OPA Newsletter March 1967
New Series No. 11
March 1967
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
I must confess to have sung Forty Years On somewhat perfunctorily forty years ago; and I looked forward to singing it rather nostalgically at my first Speech Day for that length of time. It proved to be a different experience altogether.
Boys, staff, parents-all were there as of old; yet they were not the same boys, staff and parents. What was the same was the school, and its continuing purpose. For some of us the School meant” F.W. ” arid his day as we looked back through forty years and longer. And if Forty Years On as we sang it carried the obvious meaning it involved the unknown of the next century, the place of teaching and learning. the School.
While we were, and are at school, membership of the Old Boys’ Association may have little meaning for us. Our minds are occupied with the visions of the young. But it seems to me that we can be as essential to the school as the boys and the staff of the present. There is a sense in which the past is the foundation on which the present stands, and I am sure that a strong and vigorous O.p’s will be a great encouragement to the headmaster, the staff and the scholars whoever and wherever they may be. It will also be an ind~cement to all those who leave to throw their weight in, too.
I believe that we want to show our gratitude for the school and our faith in its future, and I believe that our continued membership in the Old Pharosians will enable us to do just these things.
E. Field has been appointed the new headmaster of Hampstead Comprehensive School, London. For the last three years he has been Deputy Headmaster of Greenway Comprehensive School, Bristol. After leaving School he graduated in Modern History and Political Science at Trinity College, Dublin. He then joined the staff of Greenford Grammar School before becoming Senior History Master at Christ Church, Finchley. He is married with two sons.
R. C. Mansey (1952-60) won a State Scholarship to Birmingham University and after graduating was granted a Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Scholarship to read for his Doctorate. This January, with his Ph.D. (in Physical Metallurgy and Science of Materials) he went to Canada to join the Division of Applied Chemistry, National Research Council, Ottawa.
P. E. Marsh (1941-48). After doing his National Service with the RE.M.E. he went into the family bakery. In 1963, however, he went to Christ Church Teacher Training College, Canterbury and is now teaching at River County Primary School, Dover.
L. G. W”illcox (1946-52) joined the R.AF. as a jet pilot. After Fighter Conversion Training he served with a Fighter Squadron in Iraq, Cyprus, Jordan and Aden. Since 1957 he has been flying with Transport Command at Abingdon.
T. D. Beaver (1949-55). He gained a BA. in 1958 at Balliol College, Oxford, and an MA. and Ph.D. from Indiana University.
He is now an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
A. W. Salmon (1925-30) went to Cranwell where he trained as a wireless operator/mechanic. In 1931 he was admitted to Sandhurst. where he gained a “Blue” for soccer and” Half-Blue” for boxing. He was gazetted as a 2nd Lieutenant in the East Lancashire Regiment. He served in Hong Kong with them, and in Sierre Leone with the Sierre Leone Battalion, Royal West African Frontier Force. He spent the war years in the U.K., North Africa, France.
Holland and Spitzbergen. with the R.AS.C. In 1945 he became a parachutist and joined the 6th Airborne Division in Palestine. At the age of 34 he became a Lieutenant-Colonel From 1948-50 he was Commanding Officer of the 16th Airborne Division. In 1958, after serving in Singapore. he retired voluntarily from the Army and joined Handy Angle Ltd. With them he has travelled widely in the Far East.
F. A. Cockfield entered the Civil Service in 1935 and by 1945 , was Secretary of the Board. He became a Commissioner in 1951 and Director of Statistics and Intelligence later that year. Next year , he left to join Boots and in 1961 became Managing Director of Boots Pure Drug Company.
Lestor Borley (1942-50) has recently been in the limelight in Australia where he is manager of the local branch of the British Travel Association. A photograph of him in the ‘current edition of the B.T.A magazine shows him talking to the British High Commissioner in Australia at the opening of the new B.T.A. offices in Sydney.
J. S. Granger was elected Meyricks Exhibitioner at Jesus College, Oxford in 1950. He took Second Class Honours in Modern Languages in 1951, and then a Diploma in Education in 1952. He was admitted MA. in 1957.
Dr. J. W. Mentor has recently been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. ‘
L. B. Penn (1908-13) went into Messrs. Friend & Co.. Export Agents, Dover, as a clerk on leaving school. This involved him in the Dover Patrol during World War I. After the war he passed a Civil Service examination and was appointed to H.M. Paymaster General’s Office in 1921. He served with this department until he retired in 1961.
F. D. Neech went to King’s College, London on leaving School, and is now a research chemist with a cigarette manufacturing firm.
D. G. Simmonds applied for a short-term commision in the RAF. while at Hull University. He served for a short period in Cyprus during the Suez crisis but left the R.A.F. to take up flying duties with REA. Holding his Captain’s Certificate he now flies Comets as a co-pilot. ‘
E. C. Mantle studied at London University and gained an M.Sc. while at the B.T.H. Laboratories, Rugby. He is now a Liaison Officer for the British Non-Ferrous Metal Research Association.
A. R. Makey is now an Ear and Throat Specialist at a London Hospital.
E. W. Hampshire went to Northampton Polytechnic before becoming an apprentice at a Motor Works. Later he worked for the Metropoltan Water Board.
P. C. R. Pearce became an Articled pupil to the Dover Borough Surveyor on leaving School. Today he is the Chief Engineer for the Dorchester Rural District Council. He is also a Major in the Territorial Army.
A.G.M. AND DINNER The 41st Annual General Meeting was held at the School on Saturday, 17th September at 6.30 p.m.
The President, Mr. H. A Stanway, presided and thirty-five members were present.
The President spoke of the service that the Association could give to the school and then vacated the chair in favour of the Rev.
W. F. Kemp, Rector of Denton, President for 1966-67.
Mr. E. H. Baker, of Maidstone, was elected Vice-President.
Other officers for 1966-67 were then elected and the meeting ad.
journed at 7.30 p.m. to the Annual Dinner.
Opinion seemed very divided on the quality of the meal. Having paid a guinea, there were some present who felt the fare to be “plain and wholesome” rather than attractive and imaginative.
Most people would have welcomed more time to circulate and talk to people, and with this in mind speeches were reduced to an acceptable minimum. The most entertaining speech was by the Mayor of Dover who recalled his boyhood in Tower Hamlets-and maintained that” had he enjoyed the good fortune to come to this school, Harold Wilson might now be shaking in his sho<;:s “.
The next AG.M. and Dinner is to be at School on 30th September, 1967 and special invitations are being sent to as many former masters of the School as now live within reasonable distance.
I understand that acceptances have so far been received from Miss Rookwood, the Rev. and Mrs. Sandiford, the Rev. L. W. Langley and Messrs. Archer, Kendall, King, Booth, Coveney and Ruffell.
This social highlight of the year is being organised as a joint venture by the Staff, Parents’ Association and Old Pharosians. It will be held at the School on Friday, 12th May, 1967 from 8 p.m.
to 1 ~.m., music being provided by AI Clark and there will be a bar and buffet supper.
Tickets, at 15/- each, may be obtained from Too Maynard, 1 Woodland Close, River, Dover, or, nearer the date, from Gunn’s . in Worthington Street and Eddie Crush in Biggin Street.
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To: E. J. MA YNARD, 1 Woodland Close, River, Dover.
(a) Please reserve me a table for………………………………………
(b) Please send me…._………tickets for the Annual Ball.
(Money with order, please!)
Name……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………….
Address…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………
Giraud, Printer, Dover