OPA Newsletter January 1985
New Series No. 47
January 1985
Dr. K. A. K. Lott
Philip Harding, Esq., 8 Monins Road, Dover
Ian Pascall, Esq., 36 Willow Waye, Eythorne, Dover
K. H. Ruffell, Esq., 193 The Gateway, Dover CT16 1LL
But Englishmen
Will serve day after day, obey the law,
And do dull tasks that keep a nation strong.
from The White Cliffs of Dover
Fellow Old Pharosians,
A President could not have wished for a better start to his term of office than the record-breaking attendance at the Annual Dinner. My only regret was that I found it impossible to make the acquaintance of every Old Pharosian at that event for that would have been a pleasurable experience. Although our Association is a flourishing one, it is worthy of expansion and there are moves afoot to increase our membership. I hope, when your committee have finished their deliberations, that you will be able to lend your support to this venture.
Already, having attended Guest Evening, I have witnessed the achievement of members of the School, not only in academic disciplines but also in the musical field. With boys such as these coming through the School and enthusiastic members of Staff to encourage them there is every reason to believe that the name of Dover Grammar School for Boys will be one to be reckoned with for many years to come.
I now have a favour to ask of you, for I intend to make up a Roll of the Staff of the School and would like to include in it nicknames and anecdotes (where suitable) relating to those who did so much for us.
I should be very grateful to receive any items of this nature that you feel could be included in my compilation. My address is at the end of this Newsletter.
My best wishes to you all for 1985.
K. A. K. Lott.
came to the school after National Service in meteorology. He took charge of the 1st XV for many years, rebuilding the sport after the war. He has taught maths and in the later part of his time at school has put heart and soul into the endless task of advising boys on careers. In this work, in his teaching and in his other contributions to school life Bernard has been friendly and well liked by everyone.
We wish him every good health and happiness in his retirement. After more than thirty years of service to the school Bernard becomes a life member of the Old Pharosians’ Association and was given a tie as a token of gratitude for services rendered.
at school on Saturday, 22nd September, 1984, at 11.00 a.m.
The retiring President, Tom Beer, noted that this meeting was attended not only by the usual Dover members but also by others who had travelled to be present, including one from Canada.
Treasurer presented his report which is set out below. Everything the Treasurer does bears the stamp of the professional. The Jubilee Trust Fund is very largely committed to repayment of cost of overhaul of the school organ. There was discussion of the possibility of Charitable Status for the Association so that covenanting could be made possible. Another idea was that a “Hundred Club” could be run.
Philip Harding, in his Secretary’s Report, spoke of Tom Beer’s very active year.
The Ernie Large Memorial Fund stood at about £400 which would be used, from capital and interest, to make an annual award for sailing over the next fifteen or twenty years.
The Andy Kremer Memorial Fund had financed a trophy for annual soccer matches between school and old boys. The first presentation would be made by Mrs. Kremer that afternoon.
Collection of photographs of teams of past years from the earliest days of the school has been helped by response from several quarters: and has been advanced by the generosity of Bill Collard who, to mark his Presidency, has arranged to have photos copied, reduced in size and mounted in albums to be made available for Old Boys visiting the school. To supplement this facility for Old Pharosian visitors there is now Tom Beer’s gift of a Visitors Book; and in his after dinner speech Headmaster spoke of his hope that an Old Boys’ Room would one day be provided in which archives, photos and other material of interest could be seen by visitors.
Tom Beer thanked those who had supported him and said that he had enjoyed his year of office. Dr. K. Lott assumed office as President and Mr. J. D. McNeil was elected Vice-President, to become President in September, 1985.
Other officers ware re-elected. Rev. William Kemp, who has in turn been President, Treasurer, Auditor and committee member, now wished to retire. Alfred Gunn took his place on committee and A. G. Stone volunteered to act as auditor.
Mr. Bernard Denham will be retiring from teaching in December so he withdrew from membership of committee after very many years. Mr. Roger Gabriel and Mr. Maurice Smith continued as committee members and the addition of Mr. Brian Quinn was specially welcomed.
There was discussion of the need to examine strengthening finances by various means to meet the rising cost of printing and posting Newsletters. Several ideas were referred to committee for consideration.
Damage to War Memorial Pavilion on Lower Field Headmaster told the meeting that on Friday, 14th September the pavilion was gutted by arson. Small children were seen running away.
The pavilion was originally financed, built and opened in 1954 as a memorial to those who died in the second world war. The opening was performed by Major Eddie Crush, M.C., a Kent cricketer and President of the Old Pharosians’ Association.
At that time there was no thought of the possibility of vandalism. Flowers were planted in front of the pavilion.
