OPA Newsletter January 1987
New Series No. 51
January 1987
being some current observation of the life of a school and of men who were boys at that school.
Dr. P. J. Burville.
Philip Harding, Esq., 6 Monins Road, Dover. CT17 9NX
Ian Pascall, Esq., 45a Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield CT16 3EZ
K. H. Ruffell, Esq., 193 The Gateway, Dover CT16 1LL
Fellow Old Pharosians,
1. The start to my year as President could not have been more enjoyable. Firstly there was a healthy win for the Old Boys over the School on the soccer pitch. Then there was the well-attended annual dinner which was followed, a fortnight later, by a Forty Years On (1946-86) reunion dinner at the school.
Some 22 of my peers and their escorts enjoyed the evening at which the Headmaster and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ruffell were guests of honour. A follow-up reunion is planned for 1991 when it will be 40 years from the year when most of us left school.
2. At the annual reunion dinner the new school flag, which was designed by 6th former Christian Northcott and made by school secretary Mrs. Wood, was on display. Those assembled demonstrated their appreciation of this most splendid flag with particular vigour as both the maker and the designer were in their midst.
3. The School continues to excel academically and on the sports field. More details are given elsewhere in the Newsletter.
4. My distinguished predecessor, Mac McNeill, with the help of committee members has guided the Association towards charitable status. There is a “stop press” announcement in this Newsletter stating that our application to the Charity Commission has been successful whilst a later issue will detail the implications of ways in which we can gain maximum advantage.
5. With the increase in our ranks and the new status we should be able to continue helping the school in various ways. Your committee is currently trying to find a suitable way in which to commemorate Bernard Denham’s contribution to the school. Information on the proposed Bernard Denham Memorial is given elsewhere in this Newsletter.
6. The school provides excellent advice to the boys who are considering what post-school career to follow. However, Old Pharosians and their contacts must have a wealth of up-to-date knowledge which could well be of great interest to both the boys who are about to embark on their careers and and those wishing to make a subsequent change of career direction.
7. In an attempt to give the boys access to the information you OPs have, I seek your support in setting what I refer to as the Lux Line. Very briefly I see it operating in the following way. A boy having an interest in a particular profession, business, study discipline or career area which cannot be readily satisfied, will be able to identify (through the careers office at the school) an OP who will be able to help. Then it will be a matter of a letter or ‘phone call.
8. As you will have guessed, I am seeking volunteers to help in setting up the Lux Line. Recognising the typical modesty of members, Ken Ruffell and I, from personal knowledge and Newsletter entries, have nominated various worthy OPs as volunteers. Unless I hear otherwise I will assume that those named are prepared to help in providing information about their areas of expertise to the boys.
9. The range of interest of the boys is very wide indeed so please help us to fill in the many gaps in the topics to be covered. A registration form is enclosed with the Newsletter.
News received from our Treasurer in mid-December:
Charitable Status has been granted to the Old Pharosians’ Association, the registration number of the charity being 295653.
On the reverse of the registration form enclosed with this Newsletter is a sample of those at the “Forty Years On” dinner who offered the President, Dr. Peter Burville, their services in forming a group willing to make their experience available to the school-leavers and other Old Pharosians in need of guidance. Below these names is a list of some 150 Old Pharosians who have experience of life in colleges, business or industry and who are named here to test their willingness to be on the Lux Line.
Anyone who feels that he is not in a position to help has only to write to the President or the Editor to have his name removed from the list.
On the other hand, there may be those, not already named, who would like to offer their help, in which case please let us know. Also, please advise us of any changes of address or interest.
An asterisk (*) against a name signifies that the person is an Old Pharosian but not a member of the Association.
Best wishes, Peter Burville.
The following are those people who have volunteered to provide information and guidance on one or more matters.
John Russell Taylor | Arts, Performing Arts | |
John Fitzpatrick | ||
Colin Fuller | Accountancy | |
Scotty Ibell | Royal Navy | |
David Jervis | Library | |
Ken Lott | ||
R. J. Miller | Building Services | |
Mike Sharp | Small Business | |
Alistair Shaw | Accountancy | |
Bev Sheppard | Electrical Engineering | |
Terry Sutton | Journalism | |
R. G. Thorp | Information Technology | |
Keith Wells | Police | |
Dick West | ||
Norman Woolhouse | Biotechnology | |
D. H. Wright | Hull University | |
S. C. Wright | Biology |
Below is a list of some 150 Old Pharosians who have experience of life in colleges, business or industry and who are named here to test their willingness to be on the Lux Line. Anyone who feels that he is not in a position to help has only to write to the President or Editor to have his named removed from the list.
Abbott, L. H. R. Allingham, J. P. Aylen, M.* Aylen, J.* Baker, E. H. Beer, W. T. Begbie, R. Beney, T.* Bilby, B. A. Binfield, Dr. J. C. Blackford, H. C. Bodiam, M. Bolton, Col. R. Borley, L. Bradley, A. W. Bradley, P. P. Brown. A. T. Buckman, A. P. Burton, D. J. Burville, Dr. P. J. Cain, R. Catt, J. R. Clover, I. C. Collard, W. E. Constable, R. F. Cooper, J. M. Cottingham, C. Court, M.* Couzens, M. K. Crouch, D. F. Deverson, C. J. F. Devine, A. H. Dicks, J. P. J. Dilnot, Rev. J. Doble, D. Dunford, I. R. Durrant, R. Ewell, E. J. Ewer, P. Evans, G. Fittall, W. Flood, C.* Ford, M. H.* Freathy, P. Fright, N. J. Gardiner, A. W. Gill, C. P. Gill, M. J. Glanville, J. Goldsmith. F. Gore, N. P. Graeme, G. Graeme, R.* Gretton, J. Gretton, R. Greenway-Stanley, M. Gunn, D. Halfpenny, W. Halsey, J. E. Hannent, D. Harding, P. J. Harvey, D.* Hearn, Grp Capt, P. Henry, C. Hogg, Capt. P. Hookham, L. W. H. H. Hopkinson, N. Horne, S. J. Howell, R. Howitt, J. Hutchison, Cdr. W. K. Jackson, J. E. T. Jasper, T. S. Jones, E. L. Jones, K. Jubb, P. D. Lakin, R. C. Langford, R. D. Langley, D. J. Law, A. Lawrenson, S. W. Le Prevost, J. Linebam, T. R. Lodge, J.* Longley, M. Lott, Dr. K. Luff, M. McBride, P. M. C. McCarthy, C. McNeil, W. D. Makey, A. Makey, Rev. J. March, K. Maslen, J. S. Matthews, S. P. Mercer, R. Milbourne, S. H. Morris, G.* Morris, M.* Moseling, H. F. Mount, Dr. J. N. Nadin, W. Newing, Bishop, K. Nice, M. O’Brien, C. P. Ovenden, D. R. Palmer, M. Parry, J. P. Pascall, I. Pearce, T. W. Pelham, E.* Phillips, S. G. Piddock, P. Ratcliffe, W. J. Redsull, K. Richards, C. J. Robb, B. Robbins, M.* Sampson, J.* Sanders, D. G. A. Sensum, O. D. Saunders, P. Sayers, M. Segel, L. L. Sharp, D. C. Sheather, J. D. Simmonds, J. M. Skinner, C. A.
