OPA Newsletter February 1971
New Series No. 19
February 1971
President: J. W. MENTER, Sc.D., F.R.S.
Secretary :
H. R. Slater, Esq., Meadow Cottage, Beauxfield, Whitfield, Dover.
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury, Kent.
The news was received with shock and sorrow that Eric W. Pudney (1914-20) passed away suddenly on the 16th January, 1971 whilst preparing to attend a meeting of the Pharos Lodge. To his widow (daughter of the late Mr. W. H. Darby) we extend our heartfelt sympathy. The Association and Lodge were represented at the Service at Barham on the 22nd January.
Eric had been a loyal supporter of the Association for many years and was looking forward with enthusiasm to his year of office as President. He was a very keen Hon. Secretary of the Jubilee Trust Fund.
Any Old Boy with an interesting job and who would like to talk about it, would be very welcome at the School at any time.
The C.C.F. visit the Isle of Man at Easter, and Culty Bragan near Comrie in Scotland in July. Any Old Boy who would like to come would be welcome.
“A Happy Christmas to all Old Boys and best wishes for the New Year. I hope you are all well and as happy as I am in this delightful place. If ever you or yours need a homebecause you are too old to look after yourselvesget your name down at Millmead.
Love and happy memories from
Many O.P’s. and some former members of the Staff could now sing of Seventy Years On. We must therefore expect the News Letter to record the passing of many for whom we will ever retain affectionate and grateful memories.
In view of changed circumstances the A.G.M. gave approval in principle to the transfer of the Register Account Fund to the Association General Account. The News Letter will endeavour to fulfil the purpose of the Register Account.
Sincere thanks to those who have responded to the appeal for information. May they provide inspiration for more O.P’s. to write to Ken Ruffell or myself in the near future. There is today a lively interest at the School in people and Old Boys will be very welcome either at our functions or by the Head at any time.
I make no apology for extending to the County XI congratulations on their success in the Cricket Championship, a success which must give great pleasure to all, none more so than Eddie Crush, a hard working member of the Club Committee.
If you receive this copy of the News Letter and have not paid your current subscription, please send a remittance to the Treasurer.
Did you remember to reply to the Headmaster’s invitation in the last News Letter?
E. H. Baker, 24 Downs Road, Maidstone.
“A.B.C.” to all who knew him during his service at the School from 1920-52 as Senior Chemistry Master died at Oxford in September 1970 at the age of 84. He was responsible for the format of the new laboratory at Astor Avenue in 1931. An enthusiastic sportsman and performer at swimming, cricket and football, he was a qualified soccer referee and fully informed in matters appertaining to First-Aid. He was a member of the Dover Operatic Society. Old Pharosians will remember his attendance at our pre-war social functions. A member of Dover Town Council for nearly ten years and a Director and Chairman of Dover F.C., on retirement to Oxford he soon became an Alderman on the City Council and a Director of Oxford United F.C. Ever young at heart, at the age of 64 he expressed the wish to play for the Staff Soccer XI against the School and went into training to ensure match fitness. We shall remember his lively and sympathetic personality.
His death on the 17th January 1971 at the age of 87 was mourned by all who knew this ebullient man and the large congregation at St. Mary’s Church paid tribute to one who had played a very full part in the life of the Town and County of his adoption.
He joined the Staff in 1921 from the Duke of York’s School. With the premature retirement of Mr. G. D. Thomas in 1923 he took charge of the Junior School in Ladywell. I will not pretend this is a complete list of all Mr. Langley’s interests and activitiesMathematics teacher, Senior Geography Master, Economics lecturer, Community Singing Conductor in the Granville Gardens on Thursday evenings, Entertainer at local political social evenings, prominent member of the Dover Operatic Society, after dinner speaker, Freemason, leading member of the Brotherhood, these are but a few memories of him during the 1930’s.
In 1944 he left the Staff to take Holy Orders and for some years was Vicar of Lydden.
A dynamic personality, he bore no animosity towards those who did not agree with his pronouncements.
The tribute in this issue to C. A Hart was dictated by him in the eventide of his life.
