OPA Newsletter July 1985
New Series No. 48
July 1985
Dr. K. A. K. Lott
Philip Harding, Esq., 8 Monins Road, Dover
Ian Pascall, Esq., 45a Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield CT16 3EZ
K. H. Ruffell, Esq., 193 The Gateway, Dover CT16 1LL
Prayer spoken by Cardinal Hume at the Service of Reconciliation in Westminster Abbey on 8th May 1985, being the 40th anniversary of VE Day:
Lord, forgive what we have been, sanctify what we are and order what we shall be: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Membership and Neweletter Costs
In the January Newsletter I wrote of the flourishing nature of the Association and of the possibility of expansion of our membership. In reading through various issues of the Newsletter I have been struck by the fact that the Editor receives many letters from Old Boys who are not “paid-up” members and yet wish to remain in contact with the School. At our last Committee meeting the Secretary reported that he had sent letters to about two hundred Old Pharosians whose membership had lapsed over the past ten years.
With this Newsetter comes a current list of membersif you happen to be in contact with an Old Boy not on that list, why not try to persuade him to join the Association.
Each year Ken Ruffell composes two excellent Newsetters of some six to eight pages in length that are eagerly awaited by home and overseas members alike. The cost to the Association for printing and mailing of these copies amounts to approximately £1 per head for home members and considerably more for overseas members. This represents good value for money for those of us who paid a Life Subscription many years ago, so much so, in fact, that some members of Senior Vintage have seen fit to send donations that effectively represent a “topping up” of their membership fees. If there are others who feel that they would like to do the same the Treasurer, I am sure, would gratefully accept any such donation made.
Similarly, the recruiting of new members would help to maintain a healthy surplus of income over expenditure and ensure the continuing production of two Newsletters a year thereby providing that welcome link between School and the many of us who reside a considerable distance away.
K. A. K. Lott.
OLD BOYS’ DAY, Saturday, 21st September, 1985
- To read the notice convening the meeting.
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 1984.
- Matters arising.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Secretary’s Report.
- Election of Officers and Committee. The Committee will propose that Mr. S. Wenbom be elected to the Committee as Hon. Archivist and that the position of Hon. Archivist, be an ex-officio one on the Committee.
- Any Other Business.
Philip Harding, Hon. Secretary.
At 2.30 p.m. on the same Saturday, 21st September, there will be the usual soccer match, the Old Pharosians versus the School 1st XI. Any Old Pharosian wishing to play should contact M. Palmer, 12 Hazeldown Close, River, Dover CT17 ONJ.
This year’s Reunion Dinner will be held in the Great Hall at the School. The bar will be open at 6.15 p.m. for sherry and Dinner will be at 7.30p.m. Price is £7. A choice of wines will be available at the bar.
Wives/girl-friends are always very welcome and early application is advised. Enclosed with this Newsletter is a formal invitation to the Dinner, and a return slip for you to indicate your acceptance.
The only speakers will be Mr. J. D. McNeil as the incoming President and the Headmaster. This will leave more time for people to circulate and meet friends.
Representatives of the Prefects’ Room and Parents’ Association are being invited to attend.
You would be helping enormously by returning the slip as soon as you can decide to come. Caterer sets limits to the number he can serve and preference will be given to Old Boys and their ladies. Tickets will be sent in response to your replies.
Contractors have made excellent progress to rebuild the War Memorial Pavilion destroyed by arson last year. The new Pavilion will be opened by Eddie Crush, who was President of the Association when the pavilion was first ceremonially brought into use, at the cricket match versus the School on Saturday, 6th July. A Committee has been appointed to make the necessary arrangements for the occasion, and it is hoped Old Pharosians will give their support on the day.
MR. BERNARD DENHAMpresented with an Old Pharosian tie for long service to School and Association in December; retired from teaching on 1st January, 1985, died on 16th March and was cremated on the 22nd.