Smith, A. H. Smith, P.* Soppitt, A. J. Soppitt, R. W. Southey, C. Stafford, R. Steggles, L. R. Stevens, B. R. Stucken, A. J. P. Sutton, J. P. Sutton, T. Swaffer, A.* Taylor, J. R. Taylor, P. Thomas, C. L. Thomas, Dr. D. S. G. Thomas, D. A. Thompson, S. D. Thorp, Dr. R. G. Tolputt, K. Tuthill, G. Unstead, R. J. Weeks, I. H. Wells. K.* Wenborn, M. West, R, J. West-Dram, F. G. Wilkie, R.. Wilson, C. J. Wilson, J. Wright, D. H. Wright, E.* Yarrow, S.
An asterisk (*) against a name signifies that the person is an Old Pharosian but not a member of the Association.
Name ………………………………..
Address ………………………………………………………………………………
Home Telephone………………………………………………………………….
Work Telephone…………………………………………………………………..
Advice topics……………………………………………………………………….
Please return form to:
Dr. P. J. Burville
Sea Gate
Goodwin Road
St. Margaret’s Bay
CT15 6ED
Telephone: (0304) 853267
Editorial note:
If you will complete and return this form you will be giving help and encouragement to our President in desire to serve the school.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held in the school on Saturday, 20th September, 1986. The President, Mr. J. D. McNeil took the chair. The Headmaster and 25 other members, including 10 committee members, were present.
Prior to the meeting the members stood in silence to the memory of Mr. Norman Sutton.
The minutes of the 1985 AGM were read and agreed.
The audited Treasurer’s Report was circulated. The meeting’s attention was drawn to the healthy surplus of some £796 on income against expenditure. Contributions towards the repair of the school organ and the School Leavers’ party were noted. The report was adopted unanimously.
The following two resolutions were proposed, seconded and passed unanimously:
The Headmaster having given his consent, the Association as presently constituted be dissolved and the assets and liabilities be transferred into a “new” Association to be formed under the revised Constitution. The “new” Association will be deemed to exist immediately upon cessation of the “old” Association. All rights of membership attaching to the “old” Association will automatically be transferred to the “new” Association.
The revised Constitution (which had been copied to all members) be adopted.
The Treasurer explained the potential benefit to the school if the Association were to be granted charitable status. The proposal that the Treasurer should progress the application for charitable status was seconded and carried unanimously.
Election of Officers and Committee for 1986-87
Peter Burville was introduced as President by the outgoing President Mr. J. D. McNeil.
The following members were proposed, seconded and unanimously elected: Vice-President, G. Curry. Hon. Treasurer, I. D. Pascall. Hon. Secretary, P. J. Harding. Hon. Assistant Secretary, C. Henry. Hon. Auditor, A. Stone. Hon. Archivist, S. Wenborn. Hon. Newsletter Editor, K. H. Ruffell. Committee Members: (to 1987) T. Sutton, A. Gunn. (to 1988) W. Skelton, M. Palmer. (to 1989) R. Winter, W. Newman. Staff Members: M. H. Smith (Vice-President designate 1987-88). R. Gabriel. Staff Representative: J. B. Quinn.
Subscriptions: the proposal that Annual Membership be £2 and Life Membership be £20 as from 1st August, 1987 was seconded and carried unanimously.
Any Other Business
- The school flag had been completed by Mrs. C. Wood, School Secretary, from the design by Christian Northcott, and was flying from the school flag-pole on the tower.
- In memory of Bernard Denham two seats, funded by his family, have been placed in the quad. It was felt by the AGM that the Association should consider a further memorial, perhaps one reflecting his keen interest in career counselling. Mr. Bernard Harrison was co-opted onto the committee to play a central role in co-ordinating ideas and producing a recommendation for the Association to consider.
- The Headmaster said the J. V. Horn bequest, which included books, pictures, a piano and clavichord, had been received at the school and put to use.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.45 p.m. with the next year’s AGM scheduled to be held on Saturday, 19th September, 1987.
Old Pharosians’ Association
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st July, 1986
Expenditure | Income | |||||
Newsletters | 459.77 | Subscriptions | 1,225.75 | |||
Expenses-Secretary | 23.76 | Donations | 24.54 | |||
Treasurer | 1.96 | Dinner-Ticket Sales | 809.00 | |||
25.72 | Costs | 716.50 | ||||
Postage and Stationery | 32.04 | 92.50 | ||||
School Prizes | 20.00 | War Loan Interest | 3.50 | |||
School Leavers’ Socials | 100.00 | Building Society Interest | 226.17 | |||
Pavilion Opening Ceremony | 25.28 | London Reunion Surplus | 2.23 | |||
Steel Cupboard for Archive Room | 47.66 | |||||
Replacement Football for School | 14.50 | |||||
Flag Bunting | 52.94 | |||||
Surplus of Income over Expenditure | 796.78 | |||||
Balance Sheet as at 31st July, 1986
Lloyds Bank Current Account | 870.37 | Creditor | 1.96 | |||
Woolwich Equitable Building Society | 2,745.15 | Jubilee Trust Fund re. Organ. | 330.00 | |||
1986 Dinner Expense | 10.00 | Revenue Reserve— | ||||
At 1st August, 1985 | 2.496.78 | |||||
Surplus for Year | 796.78 | |||||
3,293.56 | ||||||
Note: The Association holds 3%% War Loan with a Nominal Value of £100
Audited and found correct, A. G. Stone,
Hon. Auditor. I. D. Pascall, A.C.A., Hon. Treasurer.
