OPA Newsletter January 1996
New Series No. 69
Jan 1996
* Officers and Committee Members
* Obituary Sir Clifford Jarrett
* President’s Letter
* London Reunion 5th June 1996
* Annual General Meeting
* Soccer Match
* Annual Reunion Dinner
* Committee Meeting 2nd November
* Cricket Match
* Philip Clapham’s letter “Some Dover Reminiscences”
* Letter describing a Japanese Earthquake
* Rowland Powell’s letter and “One Way Ticket”
* Music for a Summer Evening
* Art Exhibition
* News gathered from “First Thursday Newsletters”
* Junior Prizegiving
* Guest Evening
* List of boys who have gained University places
* Praise Indeed
* Obituaries
* Members still Living and Learning
* Lost Contacts
641C Loose Road, Maidstone ME15 6UT
01622 846271
VICE-PRESIDENT: Rev.Dr. Michael Hinton
212 The Gateway, Dover CT16 1LL
01304 204198
21 Orchard Drive, River, Dover CT17 OND
01304 205007
6 Chestnut Road, Elms Vale
Dover CT17 9PY
01304 205007
SECRETARY: 40 Crabble Road, River, Dover CT17 OQE
01304 823764
Karibu 45A Bewsbury Cross Lane
Whitfield, Dover CT16 3EZ
01304 821187
SECRETARY: 229 St.Richards Road, Deal CT14 9LF
01304 366110
EDITOR: 193 The Gateway Dover CT16 1LL
01304 202172
ARCHIVIST: P.J. Burville
Seagate, Goodwin Road
St. Margarets Bay, Dover CT15 6ED
01304 853267
COMMITTEE: M.J. Palmer (to retire 1998)
B.D. Crush (to retire 1998)
M.H. Smith (to retire 1997)
T. Sutton (to retire 1996)
J.D.B. Borrett (to retire 1997)
R.C. Colman (to retire 1996)
AUDITOR: Neil Beverton
STAFF D. Murray
M.R. Grant
HEAD PREFECT: Philip Marshall
Born in Dover in 1909
and died on 9th July 1995
Quoting from the published history of the school: C.G. Jarrett had been winning merit awards and prizes all the way up the school until he departed with a State scholarship and a major scholarship to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. In 1930 Mr. Whitehouse was able to visit Cambridge and be entertained to dinner by seven Old Pharosians; Sanders, Garland, Stanway, Dilnot, Carpenter, Trist and Jarrett.
A few of our most senior Old Pharosians may remember that between the two great wars there was in Dovers London Road the Jarrett photographers shop. From this his home Clifford Jarrett won a scholarship to the Dover County School. Mr. S.F. Willis, who taught him history, has said that whatever you taught him was filed away in his mind and could be reproduced at need. However, Jarrett wished mainly to study modern languages; and at that time French was the only one taught in the school. So he taught himself German in a year, helped by his parents who, at no small sacrifice, paid for him to spend three months in a German household.
In 1928 he won a State scholarship and an Open scholarship to Cambridge where in 1931 he was awarded a starred double First in the modern language tripos. He then took the appropriate Civil Service examination and to his surprise came top of the list. He went first to the Home Office and then after three years obtained appointment as Assistant Principal at the Admiralty. When war with Germany was declared and Churchill became Prime Minister, a politician with no experience of the Navy was appointed First Lord, with Jarrett as his Principal Private Secretary.
From 1940 to 1944 Jarrett had been working a 15-hour day, living and sleeping below the Admiralty offices. After the war he was promoted to be Under Secretary and Principal Establishment Officer in charge of Admiralty civilian work. In 1955 he led a team to South Africa to produce the Simonstown Naval Agreement. From 1961-64 he was Permanent Secretary at the Admiralty: and then from 1964-70 Permanent Under-Secretary, Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, later the Department of Health and Social Security. During these years his relationship with Richard Crossman was never easy. It was said in Civil Service circles that if anyone could handle Crossman it had to be Jarrett. He left the Civil Service in 1970.
He had been regarded as among the cleverest at the top of the Civil Service, admired for his skill in drafting papers with clear and concise English: as well as being one of the nicest men in the service. The nation expressed its appreciation by awards of the CBE in 1945, CB in 1949 and KBE in 1956.
In retirement he received many offers, including appointment as a Trustee of the National Maritime Museum.
Without doubt the appointment that pleased him most was as Chairman of the Dover Harbour Board from 1971 to 1980, a time of growth in cross-Channel trade made possible by a huge programme of land reclamation at the Eastern Docks.
On one of Sir Cliffords visits to Dover, Mr. Colman arranged a Saturday evening reception and concert in the school hall where people could meet Sir Clifford and produce funds to refurbish the school organ. Mr. Colman remembers that Sir Clifford was often very generous to his school.
He and his second wife Mary retired to Menston in the Yorkshire Dales where he could find pleasure in painting. But health failed him and he died aged 85 years.
By his expressed wish, a Dover Harbour Board craft took his ashes to be spread on the waters. He is survived by his wife Mary, a son and five daughters.
Our school is honoured to have played some part in the education of a man who served the nation so well. To Lady Jarrett and the family we offer our deepest sympathy.
I feel very privileged to be serving as your President this year and thank the Association and its Committee for the honour they have accorded me – even though chairing Committee Meetings attended by three of the School’s Headmasters wasn’t quite what I expected! I can hardly hope to match the contribution of my predecessor, Graham Tutthill, Chairman of Governors and parent as well as Old Pharosian, for whose continuing efforts on the School’s behalf we are most grateful.
It was encouraging, on the occasion of the School’s 90th Anniversary, to see so many years represented at the Annual Dinner in September, including members from Wales, Scotland, and even the United States. There seemed to be almost as many braving the first chill winds of winter at the School’s Guest Evening in November. Each generation has been coloured by the spirit and interests engendered by the School and the whole corpus of the staff: of course the components of that team are always changing, but only very gradually does its overall character change, perhaps with a slight jolt when there is a change of “manager”. In that sense we have all enjoyed a similar grounding to our lives.
There are many ways in which we can repay our debt to the School, however indirectly. Any younger member living locally need not be embarrassed to offer tactful help with any of the School games, just as others may be able to arrange work experience for one or two fourth-formers, now Year 10, for a fortnight during the Summer Term (contact Mrs. Saville at the School, tel: 01304-206117).
The larger the Association’s numbers the more direct support it can give. I appeal particularly to those who have left recently, and whose initial 5-year membership and, therefore, inclusion on the Newsletter’s mailing list, has expired, to renew their subscription, currently £5 per annum. Even better, you could ask our Treasurer (see List of Officers) for the form needed to arrange a banker’s order. Alternatively, you might like to add a covenanted subscription to a long-standing life membership.
Should you have been a pupil in 1965 – or not – you might be interested in the film “School on the Hill”, made in that year to celebrate the School’s Diamond Anniversary and now transferred to video, available from the School at £7.50. And there must be many more who could take their cue from recent contributors and submit their own reminiscences of “life on the hill” to our meticulous and long-suffering Editor at 193 The Gateway. Why not pick up that pen, or turn to that word processor, now, if only to write a letter with your latest news? Not least, please inform the Membership Secretary of any change of address.
