New Series No. 54
July 1988
Gratitude preserves old friendships and procures new.
Dr. George Curry,
649 Key Royale Drive, Holmes Beach, Florida, 33510 USA
Philip Harding, Esq., 6 Monins Road, Dover. CT17 9NX
Ian Pascall, Esq., 45a Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield CT16 3EZ
K. H. Ruffell, Esq., 193 The Gateway, Dover CT16 1LL
OLD BOYS’ DAY, Saturday, 17th September
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held at the School on Saturday, 17th September, 1988, commencing at 11.00 a.m. Coffee will be ,served from 10.30 a.m.
- To read the notice convening the meeting.
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the 1987 A.G.M.
- Matters arising.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Secretary’s Report.
- Election of Officers and Committee. The Committee will propose that Mr Maurice Smith, Vice-President, 1987-88, be elected President for 1988-89, with Mr John Le Prevost, Vice President 1988-89.
- Charitable Status and Covenanting.
- Any Other Business.
Philip Harding, Hon. Secretary.
The Annual Soccer Match against the School 1st XI will also be held on 17th September, kick-off 2.30 p.m. Any Old Pharosians wishing to play should contact Mick Palmer, 12, Hazeldown Close, River, Dover CT16 0NJ. Members living away from Dover will be particularly welcome.
This year’s Dinner will be held in the Great Hall at the School on the evening of Saturday, 17th September. The bar will open at 6.45 p.m. and the Dinner will be at 7.30p.m. The enclosed invitation gives details of, menu and price. Wives/girl-friends are always most welcome and early application is advised.
The only speakers will be the incoming President and the Headmaster. This will leave more time for people to circulate and, meet friends.
Members of staff and representatives of the Prefects’ Room and Parents’ Association are also being invited.
You would be helping us enormously by indicating your intention to come to the Dinner as soon as possible. Caterer sets limits to the number he can serve and preference will naturally be given to Old Pharosians and their ladies. Tickets will be sent in response to your replies.
On 24th March in committee, your representatives discussed the Newsletter and three members suggested that production might be possible within the school. New word-processing, photo-copying and other equipment was available and a sub-committee undertook to investigate further. Early in April the editor sat with experts Roger Gabriel and Peter Burville who decided that the work could be undertaken according to a time-table:
end of May: editor completes written material first week of June: typing middle weeks of June: production of newsletter, last weeks of June: postal despatch of July Newsletter.
Photographs and drawings could be included. The cost might be about £100 as compared with £300 previously, which would immensely strengthen the Association’s finances.
On 13th May your Committee received a very detailed paper from Peter Burvi1le on the procedures to be followed. A long discussion ensued in which much misunderstanding was gradually cleared.
The main outcome was to authorize Roger Gabriel to spend about £100 to equip the process with stationery and other essentials: and for editor and Roger to meet as soon as possible to plan the way forward.
Typing has been undertaken by the ladies in the school office.
The enthusiasm and expertise of Roger Gabriel have forwarded the production. A great deal of thought and labour have gone into these developments and the Association must be indebted to all who have participated.
The committee and the editor wish to express their appreciation of the good-will and expertise that have always gone into production of the Newsletter by Denis Weaver and his staff at Buckland Press. Headmaster made sure that the new departure was made with full understanding by Denis who wished the enterprise every success.
Saturday, 26th March, 1988
This very special gathering was entirely the inspiration of Dr George Curry, President of the Association, 1987-88.
Letters were sent to Whitehouse Old Pharosians and the January Newsletter invited all Old Pharosians to feel welcome. Those who attended or sent messages, except for three who represented later generations, were former pupils who knew the founder headmaster Hr. Fred Whitehouse. Over sixty men were present, accompanied by forty ladies, including Mrs Rosemary Sandiford, daughter of Mr. Whitehouse, and Mrs L Turnpenny who was in the school at its foundation.
The Association’s archivist, Sidney Wenborn, had assembled an exhibition of school photographs, team photos, magazines, documents and a wide range of other material that proved of immense interest as people gathered in the school’s great hall at 11 a.m. Men carried their names on their lapels”How else should we recognize one another?” They have come from Scotland, Cornwall, Guernsey and many points in between. At noon several photographs were taken and sherry was served before everyone went to the dining hall for a “typical school dinner” which, in the event, exceeded that description in both quantity and quality.
When coffee was served, extracts from numerous messages of goodwill were read, some from as distant places as Arabia, Australia and Canada. “When everyone had returned upstairs to the hall, the president gave a carefully prepared and appropriate speech and then invited former masters and pupils in turn to give their anecdotal memories and descriptions of the Whitehouse days.
The present headmaster assured the company that buildings may change but the nature of boys in the school did not. His duty was to turn boys into good men: good citizens, good husbands: and these processes were assisted by traditions handed down by so many of those present.
“Forty years on” was sung and the gathering dispersed with Memories of an occasion that had been imaginatively conceived and most pleasantly accomplished.
