New Series No. 55
Jan 1989
Looking back, it is so important to hold on to your education, not necessarily for what you’re going to do with it, but for what it does to you, the way it makes your mind grow.
Gratitude preserves old friendships and procures new.
M. H. Smith Esq., 68 Minnis Lane, River, Dover. CT17 0PT,
Philip Harding, Esq., 6 Monins Road, Dover. CT17 9NX
Ian Pascall, Esq., 45a Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield CT16 3EZ
K. H. Ruffell, Esq., 193 The Gateway, Dover CT16 1LL
Dear Old Pharosians,
I continue to be very conscious of the honour done to me in being elected President of the Association. Anyone elected to this office would feel the same; I feel it particularly as one who is not an old boy of the school but one of a small band of staff who, as honorary members, have been elected President, namely Messrs. Darby, Pearce, Slater, Archer, Coulson and Ruffell.
The Annual Dinner is undoubtedly the highlight of the President’s year
because it affords the greatest opportunity to meet old friends. Having myself organised the Annual Dinners got 1986 and 1987 I am particularly grateful to Ken Ruffell for organising it in my year of office. I also commended, on behalf of those present, Jim Gleeson of River Caterers for an excellent meal.
You would, I know, wish me to thank the officers of the Association for their unstinting work – to Philip Harding our Secretary, to Ian Pascall our Treasurer and to Ken for all his work in producing the excellent Newsletter without which the Association effectively would cease to exist.
Whilst a good number did attend the Dinner I was disappointed that we did not reach 200. I know more intended to do so but there is a long gap between the June Newsletter which gives the details and the actual event in mid September.
In my thirty years in the School I have served under three of the school’s four Headmasters – 75%. If I complete my allotted span I may serve under four of the five Headmasters – 80%!.
However, times change and external pressures may prevent us from offering to the coming generations precisely the type of curriculum we would like.
I have been proud to wear the Presidents’ Medal of Office on a number of occasions; to Junior Prizegiving when our guest was Ian Bird who served the School in numerous capacities and latterly as Senior Master – in which post I followed him, to Guest Evening when we had a lively address from the Bishop of Dover and recently to mark the retirement of Mrs Parfitt who, as Catering Officer, has fed the inner man for twenty years. She will be sorely missed. On the occasion of a Celebratory Dinner to mark her retirement the Association presented her with a nest of tables. Owing to almost a complete loss of voice at the end of term I was unable to read the lesson, on behalf of the Association, at the Carol Service – a long-time colleague, Brian Haines, kindly stepped in.
I close with a comment I made at the Dinner – teaching is mostly challenging and sometimes rewarding and to teach here in your school a privilege – and for that I continue to thank J.C. Booth and Alec Coveney who appointed me in 1959.
My very best wishes to you all in 1989.
Maurice Smith
TUESDAY 23rd May, 1989
Another London Reunion has been arranged at the “Dover Castle” in Weymouth Mews, off Cavendish Street, west of Broadcasting House.
It has been customary for men to gather in a room set apart for our use from 6 pm to 8 pm. Food is provided and during the evening Headmaster speaks about the school at this time.
A charge of £3.25 covers food and incidental expenses. Attendance is limited by the size of the room so Old Pharosians wishing to attend should let Denis Gibb know as soon as possible and not later than 15th May so that food can be ordered. His address is:
76 Cheshire Gardens, Chessington. KT9 2PS, (phone 01-397-6280) Cheques should be made payable to, Denis Gibb.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in the school on Saturday 17th September. 1988.
The President, Dr. George Curry, commenced the meeting at 11 a.m. The Headmaster and 28 members were present.
The President spoke of the recent deaths of several valued members and all present stood for a moment in silent thought.
The notice convening the meeting was read.
Apologies for absence were received from W.G. King, E.H. Baker, Louis Watt, John Booth and P. Ewer.
Minutes of the previous year’s Annual General Meeting were read in printed form by all present and approved. The only matter arising was the comment by the headmaster that profit from the May Ball had finally appeared on the Treasurer’s balance sheet.
The audited Treasurer’s report was circulated. On the expenditure side the major cost was for production and postage of Newsletters. This amount of £594.83 included over £110 to set up future “in-house” production which should in time reduce Newsletter costs. Covenanted income from 33 life members and 8 annual members yielded £145.50 and this income would increase in future years. The dinner made a profit of £100 and interest received amounted to £250. The Whitehouse Reunion showed a credit in excess or £300 and the surplus for the year was a healthy £941.47, though £196 was owed for the Newsletter printed in January 1988.
The Association holds £463.03 on current account and £3964.46 in the Woolwich Building Society.
The Secretary circulated his printed report, explaining that he was again unable to be at the meeting because of his football duties at Harvey G.S. The Officers and Committee members had served the Association under their President, George Curry, who had commuted from Florida to attend meetings and school functions. The Whitehouse Reunion in March had been a significant and successful occasion. His successor Maurice Smith, had 1ong been the vital link between school leavers and the Association. Ian Pascall’s, professional expertise had been invaluable and Ken Ruffell had transformed the newsletter to an “in-house” production with skilled guidance from Peter Burville, Roger Gabriel and the school office, staff.
Election of Officers and Committee
The retiring President spoke of some of the salient memories of his year in office, thanking, officers’ and committee members for all they had done.
Maurice Smith had been a wonderful deputy and the President proceeded to transfer to Maurice the office and the insignia of Presidency; and to nominate John Le Prevost as Vice-president for the coming year. Both these appointments were received with acclamation. Maurice spoke of the invaluable services of Philip Harding and Ian Pascall.
Officers elected:
Secretary: Philip Harding
Treasurer: Ian Pascall.
Assistant Secretary: Colin Henry,
Newsletter, Editor: Ken Ruffell
Archivist: Sidney Wenborn
Committee members:
Elected now to retire in 1991: M. Palmer and P. Burville
to retire in 1990: A. Gunn and T. Sutton.
to retire in 1989: R. Winter and W. Newman.