I look forward to meeting more of you during the remaining months of the School Year – perhaps at the London Reunion arranged for Wednesday 5th June 1996.
J.R. Booth
Wednesday 5th June 1996
This will be held in a separate section of Balls Brothers’ Wine Bar/Restaurant,
5/6 Carey Lane, in the City of London, from 6.00pm onwards – to about 8.30pm. A charge of £8.50 per head will include a buffet menu, and any Old Pharosian wishing to attend should send that amount to our President at 641C Loose Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 9UT, by the previous Thursday, 30th May. (Phone 01622-746271). Cheques should be made payable to “J.R. Booth”.
Carey Lane is off Gutter Lane, which leads north off Cheapside just north-east of St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is little over 5 minutes’ walk from Mansion House Underground Station and even less from St. Paul’s Station.
Since this is the first such reunion since 1992, it is hoped that a good number will be able to attend.
Secretary Philip Harding had, as ever, to miss the meeting because of his duties at Harvey Grammar School but he and Maurice Smith had arranged the room with all the prepared paperwork in place, coffee available and everything ready for members who in some cases had travelled long distances to be present.
Names of those present:
Graham Tutthill, Ian Pascoe, Maurice Smith, Neil Beverton, Dick Standen, Denis Gibb, George Curry, John Borrett, Peter Burville, Neil Slater, William Fittall, Ian Fenwick, Steve Callacher, Dave Murray, Allan Edgington, Barry Crush, Reg Colman, John Simmonds, W.C. Collard, Tom Beer, Arthur Tolputt, Michael Hinton, Terry Sutton, Alistair Shaw, Mick Palmer, Richard Dilnot and John Booth.
Apologies for absence were received from:
Keith Tolputt, Dr. D. Langley, Ken Lott, Peter Piddock, Philip Ewer, Rev.William Kemp, E.H. Baker, A.J. Allright, Malcolm Grant, Philip Harding and Mrs. Turnpenny.
When the meeting got down to business the Minutes of the previous AGM were agreed.
The Treasurers Report was then presented with professional clarity and had been audited by Neil Beverton, his first undertaking of this valuable service. The income and expenditure account was laid before members, and readers of this Newsletter will find the accounts on the back page. Total income was well above that of the previous year while expenditure was lower so that surplus for the year and the Associations assets were very healthy. Treasurer reminded us that we enjoyed charitable status and that our purpose must be to provide financial help to the school. Committee will gladly take action in response to this situation. Treasurer and Auditor were thanked for their skill and care that led to the good financial health of the Association.
Election of Officers proceeded according to plan and readers will find the list of Officers and Committee Members at the start of this Newsletter.
The insignia of office and chairmanship of the meeting passed from Graham Tutthill to John Booth. The innumerable services performed by Graham to the school were applauded: and John Booth expressed his pleasure in accepting the leadership of the Association for 1995-96. He proceeded to conduct the meeting with good humoured and relaxed efficiency, only the Newsletter Editor interrupting the flow of business by expressing gratitude for the help he has received from Jean Luckhurst in the school office and from many members.
Any other business inevitably centres on Headteachers review of developments in the school. Since he has to repeat this review at the evening dinner, we will defer our summary: and report here that the meeting closed around noon owing to the goodwill and helpfulness of all those present.
16th SEPTEMBER 1994
For the third time in the last four years the annual match for the Andrew Kremer Memorial Cup ended in a draw. The game was one of fluctuating fortunes with both sides enjoying periods of ascendency and leading at some stage. However neither was able to press home its advantage and eventually a late goal for the Old Boys made the final score 4 – 4.
The Old Boys were represented by:-
Matthew Robinson, Chris King, Simon Jones, Simon Gretton, John Allingham, Neil Beverton, Dave Palmer, Chris Childs, Marc Goodacre, Jeff Vane, Mike Robinson, Mike Andrews and John Stonebridge.
A hundred and two people were present, a gathering of Old Pharosians and their ladies, a civilised occasion master-minded as ever by Maurice Smith into whose experienced hands the committee gladly delegates all arrangements.
After the conversationally active sherry-in-hand preliminary gathering, the meal was very well planned, served and enjoyed. The Rev. Dr. Michael Hinton had asked for grace and good fellowship before the meal; and at its conclusion the Loyal Toast was proposed by Philip Marshall, head prefect, with the clear voice to be expected of a youthful performer on the school stage.
John Booth as President used every nice touch in thanking his predecessor in office and several others whom he felt to deserve honourable mention for services rendered. He made reference to Bill Jacques whose handwriting could not be read more than two feet from the paper: but when he said Grace in school, people in Market Square said Amen: and then to Arch Coulson who held the secret of classroom discipline while he was explaining life to the staffroom. Johns proposed toast to the school was honoured; and headmaster Neil Slater replied with information of recent developments in the school.
He reported that GM status had brought sound finance if not all that was needed. Increased entrants to the school required their division into four forms: and number of boys in the school had risen from 480 to 530. In addition to previous methods of selecting new entrants we had our own tests that looked for potential as much as achievement. Increase in number of boys inevitably led to new staff appointments and some pressures on space. All present were able to admire the new lighting and curtains in the great hall. Headteacher could support the Prime Ministers favour for games and our school 1st XI had this year been at the top of the East Kent Schools soccer league. As head of an enlarging school he valued the support of governors, parents and the Old Pharosians Association.
2nd November 1995
President John Booth was in the chair and others present were Peter Burville, John Borrett, Ian Pascall, Michael Hinton, Ken Ruffell, Reg Colman, Maurice Smith, Malcolm Grant, Graham Tutthill, Steve Callacher, Barry Crush and Headteacher Neil Slater. Apologies were received from Philip Harding, Terry Sutton and David Murray.
MINUTES of last meeting
The School Video is priced at £7.50 and requests for copies should be made to Graham Tutthill at the school. The Minutes were approved.
reported balances as Charity Foundation Fund £5,600
and Lloyds Bank £2,017
Nine school leavers had accepted 5 years of membership for £5. President promised to send a letter to all school leavers in 1994 and 1995.
Ken Ruffell, Editor, was assured that he should continue to aim for quality in spite of rising costs. He spoke of the valuable and skilled help he was receiving from Peter Wilberforce in improving photographic reproduction.
Roger Gabriel reported that membership stood at 725, of whom 546 were life members, 158 were annual payers and 21 were on the lists but methods of subscribing were not known. Deletion of some names would have to be done.
Maurice Smith reported that the dinner had been in every way an enjoyable evening and had made a profit of £246. Attendance in the past three years had risen from 80 to 91 and then to this year’s 102.
In discussion of next year’s OLD BOYS DAY decision was reached that in 1996
should be on SATURDAY 12TH OCTOBER
Please enter this is your new 1996 diaries.
Peter Burville reported that Mrs. June Golding had joined the cheerful band of workers.
President revived the idea of a London Reunion: and any member interested should let President or Secretary know.
NEXT MEETING for the Committee was arranged for THURSDAY 21ST MARCH 1996 at 7.00PM.
