OPA Newsletter July 1975
New Series No. 28
July 1975
R. W. WINTER, Esq.
B.A. Harrison, Esq., 50 Valley Road, River, Dover (Kearsney 3066) .
Rev. W.F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury.
E. H. Baker, Esq., 24 Downs Road, Maidstone.
K. H .R.
Tom Walker was educated and trained at Manchester University where he obtained a first class Honours degree in Physics. He taught in Manchester both before and after the War. He spent six years on war service with the Royal Artillery.
In 1952 he came to Dover as senior physics master, inheriting the long tradition of excellent teaching that our School has known in the subject. Boys continued to win academic distinction and to profit from the quiet careful teaching that sprang from Tom’s character. In 1964 he was appointed Deputy Headmaster, an office requiring human understanding, concern and administrative powers. All who have taught in the School in recent years will recognise that he has been just, careful and efficient. At least two Headmasters are in his debt; all men who have worked with Tom know that he has contributed to the happiness of their working life; and countless boys will acknowledge that he was above all else an outstandingly good teacher.
The Association has made Tom a Life Member and will remember him as a good friend and faithful supporter. We all wish him and Mrs. Walker every happiness and good health in the years ahead.
Bernard Harrison ( Hon. Secretary.)
The A.G.M. will be held at the DOVER STAGE HOTEL on Saturday 27th September 1975 at 7.00 p.m.
- To read the notice convening the Meeting
- To receive apologies
- To read the Minutes of the A.G.M. on 28th Sept. 1974
- To consider matters arising
- To receive Treasurer’s report
- To receive Secretary’s report
- To elect Officers and Committee for 1975-6
- Any other business.
ANNUAL RE-UNION 1975 (Bernard Harrison)
It is generally agreed that 1974 re-union at the Dover stage Hotel was highly successful so the venture will be repeated this year. As before, friends are also invited but you are advised to make early application on the enclosed form as numbers are strictly limited. Despite inflation tickets are only £1.75 each and, as an added incentive, it is hoped to add a little variety to the buffet supper.
6.15 p.m. Bar opens.
7.00 p.m. Annual General Meeting in the Ballroom.
8.00 – 11.45 p.m. Buffet, natter and dancing to the Robin Bassford Trio.
We hope the new offset litho method of printing meets with approval. The saving in cost is considerable and will go some way to meet the increased postal charges.
Our best wishes go to George RUCK (1946-53) who was recently elected Town Mayor of Dover. He has taught English at Astor School since 1958.
The “Rook” is still a regular and welcome source of news of Old Boys, and frequently writes of the pleasure given to her by the visits and letters she receives at Millmead, Cliftonville.
The School Soccer XI are to be congratulated on winning the East Kent Wednesday League Div.II Charity Cup, and the League Championship.
Two Old Boys, Sir Clifford Jarrett (Chairman) and Peter Mee are members of the eight man Dover Harbour Board.
We are glad to see that former President Eddie Crush has made a good recovery after his recent operation.
February News Letters have been returned by the Post Office in respect of:
A. J. Baker (1952-7), H.C. Newman (1922-23), P.A. Hall (1942-50), R. G. Borthwick (1927-34), A. J. Hall (1953-8), D. Constable (1950-8), M. McDonnell (1950-55), R. H. Arnold (1937-44), W. S. Borthwick (1928-33). Can anyone please let the Editor know their present addresses?
We extend our best wishes to Mr. J. Harris (Head of English at Arnold School Blackpool) on his appointment as Deputy Headmaster from September.
If there is any Old Boy you would like to contact, write to us or the School and we will endeavour to supply a current address.
John Ellis (47-55), Alan Smith (63-70), Bob Stables (59-65) and Martin Styles (57-64) are now members of the School teaching staff.
All members of the Association will be welcome at the Bar and the A.G.M. even if they find it impossible to remain for the Social function.
The association Tie may be obtained by members from George Lock, Biggin Street, Dover, price £ 1 . 20p.
A reminder that you can meet fellow Old Boys not only at the May Ball, A.G.M., and Xmas get-together, but also at the Old Boys’ Pharos Masonic Lodge which meets on the 3rd Saturday October to April (exc. December). Any enquiries from Old Boys wishing to join the Lodge No. 6967 to the Secretary, Alex Lyons, Sandymount, Crabble Hill, Dover (Kearsney 2744). This year’s Master is David Gunn and his Wardens are Colin Bryce and Jack Pascall.
The Trustees of the Diamond Jubilee Fund have decided to help with the restoration and completion of the School Organ by donating £1,000 towards its maintenance and the addition of two new stops. The Fund now stands at £700 in cash and £800 in bonds which mature in August.
