OPA Newsletter July 1970
New Series No. 18
July 1970
President: K. H. RUFFELL, Esq,.
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury, Kent.
Old Boys, along with present boys and masters and all who are closely associated with the School, will have heard with a real sense of loss of the death of the Chairman of Governors on 10th April, 1970. He had been connected with ‘the School for forty years from the time when his two sons entered the School. In 1948 he joined the Governing Board and had been Chairman since 1959.
He came to School on many occasions, to. meetings of. the Governors, to discussions with the Headmaster, to end-of-term assemblies, to dances, play productions and speech days, to Old Pharosians’ dinners and luncheons. Sometimes he would come and sit in the Staff room for many hours so as to get to know the teaching Staff, especially the younger men.
David Bradley was modest unassuming, courteous, friendly, a man of high principle and courage, a personality of tremendous influence in the community. The spirit of a town, of a school, of any body of people is compounded of many influences, but the all-pervading spirit must filter downwards from the man at the top.
The spirit of this School has been enriched in full and abiding measure by the life and example of David Bradley.
It is with regret that we record the deaths of B. R. A. Newing (1923-28) and S. Allerton (1955-60).
Following the success in 1969 the Committee have decided that this year’s functions will follow the same procedure and they look forward to the attendance of a large number of Staff, Old Boys and their Ladies. The cost of the Luncheon will be fifteen shillings. Reservations to the Secretary (Kearsney 2033) by Wednesday, 23rd September, 1970.
11.00 a.m. Bar opens in the Dining-room.
11.30 a.m. Annual General Meeting in the Geography Room (Coffee will be available for the ladies, 11.30-12.30 in the Dining-room).
1.00 p.m. Annual Luncheon.
2.45 p.m. Soccer Match. Old Boys v. School.
4.45 p.m. Tea.
- Read the notice convening the Meeting.
- Minutes.
- Matters arising.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Secretary’s Report.
- Election of Officers.
- Any other Business.
H. R. Slater (Hon. Secretary).
Since the last News Letter was published, the School has suffered the loss of Mr. Bradley. Your President has known him for many years but he was a personal friend to me, and no Headmaster could have had more sympathetic and understanding support. The tradition of Chairman which he established will last for many years.
Last term was short but eventful with the blizzard to test our initiative. As expected, the staff, boys and parents rose to the occasion and no real harm was done. Now with the aid of the C.C.F. Arduous Training stores we are ready to accept isolation for up to four days. Fortunately, the weather allowed us to hold a Parents’ Evening which was very well supported. Many parents were anxious to obtain advice about careers and the Careers Officer was there, but any Old Boy who would like to offer the fruits of his experience would be most welcome at the School. Please contact me if you can spare the time for a short talk or discussion.
It was pleasant to see a number of Old Boys at the Spring Fair which the Parents’ Association organised. Over £400 was raised and, in addition, a good deal of the work of the boys was on display.
Several Old Boys have called to see me and to renew their acquaintance with the School, including Squadron-Leader Wilcox who showed a film on the “Red Arrows”. I am always glad when these visits take place and would welcome the attendance of any Old Boys at the last Assembly of the term, when cups and awards are presented. Also, I intend that there shall be a brief Service of Dedication at the School on Friday, 6th November, 1970 at 9.15 a.m. and any Old Boy who would like to be present will be welcome.
It is good to see so much new life in the Old Pharosians. Their help is highly valued. I wonder if anyone would like to assist the C.C.F. either at Camp or on expeditions, or in an administrative capacity? Over 100 boys have benefited from camps and other practical activities in the C.C.F. which has quite new aims and methods.
The future of the School is not certain but I am confident that at least one more generation of seven years will require your support.
The middle of May is now a fixed point in the School calendar for one of the pleasanter social occasions.
About one hundred and eighty people come together, comprising Old Boys, their wives and sons and daughters; parents of boys new to the school and others whose sons are about to leave; the teaching staff and their wives; sixth form boys and their girls.