Junior Staff representatives: Roger Gabriel;
David Murray and Nigel Horne to replace
B Quinn and Maurice Smith.
Any Other Business.
Headmaster reported that damage to the pavilion continued but tiles were replaced as soon as damage was observed. The boundary fencing will be replaced and tree replacement is in progress. In response to inquiries from members about possible help to the school, headmaster would place before the committee some priority needs.
A member drew attention to the 50th anniversary in 1990 of the departure to Wales and the matter was passed to the committee for consideration.
Mr Coulson spoke of the need to accumulate capital so that interest payments could finance the Newsletter which the Association has promised to send to Life Members until death do us part.
The President closed the meeting at 12 noon.
The Old Pharosians Association
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st July 1988
Expenditure | Income | |||||
Newsletter | 594.83 | Covenanted Income | 145.50 | |||
Expenses Secretary 6.12 | Subscriptions and donations | 662.75 | ||||
Expenses Treasurer 1.74 | 7.86 | Dinner ticket sales 879.75 | ||||
School Prizes | 20.00 | Dinner ticket costs 779.70 | 100.05 | |||
Stationery | 30.00 | War Loan Interest (see note) | 3.50 | |||
Building Society Interest | 247,97 | |||||
Whitehouse Reunion Income 705.00 | ||||||
Whitehouse Reunion Expenses 400.37 | 304.63 | |||||
School History | 41.00 | |||||
Fifty Years On | 15.00 | |||||
Surplus for the Year | 941,47 | May Ball (1988) | 73.76 | |||
1594.16 | 1594.16 |
Balance Sheet as at 31st July. 1988
Lloyds Bank Current Account | 463.03 | Creditor, | 196.00 | |||
Woolwich Equitable Building Society | 3964.46 | Revenue Reserve at 1st August. 1987 | 3290.02 | |||
Surplus for the Year | 941.47 | |||||
4421.49 | 4421.49 | |||||
Note:- The Association holds 3 ½% War Loan with a Nominal Value of £100.
I.D. Pascall. A.C.A. Hon Treasurer.
Old Pharosians and their guests numbered about a hundred and fifteen.
including the regular attenders who live locally, a few who made a special effort to travel from a distance and a dozen of the present school prefects whose table placed them close to Mrs Turnpenny who was in the school when it began in 1905 under Mr Fred Whitehouse.
The meal was pleasantly presented and of very agreeable quality. The new President spoke of his years in the school under diverse headmasters. The present headmaster in his reply gave some review of the school today and of his hopes for the next few years. Adrian Boynton arrived from a musical engagement elsewhere to demonstrate that the organ is now in fair condition and he accompanied the singing of “Forty years on”. Conversation continued into the night and only the caretaker knows at what hour he could persuade the last Pharosian to leave a building for which there is such sustained affection.
Names of Old Pharosians who attended the A.G.M.
Alfred Gunn, Terry Sutton, Arthur Tolputt, Ken Ruffell, Peter Burville, S.J. Wenborn, W.V. Newman, W.D. Newman, Keith Tolputt, Fred Rhodes, Roger Gabriel, Dave Murray, Bert Stone. A.E. Coulson, John Barrett, Ian Fenwick, John Le Prevost, M.W. Fenn, T.W.E. Beer, Denis Gibb, Bernard Harrison, Bob Winter, M.J. Palmer, Jack Pascall, Ian Pascall, George Curry, Maurice Smith and the Headmaster.
Old Pharosians and guests at the dinner.
F. Rhodes, J. Barrett, R.J. Hood. A. Lyons, A.Stone, P.Buss, T. Beer, W.V. Newman, W.D. Newman, B. Harrison, A. Law. S. Matthews, M.S. Harrow, Dr. K. Lott, Ian Fenwick, Dr. P Burville, Dr. J. Allingham, Capt. P Hogg, D. Gibb, K. Forward, R. Miller, B. Sheppard, M. Sharpe, R. Eade, R. Durrant, J. Morgan, W. Nadin, S. Yarrow, R.C.S. Grove, V. Alcock, K.H. Ruffell, S.M. Gunn, S. Wenborn, A. Tolputt, L. Bish, J. Booth, T. Sutton, P. Harding, A. McBride, G. Lodder, D.C. Page, I. Philpott, N.S. Horne, M. Gravener, J. Le Prevost, A.H. Gunn, A.E. Coulson, M.H. Smith, Dr. G. Curry, I.W. Bird, A.K. Boynton and three ladies who are Old Pharosians, Mrs J Golding, Mrs M Large and Mrs L Turnpenny: the Headmaster and Mrs Colman; Mr John Turnpenny and Mr and Mrs Chatfield, Mr and Mrs Parfitt and thirty-five other ladies.
The prefects who attended and had their own table were Chris Joslin (Head Prefect), Allan Maxted, Gregan Lofts, Andrew Burns, Stuart Tait, Dean Sabin, Colin Jervis. David Smith, Simon Reason, Sean Rowing, Sy Davis, Guy South.
Members present at the Annual General Meeting and their dates for entering the School.
pre 1920 | 1 | |||
1920-29 | 8 | PRE-WAR | ||
1930-39 | 6 | WHITEHOUSE ERA | ||
1940-49 | 5 | WARTIME IN EBBW VALE | ||
1950-59 | 2 | |||
1960-69 | 2 | POST-WAR | ||
1970-79 | 2 | |||
1980- | 0 |
The Whitehouse era saw the school grow in numbers and achievements, academic and sporting. Old Pharosians of this period have now generally retired. Some have remained in Dover through all their working lives while others have returned to the area under the influence of a homing instinct, drawn by the attractive life of the area.
War-time in Ebbw Vale, almost half a century ago, could have broken the school but Mr and Mrs Booth sustained it and restored standards.
The post-war years have increased opportunities for higher education which takes young men away from Dover to find employment elsewhere. Living and working away from Dover, the younger Old Pharosians are less likely to attend a gathering in the school on a Saturday morning: but they take part in the afternoon soccer match and are well represented at the evening dinner.
One can usually find statistics, however small the sample, to support one’s beliefs and predilections.