Those present:
V. J. Alcock, G. Allen, E. H. Baker, Dr. J. C. Binfield, H. C. Blackford, W. G. J. Blackman, J. Borrett. Dr. P. Burville, P. I. Buss, E. Castle, R. A. Crofts, E. Crush, F. W. Dymond, Dr. A. Dewar, A. R. Ellender, F. G. H. Ewer, M. W. Fenn, I. Fenwick, K. W. Forward, D. Gibb, G. Graeme, R. Grove, A. H. Gunn, D. Gunn, Sir Robin Haydon, R. J. Hood, L. W. H. N. Hookham, Sir Clifford Jarrett, Rev. W. F. Kemp, W.G. King, F. Kendall, J. Le Prevost, A. W. Lyons, J. D. McNeil, H. H. Madams, J. Morecroft, H. F. Moseling, H. C. Newman, L. R. Ovenden, L. R. Phillips, J. R. Ravensdale, F. Rhodes, D. G. A. Sanders, H. R. Slater, R. G. Standen, A. G. Stone, G. A. Stourton, F. Tapley, Mrs L Turnpenny, R. J. Unstead, H. R. W. Watkins, G. L. Watt, S. Wenborn, F. G. West-Oram, Brig. M. White, Dr. J. D. Williams, V. Wraight, PresidentDr. G. Curry, HeadmasterR.C. Colman, Mrs R Sandiford, A. E. Coulson, Vice-PresidentM. H. Smith, K. H. Ruffell.
Unable to be present:
G. Austin, Canterbury.
G. L. J. Bailey, Uxbridge.
Major W S Borthwick GM, Basingstoke.
J. Bushell, Dover.
R. Begbie, Cornwall.
L. Castle.
Major De Ath, Wiltshire.
Dr. E. J. Ewell, Isle of Might.
A. J. Hayden, Shropshire.
Rev. Dr. Michael Hinton, Shepherdswell.
H. Hopkins.
E. C. Mantle.
Wing Cmdr E. H. Martin.
Rt. Rev. Eric Mercer, Wiltshire.
R. Mercer, Hertfordshire.
Rt. Rev. Kenneth Newing, Bishop of Plymouth.
F. Ockendon, Suffolk.
C. Paddock, Arabia.
F. Quinnell, Canterbury.
H. J. Smith, Brighton.
R. E. Smith, Hereford.
D. G. Waters, Vancouver.
J. M. Saunders, Australia.
R.C. Wilson, Exmouth.
Sir James Menter, F.R.S, Rannoch, Scotland.
The President writes:
Many kind friends who attended the Whitehouse Reunion have written to me and I have tried to answer in the weeks since. But let me again thank all concerned for their attendance and messages, and repeat my gratitude to all who worked so hard to make the event a success. Our “speakers”, Messrs. Coulson and Kendall, Alfred Gunn, John Le Prevost, Louis Watt, Frank West-Oram and our dear, sadly irreplaceable Bob Unstead left us with proud and happy memories. Thanks too to the Head who, as usual, made us “ancients” feel thoroughly at home again!
A tape recording of the speeches at the Whitehouse Reunion may be obtained from the editor, cost including postage, is £4.
From the Vice-President
Dear Old Pharosians,
Young and old!
It is a particular honour and privilege that in my thirtieth year of teaching in your (our) school the committee should propose me as your next president. It gives me particular pleasure that I should follow in the footsteps of Messrs. Archer, Coulson and Ruffell as staff members who were elected President.
Presidents have usually known the school for approximately seven years as boys, staff presidents may have been associated with the school for much longer.
One of the effects of the longer period is that one has taught perhaps dozens if not hundreds of fathers and their sons (though not their grandsons!).
I hope very much that I may meet up again with large numbers of old boys of all ages on the occasion of the annual dinner on September 17th and at other events in the school year. The dinner gives a unique chance to talk together and has a very warm and nostalgic flavour completely free of formality. (Full details are enclosed and dress is informal). With every good wish.
Maurice Smith.
I wonder how many Old Pharosians remember FREDDIE’S toothpick? It is impossible for me to imagine FREDDIE in a state of discomposure. His almost leisurely approach to his pupils never failed to exert the necessary discipline, You will recall that at Frith Road corridors ran along the class rooms and that these had glass 4 panelling above a height of about 5′. When classes were in session FREDDIE would walk quietly about the school imposing his authority by the mere appearance of his face at the window, so to speak. He carried with him a small piece of ivory.
Occasionally the master on duty would have need to leave the class on its own. A boy would not dream of leaving his deskor, if he did, he scuttled back and buried his head in his hands to give the impression that he had been deep in study all the time. There was never dowdiness; but the noise level, as was inevitable, with growing boys, would tend to rise, first to a comfortable buzz and then to a mild virile roar. Rubbers and paper pellets would begin to fly about the room. Then the awful word would be sounded by one of the more sober boys: “FREDDIE!”. A sudden lull would settle on us and looking up at the glass panelling we would see, as though framed in a picture, the inscrutable face of the HEAD. Each of us would become utterly silent, trying to give the impression that he at least was not concerned in the unruly din. Sometimes our “lookout” himself would become involved in the discord and fail to spot FREDDIE’S face at the glass. FREDDIE was well prepared for this. With the piece of ivory, which we had christened his “toothpick” he would tap twiceno moreon the glass and a silence as of infinite oblivion would descend upon the class.