Wednesday 5th July from 2.30pm to 7.30pm
This match was played on one of the many glorious afternoons of this golden summer. The elder brethren batted first and totalled 232 for 5 wickets. Chris Penn, to whom Kent are awarding a testimonial year, scored 118 including 10 sixes and 10 boundaries. The school bowling began well but did not wear too well. The wicket did not even begin well and you may read in the reports by cricket captains at end of summer term assembly some comment on this defect.
After a tea that the devoted Parents Association kindly provided, the school batted well against at least eight varied trundlers. When last over was called the last two school batsmen were at the wicket with 183 runs for 9 wickets on the board. In a moment of total error a quick run was attempted and an appeal was made to your umpiring editor. He looked skyward for forgiveness and said Not Out so that no-one went home defeated.
OLD BOYS XI J. Shepherd c Parker b Muir 23 M. Palmer c Muir b Durrant 37 A. Wellard b Brothwell 14 C. Penn st Crisp b Wratten 118 D. Hall lbw Wratten 25 P. Smith Not Out 2 Extras 13 Did not bat: J. Sheather, A. Gardiner, C. Hall, J. Kremer, B. Crush ___ TOTAL 232 for 5 wickets Match drawn Umpires: Alan Edgington and Ken Ruffell SCHOOL XI A. Brothwell st Palmer b Smith 51 S. Parker c Sheather b D.Hall 28 A. Crisp st Palmer b C.Hall 21 D. Bowley Run Out 25 R. Wratten c D.Hall b C.Hall 0 M. Robinson b Kremer 29 J. Muir st Palmer b C.Hall 0 J. Wakeham b Crush 4 A. Brittenden b Crush 1 D. Berwick Not Out 11 S. Durrant Not Out 6 Extras 7 TOTAL 183 for 9 wickets
by Phil Clapham (1967-74)
If youth, as Bernard Shaw once said, is wasted on the young, then good teaching during youth is frequently unappreciated by its subjects. But not necessarily wasted. Like most people from any school, I would not claim to have been entirely happy or continually enthused during the years I spent at Dover. But in retrospect I recognise that I received an education of considerable quality. So it is about time that I offered a small thank you to the school and to its staff, mixed with a few reminiscences of a lighter nature. Here it is.
Now I should begin by stating upfront that I was hardly a model student. Well, that’s not entirely true, I suppose. I did compete for the top place in my class – always with a boy called Jones – for much of my first four years at Dover, but sometime around the age of fifteen I lost interest in academic achievement and couldn’t wait to go on to university and the Outside World. This I eventually did, and after a mediocre university career spent much time doing the only thing that really mattered to me, which was travelling. After living in Europe, wandering through Asia, marrying an American and taking up residence in the United States, I somehow managed to end up – more by luck than skill, and certainly not by intent – in the unlikely field of whale research. Had anyone during my time at Dover told me that, twenty years later, I would have a Ph.D. in biology and be working professionally with whales (with what??), I would have seriously questioned their sanity. But so it turned out.
One of my earliest recollections of the School on the Hill was great relief that the compulsory wearing of short trousers by first years had been dropped in 1967, my year of entry. Caps, however, were still mandatory, and it was with the greatest of glee that we all disposed of these humiliating markers of our novitiate state at the end of the year (and made sure that we tormented the following year’s becapped crop of entrants). From that first year I can also remember sticky buns sold for a penny at break, vast areas of playing fields that seemed perpetually muddy (or so my mother, the family’s laundress, maintained), the horror of an annual doctor’s exam, and the discovery – don’t ask me how – that phenol phthalene, commonly available in the general science laboratories, was the world’s most effective laxative (and therefore much sought-after for particularly cruel practical jokes).
Many events marked the later years, and some reflected genuinely remarkable achievements by the school staff, such as their pioneering involvement in the teaching of computer science. None, however, had greater impact upon the consciousness (not to mention the hormones) of the pupils than the arrival of a female teacher. Remarkably, I do not recall her name, but she came to teach mathematics. Not only was she female, but she was young, she was pretty, and she had a liking for short skirts. Now I confess that the skirts in question were undoubtedly not as short as my memory would have me believe; but the hem was definitely above the knee, and for several hundred adolescent boys in a school where both staff and pupils were exclusively male, that was quite sufficient to cause a riot. I do not know if the acquisition of mathematical skills improved during her tenure; her classes were nothing if not popular, although I suspect that the associated attention span was, shall we say, diminished. Whatever the case, she introduced some much-needed femininity into an excessively masculine environment. She was followed into service by an equally attractive art teacher, who figured prominently in my own preposterously romantic teenage fantasies. But God had cursed me: I had no talent whatsoever for art, and little more for mathematics. Oh well.
Our first encounter with the present headmaster, Neil Slater, was memorable, and unequivocally demonstrated that he was destined for greatness. He arrived at the school to teach mathematics some years into my tenure, and as with any new master the boys all warily wondered how easy or tough this addition to the staff would be. A traditional courtesy required all pupils to stand upon entry into the classroom of any teacher, but by this time the rule had become very relaxed. There were a few teachers that one knew one had to stand for, but with many others we didn’t bother. Mr. Slater walked in on his first morning and was confronted by a class of boys who essentially ignored him, remained seated and continued their idle chatter. He paused for a few seconds and surveyed the scene, then in a voice that was undoubtedly audible several rooms away boomed, “Doesn’t anyone STAND in this school any more?!” We all shot to our feet, and knew from that instant that there would be no messing with this man.
Another new staff member commended similar respect, via a very different approach. I shall leave him unnamed, except to say that he was young and arrived to teach geography during my sixth form years. Inevitably, some of us would sneak off downtown once a week for a surreptitious pint at a pub chosen because it was known never to be frequented by staff members. This was essential, since if one was caught drinking one would certainly face suspension, and possibly worse. One Friday afternoon half a dozen of us were sitting around a table in the pub concerned, with various alcoholic beverages arrayed before us. For some reason, one boy had ordered an orange juice (possibly the result of a hangover; I don’t recall), but the rest of us were on either pints, or the then-popular vodka and tonic. Suddenly, to our horror we saw the new geography master walk in and approach our table. To say that panic ensued would be an excessive understatement. Absurdly, several of us lunged as a group for the orange juice, as if possession of a non-alcoholic drink would make any difference to our fate. The teacher walked slowly to the table and stood looking in silence for what seemed like an age, while we all waited in shock for judgement to be delivered. I was already trying to think of what I would say to my father when I came home expelled. After thus pausing for effect, he said simply, “Well then,” – another pause – “what are you all having?” It took a while for it to sink in that, far from moving to terminate our academic careers, he was offering to buy a round. Eventually we all came out of shock, mumbled drink preferences in disbelief, and then spent half an hour in pleasant conversation. It was of course not merely an act of mercy on the part of the new geography master, but a brilliant tactical move. For lo, the word went out into all the lands, or at least into the rest of the school, not to give this guy a hard time – he was very cool.