At a Funeral Service in Charlton Church the school family was represented by boys of all ages, the school prefects, old boys of many generations, masters past and present, parents and the headmaster. School and Church were united in Bernard’s life and in this congregation. Patrick Jones, Vicar of Charlton, said “Bernard was the closest friend I ever had; a dear and gentle man, a Christian.” The family prayer was spoken and the combined choirs of church and school sang “God be in my head and in my understanding . . . God be at mine end, and at my departing:’ May he rest in peace.
As principal of the Royal Australian Navy’s Sailing Centre Lt.-Com. Martin Linsley (196269) recently signed a log book for the award of a sailing qualification. The previous Sailing Master to sign the book was Mike Igglesden (circa 1948-54), manager of the West Australian Education Authority Sailing Centre in Perth, West Australia. Ernie introduced both Mike and Martin to sailing and changed their lives accordingly. His legacy continues.
Keep up the good work, it is well appreciated here, “down under”.
Martin J. Linsley.
Lt.-COm. Martin Linsley’s address is now The Ward Room, H.M.A.S. Kattabal, Sydney, N.8.W.
Our energetic secretary has produced the following information.
1951-172 (41); 1957-180 (82); 1969-271 (157); 1975-360; 1985-476 (over 400).
A list of names and addresses of members, correct according to our information, is enclosed with this Newsletter. The editor, secretary or treasurer would be glad to know of any error in our list.
FORTY YEARS ON (1946-86)
Ron (RJ) Miller and Peter Burville are organising a “Forty Years On” reunion for the 1946 first-year entrants to the school. The idea is that a dinner will be held on the fortieth anniversary of joining the schoolSeptember 1986. Depending on the numbers who wish to come either a separate table could be arranged at the Old Pharosians’ Annual Dinner, which is normally held towards the end of September, or an independent event could be held.
The exact timing and nature of the reunion can be settled a little nearer the event when there is a better idea of the likely support but obviously a Dover location, and particularly the school, would seem appropriate.
Any of the class of ’46 who are interested in joining in the celebration should contact either Miller or Burville at the addresses given below. They are anxious to contact all surviving members of the year and would welcome assistance from Old Pharosians to locate those who are not members of the association.
Mr. R. J. Miller, “Wyham House”, Maison Dieu Road, Dover. Home (0304) 206073. Work 01-229 2488.
Dr. P. J. Burville, “Sea Gate”, Goodwin Road, St. Margaret’s Bay, Dover. Home (0304) 853267. Work 01-728 7744.
On Tuesday, 2nd July, at 7.30 pm. at the Red Lion, Charlton Green, your Association will do battle with the members of the Old Girls’ Association in the customary Skittles Match. Members wishing to play should contact the Editor. Very glad to see you if you just turn up to play or observe.
The Rookwood Sundial is in need of replacement, and Committee propose to purchase a new concrete plinth in which to remount the brass from the old one. One Philistine on Committee was heard to suggest that a clock would be cheaper!
At the request of her late husband, Mrs. Newing has purchased a Computer for use in the School Science Department. School has spent a further £1500 on computers recently, and hope that County will provide funds to convert part of cloakrooms into a Computer Room.
Maurice Smith, Staff Member on Committee, ensures that the Union Flag is flown from the tower each day, and the appropriate Saint’s flag on main Saints’ Days. Senior boys in the Art Department have designed a School Flag, and Committee hope to assist in the purchase of this from a leading flag manufacturer.
N.B. Headmaster would welcome help from any members who might be able to assist with decorating at the School: Sir Keith is broke.
THE LONDON REUNION, 11th June 1985
The Dover Castle pub in a Mews near Broadcasting House is a very suitable meeting place for those working in London. A private room comfortably holds about two dozen men of ages ranging from some in teaching hospitals to those of retired status.
The President and Headmaster spoke but most of the couple of hours was spent in general conversation with something to eat and drink on comfortably informal lines.
Lester Borley started this London Reunion and Denis Gibb has now taken over the organisation of what has always proved to be a most pleasant evening.
A get-well card was signed by all present and sent to Mr. Coulson.