Gradually over the years destruction of the building has been cumulative, in spite of efforts by the school craft department to stem the tide.
At the time of the fire, mercifully, most cricket equipment had gone to the school buildings and sailing boats had not yet gone down there for winter storage. But estimates of contents destroyed run to some £800. The County authorities hold a contingency fund to meet cost of vandalism. Brickwork and foundations are thought to be sound. Negotiations will proceed for repairs and re-roofing.
Later news
The Cricket Pavilion, destroyed by vandals is to be rebuilt by Kent out of insurance money. We shall pay to put in electricity, in part to power alarm devices. One or two old boys have asked if they can contribute. The pavilion may possibly be ready for the coming summer.
Next year’s A.G.M. will be on the morning of Old Boys’ Day, 21st September, 1985.
Old Pharosians’ Association
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st July, 1984
Expenditure |
Income |
Newsletters | 394.38 | Subscriptions | 564.75 | |||
Expenses-Secretary | 12.68 | Donations | 25.25 | |||
Expenses-Treasurer |
Dinner-Ticket Sales | 531.50 | |||
17.21 | Costs |
Donations | 40.84 | |||||
A. Kremer Memorial Fund | 10.00 | War Loan Interest | 3.50 | |||
Sponsored Walk |
Bank Interest | 66.85 | |||
35.00 | Building Society Interest and Commission | 81.00 | ||||
Surplus of Income over Expenditure | 338.60 | Skittles Surplus | 3.00 | |||
Balance Sheet 81 at 31st July, 1984 |
Lloyds Bank Current Account | 507.56 | Creditors | 270.99 | |||
Woolwich Equitable Building Society | 2481.00 | Jubilee Trust Fund re. Organ | 930.00 | |||
Revenue Reserve- | ||||||
At 1st August, 1983 | 1448.97 | |||||
Surplus for Year |
1787.57 | ||||||
Note: The Association holds 3½% War Loan with a nominal value of £100.
I. D. Pascell, A.C.A., Hon. Treasurer
SOCCER-SCHOOL v. OLD BOYS: 22nd September, 1984
The Old Boys’ team met a particularly strong School side and, after failing to make the most of a promising start, found themselves 2-0 down at half-time. The Old Boys made a determined effort at the start of the second half and reduced the arrears but, as always, the School team’s superior fitness told in the last half hour and they ran out worthy winners 4-2.
After the match there was the inaugural presentation of a trophy in memory of Andy Kremer, a former School soccer captain and Old Pharosian. This trophy was given by a number of Andy’s contemporaries who had decided that it should be awarded annually to the winning side of the School v. Old Boys soccer match and kept permanently at the School. The presentation to the School captain was made by Andy’s parents, Jack, himself an Old Pharosian, and Jo Kremer.
Old Boys’ TeamPeter Norris, Dave Little, Chris King, Alan Freeman, Neil Beverton, Lee Brankley, John Morgan, Julian Wilson, Mike Couzens, Dean Lucas, Richard Pepper, John Allingham (snr.).
Scorers for Old BoysRichard Pepper, Dave Little (penalty).
CRICKET MATCH-SCHOOL v. OLD BOYS. Saturday, 7th July, 1984
The day was among the hottest of the year with a scorched field looking more brown than green. The Dover Cricket Club was without fixtures so a stronger than usual Old Boys’ team batted first, as is customary, and made a lot of runs for the loss of few wickets. John Booth declared at the tea interval which tends to be long and conversational.
When the school batted they lost early wickets but their middle order batsmen took toll of limited bowling resources. Ray Durrant snapped up five catches at first slip and the last school batsman came to the wicket with a dozen runs wanted. Two sixes and a four from a healthy young fast bowler brought a cheerful end to a pleasant day in the sunshine. The shadow of the high bank lengthened over the field and cheerful sounds from both dressing-rooms showed that the result gave pleasure to all present.
This was a most enjoyable occasion with more than a hundred and sixty people present. The President’s idea that the occasion was 40 years on after the return from Welsh exile was effective and the evening began with a photograph of those present who had been exiles in the Principality.
Dr. K. Lott spoke with admirable clarity and commendable brevity on his intention to serve the Association whose purpose is to serve the school. He recognised that the school gave opportunities for the young to achieve and thereby gain confidence to deal with whatever of life’s problems should come their way.
Headmaster replied with his well-known after-dinner eloquence. He gave special thanks to Tom Beer for his relationship with the school during his year as President.
Headmaster spoke of his debt to successive chairmen of governors; the saintly David Bradley; the vigorous producer of solutions for problems in the person of Philip Haffenden; and the present close involvement of Denis Weaver, Old Pharosian.