Many other teachers stand out from those days, but three in particular deserve special mention. The first, and the one whom I recall most fondly, was Bob Murphy, whose teaching of English inspired in me a love of the language and of its literature that has given me some of the greatest pleasures of my life. What’s more, he made many of us realise that the point of all those interminable exercises in grammar and the much-dreaded précis was not merely that we should write with correctness, but also with style. To Murphy, English held great beauty, and learning the finer details of its practice was simply giving the language its due.
While I do not wish to embarrass the editor of this newsletter, I could not omit to praise Ken Ruffell, whose teaching of geography was truly ahead of its time. I am old enough to remember when continental drift and plate tectonics theory was still not universally accepted, and was certainly not being taught in schools. Remarkably, however, we got it, lock, stock and barrel, along with all other aspects of geography, many taught from high-level texts and all in astonishingly comprehensive detail. Mr. Ruffell’s approach seemed to be that if you treated 14-year-olds as though they were capable of learning university-level material, they would. And did.
Along similar lines was the science teaching of Michael Nice, who among other things taught us how to write scientifically – and this while we were at the tender age of twelve. When I finally became installed in a career as a professional biologist, I was delighted to discover that, unlike many others, the basic craft of scientific writing was not something which I had difficulty mastering. In retrospect, it would have come as no surprise: by forcing us to write endless lab reports, Mr. Nice and other science teachers were effectively getting us to produce mini scientific papers every week. While I’m sure the quality was far from sterling, the basic format and associated way of thinking stuck in our heads. For me at least (somehow now the author of around forty papers in professional journals), it proved very useful later in life.
Mr. Nice was also my form master for my first two years at Dover, and since he shepherded me at the beginning of my days there, I suppose it is only fitting that he should have the last word here. A good biologist and a fine teacher, he presided over what can only be called an unruly rabble of small boys with the perfect measure of discipline and humour. Nothing better illustrates this balance than a tale from my second year. I no longer recall its origin, but at some point during the year we (“we” being 2 Priory) became locked in a perverse sort of contest with another form, whereby each attempted to outdo the other in the number of “order marks” received from an unfortunate teacher whose inability to discipline his classes was well known (lest order marks have fallen out of use, I should explain that when a boy had misbehaved egregiously, he was dispatched on a dreaded trip to the Staff Room to request the “Order Mark Book”, into which his name and offence would be entered with appropriate gravity by the aggrieved teacher. Each order mark carried with it a mandatory detention; six in one term brought the cane). News of this competition somehow reached the ears of Mr. Nice, who brought it up as the final item of business at one of our regular Monday morning form meetings. I can recall what followed almost verbatim.
“It has come to my attention”, he said, in the tone of one who has suffered long and unjustly, “that this form is presently engaged in an order mark race with 2 Frith. Is this correct?” Yes, sir, we replied, with all the feigned innocence we could muster. Mr. Nice sighed, and then delivered a long lecture on the necessity for order in class, noting that while he was aware that Mr. M… was a terrible disciplinarian, he should nonetheless be respected, that we had mathematics to learn, et cetera. In short, he concluded, this practice must cease forthwith. Did we all understand? Yes sir, we earnestly assured him, we all did. There was a pause. Then, almost as an afterthought, he smiled and asked, “So who’s winning, anyway?” We are, sir! came the chorus of thirty proud boys, “Oh good,” he said cheerfully, and walked out.
I owe a good deal to the school, and I wish it the best of fortunes in future years. To its new teachers, I would note that you are carrying on a worthy tradition, and that if your efforts don’t always seem appreciated, always remember that some pupils will thank you, if only retrospectively. And to those whom I knew who have now retired, I wish you well. You put up with us, and if there is any justice in this world, fate should reward you with a long and happy retirement.
by Ashley Baker
John Ellis was a boy in our school from 1947 to ’55 and was an outstanding cricketer, soccer goalkeeper and a sprinter. He graduated in geography at Exeter and subsequently taught that subject in our school from 1974 to ’87. Mainly for family reasons he took early retirement but has maintained contact with at least one widely travelled former student, Ashley Baker.
Ashley Baker was in our school from 1982 to ’90 and subsequently graduated from the University of Ulster. His desire to see the world has led him to Hong Kong and China: and he hopes in time to visit Singapore and New Zealand. He has maintained correspondence with John Ellis: and at present Ashley is half way through a three year contract to teach English to Japanese children near Kobe.
His account of a 1995 earthquake is therefore authentic and the editor is grateful to John Ellis and Ashley Baker.
It’s been a busy time for the press in Japan at the moment. There has been an awful lot to deal with, what with the Great Hanshin Earthquake and the atrocities on the Tokyo Underground System. I was directly involved in the first incident but fortunately I’ve had the luck to be one of the millions who have been watching their televisions as the Gas saga unfolds. For the first time I’m thankful I live in a rather provincial Japanese city, rather than Tokyo.
My city, Wakayama, is two hours by train from Kobe. However, as the crow flies, the distance is only half that. The epicentre of the earthquake was only about 50 miles from the city. As most people were, I was asleep when the first tremor struck. Earthquakes are not rare in Japan and people ignore them as if they have never happened. Frankly the volume of traffic is so large all around that you usually put tremors down to the passing of a large truck. Not this time.
Describing the motion of an earthquake is very easy. Everything shuddered backwards and forwards. It felt as if someone had picked up my apartment building and violently shaken it. No problem. I’ve felt largish tremors before and they lasted no more than two seconds. That morning it lasted for 40. That doesn’t sound much until you actually sit and count, imagining your world being turned upside down all around you.
For two days I felt as if I were the worst informed person in the world. The international phone lines were out and the Japanese press was slow off the mark. I came home from work and was angry that the spring Sumo tournament was not being aired. The death count was around 50 at that time. The worst thing was that I couldn’t get hold of any of my friends in Kobe and any calls that bypassed the region were rationed due to extreme demand.
My apartment in Wakayama received no damage. In fact, the only local damage, apart from crockery, was a broken window at the central police station, of all places. Kobe was a different story and here the criticism of the Japanese government came rolling in. After the big quake in California last year, the authorities here literally boasted that they were far more prepared than the Americans. They might well have been, but EVERY SINGLE earthquake detection device was located in Tokyo. The Kobe area wasn’t “supposed” to have an earthquake. Tokyo was ready, the rest of Japan wasn’t. Apparently the Prime Minister of Japan, when he first heard of the disaster, said it wasn’t important because, as it wasn’t in Tokyo, it couldn’t possibly be a major one. The school I work in still hasn’t even discussed holding earthquake drills.
It’s been well documented how foreign aid was rejected. The crack Swiss Dog Team found no survivors, only corpses. Two of my friends spent whole days in Kobe translating for them. Can you imagine the stress they were under when all they uncovered was dead families. I’m sure that was a good reason for delaying their entrance for a WEEK.
Of course the quake showed how well the Japanese people react under extreme circumstances. There was no breakdown in law and order and no fighting for temporary housing. Thousands of people are still living in tents and using chemical facilities. In a typical show of prioritising, the roads and railways are now up and running. The brand new airport, built on reclaimed land in the middle of Osaka Bay survived, despite the fact that it has already started sinking! Many of the people who could escape, took that route, credit card in hand. Not all of them have returned yet. I know of one English woman who suffered a nervous breakdown on getting home. I think myself that they over-reacted. Kobe is back on its feet and you can never run from disaster. Lessons have been learned which will save lives when the Big One finally does hit the waiting Tokyo.