Two games were played on 27th march, both being won by the Old Boys. The school teams were weakened by injuries and a prevailing flu epidemic. The 1st XV game was played in good spirit and well refereed by John Sheperd, The 2nd XV game was equally good hearted, well refereed and enjoyed.
Saturday, 22nd July. Friends of Music have a Barbecue at Weeford House, River, by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Denis Weaver.
Wednesday, 3rd July, 7.00 p.m. School concert in St. Mary’s Church in Walmer.
Friday, 5th July, 6.00 p.m. Friends of Music Fete on School Upper Field.
Saturday, 6th July, 2.00 p.m. New pavilion opened at Old Boys’ cricket match.
Tuesday, 23rd July. SCHOOL OPEN DAY.
Saturday, 27th July at 3.30 p.m. and Sunday, 28th July at 10.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. School Choir sings services in Coventry Cathedral.
Saturday, 21st September. OLD BOYS’ DAY. A.G.M., Soccer Match and Dinner.
Friday, 22nd November. GUEST EVENING. Guest Speaker, Dr. M. G. Hinton.
Monday, 25th November, 7.00 p.m. Friends of Music concert in Charlton Church.
Sunday, 8th December, 7.45 p.m. Friends of Music concert with a Christmas flavour in Great Hall.
Wednesday, 18th December, 7.00 p.m. SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE in Charlton Church.
The Reverend Doctor Michael Hinton, Headmaster at the school from 1961 to 1968, is to move to Sheperdswell this summer and in September is to be licensed as priest-in-charge of Shepherdswell and Coldred.
He has been Headmaster of Broadoak Comprehensive School in Weston-Super-Mare until he retired last summer and was ordained priest.
His eldest son Christopher (1963-68) is senior history master at Crowborough Comprehensive School.
David (1965-68) is a television producer and director.
Dr. Hinton, Mrs. Hinton and their youngest son will live in the Shepherdswell vicarage.
The Bishop of Dover has asked Dr. Hinton to take an active part in Sunday School work in the Diocese. Shepherdswell and the Diocesan Sunday Schools may never be the same again.
Commander Norman Kaufmann, R.N. is retiring in September when he will have reached the age of 65.
He came to the school in 1973 from naval service and has taught maths and been a tower of strength as Commanding Officer of the School Combined Cadet Force. He has always been extremely pleasant with boys and with fellow teachers and his influence in the school has undoubtedly been strong. We wish to him and Mrs. Kaufmann the good health that matters for happiness in a long and honourable retirement.
Mr. A. E. COULSON (1928-71)
His many friends will be sorry to learn that Arch Coulson has suffered a heart attack, followed by a stroke. He is in his eightieth year and has been in marvellously active form, working in an advisory capacity at the University of Kent and travelling widely. He had been working in his garden on the day of the heart attack. At the time of writing he is in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover and making a recovery that is a tribute to his mental and physical condition. He is solving mathematical problems and looking forward to moving into a new house. He has in fact now gone home but further investigations are to be made. We all wish him a happy return in due time to the good life of octogenarian retirement.
The school magazine, started in the earliest years of the school’s history by Mr. Coopland and continued by Mr. Darby and Mr. Baxter and several heads of the English department, has in recent years survived a struggle for existence and now emerged in 1985 with a clear, modem format that shows a new vitality.
Much of the credit is due to Dr. Alan French and his assistant.
The new Pharos is a valuable record and reflection of school life and can be placed with confidence beside the accumulated copies of Pharos in the Headmaster’s study. Those who have laboured to produce the magazine may be assured that their achievement not only gives instant pleasure but adds to the historical record which is examined with a frequency that would surprise them.
Old Boys who call at school are always welcome to sign the Visitors’ Book, look at the volumes of team photos of past years and refresh their memories by looking into the Pharos copies of their own schooldays.
A Gambia visit was led by two masters, Mr. Owen and Dr. French. The thirty-two boys had varied experiences, ranging from a rather plush hotel to an up-country mission station very much in the third world where temperatures were above 30 degrees centigrade.