His sudden passing aged 69 years on the 18th April will be regretted by all who knew him, particularly by those who were members of former O.P. Soccer XIs. It was due to his untiring efforts that we were able to field successful XIs for more than a decade. A staunch supporter of the Association and our President in 1971, he was an active officer of the River and Whitfield Gardeners’ Associations. A true son of Kent and a servant of the community, he will be greatly missed by all who knew him. The President and many O.Ps were amongst a very representative congregation to pay fitting tribute at his funeral at River Church.
DAN H. SMITH (1907-12)
Our President in 1957, Dan died on the 9th March aged 79 years. Admission No. 64 to the School, he was 4th in the all England Post Office Exam and served at Dover 1913-51. He was Postmaster at Deal 1951-55. A founder member of the Pharos Lodge, he was later W. M. and Secretary. The Association and Lodge were represented at the Service at London Road Methodist Church by our President and other members.
One of the original members of the Staff, together with his boyhood friend Mr. J. Tomlinson, he died on the 31st March aged 99 years. M.A. Manchester and B.Sc. Economics London, he taught English, French and History. In 1913 he became Lecturer and later Emeritus Professor at Liverpool University, and has been described as the G.O.M. of English Medieval Scholarship. One pupil remembers him as “an inspiring teacher”, another “not for what he taught mebut for his means of noting our failures to reach the expected standards and for his methods of ensuring that we did”.
Last year’s appeal for subscriptions to be paid promptly on 1st August was a spectacular flop. Most of them trickled in during the year whereas what was needed was a flood at the outset.
Rates are still 50p annual (for how much longer, one wonders) or £7.50 for life. With such a small subscription and such high expenses, It is essential to get the money in promptly, so come on, send your cheque to Bill Kemp or me, NOW. Many thanks.
MINE IS A PINT PLEASE (Bernard Harrison.)
In complete contrast to our appeal for money, last year’s get-together at the Eagle Hotel was a resounding success. So much so that it has been unanimously decided to repeat the function this year.
Arrangements are exactly the same, i.e. private room, sandwiches and unlimited beer. Note the date now, 13th December at 7.30 p. m., but do let me know if you are coming so that I can order enough food.
Two hundred tickets were sold without any pressure. One Old Boy said that the supper alone was worth £1.50, a very modest charge for an evening out these times.
There is a core of Old Boys who now have sons in the School and they take a close interest in all aspects of the school’s life. Another tendency is for a least one Old Boy who is going to, or just returned from, far-away places to come and see the School in festive mood, and to meet Staff, Old Boys and Parents.
Claude and Percy REED (1916-19). Our best wishes to go to the Twins who celebrated their 70th birthday this year. Retired for some years, Claude (218 Avery Hill Road, New Eltham) became a director of a London Advertising Agency, and Percy (12 Cissbury Road, Ferring, Worthing) was P.R. Manager of B.I.C.C. Cable makers. Both saw service in the Royal Artillery in World War II.
Lester BORLEY (1942-9) after service with Tourist Boards in New York, Germany and Edinburgh, has been appointed chief executive of the English Tourist Board, London.
Ronald BEGBIE (1928-35) has completed 38 years with Batemans Opticians. He spends his spare time gardening and bird-watching near Rye. His daughter, her husband (an ecologist at Canberra Univ.) and two daughters were in Darwen at the time of the hurricane and evacuated to Canberra. His son is a chartered accountant with Bovis Development.
Denis WEAVER (1939-50) recently visited H.Q. Rotary International at Evanston, Illinois.
J. M. SIMMONDS (1939-45) 52 Offing ton Avenue, Worthing, was appointed Works Officer, West Sussex Health Authority in March 1975.
W. JOHNSON (1950-8) 12 Cloonavin Park, Coleraine, was awarded his Ph.D. (Kent) in 1973 for post-graduate research. He has been lecturer in Economics, University of Ulster, Coleraine, since 1968.
Mike NICE (1955-62) 2 Satmar Cotts. Capel-le-Ferne, after various teaching posts 1965-74, is now an Assistant Purser with Sealink.
E. W. J. (Boz) MOSELING (1922-30) writes in reminiscent mood. He finds retirement pleasant if not exciting, and enjoys county cricket at Hove.
William FITTALL (1964-72) hopes to enter the Civil Service (Home Office) on completion of his Modern Languages Course at Christ Church, Oxford.
David PHILPO’IT (1947-54) 23 Allt-Yn-Yr Crescent, Newport, Gwent, is Deputy Head of Bristol Grange Comp. School for Boys. He has two daughters aged 14 and 10.
George PLATER (1912-16) is Secretary of the Dover Probus Club.
W. S. (Bill) LOVELY (1912-18) is semi-retired but sometimes appears in the High Court as an expert insurance witness regarding electrical “incidents”.
Alfred KING (1936-41) was a clerk with British Rail 1949-57 when he emigrated to Australia and saw service with the A.A.F. in Vietnam. He is a Sergeant and has gained the long service and good conduct medal.
Andrew VARDON (1968-70) a Bachelor of Education, Exeter, departed recently to S. W. Tanzania to establish a science department in an African bush school for the Voluntary Missionary Movement.