Dear Mr. Ruffell,
The picture of the Staff Cricket XI 1937, in the current issue of the Newsletter aroused quite a few memories. The picture made me think of what those old familiar faces meant to me and the memories of various occasions which however insignificant they may have seemed at the time, have obviously stuck firmly in my memory for over “Forty Years” plus.
I liked to think that I had a flare for Art and certainly Charles Rowland was always at great pains to point me in the right direction and I still have a drawing of the school at Ebbw Vale depicting a boy, me, sitting on the bank overlooking the tennis courts and the new block including the gym, labs and Art room; Charles sat down on the bank beside me and drew a second figure alongside but slightly behind my own drawing to illustrate how to proportion a figure and also how to use shading to achieve depth and realism.
As my Form Master during my second year at Dover Frank Kendall was filling out the form register with details of each individual present; when, finally it came to my turn I blurted out my full address in one continuous breath which was “Melrose”, 5 Sydney Road, Walmer; with a quiet laugh Frank called me to a halt with ‘hang on “Melrose 5” let’s start again but more slowly this time.’ Melrose 5 would have stuck to me as a school nickname if Frank Ockenden had not beaten him to it in a more forceful manner the previous year.
Not only was Frank Ockenden the Form Master for First Year he was also my very first Woodwork teacher and it was during one early session in the workshop when I was being very obtuse or using a tool in the incorrect way that he stopped all class work and gathered them around my bench.
“Now see here Monty,” he began before proceeding to show the error of my ways reinforcing his remarks with a length of dowelling. From that moment until the end of my school days the nickname of “Monty” stuck to me like workshop glue.
On the subject of wood, workshop and glue hangs another memory involving Music Master Mr. Willis, the School Orchestra and a junior violinist, me; the orchestra, as you would know, played for various School functions and it was after one such performance that my efforts were later referred to by an uncle as “sawing away”. He could not possibly have known what would happen at a subsequent rehearsal in the School Library when I had conveniently forgotten to take my violin to school only to have my efforts at evasion of practice trumped by Mr. Willis when he loaned me his own instrument for the session. There we were “sawing away” when the body of the precious fiddle parted company from the arm and I was left with body firmly clamped under my chin and the arm in my left hand in a tangle of strings; the look on “Weary Willy’s” face was a mixture of amazement and accusation as though I had broken his beloved fiddle on purpose just to avoid rehearsal but he soon realised that it was an accident and the following day Mr. Coveney in the workshop re-united the two pieces with a judicious spot of glue to replace that which had dried out.
One other person in that photograph to whom, in retrospect, I owe a great deal was dear old “Spud” Slater who I can only refer to as ubiquitous because of the wide variety of subjects that he taught. During my early years at Dover he took us for French, History and Scripture and later during School Certificate year he taught English and English Literature and to show his complete versatility he even took us for a session of P.T. in the gym in Ebbw Vale; I shall remember him best of all for making Shakespeare’s “Merchant” and Addison’s Essays come to life to such a degree that although I did not shine too well in other subjects I certainly excelled myself in English Literature. As a teacher I can only say that every school should have one like him and I still have a signed photograph of him that I took in June 1938 when he took us on a visit to the Tower, St.Pauls, Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament.
Although I have only mentioned a few of the teachers during my time at the School it does not mean that those not mentioned failed me in any way, on the contrary, I have them all to thank in one way or another for my present outlook on life.
Finally, I am forwarding a copy of the article on the subject of the Evacuation to Ebbw Vale which you so kindly asked for nearly two years ago.
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Rowland Powell
That Sunday morning in early June dawned bright and clear, which was more than could be said of my waking mood; for one thing I had to be at school by eight o’clock and for another the eight mile trip had to be undertaken by bus instead of the normal train journey and buses always tended to make me sick: worst of all though, I would be leaving home on a one way ticket for an unknown destination.
It was 1940 and my school was in Dover and about to be evacuated; Dunkirk was happening just across the Channel and Dover was no longer considered to be a safe place in which to be educated.
Selfishly, I had not given any thought to what the upheaval might be doing to my father; since my mother had died in 1938 there had been just the two of us and I was on the point of leaving: if I was downcast that fine morning, how must he have been feeling?
We arrived at the pick up point just in time for a brief farewell before I had to climb on board the bus with my one allowable item of luggage plus raincoat, gas mask and food for the journey; unlike our normal behaviour when travelling daily to school by train, we were all thoroughly subdued during the short trip to the school where buses and cars were disgorging their loads to be instantly mustered into our groups of classes before being marshalled into what must have been the longest “crocodile” in the history of Dover Grammar School for Boys for the trek to the Priory station.
Led by our Headmaster, Mr. Booth, we stepped out somewhat glumly, the younger boys at the front with the seniors bringing up the rear to avoid stragglers; as we neared the station our flagging spirits were given a much needed boost as we spotted a similar procession approaching from the opposite direction; it was the Girls’ Grammar School: but our joy was to be short lived as we were directed to the rear of the train and the girls to the front while the centre had been occupied by the staff of both schools, presumably to prevent any possible fraternisation.
We had a last longing look at the sea as we travelled between Dover and Folkestone; apart from that the rest of the early stages of the journey have been lost in the mists of memory as, gradually, youthful resilience overcame our earlier low ebb feelings at leaving homes and parents: by mid-day we had travelled quite slowly by deviated route to Clapham Junction where we paused just long enough for a fresh locomotive to be attached to our end of the train before we were off once more, this time south-westerly through suburban Middlesex and Surrey, across rural Hampshire and into Wiltshire where we had another engine change at Salisbury before heading north west to Bath.
The countryside of Hampshire and Wiltshire had looked particularly beautiful on that sparkling summer’s day. Across the lush line-side fields the journey had taken on an air of unreality as though we had been travelling back in time on some distant pre-war holiday instead of forward to our still unknown destination.
It was late afternoon when the train ground slowly to a halt once more, this time on a high, curving embankment overlooking a long row of terraced houses on the outskirts of Bristol; by then the long journey and the oven-like heat in the carriages from the sun blazing down on us all day had left even the most ebullient in a state of near exhaustion: we must have looked a sorry sight with the open windows crammed with boys and girls seeking a breath of cool air for, suddenly, the embankment seemed to come alive with people from the houses below carrying bottles of pop, jugs of tea and water; we had stumbled upon a veritable oasis which had given us a most welcome, if brief, respite; all too soon the signal changed and we were on our way again, refreshed by a spontaneously warm and generous gesture of kindness that I will never forget.
Onward we rolled, plunging under the River Severn to re-surface in Wales and within an hour of our last stop we had pulled into Newport station where, for the first time, we were allowed onto the platform to stretch our legs; what a welcome relief that had been but not for too long as we were soon herded back into the train and with a jerk we were on our way yet again only to be cast into deep gloom as lookouts at the windows reported that the girls had been left behind. Months later we had learned that they had gone in the opposite direction to Caerleon.