Your committee met on 20th November, 1986. Among those present was the Head Prefect, S. H. Hojka.
Treasurer reported that our current account held £930 and our building society account £2,745. A transfer of funds from the former account to the latter was intended. There was a good profit on the Annual Dinner.
Headmaster reported that someone had left £1,000 to the school.
Maurice Smith has been working with a boy who is expert in computing to get our mailing list on the school’s computer system. Tremendous efforts have been made by the past president, Mac McNeil, and the officers to improve accuracy. There are constant additions, deletions and amendments to our file and we have to rely on members to inform us when they change their address.
The next major event on our calendar is the May Ball on Saturday, 9th May. Last year there was such demand for tickets that late applicants had to be refused. You can write to school at any time to reserve tickets.
President Peter Burville reported on progress of his intention to create a file of Old Pharosians willing to make their experience available to boys and members considering colleges and careers.
There may be a gathering in February to join Old Pharosians to school-leavers interested in one particular field of employment: and in March there could be a related exercise to give boys training in interview techniques.
Progress in making some memorial to Bernard Denham was discussed: further steps were agreed and are reported below.
On Thursday, 13th November at 2 p.m. the school’s normal assembly in the hall was given added significance by a service of dedication of a memorial to Bernard Denham. The service was led by the Rev. Dr. Michael Hinton and the Rev. Patrick Jones in the presence of Bernard’s brother and family, with many of Bernard’s colleagues and the whole school. The family had presented a pair of seats suitably inscribed as a memorial.
The Old Pharosian committee felt that many who had been taught or guided into careers or encouraged on the cricket field by Bernard Denham should be given the opportunity to contribute to a further memorial.
The committee decided that funds received should first be applied to purchase a much needed scoreboard for the cricket pavilion. Mr. B. A. Harrison has found that the cost of a suitable score-board from county supplies would be between £400 and £500. Excess of money received beyond this cost would be put in a fund to help meet expenses, where there was need, for boys to travel to interview in furtherance of their careers in colleges or employment.
Donations should be sent by cheque in favour of the Old Pharosians’ Association to Mr. B. A. Harrison, 50 Valley Road, River, Dover CT17 OQW.
MISSING SCHOOL CUPS: Athletes and Swimmers please note
Given for Athletics: Gambrill Cup for Senior 800m. Venables Cup for U16 200yds (200m).
Given for Swimming: Parents’ Cup for Intermediate Swimming Champion. Max Helier Cup for the Senior Relay.
If anyone can help the school in this matter please contact Mr. Grant at school or the Editor.
LONDON REUNION, Thursday, 26th June, 1986, at the “Dover Castle”, London, W1
Some two dozen Old Pharosians of varied ages met in convivial company in a private room and heard the Headmaster give a cheerful and encouraging review of the present school’s life. The Head Boy came with Headmaster and Newsletter editor to meet Old Boys of most generations who circulated and enjoyed a pleasant couple of hours which Denis Gibb had arranged with his usual courtesy and efficiency.
SCHOOL v. OLD BOYS CRICKET MATCH. Saturday, 12th June, 1986.
This game was played in the best of that good spirit that should characterise cricket, with not a bouncer nor a helmet in sight. After overnight rain the wicket was soft and the ball tended to “stop” which may account for the large number of catches.
Everyone who enjoyed the afternoon should be grateful to Jack Kremer for gathering the Old Boys’ team: and to John Booth who sees that everyone has some part in the action.
After the game the Old Boys’ team adjourned to the extra-mural department of the school to seek refreshment and see the finish of the Benson and Hedges final which Kent lost in darkness and rain by two runs.
Old PharosiansHopkinson, c -, b Penington 29. Fitzpatrick, c -, b Swinard 12. Jackson, b Penington 13. Crush,c -, b Peningron 1. Coleman, c -, b Corless 19. Nadin, c -, b Penington 10. Little, c -, b Corless 3. Gretton, c -, b Penington 21. Booth, c -, b Corless 3. Sheather, b Corless 7. Ruffell, not out 0. Extras 2. Total 120.
Bowling: Penington 5 for 39. Corless 4 for 26.
SchoolN. Castle, c -, b Coleman 0. Corless, c Little, b Hopkinson 12. Bean, c -, b Coleman 3, San Emeterio, c Nadin, b Coleman 5, Culen, lbw, b Coleman 0. Far, b Booth 6. Carlton, b Booth 0, Goodwin, c Gretton, b Booth 10, Penington, st. Nadin, b Booth 6, Swinard, c Jackson, b Coleman 7, Castle, not out 2. Extras 4. Total 55. Bowling: Coleman 6 for 19. Booth 3 for 3.
OLD BOYS v. SCHOOL SOCCER MATCH, 20th September, 1986
The Old Boys’ XI retained the Andy Kremer Memorial Cup by defeating the School in the annual soccer match. As half of the side had played together in very recent school teams, the Old Boys’ team showed a higher than usual degree of teamwork and after taking an early two-goal lead scored at regular intervals to lead 70. To their credit, the School kept trying and were rewarded with two late consolation goals. Scorers for the Old Boys were Matthew Mann (3) John Allingham (2) Steve Blake and San Emeterio.
Old Boys’ XIPete Norris, Dave Little, Chris King, Simon Jones, Nicky Syrett, Mark Gabriel, Steve Gabriel, Steve Blake, Matthew Mann, John Allingham, Ramon San Emeterio.
The above report was kindly supplied by Mick Palmer who is a member of the O.P. Committee and assembles the O.P. Soccer XI each year.
President Peter Burville and Ron Miller travel together frequently on the train between Dover and London. On these journeys they hatched the scheme to promote a dinner for those who joined the school forty years ago and helped Mr. Booth reform the school on the return from Wales.