SCHOOL v OLD BOYS SOCCER MATCH. 17th September 1988,
In the annual match for the Andrew Kremer Memorial Trophy, the Old Boys defeated the School, who were forced by the unavailability of several regulars to field a very young side, by 5-0. Having taken an early lead, the Old Boys made full use of their considerable advantages in strength and experience, to run out comfortable winners.
The Old Boys were represented by:- Pete Norris, Chris King, Lee Swinerd, Simon Jones, Alan Freeman, Steve Gabriel, Mark Gabriel, Paul Bates, Jason Oliver, Dave Palmer, John Allingham and Ramon San Emeterio.
Your committee met in the Headmaster’s study at 7 pm on 17th November.
The President welcomed Mr N.S. Horne, deputy head, as a new member of the committee, Treasurer reported that the Association’s assets were at Woolwich Building Society £3964,46 at Lloyds Bank £409.13.
Some interest was due.
Thirty four life members and nine annual members had covenanted.
A balance of £368.62 remained in the Diamond Jubilee Trust Fund: and legal advice would be taken on use or transfer of this residue. The Annual Dinner last September had made a profit of £90.85.
The President undertook to write to all annual subscribers, since we have difficulty in keeping contact with those who leave school and change their address.
The committee was aware that the previous President, G. Curry, Arch Coulson and others thought the Association needed a capital of some £10,000, from which interest would pay for the Newsletter and other running costs, leaving other incoming assets to be used for the benefit of the school. A sub-committee, with Peter Burville as convener, undertook to meet, consider and report back on financial matters.
The Newsletter editor reported that under new word-processing arrangements, some of the material for the January issue was already being processed.
Roger Gabriel produced several copies of our mailing, membership list including 611 members, each with their address, post codes and dates at school. There was a proposal that Roger should become Membership Secretary. ALL CHANGES OF ADDRESS should go to him at the school.
Newsletters are now stored on discs as well as in the form in which members receive them and will be held by our archivist, available for research.
Your committee voted £100 for purchase of school footballs.
Consideration was given to
(i) an Old Boys lunch at school followed by attendance at School Assembly at 2 pm and
(ii) an Old Boys v School cricket match on the first Friday evening in July followed by sociability.
The MAY BALL is on 13th May 1989. Tickets probably £8 for dinner and dancing. Write to school for tickets.
THE NEXT OLD BOYS DAY is on 16th September, 1989.
After every “re-union of Old Boys” a new exciting spirit is engendered. Old Boys celebrate and reminisce. You often hear them enquire “Let’s have another get together soon – but when?”
Just as the Association is open to all Old Boys of the school, so too is the Old Boys’ Masonic Lodge, Pharos Lodge 6967, which meets on the 3rd Saturday of October, November, January, February, March and April at the Masonic Hall, Snargate Street. The Secretary to contact is Tom Beer, ‘The Limes’, 2 Beaconsfield Avenue, Dover. Tel. 204062. The master will be Alan Webber and his two Wardens are Dominic McHugh and Ron Napier.
We look forward to meeting you once again.
CHARLES BENSON came to the school in 1975 and taught biology with field studies. Headmaster described Charles as “a gentleman in every sense of the word” and everyone who knows him will understand the truth of this assessment.
He and his wife have frequently attended social occasions, such as The May Ball, and we hope we shall see them again.
BRIAN QUINN arrived in 1969 as a teacher of biology and later became senior science master, continuing this school’s long tradition of strength in this department. He had for several years been in charge of 3rd year forms and later became a tutor to sixth form boys. He always maintained a good relationship with boys, particularly on the ski parties he arranged in recent years. He has for some time been a staff representative on the Old Pharosian committee where his contributions to discussion have always been valuable and very much to the point. He has also been a staff representative on the school’s governing body. It is sad that a man of his quality should feel the need to leave education at this time.
Headmaster concluded the end of term final assembly with the time-honoured wish that all would have a good holiday; and that there would be no nonsense on the buses on the way home.
Gleanings from the FINAL ASSEMBLY at end of the summer term, 1988.
CRICKET Team captains made their reports:
Under 12 XI “A great deal of interest had been shown”.
Played 4 matches, Won 3. Lost 1.
Under 13 XI P 3, W 2, L 1, “A bowler had taken 6 for 23 against Harvey G.S. and a batsman had made 68.”
Under 14 XI P 3, W 4, L 1, “There had been one partnership of 111 runs and a bowler had taken 6 for 13.”
Under 15 XI “Results were not good because several games were played on Saturdays”.
A master has been given general overall responsibility for junior games.
Headmaster reported that during the term 85 boys in the 1st and 2nd years had signed the Distinction Book for work well done.
The 1st year Environmental Studies Group had continued their active year with several out-of-school expeditions.
There had been language exchanges from the 1st to the 6th forms.
Your editor receives invitations to four schools in the Dover-Folkestone area and all open windows on the present trends in education.
The new GCSE had demanded a lot of staff time but, as a result, there had been 84% passes at O level, grades C and above, and 81% at A level.
A profile was accumulated throughout each boy’s life through the school to provide a comprehensive leaving document.
Financial management had undergone enormous expansion. The school budget, previously £30,000, now exceeded £1 million under direct control of head and governors.
Reference was made to a “prolific sporting programme”. There were mountain walking parties, a ski party, a French exchange and a visit to Russia.
A new science and technology block was being built and additional computer bases had established 100 megabyte capacity,
“Forty Years On” was sung at the start and the school hymn, “Let there be Light”, at the end.
Mr I.W. Bird, recently retired as Senior Master, presented the prizes and certificates. Eighteen merit certificates were awarded to 1st year boys, thirteen to 2nd year boys and fifteen to 3rd year boys. There were prizes for academic subjects, for special endeavour and good fellowship. There were awards for Junior Cadets; and boys read reports on cadets, music and other aspects of school life. A junior choir, orchestra and instrumentalists contributed to the programme and a French assistante took part with proficient youngsters in a French play.