The air of depression that had settled upon us at leaving the girls behind became even deeper as the two stubby tank engines that had been hitched on at Newport started to huff, puff and chuff as they piloted us into a valley hauling their load up an ever increasing incline.
Gone were the earlier sylvan summer scenes; we were entering an industrial region which did nothing to lift our depression as the slopes on either side of the track became steeper and higher until they almost seemed to disappear from view; deeper into the valley and climbing all the time; under a sky high viaduct, through colliery pit head workings until, at a junction in the line we had entered an even narrower valley, its sides thickly covered in trees that seemed to hang so far over the line that the train appeared in imminent danger of being swallowed; the sun no longer beat down on the carriages and there was a definite chill in the air.
Onwards and upwards through another colliery and then alongside a vast industrial complex that seemed to go on forever until, finally we passed beneath a very high bridge and came to a halt at a long empty platform with seemingly deserted station buildings; it was time to disembark, bag and baggage: apart from the station there was a high bank of trees opposite and beyond the station a few whitewashed cottages in the distance and we appeared to be miles from anywhere with little sign of life except for a couple of official looking gentlemen standing waiting.
A sudden fanfare of car horns heralded the arrival of a small convoy of just about every conceivable make of pre-war car available and we were swiftly counted off and loaded into them for the next leg of our journey; our first impressions as the overloaded cars groaned away from the station had been that we were heading for some moorland hideaway as, for the first time, we had encountered sheep and ponies wandering at large across wide open spaces but we need not have worried for, as we suddenly took a left hand turn, we had come face to face with a largish town and in no time at all we were being ushered into Willowtown School in the shadow of a brickworks and we had been quickly absorbed into a warm and welcoming gathering where food and drink waited for us: as we had relaxed in that atmosphere our future foster parents wandered among us and while we sized each other up we learned where we were.
Our one way tickets had expired in Ebbw Vale.
The integration of the Dover Boys Grammar School into the educational, social and cultural life of Ebbw Vale had its ups and downs but by and large it was accomplished with the minimum of fuss thanks to the care of our foster parents and the co-operation of Ebbw Vale County School, who shared their classrooms with us on a shift basis for the first two years; it is not surprising, therefore, that quite strong links are still maintained between the two schools.
Dover commemorates the evacuation by donating an Annual Prize – The Book Award – to their former host school while in the Ebbw Vale Centre there is a large commemorative plaque of the evacuation.
More recently, on 18th June 1992, a party of Old Boys from Dover travelled to Ebbw Vale to be joined by a party of their Old Boys for the presentation of rustic wood bench seats to be placed in the Wetlands Park of the Ebbw Vale Garden Festival. The Wetlands remain as public open space for the benefit of local people even though the actual Festival site has since been cleared.
Rowland Powell
This most pleasant concert for a warm July evening is being increasingly appreciated as instrumental and vocal skills are developed and presented by the school’s master of music, Mr. Richard Davies.
The whole programme for the 1995 concert is printed to encourage even more parents and friends to share in these pleasures for a warm summer evening: and a note is added of the Carol Service on what may be an equally enjoyable musical occasion in December.
If you live in the Dover area write to the school and get onto the mailing list maintained by Mr. Davies.
And so there was! Last summer we were treated to a very fine display of art work by the boys at the Crabble Corn Mill. Covering all ages and stages of development, the work was of an excellent standard and the widespread potential yet to evolve is great. It would be difficult and indeed unfair to highlight individual efforts for it was a splendid piece of team work. In many cases ‘Picture It’ provided a good back-up with their framing too.
Over the years we have become so used to the high standard of musical performances from the school and it is now encouraging to see it complemented by this standard of art. Since art and music are both vibrations which we all need in this stressful age, I wonder if they could come together and give a combined exhibition and concert, say in the Town Hall, and have the theme “FIAT LUX”. Just a thought.
The above comments on the school’s art exhibition in the Crabble Corn Mill last summer were written by Colin Barley, Old Pharosian and professional artist.
He is mounting a solo exhibition in Deal Library from the 11th to the 22nd March 1996. His painting of wild flowers of the local chalk downland is particularly admired and appreciated.
taken home by every boy on the first Thursday
of each month in term time
The intake of 118 new boys has converted our 1st year boys from a 3-Form to a 4-Form organisation and this should in time work its way up the school. So there has been an increase of teachers to deal with English, drama, religious education, music, art and modern languages.
The Grand Ball in July had been very successful.
An art exhibition, also in July, at Crabble Corn Mill had shown high quality of work to an appreciative public.
Soccer is the main sport this term and there are fixtures at all levels against traditional East Kent opponents.
The Combined Cadet Force has lost its Navy section but the Army and RAF sections had their camps in the summer and have programmes of future activities.
Disrepair of part of the buildings is causing concern. Water leaking down from the quadrangle to rooms beneath caused Governors to ask for £300,000, but they were given £70,000.
Ian Stewart has swum twice in cross-Channel relay teams. Soccer teams at all ages are winning most of their matches, though the 1st XI lost an away game at Harvey G.S. Three boys are playing in golf championships at the Belfry.
Last year’s head prefect has been awarded a James A. Johnson scholarship of £3,000 to help him in his first three years at a London medical college.
The Parents Association continues its money raising by very popular social evenings; and the Governors have made their report to parents who are invited to come to a meeting where questions can be asked.
The School Council has joined in the fund-raising activities. A non-uniform day raised £340 for the United Nations Association/UNICEF. That good cause arranged for an Art competition and exhibition: and the committee judged the work of DGSB to have been the best overall of all participating schools.
In the summer term all Year 10 boys go out into the world of work to gain some valuable experience. On 20th October all members of staff spent a day gaining some insight into this experience. Headteacher spent his day with Dover’s MP in Westminster.
The school has joined the millions of users of Internet, which is proving of particular interest to students of modern languages.
The school Governing Body has another Old Pharosian member, Mr. Alistair Gardiner, who is on the school’s teaching staff.
A great deal of soccer is being played with varying results and particularly strong promise from younger teams.
The school golf team finished a very honourable 5th place in a National Final competition. The boys stayed in the Belfry Hotel and played on the famous international Belfry course. Danny Oliver achieved the best score of any competitor.
There are already signs of parental pressure to seek places for their boys in September 1996.
Guest Evening is behind us so the Carol Service is in active preparation.
The soccer 1st XI has mixed fortunes but four boys are selected for Kent Schools Under-19 teams.
11th October 1995
This very pleasant afternoon presentation is now master-minded by Senior Teacher, Mr. Giles Falconer, who has wisely made few changes to the established pattern. Teachers present wore academic dress which added colour to the occasion and picked them out if parents wished for a word.
Headmaster began his report by introducing Chris Penn of the Kent County Cricket Club. Chris was in the school 1974-81 and two of his athletic records, under 13 throwing the cricket ball and the javelin, still stand. Admission of new boys in the past five years had risen from 61 to the present 118. This envisaged a four-form structure for future years which applied pressure to accommodation and addition of three more teachers. £100,000 has been spent on maintenance of the buildings but much remains to be done.