Indebtedness to previous Headmasters was recognised; to the founder, Mr. Fred Whitehouse; to Mr. J. C. Booth who carried the school through the period in Wales and then rebuilt the school in Dover; and to Dr. Hinton, powerful administrator.
As is expected of a Headmaster on these occasions, there was some review of the school’s state of health, with special reference to the admired performance of Verdi’s Requiem: and generous tributes were made to Arthur Elliott, recently retired and to Bernard Denham, soon to leave the school.
Historical recollections of the earliest days of the school are to be gathered from some of the oldest Old Boys.
A letter of congratulation is to go to the four boys who walked from John O’Groats to Land’s End and raised £3000 for a school for handicapped children.
Assembly of photos of sports teams from past years is proceeding. Photos of past teams can be copied and purchased on request to the Editor.
THE MAY BALL is on 25th May. Both the Dinner and the Dancing will be in the Great Hall to eliminate the Great Trek down to the dining hall. You can write to the Editor now to reserve tickets.
FINAL ASSEMBLY, 19th July, 1984
Heard from a middle-school boy:
“Sit here at the back so that we can get out early”;
and from a master:
“There has been a lot of silly behaviour in the lunch hour”, followed by a promise of extra tuition without charge after dismissal if folly should continue.
Small boys read reports of Junior cricket teams. Alas, industrial action by teachers had severely cut the number of matches played. Priory were winners of House cricket.
Athletics standard tests were poorly attended by senior boys. Park were athletic champions. Frith were winners of swimming championships. The House Championship at the end of a year’s sporting contests was won by Priory House.
After dismissal at 3.00 p.m. there was a most pleasant gathering of staff in the staff room, formerly the library. Farewells were said to a French assistant from Tunisia and to Simon Bamford, a computer teacher and cadet officer who goes to an R.A.F. school in Germany. Paul Taylor, chorister of Canterbury Cathedral, has done tremendously well in his quiet, good-humoured work for school music and is to be he head of Music at a Norwich school. Finally, gifts and speeches marked the retirement of Arthur Elliott who has done so much for P.E. and Games and has been a model Head of Junior School. He becomes a Life Member of the Old Pharosians’ Association.
A SUMMER MISCELLANY, 18th July, 1984
This most pleasant evening attracted more people than had been expected. More chairs could be found but when the wine ran out no one present could work a miracle.
The first half of the evening was as varied and excellent as tradition leads one to expect. The Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens presented the greatest challenge and achievement.
After the interval a taped version of Under Milk Wood, said to be abridged, was well prepared but proved indigestibly long and was not a good choice for the occasion. A little light music at the end enlivened people for the journey home.
GUEST EVENING. 23rd November, 1984
Headmaster spoke of his pride in the part played by the school in the locality and in faraway places. But pride must be matched by humility.
The Guest Speaker was Miss Lillian Kay, formerly Head of Dover Grammar School for Girls. Some quotations from her speech are worth preservation.
“What a pleasure it is to see young men looking so neat and smart.”
“You must know yourself, your possibilities and impossibilities.”
“Chips on shoulders and envy of others are cancers on the soul.”
“Listening to rubbishy music is such a waste of time.”
Miss Kay read a long list of Old Boys who have distinguished themselves in public life.
The evening was as enjoyable as ever. It was clear that those taking pan in the music shared in the joy of performance.
Adamson, N. D., Manchester, Economics;
Brown, A. T., Oxford, Philosophy, Politics, Economics;
Clover, I. C., London, Biochemistry;
Coleman, P. S., Oxford, Mathematics;
Couzens, M. K., Warwick, French Studies;
Daly, G. A. N., Lancaster, French/German;
Evans, M. H., London, Chemicel Engineering;
Farrell, N. P., Oxford, Modern History;
Greenland, M., Warwick, Mathematics;
Greenway-Stanley, M., London, Physics;
Hammonds, H., Warwick, Mathematics;
Harrop, S. P., Hull, Philosophy and Physics;
Howitt, J., Bath, Aeronautical Engineering;
Johns, T. P. G., Leicester, Law;
Law, A., Leicester, Law; .