The scheme was launched and brought to fruition by their joint entrepreneurial and secretarial skills.
Some couple of dozen men, most with their ladies, sat at a circular table in the school hall and enjoyed a first-class meal. Toasts to the Queen, the School and Absent Friends were honoured: and Headmaster made a speech of welcome. Peter Burville handed over a generous sum of money for the school to use.
Then everyone seated at the round table had their opportunity to entertain the company with reminiscences of times past. Those who had done their homework and gained life’s highest prizes took pains to conceal such deviations from tales told out of school, tales of adventure and misadventure, fortune and misfortune.
Ken Ruffell did his best to draw the picture of the school’s life as he had seen it from 1937 to its present excellence, as enjoyed by the sons of some who sat at table together.
The caretaker reports that some stayed talking until almost 1 a.m. After forty years there must have been quite a tale to tale, quite a lot to remember.
As 1986 moved into 1987 the school’s past and present members might reflect on the fiftieth anniversary of the transfer of the headmaster’s powers from Mr. Fred Whitehouse to Mr. J. C. Booth.
From a superficial view the two men might seem very different; but they had much in common. Both came from the English Midlands, proceeding from grammar schools to Oxford where they graduated in History. Both based their lives on Christian beliefs and practices.
Mr. Whithouse ensured that the school was built on sure foundations that have been developed but never discarded. He is held to this day in the highest esteem by the remaining generations of boys who passed through his hands. The town recognised his achievements by conferring on him the Honorary Freedom of the Ancient Port and Borough of Dover.
Mr. Whitehouse said at the time of Mr. Booth’s appointment, “The school is in good hands:” In time of war Mr. and Mrs. Booth took the school family to Wales: then sustained it and restored it in the post-war period, aided by a loyal, able and devoted staff.
Both men would have rejoiced in the advances inspired by their two successors. It is some reflection of the spirit and strength of the school that there have been only four headmasters in the eighty-one years of its history.
The Editor is indebted for most of the above article to E. H. Baker (1922 to 1930) who was Headmaster’s Secretary from 1930 to 1938.
Frank Davies (1935-42), now retired after life spent as teacher of music in Ipswich, has written, at the Editor’s request his observations on the school choir’s singing in York Minster. These observations are printed elsewhere in this newsletter. We print here Frank’s note of personal reminiscence.
The school has obviously come a long way musically since I was there, but I owe a lot to “Weary” as we affectionately called Mr. S. F. Willis. I became a pupil in 1935 when the organ had not long been installed. I had my first lesson on it and played it every day. Sometimes “Weary” taught me on the organ of St. James’s Church where he was organist and choirmaster; but the church was later destroyed by a shell. My lasting love of Elgar’s music started with part songs sung by the choir, which was very good and much better than the orchestra.
My biggest thrill was playing in the Maison Dieu Hall on Speech Days and accompanying the choir in such things as Non nobis Domine by Quilter. I so well remember singing at the top of my voice “Forty Years On”, dressed in pin-striped suit and Eton collar: and here I am over forty years on and still feeling pride in my school.
I send my best wishes to all former and present pupils of the school and I hope I shall be able to hear this splendid choir on some other occasion.
Head prefect this year is Simon Hojka who hopes to go to university to study civil engineering.
A new scholarship scheme has been introduced by the Wiggins Teape Group of Crabble Mill. The scheme provides bursaries worth £500 a year for three years for students entering specified degree courses at universities and polytechnics. The courses include sciences, engineering, business and languages, but personal factors are to be considered as well as academic potential. During the second year of a student’s course there will be a one-week training study in industrial and commercial subjects.
Christopher Cook has been awarded a £500-a-year Wiggins Teape scholarship for his mathematics course at University College, Durham.
Martin Ruck, son of George Ruck, Old Pharosian and sometime Mayor of Dover, has received a £3,000 scholarship awarded from the Dubris Trust, available to boys and girls resident in Dover.
Martin is going to Oriel College, Oxford to read physics. He has been very actively involved in the musical life of the school.
Byran Owen (1959-64) and a member of staff since 1975 has completed three years of part-time study with the Canterbury School of Ministry and was ordained in Canterbury Cathedral in September. He will continue at the school for one more year before moving into parochial work full time.
Christopher Bundy, flautist and Stephen Wadey, trombone player played in the Kent Schools’ Symphonic Wind Band in London in July and on a tour of Canada in August.
Mr. Owen and Dr. French continued their series of school journeys to odd locations with a trip in February to Samarkand. A party of 18 flew to Moscow and then on to Uzbekistan where at one point they were no more than 100 miles from Afghanistan. Other cities visited were Bukhara in the Kyzyl Kum Desert and Tashkent, the capital of the Uzbek Republic. Temperatures ranged from a bitter -20 degrees Centigrade in Moscow to +20 degrees Centigrade in Bukhara.
GUEST EVENING, Friday, 21st November, 1986
Headmaster did not give us the usual style of report, quoting percentages and reporting achievements.
He gave what might be termed a philosophical review of the educational scene. He dwelt on the current careers problems and referred to Peter Burville’s scheme for Old Pharosians to give the benefit of their experience to oncoming generations.
He spoke of the new G.C.S. Examination as sound in principle; and he recognised the need for breadth in sixth form education, with emphasis on the value of extra-curricular experiences together with the importance of courtesy and pride in personal appearance.
Parents were invited to come and share with their sons “the best lunch in Dover”.
Certificates and prizes were distributed with lively charm by Mrs. Moir, wife of the Dover District’s Chief Executive. Mr. Moir spoke of the employment situation in this area where 34,000 employed persons support a population of 103,000, a ratio more likely to get worse before it may get better.
He urged the young to PARTICIPATE and not leave it all to “them”, From the young of today, to whom so much is given, much will be required, particularly in the voluntary sector that is so valuable to the community.
The musical contributions to the evening included items by the school choir, so beautifully trained, and by young fellows with their recorders. Most of the other music was jazz and big band, vehicles for the display of instrumental expertise. Mr. Moir had begun his address by saying how pleased he was to come to the Dover Jazz Club; and the Dixieland material must have made a visiting guest, a headmaster from Houston in Texas, feel very much at home. The music was immensely enjoyed by players and audience.