Looking back over some sixty years I think that the unique influence which FREDDIE had over usand for which we are so gratefulowed much to another man of very different character: his deputy, BRONT TOMLINSON. We dubbed him BRONTEthunderbecause of his ability to roar. He could also be as gentle and considerate as a nurse in a children’s hospital. He lived a few doors from my parents on Crabble Hill and I used to pass him each morning on my bike touching my cap with proper respect. He was a Greek and Hebrew scholar and a brilliant mathematician. It was an education to watch his mind at work, pondering some knotty problemso different from FREDDIE who seemed to have all the answers at his finger tips. These two perfectly complemented each other and their influence worked its way through a truly remarkable staff to every boy in the school.
I clearly remember my first day at school in September 1922. WE assembled at Frith Road, had a short address from the Head, then in crocodile formation, with trepidation in our hearts, marched to Ladywell where, in Lower Prep, with 31 other boys I was taken into the care of Mr. Evans, the woodwork master. Our class was next to the workshop and in that wonderful place I decided what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to do woodwork.
A year later I moved up to a form mysteriously called Lower Transition, and into the care of dear Miss Rookwood who became a lifelong friend. We were all “her boys” and remained so the end of her life.
I was away from school for 3 months with pneumonia and pleurisy and each week Miss Rookwood arranged a letter from the class and a few exercises from herself.
A year later I moved up to Tom Archer’s class, This was memorable because Tom sowed in me the seed of a love of cricket, I would willingly have become a professional cricketer. But this also was not to be. In those days, before the Welfare State and with the Great Depression looming, parents were looking for secure jobs for their sons, perhaps with a pension at 65. Nevertheless, cricket was always my first love in sport, and my memories of watching our own Hardinge, Ashdown, Leslie Ames, Frank Woolley and Tich Freeman and the infamous fast bowler Durston of Middlesex who scuttled all their wickets at Dover Athletic Ground are as vivid today as they were 60 years ago.
At the age of 12 I reached the top form of the Ladywell school. This was marked by the beginning of French lessonsphoneticswith WWB, Billie Baxter. He also became a lifelong friend and corresponded with me in Fiji, putting me in touch with other Old Pharosians, Ted Rouse, and Eric Leeds. Billie was a Francophile and raised in me a deep interest to explore France. My parents, however, were still deep in their Victorian tradition and would not approve such a venture. The French, after all, were foreigners.
After Ladywell I passed through Frith Road school: Messrs. Allin, Allen, Constable, Froude, Coase, Archie Coulson, W. E. Pearce and so many others are etched in my memory. Although I did not realise then, they were shaping my future life. WEP, of course, was O/C the Cadets and this brings to mind another character, not a member of the staff, but no less important: Sgt. Major Coombes. He was the school caretaker for most of the day and in a suit of dungarees resided in what we called the Black Holethe mysterious region beneath the school where he tended the boilers and where no boy ever ventured. During break he emerged to the surface to give instruction to those about, to be examined for their L/Corporal’s stripe.
At Annual Camp “Major”, as we called him, became a changed man. He took command of the Cadet Forcepersonally I felt it was rather a holiday for the officers who of course were members of the staff. I marched in the School Band playing the cymbals, aspiring to succeed Mercer who played the big drum beside me. I was instructed to: “Strike at the same time as Mercer.”; but I have always endeavoured to bring originality to my work and my variations of strict tempo were disastrous. It is not uncommon in today’s sophisticated organisations for incompetents to be promoted. At Annual Camp I was appointed Acting Company Buglerbut only to blow Reveille at 5.30 a.m, It didn’t seem to matter which notes I hitthe Company awoke.
I have a host of School-day’s memories; but this is an occasion particularly dedicated to Freddie Whitehouse and his Staff. I remember Freddie and his Contemporaries with gratitude and affection. Seeing the splendid Grammar School of today, and meeting its Head, Staff and Boys surely we can say of Freddie Whitehouse: “His Soul Goes Marching On,”
H. H Madams. March 1988.
Has met in March and May with Dr. George Curry presiding.
The Treasurer keeps us informed of Association Finances. His latest report showed that we held £4,167 in the Woolwich Building Society, earning interest, and £47 in Lloyds Bank. Twenty-six life members and seven annual subscribers had covenanted and the Association will draw considerable financial benefit from 1989 onward.
The Whitehouse Reunion had an income of £705 with expenditure of £400, the excess of £305 going into Association funds. There is a residue of £355 in the Jubilee Trust Fund and treasurer will suggest to the trustees that this sum be transferred to the Association. A great deal of thought and talk has gone into the intention to produce the newsletter within the school’s equipment and resources of time and labour.
The committee was closely involved in the Whitehouse Reunion, the May Ball and many aspects of school life which the Association exists to serve. Headmaster is always present at our meetings and we are always glad to have the Head Prefect with us when he can find the time.
The secretary has received an encouraging response to his letters on covenanting which went out with the January Newsletter.
In addition to those who have covenanted their subscriptions, some have transferred from annual to life member subscription; and others of long standing in the Association have “topped up” their original life membership.
There has also been a significant gathering of new members, all of which bears promise of increase in Association funds.