Young boys read out from the platform their reports on Drama, Music, French trips, Sport and the CCF: also read were some examples of their creative writing. Music was interspersed between the flow of words and presentations of certificates for such achievements as academic excellence, sporting excellence, outstanding attitude, good effort, positive attitude as well as all the usual subjects in the curriculum.
Chris Penn had a word, handshake and smile for each recipient: and in this his testimonial year for Kent C.C. he is growing accustomed to speech-making: and this was an opportunity not to be missed. He recalled with good humour some of the events of his schooldays: and felt that teachers had often encouraged the young to believe in their own powers to succeed, and never be jealous or resentful of the successes of others; for your own turn will come. He had a good cricket story to point the path from apparent failure to instant success.
He recalled that after his last A level paper he found at home a telegram calling him to go at once to Taunton to play for Kent against Somerset’s Botham and Viv Richards. Nineteen year old Chris Penn was asked to come on to bowl to Viv Richards when in full flow. The first four balls bowled by Chris were all despatched to the boundary: the fifth was on its way but was caught by Aslett at cover point. Thus was apparent defeat changed to glorious achievement.
Perhaps one third of boys in years seven, eight and nine received certificates or prizes: the others must not be jealous or discouraged or lose self-confidence. Their turn will surely come.
17th November 1995
The attraction of guest evenings could easily overflow our great hall. In the front rows are distinguished persons; the local MP, the Mayors of our catchment area, Governors and other friends of the school. Music is offered by the school’s most able and experienced performers: and the spoken word presentations were wisely selected from Pride and Prejudice, so popularly performed on TV recently.
But most parents have come to see their sons in middle and upper school receive their awards. The middle school awards were enthusiastically and charmingly presented by Lucy, wife of the Principal Guest. She not only greeted each recipient and gave the award but she also applauded them as they descended the steps.
The Principal Guest was Professor David Thomas, Professor of Geography at Sheffield University and an Old Pharosian. He was self-evidently glad to be invited and he matched his wife in the interest shown to each winner and his prize. In his speech David made some recall of his time at school, much less than forty years on. He contrasted our facilities with those in African areas where he went for field studies. He described a village school in Zambia where children sat on the ground because chairs and desks had been burned. The pupils came on foot perhaps ten miles to school: and the young teacher would at the end of each month run sixty miles to collect his salary. But beyond the basics he taught music and art.
Headmaster’s report is given close attention. Grant Maintained status allowed us to select our entrants aged eleven, aiming to judge potential as well as past achievement. Finance, though less than desired, had permitted appointment of three additional teachers, and a librarian was coming next term. £100,000 had been spent this year in maintenance of buildings: while new lighting and curtains in the school hall could be admired by all. While speaking of money he was glad to report that boys had raised over £1,000 for charity.
Head Prefect of the previous year, Kenan Deniz, was the star recipient of the evening. He had collected the prizes for physics, biology, mathematics and chemistry. Mr. Turnpenny was present to award money from the Dubris Trustees to help Kenan on his way through University.
At the end of Headmaster’s speech he made a presentation to Mr. Maurice Smith in recognition of his work with boys who prepared for GCSE in Engineering Workshop Theory and Practice.
Maurice came to the school in 1959 but retired recently. He has however continued to come into school, mainly but not solely, for two evenings per week after 4.00pm to encourage and help our 21 boys entered for the exam. A nice remark was “No-one knows when he retired.” However, Mr. Fieldwick, now in charge of the workshops, and the boys taking GCSE all were involved in preparing a book of photographs representing what had been done. Mr. Smith was delighted by this expression of thanks.
Old Pharosians will know that Maurice was President in 1988-89, is a good committee man and does a splendid job each year in arranging the Annual Dinner.
Name University Subject
Berridge, Andrew Kent Computer Science
Berwick, Daniel Leicester Medical Biochemistry
Bottle, Christopher Christ Church, Canterbury Sports Studies
Campling, Paul Greenwich Sports Studies
Childs, Christopher Aberystwyth Geography
Clark, Jonathan Leicester Chemistry
Collins, Martin Wye College Agriculture
Deniz, Kenan London Medicine
Dingwall, Barry Kingston Foundation Course,
Environmental Science
Downing, Anthony Bath Aeroengineering
Duncan, Ross Warwick Mathematics
Durrant, Stephen St. Andrews Geography
Eade, Matthew Lancaster Politics and History
Frater, Ashley BIHE Tourism/PE Degree
Herron, Dennis Portsmouth HND Mathematics/ Business/Computing
Hinkins, James Bedford PE/Leisure Management
Hitchcock, James Portsmouth Geography/Mathematics
Howard-Cofield, James Greenwich Combined/General Arts
Johnson, Daniel Greenwich Drama/Teacher Training
Knight, Steven Christ Church, Canterbury Business Management
with Mathematics
Martin, Paul Rochester Art College
McCardle, Matthew Kent Institute of Art
and Design
Meadows, Matthew Warwick Mathematics
Mills, Robert West of England Computer Science
Morris, Adam Sheffield Mathematics/Economics
Muir, John Sunderland Business Studies/ Computing
Mumford, Christopher Hertfordshire Mechanical Engineering
Neale, James York Electronic Engineering
Parker, Stuart West of England Law
Petts, Martin Leicester European Studies
Robinson, Michael Suffolk Business Studies
Russell, Lee Warwick Physics
Ruthven, Ian Sheffield Architecture
Scholfield, Martin Christ Church, Canterbury Applied Science/ Psychology
Stonebridge, John Greenwich Business and Management
Sutton, Matthew Plymouth Civil Engineering
Swain, Nigel Southampton Chemistry
Waller, Thomas Royal Holloway, London Medical Biochemistry
Wratten, Richard Lancaster Mathematics/Economics
– from an unexpected source in the national press, the Guardian of 14th July 1995.
A named lady wrote that her son had successfully passed Kent’s 11-plus test and mother expected her son to have a grammar school place. This did not happen and mother appealed, partly because of a traumatic year in which their home had been repossessed and father had departed. Mother lodged appeals with a councillor who thought that marital troubles might adversely influence the son’s schooling. But mother was able to discover marks awarded in the 11-plus tests and found that one grammar school place had been given to a boy whose marks were 34 below those of her son.
Mother writes “Only by luck did I discover DOVER GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Pupils there not only have to sit the 11-plus, but an entrance test as well. As the school is grant maintained, the headmaster kindly allowed my son to sit the entrance test which he passed with flying colours. He has been offered a place.”
The Guardian article ends with reference to “fair play” which the British are supposed to believe in.
GEORGE STANLEY PEYTON, MRCVS died at the end of July and his funeral service was in the parish church at Mersey Hampton, Gloucestershire on 3rd August, donation if desired to RNLI.
The Honours Boards at the back of the school hall record that he was Victor Ludorum in 1925 and ’26 and his brother gained that same achievement in 1928 and ’29.
KEITH GILLMAN entered the school in 1934 and there is no indication of the time he left: but we know that he joined the RAF and became a fighter pilot.
