OPA Newsletter September 1967
New Series No. 12
September 1967
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
The ANNuAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday, 30th September at 6.15 p.m. at the School. .
1. Read the notice convening the meeting.
2. Minutes 3. Matters arising 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. Secretary’s Report 6. Election of Officers 7. Any other business
HAROLD R. SLATER, Hon. Secretary
The Annual Dinner will follow the meeting at 7.45 p.m. The cost will be one guinea and dress is informal.
Reservations to H. R. Slater, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Road, Whitfield, Dover (Kearsney 2033) by Thursday, 28th September. The cominittee hopes you will make a special effort to attend this most enjoyable and informal function. The AG.M. itself is very short and there will be plenty of time to meet and have a. chat with old friends. .
EVENTS FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday, 30th September: AG.M. and Dinner. See notice above.
Friday. 10th November: Speech Day.
Thursday to Saturday. 14th to 16th December: School play – The Redemption. Tickets from Mr. W. G. King at the SchooL Saturday. 16th December: Old Boys’ Soccer Match. Will Old Boys who would like to play please get in touch with Mr.
Ruffell at the School.
Friday. 10th May: Annual Ball at the School.
R. A. Callender (1947-55) was at Hull University until 1959.
In 1958 he passed the final examination of the RSc.(Econ.) degree with 2nd class honours. division II and in the next year gained a graduate certificate in education. He was also a part-time student at Hull from November. 1960 until July. 1961 preparing for the M.Sc.(Econ.) degree.
R. G. Forster (1949-52) left the school in 1952 to go to Maidstone Grammar School. He did his national service in the R.AF.
before going up to Caius College. Cambridge to read mathematics.
A. F. Holmes (1935-41) was employed by the London County Council as a general clerical officer. He enrolled in the R.AF. in 1942 and served in Transport Command in Canada and the Azores until 1947 when he entered Wheaton College. Illinois gaining a B.A in 1950 and an M.A two years later. He went to North-Western University. Evanston and was awarded his Ph.D. in 1957. He has been on the teaching faculty at Wheaton College since 1951 and is now Professor of Philosophy. He has published many articles in philosophical and religious journals and a book. “Christianity and Philosophy”. His present address is 1322 N. Irving Avenue.
Wheaton. lllinois. U.S.A He has been .an American citizen since 1961.
R. G. Gibbs (1946-52) was at the London School of Economics from 1952 to 1955 during which time he read for the B.Sc.(Econ.) with geography as his special subject. He gained the degree with second class honours (lower division) in August 1955. On leaving he did his national service and then entered the Inland Revenue Department where he is at present Inspector of Taxes.
E. O. Woodland (1920-26) studied with the College of Estate Management and gained a Fellowship Diploma of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and an Associate Diploma of the Auctioneers’ and Estate Agents’ Institute. He was articled to Messrs. Scarlett and Goldsack of Margate but has practised in Dover for many years. He has two daughters and a son.
G. W. DoDO (1919-24) from 1924 until 1927 was an aircraft apprentice in the RAF. but he left to become manager of Upchurch Pottery in 1938. He rejoined the R.AF. on the outbreak of war.
and later entered the Ministry of Supply. retiring from the R.AF.
in 1959. He is now production manager of Grahame Puttick Ltd..
Ash. and has had several books and many official papers published.
E. A. J. Mercer (1929-36). The Queen has approved the appointment of Canon Mercer. rector of St. Bridget-with-St. Martin, as an honorary canon of Chester Cathedral.
On leaving school, he went to Kelham Theological College. He joined the. Sherwood Foresters in 1940 and was commissioned the same year. During the war years he served with the Foresters in the . western desert and in Italy and was wounded at El Alamein in 1941. I Later he became a general staff officer at H.Q.. Middle East Forces with the rank of major. He was made deacon in 1947 and ordained priest in 1948. He was curate of Coppenhall 1947-51; curate in charge of the conventional district of St. Catherine, Heald Green 1951-53 and rector of St. Thomas’, Stockport 1953-59. Since then he has been diocesan missioner and rector of St. Bridget-with-St.
Lester Borley (1942-49) was in Dover recently after four years as manager of British Travel in Australia. He is on leave in this country before taking up an appointment as B.T. manager in Germany based in Frankfurt for which he is taking a crash course in German. He is married with three daughters.
J. Newman, who went up to Emmaunel College, Cambridge has just been awarded his RA in History Honours, a Lower Second.
E. J. Dane has just been awarded his B.A (Hons. Theology), a Lower Second from Nottingham University.
W. Fingland has just gained an Upper Second in his B.sc.
(Hons. Maths) from Leicester University.
F. C. Masters on leaving School in 1923 joined Pickfords Travel Agency but in 1935 went to sea in the Pursers Dept. of P. & O. Throughout the war he was with H.M. Transports. In 1944 he was married in Cairo. In 1946 he joined the Plessey Co.
as a Sales Executive and twelve years. later became theSales Manager of the Agriculture & Municipal Engineering Group of Solar Industries in Lancashire. .
A. J. WeUard joined English Electric at Stafford as a Junior Apprentice in 1959. He studied for one year at Stafford College of Technology before transferring to Loughborough College of Technology.
D. R. WeUard on leaving in 1959 worked for a year with the S.E. Division of the National Coal Board before moving to Pfizer’s analytical laboratory. During this time he attended Canterbury Technical College.
M. B. Thorp on leaving in 1955 spent five years at Liverpool University and then took a two year post graduate course. In June 1962 is was announced that he was going to lead a six-man expedition from the University to Finnish Lappland, 200 miles inside the Arctic Circle, to study pioneer settlement. He is a local Methodist preacher. .
J. H. C. Flavin, who in 1945 embarked on an art course at Canterbury School of Art, has twice exhibited at the Royal Academy.
V. Beooett, who left in 1944, obtained his AT.D. from Canterbury School of Art and has been teaching for some years, part of the time in Germany W. J. Weekes, who left in 1919, was a chargeman in the Fitters Dept. of the dockyards at Portsmouth, Colombo, Singapore and Malta. In 1963 he was awarded the Imperial Serivce Medal.
G. Weekes, .who left in 1920 too became a ships fitter. At Singapore and Rosyth he was Inspector of Ship Fitters and when last heard of was Overseer at the Admiralty.
F. B. Sedgewick-JeU entered the Foreign Service serving in the Indian Army between 1941-47. He has worked in Addis Ababa, Hartar, Sofia, Hanoi, Chicago, Zagreb, Bangkok, Leopoldville, and when we last heard he was Consul at Madrid. .
W. S. Borthwick on leaving School in 1933 embarked upon an apprenticeship at the Dover Engineering Works. In 1937 he joined the Royal Engineers, being commissioned in 1943. In 1945 he was awarded the George Medal. In 1958, having served in Germany, Egypt, Cyprus and Christmas Island, he retired from the Army. He is now an Electrical and Mechanical. Engineer with the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment.
D. Stubbs, who left in 1960, gained an Upper Second in his B.A (Hons. French) examination in 1964.
G. H. Bayford became in 1956 a solicitor’s articled clerk in Slough. In 1963 he. qualified for admission to the Solicitors Roll.
1967 ” PHAROS”
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