Headmaster spoke of the excitement experienced by each year’s new intake and Old Pharosians may well be able to think back to their own entry to the school. Memory may not be able to match the present experiences of cadets that include gliding and flying at Manston airport; visits to Navy Days, including going to sea; army camps in Germany, abseiling and orienteering, coupled with pride in appearance at all times but most notably at the Biennial Inspections.
GUEST EVENING, 18th November, 1988
Guest Speaker: The Right Rev. The Bishop of Dover
There was the usual award of Merit Certificates, awards for achievements at the new G.C.S.E. examinations, at Alternative Ordinary level, mainly in mathematics, and at Advanced Level: as well as prizes for outstanding achievements in various subjects at 5th Form and 6th Form levels.
Among the special awards were the Haydon-Watt prize for innovation, the Whitehouse Memorial Prize, the Rookwood Prize and the Old Boys Cadet Prize.
The Headmaster gave his twentieth report, describing the G.C.S.E. result as excellent and the A level results as most encouraging.
He enlarged on the host of activities in the many departments of school life. The school was now a “local management school” which meant that the school handled its own budget of £1 million a year. The Parents Association raised £10,000 a year and had given £1,000 to the Computer department. Links with local firms were extremely useful.
Headmaster produced news of a great building development now planned. The top corridor area was to have a library, exhibition room, prefects’ room, careers room and other sixth form facilities. A new block would be built outside the present buildings: it would house the first three years of the school and would have a lecture theatre.
The Bishop quipped the headmaster for his emphasis on self-reliance among his boys by suggesting that perhaps the boys could soon do without their teachers. Dover was dominated by its history, past and present, in which every individual played his part and could “find himself” in that context. The purpose of education could enable each of us to discover the meaning of our own being, thus providing a purpose for satisfying life.
Members of the school expressed by their appearance and bearing that a responsible master had shown them the way. So did many, but not all, who returned after leaving to collect their certificate and prizes.
School music of its usual high quality and variety, enlivened by touches of humour, gave added pleasure to the evening. We shall long remember “The Gasman Cometh”, a comic song rendered by a sixth form boy, Mark Fletcher, who may make a career as a singer.
Headmaster indicated that rumours of his impending retirement were exaggerated. It is reasonable to suppose that he will wish to see through so many of the changes now begun, to be continued and brought to fruition in the next couple of years.
The following members of the Sixth Form are known to have gained places on Degree Level Courses.
Baggs S | Portsmouth Polytechnic | Economics | ||
Barry S C | Durham University | Natural Sciences | ||
Betts P D | Leeds University | Physics with Astrophysics | ||
Bradford A | Polytechnic of central London | Mechanical Engineering | ||
Carver R G | Wolverhampton Polytechnic | Economics with mathematics and Statistics | ||
Coaker I G | Cambridge University | Engineering | ||
Corbishley I J | Bradford & Ilkley Community College | Organisation Studies | ||
Cuttell L | Leeds University | French & Spanish | ||
Denny L J | North Staffordshire Polytechnic | Computing Science | ||
Disbrey S R J | Cambridge University | Law | ||
Dixon G C T | Portsmouth Polytechnic | Geographical Sciences | ||
Gibbons S J | London University | English | ||
Godden M A | Leicester University | Geography | ||
Grilli S J | Sussex University | Mathematics with Economics | ||
Hall A | Newcastle Polytechnic | Electronics | ||
Harlow R F | Trent Polytechnic | Economics | ||
Hassell J P | Warwick University | Computer and Management Sciences | ||
Holmes S R | Cambridge University | Natural Sciences | ||
King D R | University College, Cardiff | Law | ||
Lock B D | Southampton University | Business Economics and Accounting | ||
Lockwood S | Kent University | Mathematics and Accounting | ||
Manners D J P | Birmingham University | Political Science | ||
Miles G | Leeds University | Physics with Astrophysics | ||
Morgan C R | Newcastle University | Architectural Studies | ||
Pain A R | Warwick University | Computer Science | ||
Palmer J M | Nottingham University | Theology | ||
Parsons J R | Warwick University | Computer Science | ||
Pope A D | UMIST | Mathematics and Management Sciences | ||
Ratcliffe P M | Wolverhampton Polytechnic | History | ||
Rockliffe S C | London University | Materials Science and Engineering | ||
Sokhi J | Leicester Polytechnic | Pharmacy | ||
Swinerd M F | Warwick University | Accounting and Financial Analysis | ||
Swinerd L J | Reading University | Building Surveying | ||
Taylor F S | London University | Computing Science | ||
Thomas R G B | Nottingham University | Mechanical Engineering | ||
Trevelyan J | Bristol University | Medicine | ||
Tuson D J | Portsmouth Polytechnic | Geography | ||
Watts D P | Portsmouth Polytechnic | Biomolecular Science | ||
The following have gained places on Foundation Courses: |
Buckett J | Maidstone College of Art | |||
Riley M | Canterbury College of Art |
The Combined Cadet Force had its biennial parade and inspection in October. The inspecting officer was an Air Commodore who saw the Navy section at work in the harbour and Army field manoeuvres on Whinless Down. The RAF cadets were seen in their training accommodation in the school grounds.
Retirement of Mrs Parfitt
For the past twenty years Mrs Parfitt has been responsible for catering in the school and her departure was suitably observed by a dinner on 22nd December.
She had been given presents from the school during the day and after dinner Mr Colman paid his tribute to her splendid service; and the Old Pharosians are among other well-wishers who made their gifts.
Mrs Parfitt has always responded to requests beyond the call of duty. Many games players will remember the sports teas on Wednesdays and Saturdays. All will recall the many social functions, among the latest being George Curry’s Whitehouse Old Pharosian lunch that was made so enjoyable.
During her long service the provision of meals has undergone many changes of form. But quality of food and service has not been sacrificed and the Old Pharosians are delighted to join in the expressions of thanks and the good wishes for well deserved retirement.