Peter RELF (1955-63) is Head of Music at Mexborough Grammar, and has obtained his B.A. degree after a four-year Open University course.
R. J. UNSTEAD (1926-34) His latest book is “Our Incredible Century” (Macdonald Educational £1.95).
Michael AYLEN (1957-64) obtained his B.A. Degree at the Open University. He is the new head of St. Margarets Primary School, near Dover. His brother Jonathan (1962-9) is lecturer in Economics, Salford University.
Ian BATTY (1963-70) teaches Environmental Studies at Sutton Centre, Derby.
Bryan OWEN (1959-64) recently returned after two years as Head of English, Lae School, New Guinea, for the Voluntary Services Overseas. He is now housemaster at a Liverpool boarding school.
Roger WHEELER (1960-8) gained a first class degree in Physics at Imperial College, London in 1972 and his Ph. D. in 1975. He is teaching at a Bedford public school.
Harold GALLEY (1957-64) obtained a B.A. degree at the Open University. He is Head of Maths at Singlegate School, Colliers Wood.
Reg LOVELY (1918-25) has retired after many years in charge of a London Transport Board sub-station controlling supply to the Underground system.
David SIMMONDS (1942-50) is a British Airways Pilot, Tudor DAVIES (1939-49) is Solicitor/Town Clerk for Carmarthen and Tony BRADLEY (1945-52) is a professor at Edinburgh University.
Derek BEER (1953-60) is senior housemaster at Swindon Churchfields Comp. School. He has a son and daughter.
Alan AVERY (1944-51) is Head of a British Forces School in Germany.
Joe LICENCE (1913-17) now lives at Orchards End, Benover, Yalding, Kent.
Don HAZELDINE (1965-73) 2nd Lieut with R.A.O.C. Ammunition Section at Devizes, has recently spent a month training in Arctic warfare. He enters R.A.M.C. Science at Shrivenham in September to study for a degree.
Nick ADAMS (1959-66) B.Sc. Surrey University is an electronics engineer with the Post Office. He is lead guitarist with the Chasers and their first record was an instant success with the disc jockeys.
Harold CASTLE (1928-30) and brother Leonard (1934-43) have closed down their century old scrap and waste material business in Dover.
Nigel WILSHAW (1960-7) has qualified as a civilian air traffic control officer at Gatwick Airport.
Terence LACEY (1957-63) recently called at the School. He is working with the E.E.C. Brussels and is mainly engaged in development of backward countries, work that takes him to many parts of the world.
Denis DOBLE (1948-55) wrote from the Resident Clerk’s Flat, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, requesting tickets for the May Ball.
IN MEMORIAM – GEORGE EDWARD BONE B.E.M., M.Sc. (1931-38) (Bob Winter)
The sudden passing of George on 27th June 1975 at the early age of 51 years was a great shock to all who knew him. His death saw the passing of a diligent scholar, an enthusiastic and popular Life member of the Association, and a loyal and devoted member of the Pharos 6967 Lodge.
He will be remembered as an active member of Buckland House and of the Cadet Corps under Drum Major Trunky Lyons. Entering Prep from St. Ursula’s he progressed conscientiously through the School and in 1938 he joined the Army Technical School, Chepstow, and following family tradition served with the Royal Engineer s in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Greece. During these campaigns as a Warrant Officer and Clerk of Works, he was decorated with the B.E.M. for his valuable services to construction and bridge building. After the war, George continued his service with the R.Es and entered the Civil School of Military Engineering at Chatham where he was awarded the “Fowkes Medal” for gaining first place in his course. He then became an Instructor in Construction and Quantity Surveying at the S.M.E. Chatham.
After a short period at Medway College of Technology, he left the service in 1953 to take a Teacher Training Course at Bolton. To qualify for this course he had to pass the examination to be a Licentiate of the Inst. of Builders. After training he spent short periods at Eastbourne and Guildford before becoming Senior Lecturer in Building and Construction at Bolton ion 1956. He was awarded his M.Sc(Tech) at Manchester in 1959. Since when he had been invited to serve as H.M.I. for Further Education, in particular for Polytechnics and Colleges of Technology. In addition George was an Instructor in Building Consultation and Contracts Procedure for the War Dept., and an Educational Adviser to the Gas Council.
In all spheres of his activities he made a great impact and was held in high esteem by his many friends and colleagues. Untiring in his efforts, George tried to be a perfectionist, as well as being an excellent raconteurin the words of a close friend “a first class bloke and a jolly good neighbour to have around”. Married with one daughter, he was initiated into the Military Jubilee Lodge in 1951 and became a Joining Member of Pharos Lodge in 1951 and was installed as its “tallest” Master in 1959.
We shall all miss Georgehis stature, keen wit, warm friendly disposition with his fund of stories and we tender our deepest and sincere sympathy to all his family, relations and friendsand so Farewell George, Farewell”.