Proposed Reunion
Sidney Willcocks (1955-62) is interested in this idea. He recalls that 1955 was the 50th anniversary of the school’s foundation and a rail trip to London was made in celebration. He now lives at 90 Westway, Bournemouth, BH9 3EA and would welcome callers or correspondence on the idea of a reuniop.
Addresses wanted for:
C. E. Askie, C. J. F. Deverson, H. J. Kilmurray, A. J. Knott. The editor would be glad of information.
The school choir sings Evensong with 17 year old Scott Farrell at the organ under the school’s director of music Adrian Boynton.
6 p.m.
We have use of the downstairs bar in the “Sir Christopher Wren” in Paternoster Square.
Do come along. If you can get to the service at 5 p.m. you will be invited with all friends of the school to sit in the quire, an experience quite exceptional.
If you can only get there after 5 p.m. do listen in that great church and then afterwards meet friends for a pleasant hour. We shall all be very pleased to see you. Do make a note in your diary now.
CRICKET on Saturday 9th July at 2 p.m.
Write to Jack Kremer, 37 Old Park Hill, Dover CT16 2AW
SOCCER on Saturday 17th September at 2.30 p.m.
Write to Mick Palmer, 12 Hazeldown Close, River. Dover. CT17 ONJ
Some New Addresses.
Mr I W Bird, The Old Forge, High Street, South Repps, Norfolk, NR11 8AH.
Capt. R. G. Borthwick (1927-34) Clarence Road, Dorchester, DT1 2EV.
Major W. S. Borthwick, G.H. (1927-32) Red Tiles, Bishopswood Lane, Baughurst, Basingstoke, RG26 5L
Sir James Menter, F.R.S., Carie, Rannoch Station, Perthshire, PH17 2QJ.
Brian Moore, Arnold Hill Cottage, Back St., Leeds, Maidstone. ME17 1TF.
M. J. Newman, 18 Emmerdale Road, Astley. H29 7AR.
Ian Watt, 879 Hayfield Avenue, Stanford, California, 94305, U.S.A.
S Willcocks, 90 Westway, Bournemouth, BH9 3EA.
JULY Sat. 9th 2 p.m. Cricket match-Old Pharosians v the School Sat.
9th 7 p.m. ‘The Dream of Gerontius’ at St. Mary”s Church, Walmer.
Tue. 12th 7 p.m. ‘The Dream of Gerontius” in Charlton Church, Dover.
AUGUST 11th to 14th School choir sings services in York Minster.
AUGUST Fri. 19th 5 p.m. School choir sings Evensong in St. Paul’s Cathedral followed by Old Pharosians and Friends gathering in nearby “Sir Christopher Wren”.
11 a.m. Annual General Meeting
2.30 p.m. Soccer, Old Boys v School
7 p.m. Annual Dinner.
OCTOBER Thur. 27th 5 p.m. School choir sings Evensong in Canterbury Cathedral.
DECEMBER Sat. 10th 7 p.m. The Friends of Music at DGS for Boys present in Charlton Church, Dover “The Coming of Christmas”.
The School Carol Service to which all are very welcome in Charlton Church, probably on Tues. 20th Dec at 7pm.
The effective establishment of the Lux Line by the School Careers Office, is now progressing apace. Just to remind you: if a boy has an interest in a particular profession, business, study discipline or career area which cannot be readily satisfied by the excellent career support at the school, the Lux Line aims to have available the identity of an Old Pharosian who can, by ‘phone call or letter, provide the required information.
Whilst we have well over one hundred names on the Lux Line, if there are others of you who feel you would like to help the boys in this way, please let me know. Being friendly sort of people we also welcome non-OP’s onto the Line, so if you have a spouse, friend or colleague who could help, volunteer them! Doubtless as experience is built up, of the areas of particular interest to the boys, I may well be asking for help in those aspects where support is scarce.
To those who have already volunteered: my thanks, once again, and please advise me of changes of address and telephone number. Peter Burville, Sea Gate, Goodwin Road, St Margarets Bay, Dover. CT15 6ED.
Cross County Running.
You will recall with mixed feelings the annual cross-country race for the Powell Cup.
This year the race was used as a sponsored means of raising funds for charity. The school council decided to share the funds equally between two organisations, one researching into cancer and the other into Aids. If more than £1,000 were raised the excess would be donated to a local charity.
The Art and Design Department.
This is an active part of the school’s life, having recently extended its number of rooms and engaged in a self-help programme of re-decoration, assisted with finance from the Parents Association. Students taking Art to Advanced Level have increased in number and their work, is assisted by Evening Classes that are also attended by interested adults. Mrs Carter has given valuable help in this enterprise. Exhibitions within the school and visits to famous galleries must be or the utmost value.
During the academic year 1987-88 all second year sixth form students doing Art gained experience of elementary computer graphics, using a Nimbus computer. Old Pharosians who attended the 1987 Dinner will remember the exhibition of past ‘A’ level work that was very much appreciated. There is now an “Art Club Shop” where quality art materials can be bought at reduced prices to encourage art work at home. In March the “A” level group visited Hayward Gallery and also the Victoria and Albert Museum to view “the richest Constable collection anywhere in the world”. This was followed by a week-end residential course of study at Flatford Mill where the party was accommodated in Willy Lott’s cottage (see “The Haywain”).
