1946 Play – “Aladdin” (1)


Pantomime ALADDIN

Dover County School for Boys 1946.

Many thanks to John Talbot for this photograph and details.

John writes:- “I believe this to be the first school production after the evacuation and re-occupation of the school on the hill. On the photo above the one in the top hat is Denis Weaver and I’m on his left. Extreme left seated on the stage is the head boy Bernard (Gaffer) Ramp. Third from the left in the standing teachers is the sometimes forgotten (but not by me) Mr. Tim Hyde who I think produced it.

I was interested to see the photograph of the entire performance of Aladdin now exhibited on the web site. The detail is not good but I can identify the following staff members. In row 2 reading from left to right we have Mr Murphy, AN Other, Mr Willis, AN Other, Mr Kendall, Mr Coulson, AN Other, Mr Mittens.

So far as I recall Mr Murphy taught French, Mr Willis Music, Mr Kendall Chemistry, Mr Coulson
Maths. I do not remember what Mr Mittens taught. There are others who can be identified in this photograph by reference to the details I sent you with the larger photograph now shown as Aladdin 2.

J Talbot is correct that this was the first performance of a school play following our return from Ebbw Vale. I have the original programme price 3d (remember the old Imperial money?). Do you want me to scan this and e-mail it to you? I am not certain how far the School archives extend.

Frazer Imrie

If you have any more archive material, please contact the webmaster using the form on the Contact Us page, stating the page address and title.

Paul Skelton

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