“The subject of education is one which I am afraid I do not know much about, but these fine new buildings, with their laboratories, their carpenters’ and engineers’ shops, their gymnasium, are, I am sure, never intended to be a factory only for examination results, but are for the production of men – men who are to take their place when the time comes in that long pageant of our island history that passed the white cliffs of Dover. Men imbued with the same spirit of adventure, the same spirit of service which has inspired every ship’s crew that left this port from the days of Hubert de Burgh to the days of the Dover Patrol. All boys who go from this school have an opportunity of fostering that spirit of adventure and that spirit of service, and they should realise that what they have learned is not something that will bring them so many marks from future examiners, but something that is going to help them to tackle in a workmanlike way any situation, however difficult, that they may have to face when they grow up. You must not be frightened of hard work. Nothing can be achieved without effort, and the sooner you learn to make a habit of effort the better it will be for you in the future. I congratulate you, Mr. Whitehouse, on the results of many years of hard work. You have been responsible for the fortunes of this school for more than 25 years. I would also like to add my praise for the Cadet Corps’ extremely smart turn out on the Guard of Honour. Also to the Governors and the Kent County Council for the courage, vision and enterprise they have shown in the planning of this school. I am afraid I have got some unpleasant news for you. I asked Mr. Whitehouse if you could have an extra holiday and he agreed. I have now much pleasure in declaring the Dover County School for Boys open and shall record it as a very pleasant proof that in a very difficult time, this country intends to do its best by those who in a few years time may be called to leadership.”