Lawrence, D. K., Warwick, Education/Mathematics;
Manners, J. M., Birmingham, Law and Politics;
Matthew., S. P., Bangor, Applied Biology;
McBride, P. M. C., Edinburgh, Medicine;
Newell, M. J., Durham, Geology/Geophysics;
Pennington, J. B., Leeds. History;
Richards, C. J., Brunel, Computer Science;
Sheather, J. D., Bristol, Mathematics with Statistics;
Skinner, C. A., Leeds, Biochemistry/Microbiology;
Soppitt, A. W., Birmingham, Medicine;
Stephens, B. A., Bristol, Mathematics;
Stucken, A. P. J., East Anglia, European History;
Tatam, M. A., Bradford, Peace Studies;
Taylor, J. M. E., Warwick, French Studies;
Thompson, S. D., Manchester, French/German;
Waldren, A. J., Leicester, Physics;
Wright, D. H., Hull, Chemistry.
Land’s End. The 874 mile walk from John O’Groats has been completed by sixth form boys Simon Gough, Colin Skinner, Jonathan Griggs and Marcus MacWilliam. Their journey took 54 days and raised about £3000 for a school for disabled children.
To raise funds for Ethiopia the school had a poverty lunch of soup and rolls.The rest of the boys’ dinner money went to Ethiopian relief.
The Prefects saved £33 to buy curtains for the Prefects’ Room and then decided to give the money to charity.
The Dover Express allocated a page in each weekly issue during the summer for a school in the area to express its own image. The issue dated 31st August was written by boys of Dover Grammar School who, in their own style, put together a lively picture of an active school without being boastful or assertive.
At the Final Assembly at Christmastime we learned that over £1000 had been raised by the school for Ethiopian relief: and that 1st XI soccer had won the Kent Schools Competition by playing ten school matches, winning nine and having only four goals scored against them. This result will give special pleasure to all who know how much Mr. Steve Bailey puts into his care of 1st XI soccer.
Records or cassettes of The Music of Dover Grammar School for Boys are still available. Please write to the Editor enclosing £5 by cheque made out for “Friends of Music at DBGS”. There are also cassettes of the Verdi Requiem obtainable from the Editor at £4 each.
Sales of The Music of Dover Grammar School for Boys have made a profit for the Friends. Recently a cassette was sent to an Old Pharosian with one of the last few available copies of the book Fifty Years On.
Rochester Cathedral
The choir sang Evensong on Saturday, 21st July. The service was to the music of Stanford in A with the anthem Greater love hath no man than this by Ireland. The congregation, mainly parents and Old Pharosians, found the service, the singing and the setting of a historic cathedral all deeply moving.
Prayers were offered for Dover Grammar School for Boys and all places of education and learning.
In October, during a festival week at St. Mary’s Parish Church, the choir and instrumentalists gave an evening concert. Their reputation drew a large number of people who showed their appreciation of the performances.
Some of the choral work was “from the repertoire” and none the lass admired for that reason.
Instrumentalists showed their virtuosity on a wide variety of instruments, some of them bought with funds raised by the Friends of Music. Organ solos demonstrated the value of the school organ, now overhauled and maintained in large part by Old Pharosian donations.
The press gave results of Cambridge examinations in music. At King’s College Mervyn Cooks was awarded a 1st class degree: and Roland Robinson a 2nd class award; and William Marshall also a 2nd class awarded at the end of his first year at Selwyn College.
The young organists, Scott Farrell (13) and Martin Ruck (16) gave recitals on the Town Hall organ in July. Two Old Pharosians, William Marshall and Stephen Yarrow, also gave recitals on other days, as did Adrian Boynton and Reg Adams, the Borough organist, who now assists with teaching in the school.
This school has made many organists over the years and few can doubt the value of the organ, an instrument rare in state schools.
The Christmas Season
Tuesday, 11th December”Come Christmas Carolling” at the invitation of the Dover Christian Council, the music and readings being very largely arranged by Adrian Boynton. The school choir looked well and sang well: the soloists were splendid and a large company of Dovorians filled the Town Hall, sang the familiar carols and raised several hundreds of pounds for Ethiopian Relief funds.
Monday, 17thThe Junior School had its own carol service with soaring descants to some verses of carols, participation by many young gentlemen, most notably by shepherds in a play enlivened by the appearance of an angel dressed like a Maori chieftain robed in swan’s feathers. This brought the house down and guaranteed a merry moment of Christmas.
Tuesday, 18thHow can this service of much pleasure to so many get better every year? This year there was a right balance between music and the spoken word. Two Old Boys read lessons, one a young man just out of school and the other a senior citizen well known in town and the school community.
Friends of the school filled the church, such is the reputation of school music, whose director controls with such feeling and precision.
The Friends of Music at D.B.G.S.
continue to raise money from donations, concerts, a summer fete and in other ways. It is not easy to make money as fast as the Director of Music spends it on instruments and other musical purposes. The committee will remain in good heart and active cooperation.