All three members of the present 2nd year sixth wanting to proceed to higher education in the area of the visual arts have now secured places:
John Buckett has gained a place on the Foundation Course at Maidstone College of Art, prior to studying for a B.A. in Art & Design.
Chris Morgan has gained a place at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to study for a B.A. in Architecture.
Marc Riley has gained a place on the Foundation Course at Canterbury College of Art, prior to studying for a B.A. in Art & Design. Last summer Marc undertook a special study of certain aspects of Modernism in Provence, visiting the appropriate art galleries in the south of France. He received financial aid from the Pelham & Leney Trustees.
K. H. Carter.
The Physics Department.
Weather Satellite Pictures at DGSB. The school now has the facility for the reception of weather satellite pictures. The pictures, as seen on the T.V. are received live on a system built by Head of Physics Kevin Raine and Physics Technician and old boy, Alan Rogers. The equipment comprises a 1.5 meter parabolic dish aerial and receiver for reception of the geostationary meteosat pictures and a crossed dipole aerial with receiver for reception of the orbiting NOAA (U.S.A.) and Meteor (U.S.S.R) pictures. The pictures are decoded and stored digitally in a frame store before being displayed on a normal T.V. screen.
1. Meteosat pictures are received 24 hours a day with each frame takang just over three minutes to be received, the U.K. region being transmitted twice each hour. Apart from showing the cloud patterns it is possible to identify some of the major geographical features on the earth’s surface. For example, the River Nile is clearly visible as is Lake Geneva. This satellite is positioned on the Meridian and 36,000 Km above the equator!
2. NOAA and Meteor pictures are only available when the satellite is in range of Dover. This occurs for ten minutes three or four times a day for each satellite. However being only at an altitude of 900 Km, the ground detail is excellent.
Live pictures are now available in most rooms of the school with the introduction of a T.V. distribution system, whilst pictures can be stored on video tape for later replay.
Kevin Raine will gladly show the system to any Old Pharosian who visits the school.
K. Raine.
The Music Department
Tuesday 29th March. In St. Mary’s Church performances of C.E.P. Bach’s Magnificat, and Benjamin Britten’s St. Nicholas were given by the school choir, the chamber choir of the two grammar schools and both a semi-chorus and orchestra of members and friends of the school. In brief, this means that school choristers and instrumentalists were reinforced by amateur and professional local talent, an arrangement giving experience and pleasure to the young, the joy of participation to the musically talented, and considerable delight to a large audience whose purchase of tickets went a long way toward the considerable cost of this enterprise.
It is a school custom these days to put on as Easter approaches a major choral work: which involves a lot of rehearsal and organization and is a memorable experience for everyone involved.
The standard reached was fully up to the general expectations of a piece by Bach. For Benjamin Britten’s work some of us had trepidation rather than expectation but the work proved to be a story told in music, admirably sustained by Peter Booth, tenor and the Director of Music who was responsible for the preparation and. direction of a successful evening.
Monday 11th April Westminster Abbey.
The choir had sung services on three previous days in Norwich Cathedral, and on their return journey they accepted an invitation to sing Evensong in Westminster Abbey. Scott Farrell, seventeen years old, was at the organ and a choir of about fifty boys and girls sung the service with Parry’s anthem “I was glad when they said unto me” based on Psalm 122. The service was led by the Rev. Alan Luff, the Abbey Precentor, who, with the Dean and other members of the Abbey clergy, paid the choir every compliment, most notably by requesting that they return in October. In the choir were several Old Pharosians and others sat with parents and friends in the congregation.
Letter in the Dover Express:
CHOIR A CREDITMy Husband and I wish to congratulate Dover Grammar Schools’ choir on their marvellous achievement while singing evensong at Westminster Abbey on Monday April 11. They were a pleasure to listen to and credit to your town, Mrs Jacky Goodwin, Hastley Wintney, Hampshire.
18th February The School Concert.
This always makes a pleasing, interesting evening, demonstrating the progress from junior boys through the middle school to the accomplished performers at the end of the school’s musical education.
The programme rightly described the presentation as ‘A Vocal and Instrumental Recital’. The school organ began the evening, followed by the school choir with two pieces from their cathedral repertoire. A great variety of instruments was played with a spread across musical types and tastes. The impossible was achieved; everybody went home satisfied, pleased, delighted;
Musical success for two young Old Pharosians.
David Healey has become a Licentiate of the Trinity. College of Music, London for his playing of the Trombone, David Lawrence has been throughout the past four years at Warwick University, specialising in music and putting on performances of Gilbert and Sullivan, and has now gained a place on a course for conducting at The Royal Academy of Music.
Dr. G. L. J. Bailey (1925-34) died on 11th April. He lived at 8 South Common Road, Uxbridge and was sometimes present when the school choir sang in Westminster Abbey. At school he was among the many who were inspired by the teaching of Mr. W. E. Pearce.
J. W. Hancock (1941-48). At school he was a prefect, house captain and a member of the rugby XV, as well as taking part in many other activities. He went to Queen Mary College, London with an open exhibition and while there obtained a Ph.D in chemistry. He proceeded to a Research Fellowship in Chicago and remained on the senior teaching staff there until he died in July, 1981. His widow recently visited the school.