DR. C. A. HART (1914-19)
Jim to his friends, was one of the first D.C.S. pupils to win a Kitchener Scholarship to University College, London after World War I, and in later years he was a Fellow of his College and a member of the Council of the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund and Scholarship Committee. A distinguished engineer and a pioneer in the use of air photography for surveying, he devised a technique of using aircraft equipped with radar to build up tactical maps of great accuracy on enemy territory in the Far East.
In 1946 he became the first Professor of Surveying and Photogrammetry at London; in 1950 the first Vice Chancellor of Roorkee University, India, and from 1954-60 Rector and Principal of the Nigerian College of Arts, Sciences and Technology. 1960-63 he was Director of the London Master Builders’ Association. In 1964 ‘he lead the Colombo Plan Mission to advise the Singapore Government on Technical Education, and worked for UNESCO and SEATO. He was T.D., C.M.G. A few days before his death in July 1970 he was working as Consultant Adviser for the Open University. He loved ‘his garden and the wild birds. The most unassuming of men, he was proud of his association with the School and the Old Pharosians. He was President 1963-4.
A. S. LEWIS (1917-26)
Archie was a quiet, unassuming, cheerful and generous man whose death in August 1970 severed over forty years connection with the Association of which he was Secretary during the critical years following the last war and President in 1955-6. He was a constant supporter of all our functions and founder and Master of the Pharos Lodge. He was Trustee, Treasurer and Organist of the London Road Methodist Church where he was christened and married; and where finally a large congregation said farewell to one who sought and enjoyed the company of his fellow men.
M. COOK (1957-65)
All connected with the School were stunned at the news of the tragic death of Michael on the 17th August 1970 on the M.1. After working for the N.C.B. at Tilmanstone, he gained a Mining Scholarship to Nottingham University for a three years’ surveyors course in mining engineering. A prominent member of the School, Old Boys and Town Rugby XV’s, his School record card concludes: “he has given much service to the School”. We feel sure he would have given much service to industry, the community and the Association if his life had not been so cruelly terminated. His enthusiasm and affection for the School were demonstrated by the family’s request for the music of the School Hymn and “Forty Years On” to be played as the cortege entered and left the Parish Church at Eythorne.
(The Association was represented at the three Services.)
REV. L. C. SPARHAM (1923-31)
The Rev. L. C. Sparham was shot dead by thieves on 13th January 1971 in Tanzania where he worked with the Diocesan Board of Education. The funeral service took place at Masasi Cathedral on the following day. He had corresponded with the School and Dr. Hinton combed the School for text-books that could be spared to send to ‘him in Tanzania. The Shool and Association were represented at a Memorial Service conducted by Bishop Huddleston in Westminster on the 26th January.
Saturday, 26th September, 1970
The A.G.M. was held at the School and the undermentioned were present and attended the subsequent luncheon: K. H. Ruffell (President), J. W. Menter (Vice-President, 1932-40), H. R. Slater, (1935-43), E. W. Pudney (1914-20), R. Russell (1916-21), G. L. Tutthill (1960-5), M. J. Palmer (1959-66), R. G. Thorp (1953-61) D. K. Slater (1961-9), P. A Slater (1935-44), D. G. Weaver (193950), D. Grinsted (1917-22), S. J. Wenborn (1928-36), L. R. Bish (1935-41), A A Tolputt (1934-40), R. W. Winter (1934-40), G. R. Plater (1912-16), N. V. Sutton (1908-12), E. H. Baker (1922-30), W. Kemp (1922-30), W. Ratcliffe (1947-53), R. H. Cuff (1910-15), W. R. Fittall (Head Prefect), Mr. J. C. Booth, The Headmaster and Messrs. Bird, Smith, Denham, Jacques, Walker, Archer, Kendall, Coulson.