Letter to Mr K.H. Carter, head of the school Art department from Peter King; Lowfield Cottage, Cautley Rd., Sedbergh, Cumbria. LA10 5CQ
Dear Hr Carter,
……I have moved around a fair bit since finishing the degree course in graphic design at Bath Academy. From there I, did the M.A. in Fine Art (print) at Chelsea and then went back to Bath for two years as a part-time technician in the ceramics department. After that I changed direction again and ran my own design studio near Bath for three years.
Bradford was the next jump, where I was appointed Museums Designer for Calderdale. Two years later I was lecturing part-time at Falmouth School of Art. Short spells as designer or lecturer followed until I became a Lecturer Grade 1 at Wigan College teaching on the foundation course and general Art and Design.
At the moment (having just left Wigan after three years) I intend doing professionally what I have been doing privately for the last ten, years – , designing and making one-off furniture with a heavy leaning towards sculpture.
I should like to mention how often I have compared with others and looked back at the flying start I was given in your art department. I also reflect on the musical breadth and sensitivity I owe entirely to Mr Best, who I gather is no longer in the school.
I sincerely hope Art education in the school is not suffering as much as in further and higher art education in the North-West.
I should appreciate any future exhibition information.
Jasper Trevelyan is to receive a James A. Johnson Scholarship from the Dubris Trust to assist his medical studies at Bristol University.
19th August, 1988 at 5 pm – Evensong in St. Paul”s Cathedral
Your correspondent arrived in the cathedral half an hour before service and was not surprised to find the nave echoing to the sound of choir and organ in rehearsal. As a friend familiar with these occasions commented, “it would be surprising if they were not rehearsing to the last minute”. The nave was well filled with visitors, many of whom sat to be present at evensong, Anyone linked with Dover Grammar School was invited to sit in the available choir stalls.
As the choir entered the chancel one saw small boys in school uniform, senior girls in white blouses and black skirts, senior boys in their uniform, old boys, parents and a couple of former masters now teaching elsewhere, a total of about fifty voices under the direction of Adrian Boynton. At the organ was 17 year old Scott Farrell who has now played in Westminster Abbey, York Minster and St. Paul’s, with Canterbury to follow in October.
Psalm 61 was sung and one of the readings was from the 5th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, telling of the troubles with authority encountered by Peter and the apostles for their work of healing and teaching. For an anthem at the end of service the choir sang from Handel’s Messiah “worthy the lamb that was slain” followed by the great Amen chorus that went echoing around the great dome.
The Dean had earlier publicly greeted the choir of the Dover Grammar Schools and, as always, the choir was told how pleased the cathedral would be to welcome them for another visit. There is no more sincere compliment.
Some of us, old boys, parents and senior members of the choir gathered in the nearby “Sir Christopher Wren” for a congenial time before the coach returned to Dover.
The choir had, over the previous week-end, sung in York Minster where one report said they sang better than ever. What an enriching life-experience is given to those who are so fortunate as to sing chorally in the greatest cathedrals of our land: and what a pleasure there is for those of us who can admire and enjoy their music in such an emotive setting.
9th July 1988 at St. Mary’s Church, Walmer and 12th ,July at Charlton Church.
This very demanding work had not, as far as is known, previously been, attempted in the Dover area., Rehearsals had continued through many weeks of the-summer term for the three soloists, locally well-known singers, and for the school choir, the chamber choir of the two grammar schools, the whole chorus being reinforced by old boys, parents and friends of the school. There must have been some ninety singers accompanied by a large orchestra of boys, masters, local music teachers and professional musicians.
Elgar’s work follows the passage of the soul of Gerontius from the death bed on its journey to the Almighty. Guided by an angel, Gerontius confronts the terrifying chorus of demons and of souls in purgatory until coming at last to the seat of judgement.
Cardinal Newman wrote the theme during the last century and his theology may not find general acceptance today. But Elgar’s music is deeply moving and rich in contrasts.
The soloists, Jean Lewis, Peter Booth and John Ravenhill all rose magnificently to the demands of this major work: and the libretto sung by soloists and chorus could clearly be followed throughout.
The chorus did incredibly well to learn such a difficult work, absorbing its style and feeling. Even more remarkably the orchestra had only one rehearsal yet combined to present the style and ethos of the work.
Both performances were enthusiastically received by large audiences. No one other than Adrian Boynton, the school’s director of music, would have tackled, rehearsed and conducted such a work of recognised difficulty. Cost of the production was in the order of a thousand pounds and receipts came within a hundred pounds of that sum, a cost that the school’s Friends of Music will meet having in mind that all who participated and all who heard enjoyed an experience that will long live in the memory.
This pleasant concert on a summer’s evening included dramatic pieces that showed most creditable originality and ability, a reflection of the enthusiasm of a young master. The music was as varied and capable as we have come to expect, even within a week of the tremendous demands made by the “Dream of Gerontius”.
Tuesday 27th October in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Canterbury.
The choir of some fifty voices drawn from our school with six young ladies from our sister school sung evensong to the setting of Stanford in C.
The anthem was “Let the people praise Thee” by Mathias and the psalms were 127 and 128. If you have handy a Book of Common Prayer or you could read these two short psalms for they express in poetic form thoughts well worthy of anyone’s consideration. The organist was Scott Farrell of the sixth form who excelled himself and after service played a voluntary that suggested he was reluctant to leave such a splendid instrument.
A large congregation, mainly Dovorians, included parents and friends, a great number from St. Mary’s Church and several Old Pharosians, among them Canon William Kemp.
Through the afternoon the choir had been hard-driven by Adrian Boynton in his search for that excellence he always manages to achieve. We in Dover are fortunate to have him: and we in East Kent should count our blessings in the privilege of living close to the Cathedral Church of Christ, Canterbury.
2nd November. Recital by International Concert Pianist.
Arthur Hart, originally Rumanian, now based in USA is a world class concert pianist. By our good fortune he is staying in Dover and the school is pleased to allow him to practise on the grand piano in the hall. In return he gave a recital that was quite stunning.
