OPA Newsletter July 1972
New Series No. 22
July 1972
President: R. RUSSELL, Esq.
Secretary :
H. R. Slater, Esq., Meadow Cottage, Beauxfield, Whitfield, Dover
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury Editor:
E. H. Baker, Esq., 24 Downs Road, Maidstone
The Annual General Meeting of the Old Pharosians’ Association will be held at the School on Saturday, 23rd September, 1972 at 6.30 p.m.
- To read notice convening the Meeting.
- To read the Minutes of the previous A.G.M.
- To consider matters arising.
- To receive Treasurer’s report.
- To receive Secretary’s report.
- To elect Officers for 1972-73.
- To consider the following amendment to the Constitution: “That the annual subscription be 50p per year and that the subscription for the first year after leaving School be 25p.
- Any other Business.
Harold R. Slater.
Hon. Secretary.
The Annual Dinner will be held at 8 p.m. after the A.G.M. Ladies are invited; The Dinner will be followed by dancing. Tickets £1.40. Dress. lounge suits. Reservations to the Hon. Secretary. Meadow Cottage. Beauxfield, Whitfield (Kearsney 2033) not later than Wednesday, 20th September, 1972.
H. R. Slater.
23rd SEPTEMBER 1972
After three annual luncheons we revert this year to an annual dinner when, for the first time, ladies are invited.
Greater emphasis will be placed on the social aspect of the evening, and with this in mind the President and Vice-President invite members and their wives to be their guests at a dance immediately following the dinner. The President is hoping for a record attendance and stresses that all Old Boys and their wives, as distinct from Old Pharosians, are welcome.
The evening’s programme will be as follows:
6.15 p.m. Bar opens.
6.30 p.m. Annual General Meeting.
7.308 p.m. Pre-dinner drinks.
8-10 p.m. Annual Dinner (Tickets £1.40. Dress informal).
10 p.m.Midnight. Dancing to the K Notes.
During the period of the A.G.M. ladies will be entertained in the Headmaster’s Study.
B. Harrison.
The annual match with the School XI will be held at the School at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, 23rd September, 1972. Will any Old Boys wishing to play please contact me at the School as soon as possible.
Ken Ruffell.
The Hon. Secretary and members of the Committee have held office for many years and they have expressed the desire to relinquish office. Volunteers at the A.G.M. or previously to the Hon. Secretary will be appreciated. Although there should be some continuity, it is felt that new faces and ideas would strengthen the Association.
A few weeks ago I received from an O.P. of the first war vintage a letter enclosing a cheque for £5 and saying “I feel some more money is due, as I last paid £1.50 in August 1969”.
It was a pleasant surprise because it was unusual, it also spotlighted the problem of the Treasurer, his dwindling resources. The balance in the current account of the O.P. stood some four or five years ago at around £100, now it stands at about half that figure. In spite of an increase in membership the income does not keep pace with expenditure, although the latter involves little more than the printing and despatch of the Newsletter.
From time to time many O.Ps respond with generosity to memorial appeals and other appeals of a special nature, which help to maintain close links with and support the School. This support and these links, which in a way give point to the relevance of the Association, will, we hope, continue.
Yet it may be salutary for the Committee of the Association to remind us all that in these inflationary times the O.P. current account is another victim, a sad fact recognised and dealt with by the writer of my very encouraging letter.
W. F. Kemp.
(It may be that in view of inflation some Life Members may wish to send a cheque to the Treasurer. Editor)
R. A. Cook (1908-14) has written his autobiography entitled Life in Many Parts. All proceeds from the book. price £1, go to the National Children’s Home who printed it.
D. Burkimsher (1955-61) is general manager of the Royal Norfolk Hotel, Bognor Regis.
A. Henney, O.B.E. (1918-23) is Master of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.
Brigadier W. M. E. White, C.B.E. (1924-32) carried out an “unofficial” inspection of the Cadet Corps on 2nd May, 1972.
Ian P. Watt (1924-35) lectured at the University of Kent on 5th May, 1972.
G. Curry (1927-36) came over from America and attended the May Ball, 1972.
R. A. B. Bushell (1918-21) died on the 18th March, 1972. A Major in the R.A.S.C. he was a Dunkirk veteran and received the M.B.E.
R. G. Ibell (1946-51) has been promoted to special duties lieutenant in the Royal Navy. He is an electronics engineer and is serving on nuclear submarines. Married with two children, he is stationed at Faslane, Scotland.
P. Wheeler (1963-71) has gained a choral scholarship at Durham Cathedral. He is studying music at Durham University.
M. Tritton (1956-63) is a lecturer at the University Institute of Technology at Colmar, near Strasbourg. He is suggesting an exchange of young Dover businessmen and industrialists with students at his College.
