TOP, 1 Andrew HAIGH, 2 C CHENEY, 3? , 4 S J PRATT, 5 Peter JUKES, 6?, 7 Chris BORLEY
SECOND, 1 C SANDERS, 2?, 3 Peter JARVIS, 4?, 5? , 6 Billy GLANVILLE, 7 Brian MARSH, 8?, 9?, 10 John WOOLFORD.
THIRD, 1 Mr Arthur ELLIOTT, 2 Wally NADIN, 3 ???? HUTCHINSON, 4 Mike HUDSMITH , 5 ????, 6 Pete BOSTOCK, 7 J M “Dilly” DAVIDSON, 8 Dr HINTON.
BOTTOM from left, 1 Mike BEER, 2 Terry GLANVILLE, 3 P JONES.
Thank given to John Newman (57-64) (1 Feb 2)
Also Bernard Neal. (11 Feb 2)
Also Douglas Stark. (17 Apr 2)
Also Pete Bostock. (9 Sept 2007)
If you have any further photos or know any names, please contact the webmaster using the form on the Contact Us page, stating the page address and title.