He played Bach’s English Suite of dances at a lively pace and then a piece by Liszt that had its quiet moments but at other times reminded one that when Liszt himself gave recitals across Europe on the pianos of his day his trail could be marked by broken pianos. Later in this recital, music by Albeniz and “Reflets dans l’eau’ were more restful and the programme ended, with Stravinsky, though the audience called for encores culminating in Chopin, for the playing of whose work this young man has distinguished himself in international competitions.
He has given recitals to the boys and his stay with us will be entirely memorable.
Readers of the Newsletter will understand that the choir’s many visits to cathedrals and major productions such as the “Dream of Gerontius”; and the various orchestras now in the school all involve costs which parents sometimes can not meet.
The value to boys experiencing the present high level of varied musical activities can not be doubted.
If any Old Pharosian should feel moved to send to the editor a contribution by means of a cheque in favour of Friends of Music at DGSB the gift would be gratefully received and acknowledged.
The audience filled Charlton Church leaving only standing room for late arrivals.
The programme was logically halved between the prophecy and the coming of the first Christmas; and secondly the teachings of Christ and the coming of Christmas, 1988.
Musical items by soloists, choirs and instrumentalists were interspersed with readings from the Bible and other sources in poetry and prose. Much of the music was from Handel’s Messiah. A novel item in the programme was a revival of the thirty year old film ‘Nativity’ made by the school in 1959 and now complemented by a musical tape drawn from the school’s cassette “A Celebration of Christmas”.
A profit of about £500 will go into the resources of the school’s Friends of Music.
A video recording of the film NATIVITY with ,its accompanying music is, likely to become available and anyone interested should write to the editor.
SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE – Tuesday 20th December
The choir demonstrated that music is not only an art, an expression of human feeling, but that it is also an exact science.
They had been tuned and trained to very high standards. There are always one or two splendid boy trebles, reinforced by the expert girl singers. This year there was a sixth form baritone of experience and confidence; as well as sixth form organist who has played on the organs of this nation’s great cathedrals. The director of music made good use of these available strengths.
There were about the right number of opportunities for the congregation to rise to their feet and be pleased to sing their favourite carols. But readings were few, though well read.
Clearly there are all manner of carol services and concerts from the, village to the Albert Hall. To many of us the pattern of the broadcast from King’s College, Cambridge on Christmas Eve is the most pleasing.
J D. McNeil B.Sci (Eng) M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I., (1926-35)
Mac died on 30th August, 1988 in Buckland Hospital as a result of heart attack and congestion of the lungs. He was the Association’s President in the year 1985-6 during which time, and subsequently, he and his wife journeyed through many parts of Britain and on a world tour, calling on Old Pharosians wherever contact could be made, He brought back a wealth of information and he pioneered the accumulation of dates during, which members had been at school. The Association’s membership list of over 600 members is now remarkably complete as a result of Mac’s researches.
He was an electrical engineer specialising in the operation of airports. He had served in Bahrein and returned to London Airport before retiring to Walmer. He published an authoritative work on Airport Services. Mrs McNeil accompanied him on his travels and on his many visits to the school. We share with her and her family a very strong sense of loss.
F J Ott died on 17th August at Tollerton. Notts. aged 81 years. He was in the school soccer XI in his last year at school. His working life had largely been with Rolls Royce in Derby.
Ronald Pelham (1925-30) died in April after being house-bound for a year in his Swansea home.
His widow wrote to say the he always enjoyed reading the Newsletter and coming to the Annual Dinner when he was able.
Francis Sedewick-Jell (1934-42) died on the 8th July. He went with the school to Ebbw Vale and eventually married a lady from that town. He spent all his working life in the Foreign Office and was posted to many parts of the world. He was never very strong and last autumn underwent surgery from which his recovery was not as good as had been hoped. He lived in Cheltenham and was buried there.
Chris Penn (1974-81) now 25 years old. has established himself this season in the Kent XI. been awarded his county cap and at the end of the season as Kent Player of the Year received £2,000 in unit trusts from Kent’ s main sponsors.
His bowling statistics for the season were: Overs 646, Maidens 143. Runs 1989, Wickets 81. Average 24.55, best bowling 7 for 70. This average places him above Radford. Childs, Pringle, Embury, Lawrence and Marks, all of whom have played for England this season.
He has played in 20 matches, batted 31 times and 12 times been not out. Runs scored are 436, with an average of 22.94.
Kent were leaders in the County Championship for most of the season by virtue of team spirit and effort. Chris Penn was worked very hard and Chris Cowdrey spoke in appreciation of his contribution to team spirit.
His father taught him to play: and the school provided him with opportunities from the Dover Schools XI at the age of 14 onward to Kent Schools and the County Club.
Derek Aslett (1969-76) was also taught by his father and given experience through school cricket to Dover Schools, Kent Schools, South of England and English Schools teams before moving from the Dover Club into the Kent XI.
Derek has now gone to Western Australia with his family. He has had a good season with the Dover club and finished in great style, scoring 125 with four sixes and eighteen fours. He then took 6 wickets for 34 with wrist spin which was bound to be effective if he gained confidence.
Will this school ever again produce county cricketers? There is enthusiasm for the game among junior boys. But this year’s match between School and Old Pharosians was not played because neither side could raise a team.
The editor has suggested to Jack Kremer who is a member of the Dover club and raises an Old Pharosian XI. that in 1989 we have a game, probably on a Friday evening, at Crabble on a good wicket with food and hospitality afterwards in the pavilion. This proposal has not yet been approved in committee.
Denis Weaver (1939-50) is having a very busy year as District Governor, 1988-89, of the Rotary International District covering Kent and East Sussex, an area with some seventy clubs most of which Denis has already visited.
Rotary’s objectives are mainly philanthropic social and international, each club having an overseas contact club. Denis has twice visited India to see and report on Rotary’s financing of work to cure blindness.
At the District Conference in Eastbourne near the end of October, with Rotary Service as its theme, the instrumentalists and choristers of the Dover Grammar Schools performed to an audience of 1400 and joined in the finale with Elizabeth Weaver and Stuart Burrows.