Hugh Newman (1922-32). Died suddenly at Sidmouth on 27th May, aged 75 years. He was a devoted Whitehouse Old Pharosian who frequently made the long journey to be at Old Boys Days. He was present with his wife at the recent Whitehouse Reunion and his letter said… “After all, for those of us who joined the school 66 years ago and 250 miles away, there cannot be too many opportunities to meet the old, old boys”…
He wrote an article in the book ‘Fifty Years On’ giving his memories of the day, 9th December, 1931, when he spoke on behalf of the school, addressing a welcome to Prince George.
To Mrs Newman and her son and daughter we offer our sincere sympathy.
Rev. Eric Yates who taught in the school from 1961 to 1970, died in February at Exeter, aged 72.
By a coincidence, the notice of his death appeared in the Church Times at the same time as that of the Rev. Richard Sandiford.
R. J. Unstead. Bob Unstead died on 5th Kay 1988 aged 72 years. He was at school from 1926 to 1934, in which year he was a prefect and house captain, captain of cricket, vice-captain of soccer and in the school rugby team. He gained Advanced Level successes in History, English, Latin and French. He left school to go to Goldsmiths College where he trained to be a teacher.
His teaching career, begun in 1936, was interrupted by the 1939-45 war when he volunteered for the R.A.F. and became a Physical Training instructor. Later he became an operations room controller and joined Combined Operations for the Normandy landings before service in Greece, Italy and France. Resuming his teaching career, he became headmaster of a primary school in Hertfordshire.
He had ambitions to be a writer and he had ideas for making interesting text books with photographs that appealed to the young.
Some of his books were sold by the million and went to many parts of the world. So he decided to devote his working life to producing books, mainly but not entirely for children.
He was chairman of local school governors and an enthusiast for golf, gardening and cricket. Your editor had the pleasure of joining him at Lord’s when Kent played Middlesex.
Bob was devoted to this school and the Old Pharosians. His friendship with Dr. George Curry brought him to recent dinners and Annual General Meetings and to the Whitehouse Reunion.
His wife Florence has often come with him and is well known to many of us. We extend our deepest sympathy to her and three daughters, one of whom is a publisher of children’s books. This school, the Old Pharosians Association and some of his closest friends were represented at his funeral.
The Funeral Service of Robert John Unstead (1915-1988) on Wednesday 11th May at 11.30 a.m. In the Parish Church of St. Andrew, Aldringham.
The coffin was brought into church before 11 a.m., followed by those who wished to say farewell to their friend. The small village church could not contain them all and some stood listening at the open porch.
Since coming to the area in 1954 Bob had always worked in his home, very much the family man, a member of the community, in turn captain and president of the golf club a few yards from his door. One of his daughters is head teacher of the village primary school.
The service began with the singing of Psalm 23 to the tune Crimond. The Bible reading and address reflected Bob’s love of children that inspired his publications and the hymn “All things bright and beautiful” was chosen as the children’s hymn.
The prayers sought comfort for those who mourn and the concluding hymn “The day Thou gavest Lord is ended” reminded at least one friend present that Bob was a geographer as well as a famous historian.
The priest who gave the address said that though Bob had such facility in describing the past, he could always recognise the need for change. Though our time here is finite, there will remain some truths that are eternal.
May light perpetual shine upon him. K.H.R.
Dr. Peter Burville in his year as President turned our attention to the importance of careers in shaping the lives of young, middle-aged and old.
It is possible in this Newsletter, through the kindness of contributors, to include some account of four careers. Two have ran the race that was set before them and earned the green pastures of retirement: one is in mid-course and making his way in the world of music and theatre: while the fourth is strenuously making his way through universities to qualify for management.
Sir James Menter, F.R.S. (at school 1932-40)
Sir James retired in 1986 after ten years as Principal of Queen Mary College in the University of London. A photograph taken at a farewell presentation ceremony shows him looking very much the same as some of us can remember him at school just before the last war. A painted portrait commissioned from Humphrey Ocean by the college governors takes a wider view of the subject and we are inclined to believe that the camera cannot lie.
Sir James and Lady Menter receive gifts on his retirement from Queen Mary College
Jim Menter was head prefect in 1939-40 when he won a State scholarship and an open scholarship in natural sciences at Peterhouse, Cambridge. He was also Victor Ludorum, a member of the 1st XV and active in music and other aspects of school life. His parents were deeply committed to education and he was inspired by a schoolmaster able to communicate a passionate interest in physics. This schoolmaster was the legendary W.E. Pearce who had an obsession for finding new ways to detect submarines and involved his outstanding pupil in experiments that were often ahead of their time.
Jim went from school to Cambridge and in 1942 was drafted to work with the navy on the underwater detection of submarines. Back in Cambridge after the war he worked on the micro-structure of metals and was awarded a Ph.D and later the Sc.D. degree. After several years spent on post-doctoral research he left the University to join the newly established Tube Investments Research Laboratories at Hinxton Hall near Cambridge and in 1961 became its Director. In 1965 he was appointed Director of Research and Development for the T.I. group and became a member of the T.I. board in 1968. He also served as a non-executive member of the Board of British Steel and the Steetley Company, and for the last eleven years of BP.