This unlikely assembly somehow makes a very good party. Boys decorate the Hall under the direction of the Art Master whose pupils have been at work on imaginative schemes. People sit around the dance floor with a bottle of wine and plenty of conversation. Supper this year offered a buffet of summery choices that was greatly appreciated.
If you have not been to one of the School’s May Balls, you could give the idea a trial. Write to School early in May and the chances seem reasonable that you would enjoy yourself. A fair number of Old Boys come and while we do not expect the airlines to be strained to capacity flying home, we would welcome a few who chose to give their wives an evening out on the native heath of their boyhood days. 1971 date is 21st May.
STALWARTS (continued)
Dan Grinsted (1917-22). W. H. Darby was his first form master at Priory Hill, and he remembers getting “Six-of-the-best” from Spud Slater on many occasions. Fred Ryeland, Sam Horrex and Solly Cole were his contemporaries. He joined Lloyds Bank on leaving School and after service in a number of branches settled in the Market Square for 34 years until his retirement. He has been active as auditor to football and cricket clubs, in the Boy Scouts Association and the Sea Angling Society.
He is a member of the Pharos Lodge and regularly attends Buckland Church. His wife is a Governor of the School and a member of the Town Council.
William F. Kemp (1923-30). A Local Government Officer for eight years he entered St. Augustine’s College, Canterbury in 1938 and was ordained at Lichfield in 1940. After periods in the Black Country, London and the Fenlands, he accepted the living of Denton with Wootton and Swingfield in 1964. Married with two sons, his hobbies include water colour painting, singing, scouting (since 1921) and cricket-he played for the Clergy of various Dioceses and local clubs, and captained the Old Boys versus the School in 1969. He was President of the Association in 1966 and is now our very efficient Treasurer. W. H. Darby’s motto” somebody in everything and everybody in something” has provided him with many an inspiration. Amongst his memories-Masters who attempted to show the difference between knowledge and wisdom and encouraged him to acquire the latter although the former was compulsory; the stalwarts who bicycled from St. Margaret’s and Eythorne in all weathers; the year the Dark Blues broke the Green stranglehold on the House Trophy; the rush from Ladywell to Longhill (with its slopes and undulations) for 45 minutes Games lesson; the cutting of the first sod on the lower field at Astor Avenue.
Eddie Crush (1928-36). A member of the Fifth Engineering Gang he has affectionate memories of Ferdie Allin for his cricket coaching rather than his Latin teaching. He has been associated with the family tobacco business since leaving School to which in 1950 he added his Sports Equipment Shop in Biggin Street. He served in the Royal Engineers, was wounded in the Normandy Landings, returned to Hospital. in Leicester and was awarded the M.C. A keen cricketer, he was invited to play for Kent in 1949 and was successful in dismissing the mighty Don Bradman at Canterbury. He was President of the Association in 1957 and opened the School Cricket Pavilion, where his School Colours and Cap, and County Badge and Cap are now framed. He is married with two sons.
“THE PHAROS”. If you would like a copy of the issue for 1970, please apply to the Hon. Secretary, enclosing a remittance for 4s. Od.
It is with pleasure we note the recovery to good health of M. G. Hinton, T. E. Archer and A. S. Lewis after recent visits to hospital.
Our President recently spoke to all Fifth and Sixth Formers about the Association and we look forward to an increase in the number of school leavers joining the Old Pharosians.
It is hoped there will a lively response to the suggestions made by the Headmaster in his letter in this issue.
Are all Old Pharosians to be known as the “faceless ones”? Please drop a line with news of yourself to Ken Ruffell c/o the School or to me at 24 Downs Road, Maidstone. The last request fell on stony ground.
Will you be at the School 0915 hours Friday, 6th November to remember in a Service of Thanksgiving those who gave their all that we might survive?
FREE. The Headmaster will be glad to send a copy of the Jubilee Edition of the Pharos, containing the history of the School, on receipt of a request enclosing 1s. 0d. to cover postage.
E. H. Baker.
G. Bailey (1946-50) has been commissioned as a Pilot Officer after service in Egypt, Cyprus, Aden and Germany.
R. J. Jenkins (1948-52) is a Major in the Parachute Regiment in Singapore. He was recently awarded the M.B.E. His brother A. Jenkins (1946-50) is a Major in the R.A.O.C. in Hong Kong.