Old Pharosiaris A.W.W. Blackman. Mike Bodlam, Ted Mummery. Alfred Gunn and Terry Sutton are all members of the Dover Rotary Club, as are school governors Don Soppitt and the Rev. Allan Simper.
Alan Avery (1944-51) was in Dover in August. He went to a Primary School in Cwmbran during the war years and transferred to Dover County School in Ebbw Vale. Be returned to Dover with the school, and retains photographs of the school cross-country teams.
He excelled in the workshops and Mr Large recommended him to go to Loughborough: and Mr Coveney advised Shoreditch. He applied for both and was accepted by the latter. He became a primary school teacher specialising in craftwork and proceeded on National Service to Germany. He has been an army schoolmaster in primary schools both in Germany and the U.K., He is now head of a primary army school in Germany.
John Baile (1965-12) gained a degree in French and English at Liverpool. He qualified as an accountant in 1979 and then combined his qualifications by travelling the world with an American multinational for four years. This involved extensive travel in Europe, U.S.A. Latin America, Africa and Australia. In his spare time he has taken holidays in Russia, China and Albania. Since 1984 he has been Divisional Financial Controller for an English Group based on Wilmslow but now he is to be a European Financial Controller in Manchester.
Graham Bodell (1965-72) visited Dover with his family at Christmas, returning from their home in Hong Kong where he is a traffic engineer. At school he was an interested and enterprising geologist and geographer, in which latter subject he graduated before gaining an M.Sc. in Transport Planning at Birmingham University. he is keeping an eye open for suitable employment in this country.
Gordon Bonyer (1937-40) has retired from his position as Chief Administrator to the Dover District Council. he had previously served with the Folkestone and bridge-Blean Councils. he was for many years an active member of the Salvation Army.
Paul Becque is now based in the U.S.A., and is entertainment manager on a cruise liner sailing in the Caribbean. He was a noted actor at school, remembered as the Artful Dodger in Oliver. He went for a period to the National Youth Theatre.
Malcolm Campbell (1959-66) studied geography at university and was for a time a teacher but transferred to the business world and is now a director of a freight consortium in Leeds.
Roger Cork (1951-63) has been appointed director of port health services at Swansea, moving there from a similar appointment at Newhaven.
Lord Cockfield (1924-33) has ended his four year tour of duty at the Council of Finance Ministers in Brussels where he has been the British Commissioner. He has campaigned for the 1992 European single market with removal of many border controls. This should have economic advantages though Mrs Thatcher and others are concerned about opportunities for terrorists and drug traffickers. Lord Cockfield, as is the way of the world, may not get all for which he has planned but he has certainly made his mark in Brussels and shown the way ahead for economic growth in Western Europe.
R H Cuff (1950-55) The editor got his Cuffs somewhat frayed in the last issue. The Cuff he described as an employee of Avos is brother to the well-known rower who is an Environmental Officer for Dover District Council.
Robert Dale (1971-79) who read English at Keble College works for the “Blochemical Society” as its Conference Organiser and assistant editor of their professional magazine. The conferences are held in various European countries so, the work involves much travel.
Goffrey Dale (1975-82) read geography at Manchester and is now employed in the Marketing Section of London Transport. There has been a considerable shake-up since the King’s Cross disaster. ‘ ‘
Richard Davey (1976-82) now 23 years old swam the Channel on 8th September from France to St. Margarets Bay in 8 hours and 5 minutes, reducing the record by 10 minutes. He was helped on his swim by Alec Nice, who has done a lot of swimming and water polo at Aberystwyth University College. In the week before his Channel swim, Richard had set up a new British record for swimming the length of Lake Windermere. Richard is a chemical engineer with a Manchester firm
Clive Deverson (1975-83) went to London University and obtained a degree in micro-biology. On leaving university he had a fleeting engagement in’ accountancy but when offered the chance to do research in micro-biology at the University of Kent at Canterbury he took the opportunity to return to the subject he had originally chosen. Unfortunately we do not have his present address. Can anyone tell the editor?
Malcolm Durrant (1962-70) was captain of soccer at school in 1969 and went to Oxford to graduate in history. He went to Bermuda and is now Counsellor to students at a grammar school, advising students mainly on university entrance.
Trevor Evans (1980-87) has completed his Foundation Course at Canterbury College of Art and took up a place at Loughborough College of Art in September to begin his B.A. Course in painting. A large mural panel of St. Mary’s Church, Dover which he painted three years ago has been so much appreciated that it has been retained on display in the Parish Centre.
Peter Fish (1957- ) is a senior research fellow at University College, Bangor where he is leading a three-year research project to help stroke victims. The team is developing a sensitive instrument to detect blockages in the main arteries leading to the brain and so give warning to potential victims. He has a £90,000 grant from a private foundation for his research in the college’s school of electronic engineering science.
Peter Fry (1959- ) owner of Simmonds the jewellers in Biggin Street, Dover and High Street, Deal has qualified as a registered valuer with the national Association of Goldsmiths
Howard Golding (1976-81) trained for the catering trade and is now an assistant headbuyer for the Gateway group of supermarkets. He has a daughter and a new baby son born in July.
Martin Golding (1974-81) is products Manager for V.G. Instruments, Canada, based in Ontario.
Peter Hearn (1945-51) proceeded from school to Hull University and the Carnegie College of physical Education. He was commissioned into the R.A.F. as Physical Education Officer and parachute Jumping Instructor. For a time he was on the Defence Intelligence Staff. He is best known for pioneering free fall fall parachuting and his leadership of the R.A.F. display team which has performed in many parts of the world. He holds, the Air Force Cross arid the Queen’s commendation for valuable service in the air. He has published a book with the title “Parachutist” describing his experiences.
Peter Hemmings (1959-66) is now a deputy head at Safety Beach, Victoria, Australia. He was at school well remembered for sailing and swimming and we hear that these activities continue.
The Rev. Dr. Michael Hinton (1960-68) priest at Shepherdswell, swopped parishes with an Episcopalian priest from Dover. New Hampshire, U.S.A. He took several members of his family on a month’s stay in New England.
Philip Keates gained a II.2 degree at Reading and plans to go on to an M. A. there.