M. Hedgcock (1945-50) formerly a partner in the furnishers Hedgcock Warners, plans to open a similar business, Pharos Furnishings, in the High Street.
W. Newman, B.Sc.Econ. (1938-45) has been awarded his M.A. in Philosophy of Education. He is Head of the department for retarded children at Sandwich Secondary School.
B. C. Maynard (1918-23) has recently retired from the Dover Harbour Board where he was the general administrative officer.
M. Smith (1960-68) has obtained the H.N.D. in Mechanical Engineering with distinction in mathematics and machinery control at Kingston Polytechnic College.
Leslie R. Bailiff (1919-25) died on the 14th January, 1972. He was secretary of Flashmans and for many years pianist with the Minerva Orchestra.
F. W. Greenstreet (1915-72). Those who remember his dependable quality as a batsman with the O.Ps C.C. will appreciate his dogged, if losing, battle with the Authorities.
G. E. Harrow (1921-23). Chief Records and Billing Officer with Dover Harbour Board has retired after nearly 48 years service. Many will remember George’s service as Secretary to the Association in the 1930’s.
W. P. Parsons (1959-66) has written to Ken Ruffell from Antigua. “Often I think back to your Geography lessons on the tropics, including bananas or figs as they are called here, and feel better for being able to appreciate what I see. The small round type of coconut are best as they contain more milk. All the best got to finish in the engine-room before we sail”.
Keith A. Bennett (joined the School in 1920 at Ladywell) recently drove from Crowborough to see Miss Rookwood. He served for 32 years in the R.A.F. attaining the rank of Squadron Leader. On leaving the Service he became a Post Officer engineer. He has a wife, daughter and married son.
L. E. Dargan (1927-34) joined the Civil Service on leaving School. We regret to record his death on 11th April, 1972. R. Lucas, left School in 1964 to join the Royal Navy and is now a Leading Marine Engineering Mechanic on H.M.S. Salisbury which recently called at Dover on a four day Meet-the-Navy visit. He is married and lives at Plymouth.
I. C. Austin (1923-29) Beau Pre, Chilton Avenue, Dover, painted 12 soldiers to decorate Howe Barracks, Canterbury for the Buffs fourth centenary dinner. He is a senior lecturer for the Queens Division at Bassingboume, Cambridge.
R. Cain (1942-48) lives at Fleet, Hants, and commutes daily to the City where he is in the commodity business for Amalgamated Metal Corporation.
S. Rowe (1922-27). After working with Dover and Deal Corporation and War Service with the R.A.F. joined K.C.C. and is Principal Assistant (Valuation). Will be Deputy County Estates Officer and Valuer in August. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and lives at Goodwins, Roseacre Lane, Bearsted, Maidstone.
P. Waring (1934-38) farms at Willingdon Street, Maidstone. With his wife and two children hopes to visit his twin brother Stephen who has been in Canada for 18 years. Stephen met H. Fleiss (1936-38) (since killed in a road accident) whilst boating on a lake in Canada.
Helven Crouch (1954-59) is a detective in the Metropolitan Police, Stolen Motor Vehicles Investigation Branch and has been recently commended. He is married with one son and lives at Waltham Abbey.
R. Cork (1958-63) is to become Port Health Inspector at Southampton. He has been an active member of the Dover Operatic and Dramatic Society, and Dover Rugby and Rowing Clubs, and member of the New Dover Group.
S. D. Riley (1954-62). University of Birmingham and Ridley Hall, Cambridge, was ordained priest by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Canterbury Cathedral on the 25th June, 1972. Reg Payne and Ken Ruffell were present at the very impressive service.
Bill Ratcliffe has now been appointed an Inspector by the National Westminster Bank.
C. Flood and M. J. Durrant were both in the St. Edmund ~, Oxford Soccer XI that won the “Cuppers” in 1971-72.
Sir C. J. Jarrett (1920-28) is a Governor of Dover College and presented the prizes on 14th July.
John Bushell has been re-elected to Dover Town Council and is Deputy Mayor.
R. Ray has passed his Ordinary National Certificate examinations in engineering with three credits and a distinction in electronics. Roger is an apprentice engineer for Marconi Ltd. at Chelmsford.
Rev. P. Allen has been Vicar of Ospringe for eight years. Philip recently returned as guest preacher at Alkham where he was formerly Vicar.
On the 18th March, 1972, an Old Boys’ Rugby Match was played largely due to the efforts of G. A. Granger, but only twelve Old Boys turned out: Granger, Willcox, David, Ambrose, Beal, Westgate, Piddlesden, Dyer, Shaw, Goodsell, Best and Hollett. Not surprisingly they were heavily defeated by a useful School XV.