He has given advisory service to government departments and the engineering profession. The award of many honours culminated in The Fellowship of The Royal Society in 1968 and a Knighthood in 1973. He has been President of the Institute of Physics and of the Metals Society: and in 1970-71 he was President of the Old Pharosians Association, giving to his school the benefit of wide experience as does each President in his year of office.
In 1976 he undertook the academic and administrative direction of Queen Mary College, London where he has overseen many developments. particularly scientific and medical in association with the medical colleges of St. Bartholomew’s and the London Hospitals. He has encouraged the college to extend its traditional relationships with the local community in the East End of London, particularly in connection with the remarkable transformation occurring in Dockland. Sir James and Lady Menter made their home on the waterfront at Wapping.
After a life devoted to scientific research and its applications to industry, he and his wife have taken themselves away from the pressures of the great city to a house in the Highlands beside Loch Rannoch where the mail is addressed to Rannoch Station.
His life has been summarized as “boffin turned business man, turned academic administrator”: and now, aged 66, he has the water of a Scottish Loch on his doorstep, the latest of a succession of waterfronts from Deal and Dover to the Cam and the navy and then the Thames. One can not imagine that his mind will be idle by the lochs and glens of the Scottish Highlands along the road to the Isles.
Philip Ewer (1932-38).
His life story is so representative of the decade of the 1930’s that it is included here in considerable detail. 1932 Scholarship entrant from St. Bartholomew’s School (Form master, Mr. Slater; House master, Mr. Darby) 1937 School Certificate and Matriculation 1938 School prefect and house captain. Left to become a Clerical Officer in the Home Office.
1941-46 War service in Royal Navy, from ordinary seaman to Lieutenant.
1946-48 Executive Officer, Home Office.
1948-66 Various transfers and promotions within the Civil Service ending as a Principal Officer in Ministry of Pensions.
1971-72 Seconded to Chief Insurance Officer in the Department of Health and Social Security.
1982 Awarded the Imperial Service Order on retirement to 129 Burgess Road, Southampton. SO1 7AE.
Richard Armstrong (1956-63)
When at school he developed special interests in music and art.
He pays tribute to the musical experience of seven enjoyable years in Hr. Best’s choir; and he developed skills in many aspects of art under Hr. Carter’s guidance which encouraged him to take a Fine Arts course at Newcastle University. While there he did much acting and directing following experience at school in Dr. Hinton’s productions.
After university he joined the Roy Hart Theatre Company in London and maintained the essential basic income by teaching painting in a London comprehensive school.
In 1974 he moved to the Cevennes area in the south of France where a theatre company had a chateau to which come hundreds of students and where a festival is held every summer. The company has toured South and Central America. the U.S.A. and Canada. including some performances in New York.
Richard is professor of voice for the University of New York’s Paris programme; and next October is to be guest artist with the Welsh National Opera in a new opera by John Metcalf, to be premiered in Cardiff followed by a tour of other major cities.
Clive Thomas (1976-83) is a young man building a career. He admits to leaving school with three “poor A levels” but he got into University College of Swansea where he studied Management Science. He followed some of his course at Iowa State University.
He spent a summer vacation inter-railing round Europe: and has now gone back to U.S.A. for an M.Sc course at F.I.T., Melbourne Florida.
He tells future students…. “never give up hope, there are always more ways than one to raise money”.
Derek Aslett (1969-76) is playing cricket for the Dover club this summer and scored 99 in their first game. Two centuries have also indicated that none of the skill has been lost: and his joy in the game may increase.
He expects at the end of the summer to emigrate to Perth. Western Australia with his wife and child. His English university degree should enable him to establish himself and we wish him well and hope to hear from hill occasionally.
Chris Penn (1974-81) has made a good start to the season, bowling with a pleasing degree of success but rarely getting a chance to shine with the bat. We hope he has a good season in the Kent XI.
John Ashbee (1978-85) has received an award at the end of his training as a telecommunications technician in the R.A.F. He joined in September 1986 and is posted to Henlow. He has many hobbies including running, squash, climbing and radio control modelling which he learned at school.
Clive Binfield (1951-58) wrote at length of his memories of the school. in the fifties and the teachers who “knew their stuff”. He teaches history in Sheffield University and at Easter became head of the history department, a major appointment on which we extend our congratulations.
W. G. J. Blackman (1928-35) wrote giving his intention to attend the Whitehouse reunion. He can recall being Victor Ludorum before leaving. In the war he was in the Royal Engineers and after the war was for seventeen years the secretary to Snowdown Colliery before he moved to British Telecom until he retired.
Lord Cockfield (1924-33) is Britain’s Senior Commissioner in Brussels and he seems to have had a brush recently with M.P.s on the Treasury Select Committee. He told them that part of the price of participation in it “Europe without frontiers” from 1992 would be the application of V.A.T. to food, newspapers and fuel.
Nevertheless his reasoning was regarded as impeccable. But what would be the reaction of Dover’s many workers in Customs and Excise if their jobs disappeared?
David Cornelius (1976-83) was at the school concert in February. He had returned from Vancouver in his capacity as an officer in the Shell fleet.