Prizes and certificates seemed in greater abundance than ever before: and certainly a wider array of subjects to be studied suggests a richness of educational opportunity from which the boy of today can make his choice and shape his career and life-style.
END OF TERM ASSEMBLY, 17th December, 1986
Headmaster addressed the troops on the subject of “carelessness, especially on the buses”.
Sixth form boys had raised £218 for charity.
The Sailing Club had competed at County and National levels.
Soccer: Captains of teams stood up and gave generally healthy reports.
The Under 12 XI had over fifty boys turn out for their first practice.
The Under 13 XI captain thought his team had gone “from strength to strength” and they were in the last eight of a county competition.
The Under 14 XI were “unbeaten throughout the season” and in the quarter finals of a Kent Cup.
The Under 15 XI suffered defeats through “lack of concentration”.
The 3rd XI captain found the number of boys willing to play very encouraging.
The 2nd XI captain claimed to have “weight and strength in mid-field”.
The 1st XI spokesman had to admit that the team suffered by comparison with last year’s XI which was “the best in the school’s history with six county players”. This year’s team had played 12 matches, won 4, drawn 2 and lost 6.
There was evident enthusiasm for a lunch-time six-a-side soccer competition in which a Masters’ team participated before large crowds.
Saturday, 14th June
Professional players of the Baroque Oboe, Baroque Violin, Cello and Harpsichord gave their services to play pieces by Bach, Handel and others. The musicians spoke pleasantly about their instruments and their music to present a very enjoyable evening concert.
13th and 15th July, 1986.
Mendelssohn’s Elijah, in SandWich and Charlton Church, Dover At a time when most schoolmasters are feeling the heat and pressures of end of term, the School’s Director of Music put on Elijah, in his own words the largest enterprise he and his department had ever attempted.
One Old Pharosian in the audience said “I have heard this work in Canterbury Cathedral but this presentation bears complete comparison:’ The soloists were well known “friends of the school”.
Behind them was an orchestra of some forty players gathered from boys, Old Boys, teachers of music and professional musicians. Ranked above the orchestra was a choir of over seventy voices of boys ranging from 11 to 19 years, Old Boys, parents and a dozen girls of the Chamber Choir.
The musical public know of the quality to be expected and turned up in great numbers on warm summer evenings to give long ovations to express their appreciation.
On a materialistic basis the financial cost was £600 and the receipts about £450. The Friends of Music will make up the shortfall, recognising that no one who took part will ever forget the experience which arises solely from the driving energy and skill of the Director of Music.
The article below was written by Frank Davies (1935-42) at the Editor’s request.
I spent part of my summer holiday this year in Yorkshire. Arriving in York we made our way immediately to the Minster to find. out if there would be a sung service. To my amazement and absolute delight there was a note at the top of the Service List in the porch, announcing that all services for the week would be sung by the Choir of Dover Grammar School.
We duly arrived in good time for Evensong and stood as the choir entered. I was surprised to hear the “clip-clop” of high heels on the stone floor instead of the usual hushed entrance. A group of young ladies appeared in neat black skirts and white blouses. They were followed by boys in blazers with the very familiar badge that I had worn. Once established in the choir stalls they began with an Introit.
Immediately recognisable, even in this short motet, were the hallmarks of a highly trained, well balanced choir with excellent diction and beautiful tone which sounded exactly right in that wonderful building. The whole service was an absolute joy for me musically, and I was so delighted by the purity of tone produced by the girls who led the treble line splendidly. The anthem Greater Love by John Ireland gave us the opportunity to hear a treble solo by a boy with a lovely voice and superb confidence.
On the second day the introit was sung from a distant part of the Minster. I shall remember for a long time the ethereal sound of the voices in Stanford’s Beati quorum via. This was sung absolutely impeccably and sensitively, a wonderful beginning to a service which included the anthem Let all the people praise Thee, composed specially for the wedding of Prince Charles by William Mathias. This joyful music with its exciting organ part was sung really exuberantly. The service settings by Stanford and Murrill showed equal preparation and attention to detail.
I was proud to be there. When one considers the amount of practice time involved in assembling anthems and several settings of responses and services for each day of their visit, it shows an admirable dedication by Director of Music and Choir. I was filled with admiration, having been myself fully involved with a Chapel Choir at the Royal Hospital School, Ipswich for twenty-six years until my retirement.
Saturday, 27th September
An evening of splendid music by Valda Aveling, a professional pianist who travelled from London to give her expertise, the School Chamber Choir who sang with precision and skill, and Jean Lewis who sings so delightfully and is such a good friend to this school’s music.
St. Mary’s Harvest Festival Week
On Tuesday, 30th September the choir, chamber choir and instrumentalists gave Dover a selection of the music that had been offered in York Minster. A large audience were very appreciative.
On Wednesday evening a programme of light music was offered, mainly by the school’s wind band.
On Friday the chamber choir sang Evensong in a candle-lit church, one of the most beautiful experiences of the year.
The Carol Service, 17th December, 1986
The precision and high attainment of the music were as impressive as ever. The choir of boys, Old Boys and a few girls from our sister school had been rehearsing all day and out of this exhausting drive for perfection came a performance that was a delight in every way, immensely enjoyed by those who come year by year to savour the mid-winter wonder of the Christmas story in words and music.
In the following week these experts sang and played in churches, hospitals and a Masonic lodge.
“This is exciting” said the young man who directs the school’s music. His followers might not use the same term but the quality holds them together.
If any of you who live at a distance would like to measure for yourselves the quality of the product, you could write to the Editor for a cassette recording the 1985 Christmas service. We have already sent one to an Old Pharosian in Sarawak. A cheque for £4.50 in favour of “Friends of Music at DBGS” completes the transaction.
Adams, C. T. Brunei University, Government, Politics and Modern History.
Aitken, A. Manchester University, Mathematics.
Carter, J. N. Southampton University, Physics.
Coleman, S. J. London University, Computer Science.
Cook, C. B. Durham University, Mathematics.
Cornelius, P. C. Aberystwyth University, Agriculture.
Crew, J. J. Nottingham University, Mechanical Engineering.
Crew, R. D. Loughborough University, Mechanical Engineering.