Editor is grateful to Rowland Powell for sending a magazine article about “The First of the Few” with photos of pilots at Hawkinge airfield in the sunshine of July 1940, sitting beside their Hurricane fighter planes, waiting the call to tackle 80 German aircraft, bombers and fighters in the Battle of Britain.
It is known that Keith was shot down and died within sight of Dover, his home. He was only 19 years old.
ALEC JOHN KAPPLER, DFM (1931-37) died on 29th September 1995 aged 74. He lived in the Oxford area after a wartime experience in the RAF. Some of us remember that he played soccer for the Old Pharosians’ F.C. in the pre-war years.
who was in the school from 1964 to ’72, head prefect in his last year before going to Christ Church, Oxford to study modern languages and then entering the Civil Service has moved from the Home Office to the Cabinet Office on promotion to Assistant Under Secretary.
There he has met two other Old Pharosians, Ray Durrant and David Powell, who were also at school in the 1960 decade.
called at school very appropriately on a hot July day when the whole school was on the field for the first all-day Sports Day. It was 30 years since he had been in the school but he could still recite the names of boys on the register of his first form. He could also produce copies of team photos; soccer, basketball and cricket, with names of the boys, masters in charge such as Colin Evans, Reggie Pain, Arthur Elliot, Mr. Pitceathly and the very youthful headmaster, Dr. Hinton.
On leaving school Eric had gained entry to the Metropolitan Police Cadet Corps in 1966 where sport was included in the training. After a year he went to the Hendon Police Training School as a fully fledged police constable. Emerging in 1967 and posted to the Westminster Division he served in the Diplomatic Protection Group and Special Patrol Group. In 1982 he became a detective in the Crime Squad and Murder Squad in the East End of London and has since moved to Scotland Yard’s department for specialist operations and criminal intelligence section. In this work he has been involved in many of the major arrests in the past eleven years. He looks forward to retiring in the next 18 months to do some similar work in the private sector.
He lives with his wife and two grown up daughters in South-east London. He is convinced that the school gave him a positive grounding for his life and career.
was at school in Ebbw Vale and very kindly sent the photo of the school cadet band on parade. He recalls being billeted in Cwm in 1940 where Mr. Kendall supervised the weekly shower in the miners’ baths: and access to snooker in the miners’ institute. After returning to sixth form days in Dover he specialised in science and took part in most games. On leaving school he did two years in REME in Britain and Egypt: after this national service he joined the GEC Research labs in Wembley and played for the Wasps RFC. He married a New Zealand girl and sailed to her country in 1961 and became a scientific officer engaged in research in Wellington until retirement in 1960. He and his wife do a lot of walking in the scenic wonders of New Zealand: and find that grandchildren “occupy a great deal of our time”. They hope to visit the UK in 1996.
phoned when he was on a July holiday in the Dover-Deal area with his wife and very young son. So a meeting was arranged with pleasant talk about employment in the National Westminster Bank and memories of sailing with Commander Linsley, now head of the Australian navy’s education department, as well as with Martin Stiles and Mr. Ernie Large.
was in the school for a couple of years in the late 1940’s. Then, sponsored by the National Coal Board, he studied Mining and Electrical Engineering before joining the RAF and gained his “Wings” as a jet pilot, finally ending as a Group Captain at the Ministry of Defence until retirement.
has been appointed Youth Sports Development Officer with Dover District Council. Now aged 33 years, he has 15 years experience of leisure centre operations and management. He is Dover district squash champion and a former footballer with Dover Athletic, Canterbury and Deal Town.
was at school 1979-86 and then spent three years at Durham University obtaining a B.Sc. in Maths and Computer Science.
He is now serving as a Lieutenant Instructor Officer at Fareham in the Engineering and Training Support Faculty as Head of Computing Principles and Digital Techniques. He is studying part time at the University of Portsmouth for an M.Sc in Mathematical Sciences.
He served last year in HMS Ark Royal in the Adriatic in support of United Nations in Bosnia and travelled with the British Army with UNPROR in areas of conflict within the former republic of Yugoslavia.
PAUL DUNN (1955-61)
Ian Pascall, our accountant and treasurer, attended a course in London promoted by Results Accountants’ Systems and found that the chairman of the company and lecturer for the day was Paul Dunn, an Old Boy of our school and now an Old Pharosian.
Paul emigrated to Australia many years ago and now spends quite a bit of his time in the UK and other parts of the world on lecturing assignments.
has decided after 29 years as a teacher at Charlton primary school to retire and become a student at an amateur gardeners’ course in Canterbury. He said he had been very happy at Charlton school and several farewell parties were arranged. He is a keen cricketer and will continue to play for the Sandwich club, still bowling off-spin that he developed in the school 1st XI.
MARTIN LUFF (1969-76)
works for Reuters in London and in January made a visit to their Moscow office. He says he still watches the Dover Athletic in winter and follows Kent CCC around in summer.
has worked for General Accident Insurance Company since leaving school and now finds himself at the head office in Perth, Scotland with the title as Project Controller, UK Operations, liaising with other firms in the Association of British Insurers.
wrote a letter as he sent the photo of the school that he took in 1973. There are only two copies in existence and one will be stored in the school archives. In March he and his wife celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and retirement from RAF is in prospect next year.
called at school on 10th March. His home is now in Finland and he phoned the editor asking for a couple of recent Newsletters. He remembered that editor had taken his class for religious instruction, recalling that “you had just started teaching this subject and were still enthusiastic”.
His address is Kularinne, IAI, Fin-01450, Vantaa, Finland.
was in the school as a boy from 1953-60 and as a teacher from 1965-72; then became an inspector of schools until recent reorganisations. He is now crofting sheep on 15 acres of rough pasture with a few acres of potential arable land on the Isle of Skye. He says he can more easily get to an OP meeting in Bergen than in Dover.
WALTER NADIN (1955-62)
is one of those fortunate men who enjoy an early retirement at age 51 after a career with Wellcome. When at school he was a member of 1st X1s at cricket and football, but now golf is the main enthusiasm, with a handicap down to nine. He has moved house to 36 Leamington Avenue, Orpington, so he retains a place in the county of Kent.
TERRY SUTTON (1940-47)
filled a page of the Dover Express on 26th October under the headline “Port sell-off would be bad news for all”. Fortunately the possibility has been put off for two years – and most of us hope the matter may be deferred still further.
was for nearly ten years a senior member of the staff in the offices of Dover District Council but in 1979 he transferred to P&O European Ferries. At Channel House he is the Customer Systems Manager dealing with legal issues, staff training and UK and Continental trade links.
also works for P&O European Ferries and has been promoted to the position of Public Relations Manager after sixteen years in the ferry business. He is married with two children and lives at Hawkinge.
We have lost contact with the following former members:-
B.E. Argent, C.F. Askie, B. Becket, T.V. Burley, S.J. Colman, A.R. Cripps, A.D. Fisher, K. Gill, R.S. Harman, P. Jubb, A.K. Knott, T.W. Lucas,
A.J. Mercer, Sgt. P.A. O’Flaherty, C. Paddick, J. Palmer, L.C. Segal,
D.J. Thurston, D.J. Russell
Any news should be sent to the memebrship secretary, to the school or to the editor.
Please do supply us with any of your changes of address.