Andrew Cripps (1974-81) after leaving school worked for two years as computer programmer for Acorn at Cambridge. He then went to Reading University for three years obtaining a degree in Computer Science and Philosophy. A post-graduate year at Victoria, British Columbia was rewarded with an M.Sc in computer science and he is now back in this country.
R. H. Cuff (1950-55) was presented with an award for twenty-five years service to Avos. He continues his rowing and is sometimes described as a veteran.
Eric Dobby (1958-64) is Group Managing Director of Harraps, the publishers. He has been responsible for the publication of the book “Stalker” and another book “Goodwood’s Oak” launched with trumpeting and tree-planting at Goodwood House.
William Fittall (1964-72) is moving upward through the Home Office. At the age of thirty-four he became Private Secretary to Douglas Hurd: and he has now transferred with the rank of Assistant Secretary to be private secretary to Lord Carlisle, working on problems of the Prison Service. In April he and Lord Carlisle went to North America to gather ideas.
Fred Greenstreet (1915-22) is retiring at the age of 82. He is a freeman of Dover and lives in Shepherdswell.
His business of bootmaking has run through four generations moving from Snargate Street to Bench Street” and finally to Victoria Crescent. Fred has been in the business since leaving school and has made riding boots for royalty and officers of the Life Guards.
He has always been fond of music, a member of St. Mary’s choir for a great number of years, and cricket with the Dover Cricket Club. He has certainly earned a happy retirement.
David Hannent (1957-64) is Vice-president of the Dover Chamber of Commerce. David, with his wife Helen, owns Solitaire computers with an office in Castle St. They have a son in the school.
R. Harman (1929-37) recently joined the Association. He spent much of his working life with Riceman’s of Canterbury and now lives at Whitstable in retirement but busy with political and church activities.
Keith Haynes (1956-63) is operations manager of the Midland Bank at Haywards Heath. His home address is 4 Mushroom Field, Kingston, Nr. Lewes, East Sussex.
Wing Commander E.H.B. Martin (1923-31) left school at the same time as the school departed from Frith Road to become the school on the hill. He vent to Imperial College and then into teaching at Taunton’s School, Southampton. When war came he joined the R.A.F. as a radar officer and spent the Battle of Britain at Swingate behind Dover Castle. He made the R.A.F. his career until he retired to Tiverton in 1973. Among his interests in retirement is performance of administrative duties for the National Trust at the local stately home named Knightshayed Court.
The Right Reverend Kenneth Newing, formerly Bishop of Plymouth, (at schoo (1931-40). On April 15th Kenneth Newing celebrated mass and preached in his cathedral, presumably for the last time. He then took a holiday and has become a novice in the house of a monastic order.
For the past six years he has ministered as bishop to half of Devon driving some 30,000 miles a year. He has donated the bulk of his possessions to a young curate just starting his career. The monks allow him two shelves of books and selection has been no easy matter. “My lord” has been exchanged for “brother and he will rise every day at 4 a.m. for morning devotions and retire at 10 p.a. after compline. When asked if he would still wear his pectoral cross he said “It would be silly to flash it about while scrubbing the floor”.
He made a vow of celibacy when he was young and he is now satisfying what has been a long felt wish. His address is a matter of some secrecy but he has kindly made it available to the editor so that Kenneth may still receive Newsletters and maintain contact with his school. If anyone wished to write to Kenneth, a letter would be forwarded by the editor. He carries with him the prayers and goodwill of all who knew him.
M. J. Newman (1976-78). Michael Newman writes. After years in the wilderness I finally have a relatively secure future ahead. A three year sentence of unemployment ended in June 1984; I then worked for over a year as a Rolls Royce Chauffeur to an Asian millionaire. In the Autumn of 1985 I went on a Secretarial Course in typing and shorthand. After months of struggling to be taken seriously as a male secretary I finally secured permanent secretarial employment in April 1987 when taken on by Turner & Newall as a Secretary/Administrator in their Pensions department. He adds a postscript: My two years at Dover Grammar School were the happiest of my life.
Paul Taylor (1973-61) has completed his courses of study and is now enjoying his work as cartographer at Leeds Polytechnic.
The book ‘FIFTY YEARS ON. 1931-81’ obtainable from the school or the editor for £5: cheques in favour of the “Old Pharosians Association”.
History of Dover County School (1905-31) from the editor for £1: cheques as above.
The School Choir’s Cassette. “A Celebration of Christmas” from the editor for £4.50: cheques in favour of “The Friends of Music at DGSB”.
Prints of the school. £22.50 or £15.00 according to quality of frame, obtainable from the school: cheques in favour of “Dover Grammar School for Boys”.
Tape recordings of the speeches at the Whitehouse Reunion may be obtained from the editor for £4: cheques in favour of the “Old Pharosians Association”.
The editor expresses his sincere thanks to President. George Curry and President designate Maurice Smith: and to all who have contributed to the content of this edition: to officers and committee members who pointed the way ahead: to the school secretaries for their time, skill and care: to Roger Gabriel whose mastery of Word-processing and allied techniques prepared this Newsletter and who also maintains the accuracy of our mailing list.