Earnshaw, A. S. London University. Civil Engineering.
Fisher, L. E. Newcastle University, Dentistry.
Gibbons, J. K. London University, Chemistry.
Gregory, D. H. Southampton University, Chemistry with Physics.
Jones, M. O. Bangor University, Electronic Engineering.
Jubb, P. D. Newcastle University, Computing Science.
Lane, L. C. Oxford University, Chemistry.
Leatham, L. R. Nottingham University, Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry.
Mann, M. J. UMIST, Building Technology.
McBride, A. J. Liverpool University, Ancient and Medieval History and Archaeology.
McPherson, S. P. Bristol University, Electronic Engineering.
Meredith, J. F. Newcastle University, English Language and Literature.
Miller, S. Kent University, English and American Literature.
Moss, S. Cambridge University, Engineering.
Naterwalla, N. Guy’s Hospital, Dentistry.
Ruck, M. J. Oxford University, Physics.
Streater, K. A. City University, Computer Science.
Stucken, P. R. Nottingham University, Geography.
Whipp, M. D. Aston University, Electro-Mechanical Engineering.
Wouldham, D. G. Hull University, Accounting.
The following have notified us that they have places in Higher and in Further Education Establishments
Adamson, J. North Staffordshire Polytechnic, International Relations.
Dempster, R. W. Leicester Polytechnic, Accountancy/Mathematics/Law.
Goodson, S. South Kent College of Technology, Business Studies.
Harvey, R. V. Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry, Combined Engineering.
Healey, D. C. Trinity College of Music, Music.
Hewitt, G. M. South Kent College of Technology, A Levels.
Humbach, R. L. South Bank Polytechnic, Physics with Computing.
Lockwood, C. B. Kingston Polytechnic, Music.
Lorimer, M. J. Lanchester Polytechnic, Coventry, Law.
Noake, A. S. Polytechnic of Wales, Mathematics/Computing.
San Emeterio, R. Brighton Polytechnic, Education.
Smith, D. South Kent College of Technology, Business Studies.
Weaver, L. P. South Kent College of Technology, Electrical Engineering.
Williams, D. Portsmouth Polytechnic, Political Science.
Jan. 24th. Concert at school by Richard Lakin, O.P. (Violin and Piano) and friends.
Wed., 25th Feb. Chichester Cathedral, Evensong, 5.15 p.m.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th April. School production of West Side Story. Write to school for tickets.
Sometimes giving notice of change of address but often adding interesting information has been received from: E. H. Baker, John Bushell, J. R. Catt, Mervyn Cooke, Andrew Cripps, George Curry, Frank Davies, Alistair Gardiner, Richard Gretton, Sir Roin Haydon, Frazer Imrie, Step hen Lawrenson, Stephen Madge, Bill Moore, John Morecroft, Alex Nice, Tony Norman, Mick Palmer, Ron Peyton, D. R. E. Philpott, Peter Piddock, Frank Quinnell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Tapley, K. D. Thornby, Keith Tolputt and David Wellard.
The editor is grateful to all these for their help with the Newsletter.
Two distinguished and very senior Old Pharosians departed this life in September.
Arthur Goading (1905-09) generally known as Augustus Gooding, died peacefully on September 21st, aged 95. He was a Freeman of the City of London and Liveryman of the Glass Sellers Company.
At school he was devoted to the teaching of arts subjects by Professor Coopland, and Arthur Gooding remained a scholar all his life, lacing his letters with apt French and Latin comments. He was in the school 1st XI soccer for several years and sent his team photographs to school. When over 90 he continued to attend the annual dinners of his local rugby club: and he had sent generous donations to this school and the Old Pharosians.
He frequently wrote to the editor and headmaster: and just before his death he sent a poem that ended with this verse:
So be my passing! My task accomplished and the long day done, My wages taken, and in my heart Some late lark singing. Let me be gathered to the quiet West The sundown splendid and serene, Death. |
Norman Sutton (1909-12) was editor of the Dover Express from 1949 to 1964. He worked as a journalist in the town for over fifty years and no one knew more about the town and its people.
Six days after the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 he joined the Buffs and was wounded in France in August, 1918. During the Second World War he worked a 12-hour day in his office, contributing local weather details and other news to the national press and served as a Home Guard officer.
He was President of the Old Pharosians’ Association in 1950, helping to rebuild the Association after the war, and he had many other interests in the town. He attended the Annual General Meetings of the Association as long as he was physically able and he was glad to contribute his memories of the school in its early years.
In the years 1937 to 1939 he was captain of the Old Pharosian cricket club: and he recalled that in his school days he opened the batting for the 1st XI with R. C. Wilson who survives him at Exmouth. Norman was always a pleasure to talk with on a variety of subjects and he received many visitors in his later years at Kearsney Nursing Home. He and his wife had two sons, one died on active service in the last war and Terry remains to continue the family links with the Dover Express, the town and the Old Pharosians.
Gary Hall (1976-83) a 21-year old graduate was killed on 7th December when his motor cycle was in an accident on the M5 between Bristol and Worcester. In the summer he had gained a B.sc degree in mechanical engineering at Manchester.
Karl Langdon (1968-73) was a Sergeant in the Royal Corps of Transport serving in Windberg, Germany. He was found dead in his car by passers-by.
Brian Wanstall (1945-48) died suddenly on 21st September, aged 54.
Mervyn Cooke (1974-81) writes from King’s College, Cambridge to say that he has been elected to a Research Fellowship at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge tenable from next October.
A horn sonata he had written was broadcast on B.B.C. radio earlier this year.
Examination Successes with 1st Class Degrees
Simon Phillips (1972-79) in Government and Politics at Bath.
Andrew Devine (1976-83) in Computing at East Anglia.
Andrew Mercer (1976-83) heard on his 21st birthday that he had been awarded a degree in Law at Leicester Polytechnic. He now has a place at a law college in Guildford where he will study for the Law Society’s exams.
Richard Pepper (1978-83) has obtained a B.Sc degree in economics at Leicester University.
Sean Sanders has graduated from Southampton University and will continue his studies at the Guildford School of Law.
Stephen Yarrow (1977-83) has been awarded an honours degree from the Royal Academy of Music.