Last year Dover boys went to Bulgaria and this year a return visit was made by their boys.
During half term in February, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn took some thirty boys to Kitzbuhl for skiing experience.
This modern presentation used an apron stage that brought the play out into the audience with a suggestion of Shakespeare’s theatre in the round. The apron was a platform for a confident and relaxed young man in a lounge suit who appeared as Chorus to keep us informed of the progress of the play.
The part of Henry V was played by an accomplished actor who held his audience more effectively in his quieter introspections rather than in his rantings. There were many other splendid pieces of acting, some from delightful additions to a mainly masculine play by young ladies from our sister school. The scene in which Princess Katherine learns some English from her attendant was beautifully played. Throughout the production the accents of varied origins ware well sustained.
The company was a happy one as they showed in their affection and admiration for the director who, helped by assistants unseen and unapplauded, gave the company an insight into Shakespeare that only acting can afford.
One was reminded that within living memory an army has gone overseas from Southampton to France to experience the fears and brutalities of battle and then win a victory famed in history.
13th February 1985. School Concert
On an evening when some places in south-east England recorded temperatures down to minus 17 degrees centigrade, a very reassuring number of devotees gathered to forget the cold in their enjoyment of school music There was no printed programme. One had been prepared but illness, transport difficulties and associated problems had decimated the intentions. The Director had a paper bearing a list of possibilities and he seemed to go out between items to see who would go on next. Tenors sang alto parts and a cellist played the double bass. Most of the experienced performers who have had some seven years of musical training displayed their customary expertise: and, as is usual. some young fellows played and sang as their initiation to public performance. One youngster played a saxophone almost as large as himself. The Director accompanied and encouraged the soloists: and he pleasantly kept the audience informed of progress through the evening. The audience responded by asking for more until about 10.00 p.m. when they went out to defrost their cars and slide off down the hill.
Faure’s Requiem and Haydn’s Nelson Mass
These two major works were performed in Charlton Church, Dover on 1st April and in the R.M. Church, Deal on the following night.
A large orchestra included boys, masters, friends of the school and professionals. The choir was formed by young boys in the front rows, girls of the chamber choir, parents, masters and senior boys, in all perhaps a hundred voices. The four soloists are well established in local musical circles.
The Faure Requiem is a much loved work offering great sounds in a great church, a work of sensitivity and variation. In both works the words could be clearly heard if not always understood by ears not currently attuned to the Latin.
Audiences included many Old Pharosians and there were many other old boys in choir and orchestra who had learned their music in the school. Two accomplished life members of the Association shared the organ accompaniments.
The enterprise, achievement of high standards and direction of choir, soloists and orchestra all stemmed from the director of music, Adrian Boynton, who was in the driving seat from initiation to the last amen.
Big Band Concert
The two performances of requiems by Haydn and Faure were followed on 25th April by a big band concert by local musicians “playing melodies of nostalgic appeal. Feet were set tapping and persons of senior vintage relaxed in romantic reminiscence. The Friends gathered about £100 to help finance future requiems and cathedral visits.
Cathedral Visits
On the 17th, 18th and 19th of April the school choir sang Evensong and gave a concert in Norwich cathedral.
On 27th and 28th July the choir will sing services in Coventry cathedral.
The Lenten Charity raised about £700 which was divided between Ethiopia, Cancer Relief and Cows for Gambia.
John Monger, who has kept goal magnificently as the 1st XI record shows (only 4 goals scored against them in 10 League matches last season) has got a place at Churchill College, Cambridge.
The school has a new minibus and new stage lighting equipment. Payment is a perennial problem.
TV Talants
C. Bundy and C. Cook. Two Christophers, the former a musician and the latter school captain of sailing, appeared on the TV game Blockbusters in February. They each won £180 and a Practica 35mm camera.
Stephen Barnes, 12 years old, reached the final of a competition on TVS but had to be content with £50 instead of a Californian holiday. “I went with an open mind and enjoyed taking part” said this mature philosopher.