Cmdr M. J. Linsley (1962-69) has just been promoted to this new rank and his address is now 237 Hindmarsh Drive, Rivett, ACT 2611, Australia. He is Deputy Director of Naval Training in Navy Office and has just retained his navy sailing championship which he has held three times in the past four years. He has also had a second child, a son.
Paul Meehan (1966-73) studied at London’s Royal Holloway College and gained a degree in Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Then he joined the Data Processing department, then part of the Post Office before being put into, British Telecom.
Bill Marshall (1979-82) wrote in June to let us know that he has married a lady who was a fellow student of music at Selwyn College, Cambridge. Roland Robertson played the organ at the wedding. Bill is employed as Senior Copywriter for a London publishing firm, designing and writing leaflets and advertisements. When in Adrian Boynton’s music department he was chief designer, copier and producer of posters so these acquired skills have served him well. He went in October to Rome as organist for the Malcolm Sargeant choir who sang in St. Peter’s in a service for the beatification of a saint. They also sang in Florence cathedral.
Martin Michael (1972-79) has stopped playing rugby for Blackheath and has joined Maidstone, thereby saving much travel time to training and home games, During October he played for Kent against the Eastern Counties XV. More recently he has been appointed captain of the Maidstone R.F.C.
Jeremy Mitchinson (1978-85) has obtained a degree in engineering and is moving on to a course in management.
Alex Nice (1978-85) has made a great success of his time at Aberystwyth. He got a 1st class award in Latin and Greek: collected £560 in Rag Week: played first Clarinet with the Cwmbrian Wind Orchestra: was chairman of the college swimming and water polo club: and intends to study for a higher degree in the field of Roman History.
Paul O’Flaherty (1980-86) has been awarded the Air Electronics Operators, brevet at R.A.F. Finningley, South Yorkshire. He will now go on to fly in Nimrod aircraft.
R Robertson (1975-80) came to the school at the age of fourteen after being a chorister in Winchester Cathedral. He, in the natural course of events, excelled in music and proceeded to King’s, Cambridge. He had also been captain of school cricket. Thus culturally equipped he has now taken a teaching appointment at Bradfield College where he is enjoying life and we are sure he will be, very successful.
John Robinson (1948-53) has retired from the Kent Police as Deputy Divisional Commander at Ashford. For two years (1982-4) he was superintendent in charge of 300 Chinese police in Hong Kong: and his last six months in the service were spent on an investigation in Jersey, He lives in Herne Bay and in April will lead a five-week Group Study Exchange team of five young business and professional men organised by Rotary to Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
David Ross (1954- ) and his partner have won the electrical industry’s Business Person of the Year award. They are managing directors of the Crosslee tumble-dryer manufacturers in Halifax, Yorkshire, They are the largest tumble-dryer manufacturers in Europe and their first year sales have exceeded £13 millions.
Mark Sellars (1974- ) now aged 25, joined the American Marine Corps when he was 18 and has now signed on for another four years, He has been to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and Africa, He has spent the last three years in San Diego. California.
Richard Speer (1941-46) who lives in Wingham, Ontario, Canada has been helping private enterprise in the Dominican Republic on a voluntary basis. He retired as Vice-president of Cheseborough Ponds Incorporated. National Division. In retirement he volunteered to give his services to a non-profit making organisation of American business men and women helping private enterprises in developing countries. His wife accompanied him to Dominica but both are now back home in Canada.
J. R. Silby (1934-44) called at school in December. He obtained a degree in biology and now lives at 22, Goathurst, Bridgwater, TA5 2DF.
Andrew Soppitt (1975-82) has’ qualified as a doctor and was turned loose on the wards with a little green book to identify symptoms.
Richard Soppitt (1977-84) is a year behind his elder brother in the Birmingham medical schools.
Mark Soppitt (1979-86) is studying law at Oxford Polytechnic and enjoys being in that city of education and learning.
Dr. David Thomas (1970-77), lecturer in geography at Sheffield University, has returned from a sabbatical term as lecturer in S.E. Italy and in Israel. He has a book coming out in February on the world’s deserts, of which he has much field experience.
Neale Thomas (1975-80) and Clive Thomas (1976-83) have both obtained M.Sc. degrees. Neale has his degree in business systems analysis and he is now a consultant with BIS Applied Systems. Clive has been studying in the United States and his degree is in operations research from the Florida Institute of Technology.
Neil Upton (1970-77) wrote in August. Some three years ago when his life seemed somewhat indeterminate he decided to read law at North East London Polytechnic. He is the first to admit that his ‘A’ levels at school were moderate and less than required for further education. But fired by a new objective he has got a 1st class degree in Law with very high marks that gained him a prize for legal scholarship. He was offered a research masters degree at Cambridge but has decided to go to the College of Law at Lancaster Gate: and to become an articled clerk with a leading law firm. He rightly describes life as exciting and happy, driving a golf ball 300 yards generally in the right direction.
Mike Webb (1957- ) is an export consultant suggesting a French university link with the proposed Dover export centre. He has years of experience in exporting and is now concentrating on business with Paris, Brussels and Germany.
Bob Winter retired in December after teaching for 42 years in Dover schools, for the past nineteen as Head of Astor Primary School. During the war he served in India as a captain in the 9th Ghurka Rifles. He has long been a member of the Dover Operatic and Dramatic Society and of the Cosmopolitan Cricket Club. He is at present Chairman of both these associations. He has been on the committee of the Old Pharosians for most of the post-war years and is a member of the Pharos Lodge. He will have an active, and we hope long and happy retirement.
David Wyborn (1978-85) has been awarded a 1st class honours degree in environmental science at the University of East Anglia. He would like to continue his studies at Reading and eventually become a town planner.
LONDON REUNION at the Dover Castle. TUESDAY 23rd MAY.
Write to Denis Gibb, 76 Cheshire Gardens, Chessington. KT92PS.
Evening match, School v Old Boys, on the first FRIDAY in JULY write to Jack Kremer, 37 Old Park Hill, Dover. if you would like to play.