The President made suitable reference and we remembered those no longer with us. Apologies for absence were received from Miss Rookwood, Messrs. Baxter, Coveney, Best, Piddock, Harrison and Henry. Most satisfactory reports were received from the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer who reported that there were 130 Ordinary members and 157 Life members. Dr. J. W. Menter was elected President, Mr. E. W. Pudney Vice President, and the remaining Officers were re-elected. For the record Mr. G. R. Plater is the Hon. Auditor. The President thanked the Past President for his devoted service during the past year and his keen interest in O.P’s for over thirty years. He also made brief reference to a proposed W. E. Pearce Memorial Fund. Mr. Pudney reported on future efforts to swell the Diamond Jubilee Trust Fund. We then adjourned to reminisce in the sun on the dining-room balcony in the company of the ladies. An assembled company of 65 including the Mayor and Mayoress of Dover, the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Deal, the Chairman of the School Governors and the Divisional Education Officer, sat down to an excellent lunch prepared by the School Canteen Staff. In response to the toast of “The School” by the President, the Headmaster gave an interesting and stirring reply, explaining in vigorous terms to the D.E.O. our views on a recent press report regarding the future of the School buildings, followed by a full report on the many varied activities of the present staff and pupils. Some then took the opportunity of wandering round the School, whilst others enjoyed an excellent football match on the lower field, admirably controlled by Referee Elleray (a pupil) who aspires to become the first top class professional referee produced by the School. The result 1-1 and the Old Boys were represented by: Gilbert, Briggs, Summers, Elder, R. Durrant, Kemsley, M. Durrant, Ems, Flood, Kemp and Palmer.
The idea of having a Junior Sports Day on the upper field at the same time as the Old Boys’ cricket match on the lower field seemed to appeal. The elder brethren batted first and, apart from M. Palmer who scored 67 not out, their display suggested that memory and experience are poor substitutes for quickness of eye and reflex action. After tea, at which some eighty’ people sat down, a declaration was made at 127 for 6, leaving the School only ninety minutes to get the runs. The early School batsmen replied in forceful fashion, but a splendid running catch by P. Janaway stemmed the flow, and there was always the graceful fielding of J. Morgan, the best for miles around. Wickets continued to fall but ‘the last man survived the last ball. The players and spectators seemed to feel they had enjoyed their day in the sun, another pleasant memory of a truly golden summer.
Guest Evening on Friday 13th November 1970 followed the pattern of recent years. The performances of the Orchestra and Choir maintained the high standard set over the years. The Headmaster’s Report, delivered without a note, was enjoyed by his audience and would have. earned the praise and respect of his predecessors. The Chairman of the Governors suggested that when re-organisation occurs, the School should be named “The Pharos”. (A suggestion worthy of serious consideration by all concerned in a future decision and one on which I shall be pleased to receive and print the views of Old Pharosians-Editor.)
The Committee have decided that Old Boys’ Day on Saturday 18th September 1971 will follow the pattern of the last two years.
11.30 a.m. Annual General Meeting.
1.00 p.m. Luncheon.
2.45 p.m. Soccer Match.
Please book the date and ensure an enjoyable day at the School with your Lady.
P. E. Robinson (1909-14) remembers his first Master (Mr. Standring-Scrogger) at Priory Hill. He was a member of the School Soccer 1st XI and the Scout Troop. Joined the Navy as a Boy Artificer on H.M.S. Fisgard at Portsmouth. In 1919 married a clerk in the Q.M.A.A.C. and has two sons. All the family served during the 1939 War. He was with a Minesweeper on Atlantic and Russian Conveys. Has since worked with a local newspaper, the Post Office and Rediffusion. Hon. Secretary of a County Youth Club. Now retired and lives at 1 Park Avenue, Deal.
J. R. Morecroft left School (Godwynhurst College) to become a junior reporter on the Dover Chronicle. For the past twenty years has been in charge of the Press Association team of reporters at the Old Bailey. Recalls as his seniors at School “Granny” Grinsted, Fred Ryeland and Sam Horrex. Now lives at 162 Poverest Road, Pens Wood, Kent.