If one stands, as allowed to do in retirement, at the cross-roads of education between Headmaster’s Study and the School Office, it is pleasant to feel out of the battle, wondering how the pace can be withstood by the current combatants.
The Head believes in open government, an open door policy, which shows that he is at the moment not there. So a queue of parents, travellers, minor miscreants and major petitioners create some resemblance to a mediaeval ante-room awaiting audience and the royal touch.
The school office now has a barrier across its width to protect the sanity of the three ladies beyond as they answer the phones, lend boys money, provide aspirins and never seem to say “No” to inquiries and demands of boys, masters and the general public.
The notice board outside Head’s study tells of trips to Gambia, ski trips to Kitsbuhl, production of Henry V and various other enterprises, such as a return visit by Bulgarian boys. Along the corridor are notice boards dealing with Games, the C.C.F., Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and mountains of musical minutiae, including an injunction that “school dress and tidy appearance are requested”.
School uniform and general appearance are as well maintained as can be expected of vigorous, actively growing boys: and if ageing gentleman arrives at a door simultaneously with a boy from the opposite direction there is a 50-50 chance that the boy will hold the door for age to pass; and 1 in 100 chance that boy may say “Hello, sir” or some similar politesse.
B. W. Taylor (1922-29) We regret to report the death of “Barney” Taylor on 19th March after an operation in Buckland Hospital. He was 74 years of age, a retired headmaster of Deal Warden House School. In pre-war years he was a stalwart of Old Pharosian soccer and cricket teams.
My most faithful correspondent, now in south-west England, sends me a copy of the above publication in which the Right Rev. Kenneth Newing, Bishop of Plymouth writes on the significance of Holy Week: and there is a reminder that the Right Rev. Eric Mercer (1929-36), Bishop of Exeter is retiring after a period of ill-health. We would wish to offer to both our bishops a message of goodwill and remembrance from the school and the Association.
Derek Aslett scored a century in a county championship match and 175 against Oxford University. He also bowled a googly to dismiss their No. 3 batsman.
Chris Penn played at Lord’s against Middlesex and took four wickets. The Editor had the pleasure of being in the Long Room at Lord’s as these two went out to field with the Kent XI.
Richard Pepper is taking his finals at Leicester University and Kent cricket has to wait awhile.
Trevor Benay (1959-66) has been promoted to the rank of Wing Commander and is now an instructor at the RAF Staff College.
Dr. Peter Blackman (1969-78) took a B.Sc. degree at Lancaster in 1981 and his Ph.D. in plant physiology in 1984. He is at present working in the USA in the Plant Research Laboratories of Michigan State University. He has published in scientific journals and lectured in Pisa and Heidelberg.
Andrew Breur (1976-83) has begun a career in the American Air Force. He was born in the USA, spent his youth in Dover and is now hoping to go on a course to become a pilot.
John Bushell (1950-57) at some time Mayor of Dover, is now confined to a wheelchair; and recently a presentation was made to him to mark his long and distinguished record of public service.
Philip Buss (1933-42) is to be chairman of Dover District Council for a second year.
Chris Flood (1953-71) is marketing manager for London Life Insurance and In that capacity helped in the organisation of a hot air balloon Channel crossing.
A. G. Gooding (1905-09) who retains such vivid memories of the school’s earliest years has again contributed to the archivist’s store. His appreciation of historical values is strengthened by being a Freeman of the City of London and a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers.
Gordon Graeme (1928-33) has bean appointed as Dover’s honorary Recorder. He qualified as a lawyer while serving in the navy and became a barrister in 1958.
Michael Harrow (1954-60) son of the late Mr. G. E. Harrow, a former Secretary of the Association, is still in the Royal Navy but is due to retire shortly and live in Cambridgeshire where he and his wife have business interests.