William Marshall (1975-82) has graduated in music from Selwyn College, Cambridge.
George Ayres (1953-61) is an engineer at Sellafield and lives in Whitehaven.
E. H. Baker (1922-30) and his wife celebrated their Golden Wedding in August at Moretonhampstead on the edge of Dartmoor. Our President visited them at the start of September and was able to convey the Association’s good wishes to one of its most devoted members.
Malcolm Carley (1968-73) learned his rugby at school and in the past three years has been playing regularly as prop forward for the Dover club, of which he has recently been made captain.
John Catt (1962-69) has moved to 8 Birch Grove, Burton, BH23 7U. He is assistant manager for securities in Natwest’s Christchurch branch. His letter showed that he had retained his geographical interest in the world around him and in sailing. He took part in the same TASAR championships as Martin Linsley and managed to come 10th in the world and 5th in the national rankings.
Arch Coulson (1928-71) is receiving well deserved recognition for his services to Computing. In the summer he was awarded an M.Sc by the University of Kent at Canterbury: and on 8th December he received an Honorary Fellowship of the British Computer Society.
He is making a most spirited recovery from recent disabilities.
Andrew Cripps (1974-81). He spent two years in Cambridge working as a computer programmer for Acorn Computers Ltd. before moving to Reading University where he graduated with a B.A.
Honours 2i degree in Computer Science and Philosophy.
He now intends to go to the University of Victoria, British Columbia to study for an M.Sc in computer science.
John de Carteret (1930-34). I am indebted to John Bushell for some account of John de Carteret, his friend and neighbour in Pencester Road when at school.
They met in 1939 when John de Carteret was in repertory in Eastbourne. In 1940 they met in London when de Carteret was a Lieutenant, R.A.
Both met in Normandy about ten days after the first landings. But a few months later, in September, John Bushell was on night duty with a Field Ambulance when de Carteret was brought in badly wounded. After emergency treatment he was passed on to a Field Hospital where he died.
David Elleray (1966-73) geography master at Harrow School, gained recognition in The Times for his performance as referee of a 2nd Division match between Crystal Palace and Brighton on 21st December. He sent off one Brighton player and booked seven others in a fixture described as “well known for its hard, competitive nature”. The Brighton manager, whose team lost 2-0, described David’s refereeing as “farcical”. No higher compliment could be paid to a referee’s determination to uphold law, encourage skill and suppress villainy and brutality.
David and his friend Philip Harding, the secretary of this Association, both took up refereeing at the age of fourteen and soon established local reputations. Philip gives a tremendous amount of time to refereeing and administering schoolboy soccer in Folkestone and Kent: and David takes teams from Harrow on overseas tours.
Dr. E. J. Ewell called at school. His practice is in Cowes and when some of our boys were in the area for geographical field work he entertained them to lunch in the Yacht Club.
Richard Gretton (1965-73) now lives in the Maidstone area and has a son. He is employed at Tunbridge Wells on the South-east Regional Examinations Board and is concerned in a Record of Achievements Pilot Study.
Jonathan Griggs has graduated at the age of twenty from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.
In Dover he has been training officer for the Dover Diving Club and is also a hang glider pilot.
He will join the 2nd Queens Regiment in Minden, Germany and later go for training in Canada and the U.S.A. before starting a tour of duty in Northern Ireland.
Andrew Haig went from school to Reading University where he followed a course in Fine Arts and he is now enjoying a career as a Typographical Designer.
Ian Halloway (1978-82) has been awarded a commission in the R.A.F.
Frazer Imrie (1940-51) is Chairman of Semper Biotechnology Co. who market a totally new process for fruit preservation. University research has perfected a process that extends shelf-life of fruit and other products.
His eleven years at school is probably a record. He obtained 1st class honours at London in botany and zoology and after National Service in the Royal Artillery embarked on a career in industrial research.
He was in charge of the chemical division of Tate and Lyle: but in 1982 he formed his own company which involves a lot of overseas travel. His address is 44 Alexandra Road, Reading, RG1 5PF.
Stephen Lawrenson (1974-78) is national market development manager for Roneo Alcatel Ltd. and has a son aged eight months.
Martin Linsley (1962-69) during the past summer led a sailing team from the Australian Navy for a World Championship held on Queen Mary Reservoirs. He was in contention to win the championship which was decided by the last race which resulted in Martin coming third overall.
Martin is now Training Management Officer of H.M.A.S. Success, the R.A.N’s newest and largest vessel, a tanker-resupply ship.
Marcus Longley (1971-78) now lives near Aberystwyth and is Deputy Administrator for the N.H.S. in Ceredigion.
Robin Kennett is now a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and enjoys consultant status.
Martyn Michael has made progress in the world of rugby at county level. At school he was outstanding as a player of rugby and cricket: and for some years after leaving he played locally at Betteshanger.
But he joined the Blackheath club at the other end of Kent and is now playing for Kent as a centre three-quarter.
William John Money (1947-49) eventually went to L.S.E. when he was twenty-seven. He is now a Lecturer in Politics at Glasgow University and has recently returned from Singapore where he has been setting up a course. At other times for similar purposes he has been to Mexico and U.S.A.
Bill Moore (1921-28) wrote in October. He sent news of Ron Peyton now settled in Bury St. Edmunds and George Peyton who was a noted athlete in his day and became a Veterinary Surgeon.
Bill suffered a transendiary stroke in May without lasting damage but with a need to adjust the pace of life and its commitments.
Stephen Mummery (1966-73) was a cross-country runner in his school days. Now teaching geography at a Yorkshire comprehensive, he has, when on holiday been improving his running time from Capel down to the Warren coast and back.
W. Newman (1973-80) tells of a remarkable occasion at a dinner in London’s Guildhall, Princess Anne being present.
Bill proposed the toast to the guests: and the reply was spoken by Sir James Menter, F.R.S. who has recently retired from being Principal of Queen Mary College. Both speakers made references to their school and Sir James concluded with the words “FIAT LUX”.
Alex Nice (1978-85) has completed his first year at University of Wales, Aberystwyth studying Latin, Greek and Music. He has been awarded a Principal Prize for Greek and will be taking his degree in Classics. Apparently the University of Wales claims to have the world record for charitable “rag” collections and Alex had a personal haul for the year of almost £1,700. When at school he was a distinguished swimmer as well as a musician so his all-round achievements are indeed impressive.