The following copy of a letter in the Daily Telegraph on 18th April, 1972, may interest O.P.s.
SirWhen I began teaching in an elementary infants’ school in 1901 we had 60 in our classes. All children could read by seven years old when they were promoted to the boys’ and girls’ department. We had a reading lesson every day. Dullbut we did get results.
O. M. Rookwood,
Millmead, Cliftonville, Kent.
I was in the best establishment for refreshment in Bourton on the Water having a life saver when a couple of chaps came in and one of them said to me “Would your name be Ruffell?” He was an Old Boy of the School with the Red Arrows Display Flying Team based on Little Rissington airfield. I am sorry I did not collect his name.
When we visited Coventry Cathedral an Old Boy of recent years, Ian Elder, made a special trip from Rugby where he now lives to see us. He is at Carnegie College, Leeds, doing a Teachers Training Course in P.E. and Geography.
Any Old Boys visiting the Town will probably view with mixed feelings the massive excavations to the west of the School. Change there must be. The construction of the swim pool and sports hall on the top playing field have caused chaos. For those who live in the Tower and lower regions “Soldier on” is the only prescription for survival.
There is much mystery about this event that recurs on the third Friday of May each year. A week before the day, perhaps forty people have requested a ticket. True, the Art Department are at work on a project that will materialise into a decor intriguing to the eye, and provocative to the inquiring mind. Someone with faith orders 150 suppers, a band, flowers and plants and a striped awning. Somehow 180 people turn up and the School Caterers have to find a small boy with loaves and little fishes.
This School provides a fair number of men who teach in local schools and they tend to come to this social evening. The President wears his Badge to represent the Association. This year George Curry came in, on his way from America to somewhere or other.
The finances of the occasion are mysterious. There is no intent to make a profit and no names that anyone has to pretend to enjoy. A few pounds are produced each year and offered tentatively to the Parents’ Association and the O.Ps. Somehow the money usually gets spent on football jerseys for school teams.
(Modesty prevents Ken Ruffell mentioning that he is entirely responsible for this successful event and we extend to him our grateful thanks.)
The following extracts from the Pharos of 1922 may be of interest:
The difficulty of finding suitable employment for boys who leave School is still serious, but at the moment we have only one boy unplaced. Local developments in industry may provide openings in the New Year.
The new rules for the admission of pupils will come into operation on 1st August, 1923.
The Board of Education desire the main admission of pupils to take place in September.
At last football pitches at Longhill.
A week’s hard work brought the Corps to a fair standard of proficiency in readiness for the inspecting officer.
Tom Archer joined the Staff at Ladywell on the 18th September, 1924. For forty years he was a full time member, followed by eight years part time service. Educated at Barrow-in-Furness and Selwyn College, Cambridge, he gained his B.A. in 1921 and M.A. in 1925. At first a Form Master in the Junior School teaching Mathematics and Science, he was in charge of the teaching of Biology when the School moved to the more spacious buildings at Astor Avenue. His interests in sport were varied. He pioneered the introduction of hockey and rugby into the School. He was a leading member of Dover Golf Club with Messrs. Allin, Baxter and Pearce. He was a dependable opening batsman for the Old Pharosians for many seasons. He was Squadron Leader R.A.F. Section C.C.F. for more than twenty years. He was Deputy Headmaster from 1952 to 1964 (according to one correspondentresponsible for discipline). He was President of our Association in 1968.
These are but a few of the activities and interests of a dour Lancastrian. who must surely now be a true Dovorian by reason of his dedicated service to the School and the Town.
Thousands of Old Pharosians regard Tom as their friend. He has been an ever present at our functions. We wish him a long and happy retirement with good health.
His place in the history of the School will be with those stalwarts who joined the Staff a decade before him and are always remembered with affection.
Old Pharosian.
A returnable slip is enclosed. Please see it finds its way to the Hon. Secretary and not to your waste paper basket.
Saturday. 23rd September. Old Boys’ Day.
Friday, 10th November. Guest Evening.
Thursday, 16th December. Carol Service at Charlton Church.
(please check this date with the School).
The School play will be Richard III and definite dates of production can be obtained from the School at the beginning of the Autumn Term.
If you have found any item of interest, give thanks to those who have found time to keep in touch with us. The contents and size of the Newsletter are dependent on the effort you make. Why not send me a few notes?
E. H. Baker, 24 Downs Road, Maidstone.
Mr. Tom Archer is in Folkestone Hospital. Our best wishes for a speedy and full recovery to good health.