Commander Bill Hutchison (1954-61) is commanding officer of the anti-submarine frigate Naiad, 2600 tonnes. He has spent 23 years in the Royal Navy, ten years as a helicopter pilot. He has seen service with the West German Navy’s Fleet Air Arm and been on the staff of the Army Staff College. His ship has recently been on operational duties in the Icelandic waters. In his leisure time he enjoys sailing and running, activities he began with success in his schooldays.
Dick Langford (1939-46) has given long service to ICI and is planning to retire soon at the fortunate age of fifty-seven.
Richard Lakin (1975-82) has obtained his Diploma as a teacher of the violin and is proceeding to obtain a comparable qualification to teach piano playing.
John Linge was a protégé of the Craft Department and became an engineer. He has become a trainer of engine drivers.
Martin Linsley (1962-69) married in Australia last September and held his English wedding reception in Tonbridge, Kent just before Christmas, a number of school friends being present.
Martin Luff (1969-76) gained an Upper Second degree in mathematics at Southampton and then joined Lucas CAV as a computer programmer. At various times he has met Mark Holton and Keith Welch but has otherwise lost contact with contemporaries and would welcome correspondence at 137 Wakeley Road, Gillingham, MES SNP.
Malcolm (Mac) Mackenzie was forced by blindness to retire from a directorship with Lukeys, is area appeals officer for the Royal National Institute for the Blind. He lives in Lower Road, River with his wife who is his driver and guide.
Colin McCarthy (1957-60) is now officer in charge of police in Dover and Deal with the rank of Chief Inspector after 23 years of service in the Kent Police.
Stephen Madge (1968-76) is Director of Music at St. Martin’s School, Northwood. Over a hundred boys are learning to play instruments and the choir has sung Evensong in Norwich Cathedral.
Bill Marshall (1975-82) at Selwyn College, Cambridge played the organ for a service of blessing of the marriage of Chris Hutchinson who taught chemistry at DBGS.
Stephen Mitchell (1967-74) is joint manager of the Woolwich Building Society at Herne Bay-Whitstable.
Paul Mitchinson (1948-49) and his son Jeremy, the school’s present head prefect, are both members of a team of joggers from St. Paul’s Church, Dover running a half-marathon to raise money for charity. Tim Padfield is also in the team.
Jonathan Parry, Cambridge lecturer in history, has gained his Ph.D.
Ian Pascall (1967-74) became a partner in McCabe and Ford, Chartered Accountants, on 1st May at their offices in Dover’s Bench Street. Ian is, of course, the Association’s very expert Honorary Treasurer giving valuable advice to the committee.
Keith Pascall (1971-78) is now manager at B and Q in Tonbridge.
Bill Ratcliffe (1947-53) according to sources in the world of banking has been made Assistant Head of National Westminster Bank’s Inspection Department.
George Ruck (1946-53) who teaches at Astor School, has been Mayor of Dover and active in musical circles, is one of the new Dover and East Kent magistrates. He has a son in the school who is a distinguished musician.
This gentleman taught in the school during its earliest years, beginning in 1903, and two of his pupils, who are still alive are full of praise for his scholarship and teaching ability. He was born in 1875 and died in 1975 shortly before he would have reached his hundredth birthday.
He began, as so many did in Victorian times, as a pupil teacher. He went to University College, Liverpool, where he obtained a B.A. degree and Teacher’s Certificate. He taught in schools for seventeen years, during which time he obtained an M.A. at Manchester (1902) and a B.Sc. Economics degree at the L.S.E. (1909). At his first school he was faced with a tough class of 121 pupils.
At the Dover County School in the first decade of this century he taught on the Arts side, took an active interest in school teams and founded the school magazine. He was a life-long friend of Mr. J, Tomlinson who remained with the school as Head of Mathematics and as Deputy Head until 1938.
As a result of a thesis, Mr. Coopland was awarded the distinction of D. Litt at Liverpool (1914) when he became a lecturer and later Professor of Mediaeval History.
I am indebted for this information to Arthur Gooding, oldest Pharosian, whose interests have remained on the Arts side after teaching received in Dover from Mr. Coopland.