to Dover are much more occasional. I should, though, be grateful to find out more about centenary celebrations, and especially if there is any question of an augmented choir to celebrate the occasion.
“I am in fairly regular contact with two Old Pharosians. One happens to be my Headmaster, Bill Benge! The other is my union’s regional official, Alan Venness. I also occasionally correspond with David Johnson (who was in my year) and a lecture that I attended last March in Cambridge was given by DW Fleming, who was in the year behind me and whom I had last met, I think, as an undergraduate more than 35 years ago.”
Graham has identified himself in one of the school photos. He is now Deputy Head and geography teacher at Bishop Heber High School, Malpas in Cheshire. He has his own website at www.grahamrussell.net
EDWARD SMITH (1995- 2002)
One of the first degree results to come through this summer was Edward’s. He has gained a Bachelor of Arts 2:1 in Ancient History at University College, London.
Doug got in contact by e-mail to say how “bonzer” the school’s website is – he lives in Australia! “What was a surprise was to discover that 2005 is the centenary year and I will be in East Kent about the time of the Old Pharosians dinner,” he said. In any case he plans to call in at the school in September.
He has been helping webmaster Paul Skelton with details of some of the photos, particularly a formal sixth form photo which he believes is probably the prefects of 1964. “Everyone in the photo has a little lapel badge which the prefects were given.” Being a little younger than most, Doug spent three years in the sixth form. On leaving school, Doug went through an external University of London degree in sociology at Kingston College of Technology and ended up in Australia in 1968 after an overland bus trip to India (“I forgot to get off the bus!”) He returned to England in 1971, but went back to live in Australia permanently in 1977. He has completed 25 years really enjoyable years as a teacher.
He says he fell into teaching after being a social worker in London and meeting a lot of bright working-class kids bunking off from school.
“I taught for three years at a really innovative comprehensive in Leicester, Countesthorpe College, which in 1974, was dubbed the most radical school in Western Europe! I then taught in Australia at the equivalent sister school, Huntingdale Tech. My basic philosophy was to teach the way I would like to have been taught; lots of humour, affirming the non-conformists, encouraging the spontaneous and not taking life too seriously.”
Doug lives with Annie, who is Australian, in a beautiful village, Fish Creek in South Gippsland, Victoria. He has three grown up kids: Zoe, and twins Danny and Jake. After resigning as a teacher in 2001 Doug now works three days a week as a counsellor. “In 2005 I will complete some brilliant training as a family therapist.”
John, after a break of several years, is back with The Times as their art critic, a post he has held since 1978.
He left our school in 1953 and after Cambridge and several forays into journalism he became The Times’ film critic, remaining as such until 1971. He left The Times as their film critic and resumed as their art critic. He has authored books, the most famous of which was his biography of Alfred Hitchcock. In between his stints with The Times he was in the United States as the Professor of Film Studies at the University of South California (USC), enjoying that position for seven years. During his time in the USA he was in contact with several Old Pharosians including Ian Jarvie (Professor of Philosophy at York University, Toronto) and Peter Morgan who lectured in Physics at the University College of Los Angeles (UCLA).
This information was kindly passed on to your editors by Denis Doble, a former President of the OPs. He adds that he too had contact with Peter Morgan who rang Denis in Kingston, Jamaica when Denis was Deputy High Commissioner there from 1987-1991.
Denis would like any information about a contemporary of John Russell Taylor, called Jarvis, who won an Open Scholarship to Oxford. It is believed he joined the British Museum as a researcher and moved from there to the British Library. “Has anyone heard any more about him?” asks Denis.
Peter continues to add names to faces in the photos on the website. Among the latest he has identified from a 1950 photo is Thomas Friend, who lived at Lydden and who, he thinks, went into the RAF. Others he has named include Flowers (“I forget his first name”) from 1953, and Colin Cheesman, who was only at the school for a short while before going on to Gravesend Grammar. He later did mining engineering at Durham, joined the RAF and ended up a Group Captain. He his now retired and living in Falmouth with his wife Anne.
In spite of much searching Peter says there is one teacher missing who he recalls very well. His name is Mr Beck and he taught General Science to him in the third form, probably the year 1948-49. And he also wonders what happened to Barbara Allwood, who taught art in the early 1970s. “Her husband John and myself are fully licensed amateur radio enthusiasts. We kept in regular touch and holidayed together over several years.” Then they lost contact. He believes John a dental practice in Shropshire.
Peter wrote to say he was completely hooked on the Old Pharosians’ web-site since he discovered it in January, and spent about 20 hours one week looking at old photos and trying to put names to faces!
And finally . . .
Graham Tutthill maintains a database of old boys’ e-mail addresses so that any news of the school can be sent out quickly. If anyone would like to receive news items in this way, please send Graham your e-mail address (his contact details are on page 3).