Peter Piddock (1953-60) has for some years been a lecturer in Computer Education at Birmingham University: and has made a tour of universities in the United States to study their methods. He reports that in our country there are insufficient students to meet the needs. From January 1987 he is to become an H.M.I. in Computer Science, working in North-west England. He and his wife continue their interest in music and are involved in church membership.
Frank Ockenden (1934-46) formerly a teacher in the school’s craft department, has been retired for over twenty years and lives happily with his wife in Suffolk. Bob Unstead visited him and found him upright and very well for his eighty-one years.
Jonathan Parry (1968-75) has published the result of three years of research. The book is entitled “Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867-75”. It is published by Cambridge University Press for £37 and was favourably reviewed in The Guardian.
Jack Ravensdale (1931-39)
Jack Ravensdale has published a splendid book with the above title, published by Souvenir Press for £15.95.
It is beautifully written and illustrated, expressing the author’s love and knowledge for local history.
A copy has been presented to the school where it will inspire the teachers of environmental studies who lay such splendid foundations of interest and knowledge to every boy in his first year in the school.
Fred Rhodes is secretary of the Pharos branch of the National Federation of the Old Age Pensioners.
His wife is President of the National Federation and his son Anthony is chairman of the Pharos branch.
David Ross (1954-60) is with a management consortium at Halifax, Yorkshire.
J. M. Saunders (1922-28) and his wife came to England from Australia in July. They are interested in genealogical research and made investigations for Australians in Holland, Ireland and North America as well as in the U.K.
David Sheasby (1969-76) became a minister of the Methodist Church at the time of the Methodist Conference in July. Mr. Reg Payne was among those present.
Martin Sheehan (1980-85) became a flying enthusiast with the C.C.F. and was awarded a scholarship to gain his pilot’s licence. On leaving school he went to Dartmouth and is to move to R.A.F; training at Linton. He hopes to fly a Sea Harrier jump jet.
Andrew Sims (1970-77) who did so well at Oxford as a geologist and has worked for Britoil’s North Sea operations, has recently transferred to Leeds University where he is investigating geology of the area and working toward a Ph. D., while also working with students on their field studies.
K. D. Thornby (1973-80) wrote from Eastbourne where he is a Higher Grade Tax Officer dealing with P.A.Y.E. for the Inland Revenue. After leaving school he took a 2nd class degree in geography at Cambridge College of Arts and Technology.
Keith Tolputt (1973-79) has been on Foreign Office duty in Vienna until April of last year. This year he spent February and March in the Embassy of North Yemen and subsequently moved to Khartoum where cricket is played on matting throughout the year.
Terence Vardon (1959-67) met the Editor when they happened by chance to be on the same train crossing Europe. After leaving Oxford he taught at Tonbridge School and is now Headmaster of Binswood Hall, a sixth form college in Leamington Spa.
Stanley Waters (1931-40) wrote in June, recalling the wartime years in Ebbw Vale, After leaving school he joined an Insurance Company at Lloyds in London. He was in the R.A.F. from 1942 to 1946 and then emigrated to Canada and has been in the insurance business in Vancouver until retirement in 1984.
David Wellard (1952-59) is Director of Manufacturing Operations for Pfizer International based in New York where David lives. But he has to cover Europe, Africa, Middle East and Canada visiting a large number of projects.
He has in his mind the idea of a “40 years on” reunion for those who joined the school in 1952. If anyone would like to know more please write to the Editor.
Dick West (1946-54) is an executive director of British Aerospace working in the division producing air-launched weapons.
Stephen Whalley seems to have decided what would be his career when he entered the school. Now with two degrees and three years of hospital work behind him, he has achieved his objective and is serving as an assistant curate at Selby Abbey, Yorkshire.
Kevin Wood left Nottingham University in 1974 and went into the world of the theatre. He is involved in productions in Deal and in August was assistant director to Ken Pickering, once a teacher of English and Drama at D.B.G.S., in the production and direction of a Mystery Play in Canterbury Cathedral. Marius Goring played the part’ of God in this much admired production.
Ron Woodard (1928-38) watched Kent cricket at Folkestone with the Editor, at a time when Aslett was batting against Warwickshire.
Ron recalled the days when boys joined the school at the age of eight under the care of Mr. Langley and Miss Rookwood. Ten years later he went to University College, London and became a teacher of English at Dartford G.S. and Ruskin G.S. in Croydon. His phone number is Thanet 64252 and he would be glad to hear from former school friends.
Kevin Woods (1976-81) has been given a place on an International Air exchange scheme in Canada.
J. Wooldridge whose parents still live in Shepherdswell, has been in the R.A.F. for 28 years and is at present in Catar in the Persian Gulf.
Paul Becque who was an outstanding actor in school drama, memorably as the Artful Dodger, together with Marius Anderson are robotic dancers and general entertainers on the Italian cruise liner Riviera in the Caribbean.
C. J. Goldsmith (1955-61) has a freight forwarding business in Dover and has recently moved to new offices.
He has fondest memories of Ernie Large, his boat building and his sailing.
Ted Kennett (1922-29) has recently celebrated his golden wedding. He was born on the Waldershare Park Estate and won a scholarship from the local school to Dover County School.
On leaving he joined Snowdown Colliery as a wages clerk and later became personal assistant to the manager. After forty years he worked for solicitors in Canterbury and has continued to give service to the local community in many voluntary capacities.
There seems general agreement that this was a disappointing season, with unreliable batting the major weakness.
Derek Aslett (1969-76) had 23 innings in three-day matches and 6 in one-day games for the 1st XI.
Both he and Chris Penn (1974-81) were hovering between the 1st and 2nd XI’s which can not be good for confidence or stability.
In these circumstances a winter without cricket would seem a launch-pad for fresh enthusiasm when summer comes round again.
We wish our Kent cricketers that little bit of luck that, when added to talent, leads on to fortune.
At present Derek has a leg in plaster for six weeks after a rugby injury.
The President would be immensely helped and encouraged if you would fill in the Lux Line Form and send it to him in his scheme to give guidance to school-leavers.