W. T. Moore (1921-26) remembers Mr. G. D. Thomas at Ladywell and being taught to swim by Mr. “Paddy” Pascall. Recalls Dick Denton, Solly Cole and Nick Nowers. He was an enthusiastic local cricketer and member of the Dover Operatic Society. Left Dover in 1954 to take charge of a Church of England Children’s Society Home in Ipswich for five years. After a period with Dr. Bamardo’s, he obtained a post as Games and Art Master at an Independent Grammar School. He is a qualified M.C.C. Coach. He is Chairman of the Suffolk Schools’ Cricket Association and appears regularly with the Ipswich Operatic and Dramatic Society. Always attended Dover Cricket Week and hopes it will soon be re-instated. Would like news of Dilly Dilnot. Tom Hopking, Bob Scotchmer, Fatty Beighton and Steve Mummery. Hopes to retire to Dover in the near future. Address is 76 Westholme Road, Ipswich.
G. Russell (1959-67) has obtained a B.Sc. 2nd Class Honours Degree in Geography at Birkbeck College, London. Will spend the next year at Cheshire College of Education studying for postgraduate certificate in education.
J. R. E. White would like news of Old Boys who were in the first V. Engineering Form under Mr. Oayton in 1933-34. Previously a Naval Lieutenant, has been round the world some eight times, crossed the Atlantic forty-eight times and the Equator twelve times, is now a civil servant and resides at 26 Poulden Court, Jalan Kayu, Singapore 28. Hopes to return home in 1971. Writes “In modem Singapore with air-conditioners, deep freezers, fresh-frozen vegetables, air-flown Angus steakswe don’t know ourselves. The Chinese Amah, mini-skirted, can cope with every facet of work and read and write perfect English.”
Robin Haydon (1929-37). The Times on 15th December, 1970 reported that it understood that Robin is to be the next High Commissioner in Malawi-a key appointment in Africa.
Gordon A. Maxted (1928-35) left School to assist on the family farm at Capel where he took an active part in the life of the Village. >From 194046 he served with the R.A.F. and R.O.A.C. In 1955 he joined the County Ambulance Service and ‘he was engaged on a hospital case at Folkestone when he passed away suddenly on 6th October 1970.
Alan Finney (1942-45) recently called to see Miss Rookwood. He is a Lieutenant in the Royal Marines at Deal and conducts the Band. He is married with four children.
W. E. Collard (1941-47) is Operations Manager, Fords, Dagenham. He has recently written to the School offering advice to boys who maybe seeking a career in the motor industry and to organise a career-oriented visit for Vth and VIth Formers.
M. E. Marsh (1945-53) 15 Cambridge Road, Uxbridge recently called at the School. He is Senior Geography Master at Dr. Challoner’s School, Amersham.
E. W. J. Moseling (1922-30) 4 Palatine Road, Worthing, Sussex, a former member of the O.P. Cricket Club and Committeeman, retired for health reasons in August 1970 from the Thomas à Beckett J.M. and I. School, Worthing (600 pupils). He would like to hear from any of his contemporaries.
W. Winthrop, 5 Cripps Close, Aylesham.
P. Stevens, 2 Chamberlain Road, Dover.
M. J. Durrant, 6 St. Radigund’s Road, Dover.
A. E. Milton, 26 Canterbury Road, Lydden.
P. L. Kemp, 10 Knight’s Templars, Western Heights, Dover.
J. Meehan, 25 Glebelands, Headington, Oxford.
J. C. Simison, 7 Chisnall Road, Dover.
R. J. Richards, Ringers, High Street, Longstowe, Cambridge.
Saturday 27th March
Old Boys’ Rugby Match, 2.30 p.m.
Thursday 13th May
School Concert, 7.30 p.m.
Friday 21st May
May Ball, 8.0 p.m.
Wednesday, 19th May
Senior School Sports, 2.0 p.m.
Saturday 10th July
Junior School Sports and Old Boys’ Cricket Match, 2.30p.m.
Wednesday 21st July
End of Term.
Saturday 18th September
Old Boys’ Day. Annual General Meeting 11.30 a.m.
Luncheon 1.0 p.m.
Old Boys’ Soccer Match 2.45 p.m.