A. G. Spear (1941-6) recently visited Dover. He is Vice President of a Canadian firm manufacturing face cream.
W. R. Haydon (1929-37) was made a C.M.G. in the New Year’s Honours List. Gives daily press conferences at the Foreign Office. The Times referred to “his unruffled amiability and distinctive style of humour”.
L. G. Willcox (1946-52). Squadron Leader, RAF. Formerly manager of the Red Arrows. Expects to move to Singapore.
I. P. Watt (1924-35) recorded for the B.B.C. Third Programme in February on Conrad’s Secret Agent.
R. Findlay (1948-53) has left Dover on promotion to Det. Chief Inspector at Tunbridge Wells.
R. Eade (1955-63) a senior accountancy assistant with Margate Borough has passed Part B of the I.M.T.A.
N. A. T. Godfrey (1956-63) recently called at the School on leave from Uganda where he has taught for two years after taking a Teaching Diploma at Makerere.
D. G. Weaver (1939-50) was recently unseated from Dover Town Council due to residence the wrong side of the boundary stone.
J. W. Menter (1932-39) attended a Working Dinner for Fellows of the Royal Society with the Prime Minister in February.
R. A. Pelham (1915-22) a former President of the Association has retired after forty years of University teaching.
J. Bowles. A research engineer at Stafford has emigrated to Montreal with his wife and young son.
A. Johnson (1964-69) recently called at the School. He is at H.M.S. Fishguard, Plymouth training as a Marine Engineer Artificer. Finds that the Engineering Drawing he did at School is a great help.
A. Kime (1945-50) has been commissioned in the Engineer Branch, R.A.F.
G. Killip (1944-50) has resigned from Dover Town Council.
J. Jackson has resigned from the Kent Police. He plans to emigrate to Canada to work in government photographic intelligence.
J. R. Taylor (1947-53) is film critic of The Times.
L. L. Finnis (1958-65) has been appointed to teach Geography at Harvey Grammar School where he will join J. Ellis (1947-55) who already teaches the same subject there.
D. Brooshooft, K. Alcock, P. Janaway, J. Booth, K. Ruflell and R. Winter are active members of the Cosmopolitans XI.
A. Edginton, The Ridgeway, River.
N. J. Fright, Barmoral, Eythorne Road, Shepherdswell.
J. D. Pascall, 72 Melbourne Avenue, Dover.
R. A. Spicer, 87 Telegraph Road, Deal.
G. E. Dean, 2 Curzon Road, Dover.
D. Hazeldine, 7 Warrior Square Road, Horse Shoe Barracks, Shoeburyness.
J. A. Morris, 49 London Road, River.
A. W. Topping, Wolverton, Alkham.
M. A. Beal, 44 Poulders Gardens, Sandwich.
I. Elder, 40 Citadel Crescent. Western Heights, Dover.
M. G. Ayers, 63 Barton Road, Dover.
W. T. Harrison, 19 Cannon Street, Deal.
D. P. Strand, 23 Alison Crescent, Whitfield.
G. A. Granger, 34 Siberts Oose, Shepherdswell.
C. Keeping, 14 Fairview Road, Elvington.
D. K. Slater, 55 Minnis Lane, River.
J. R. Morecroft.
Change at Address:
L. J. Bach, Gate House, Tidmarsh Road, Pangbourne, Berks.
L. J. Taylor, 12 Malmains Road, Dover.
At the School to which Old Boys are invited.
Saturday, 26th September
Old Boys’ Day (see detailed timings on page 2).
Friday, 6th November
Service of Thanksgiving, 9.15 a.m.
Friday, 13th November
Guest Evening, 7.30 p.m.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10th, 11th and 12th December
School Production of “Becket”, 7.30 p.m.
Thursday, 17th December
School Carol Service at Charlton Church, 7.30 p.m.
Friday, 18th December
End of term Assembly, 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 31st March
End of term Assembly, 2.30 p.m.
Saturday 20th March
School Concert and Old Boys’ Rugby Match.