There are plans for the school choir to sing in Norwich Cathedral in the spring and in Coventry Cathedral in the summer.
We regret to report the death of D. C. T. W. Sharp. He was a Life Member of the Association and lived in Newbury until his death in December, 1983.
We also regret to say that Robert Albert Newing (1924-29) died on 24th July, 1984 at his home in Chalfont St. Peter’s, Bucks, aged 74 years. His distinctions included Ph.D, and F.R.A.S.; and he was formerly Reader in Applied Mathematics at the University of North Wales.
George E. Harrow (1921-23) died on 13th December, 1984, aged 78. He was for many years in the 1920-30 period the Honorary Secretary of the Old Pharosian Association.
Innings | N.O. | Highest score | Runs | Average | |
Derek Aslett (1969-76) | 45 | 3 | 221 not out | 1491 | 35.5 |
Chris Penn (1974-81) | 15 | 2 | 115 | 317 | 24.4 |
Derek scored four centuries and one double century. Against Sri Lanka he scored 221 not out.
Chris Penn scored one century, the only century he has ever scored in any class of cricket. Both did some bowling but neither would wish the statistics to be produced in evidence. For the Kent Under 26 XI Penn headed the bowling analysis.
Richard Pepper has played university cricket and in matches for Kent 2nd XI.
Derek Aslett was married in Western Australia in November. We send our very best wishes and look forward to meeting Mrs. Aslett at some Old Pharosian occasions.
E. H. Baker (1922-30), who at various times after leaving school has been School Secretary, chief (and generally sole) supporter of the pre-war Old Pharosians football team, President of the Association, committee member and Editor of the Newsletter for most of the post-war years, is planning to leave Maidstone and live in Moretonhampstead, Devon where he has family connections. He expects to move in the spring after which we are certain to hear from him on account of his affection interest and devotion to the school on the hill.
Lester Borley (1942-49) sent his apologies for inability to be present on 22nd September. In his capacity as Director of the National Trust for Scotland he was in U.S.A. speaking at a conference on World Heritage Sites.
John D. Borley (1927-35) was at the A.G.M. and Dinner after an interval of some years. He is now a life Member.
Robert Cain (1942-48) who works in the City has been honoured by recognition as a Freeman of the City of London.
Roy Carter (1942-47) came to prominence in the media when the Deputy High Commissioner in Bombay was assassinated in November. Roy was first secretary and had to take charge of the Commission when the assassination occurred. On leaving school Roy worked in the Divisional Education Office and then in the Royal Exchange, London. He joined the Nigerian Police and then returned home to employment in Marconi-Osram for a time before joining the Diplomatic Service.
Lord Cockfleld (1924-30) has been Minister of State at the Treasury and later a member of the Cab met as Trade Secretary. He is now a European Commissioner.
John Cooper is treasurer of the League of Friends of the Dover Hospitals and Brian Lawrence (1948-53) is active in the Dover Ex-Tablers Club. Both are senior members of Reeves and Neylan, Accountants in East Kent.
Frank Dymond (1930-35) asks if anyone has photos of the school taken about the year 1931. In that year he was in form B1 in Ladywell. He can recall a panoramic photo of the Senior School and Junior School together being taken at Frith Road. If anyone can loan a copy of this photo I am sure the school archivist would be glad to have a copy made and would ensure its safe return, Editor is fairly sure a framed copy of this photo hung in the Staff Room in pre-war years.
Ronald Galvin, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. (1937-42) is senior lecturer in the South Kent College of Technology where he teaches Maths and Electronics. He has published several books on these subjects.
N. Godfrey (1956-63) teaches geography in Edinburgh and recently enjoyed a trip to India and Kashmir.
A. G. Gooding (1905-09) was born on the 22nd September, 1890 so the Association A.G.M. and Dinner coincided with his 94th birthday. He recalls that he shared in the genesis of the school magazine under the editorship of Mr. Copeland, in the earliest days of the school’s history. Undisputedly our oldest Old Pharosian, he has recently been below par but writes to say that you can’t keep a good man or a good ing down. He has at last consented to move into a home for the elderly where live four men and fifteen ladies.
Donald Harvey has been appointed an executive director on the board of Dover Engineering Works.
Sir Robin Haydon (1929-37) has been a governor of the English Speaking Union since 1981 and rect1ntly became a member of the Tobacco Advisory Council. He is on the Board of the Imperial Group PLC and has been appointed by the Minister for the Arts to the Reviewing Committee on the export of works of art. He and Lady Haydon came to Dover for the Dinner on 22nd September. He says life is “All go,” which makes for a very full and happy “retirement”.
Jack Lavery (1930-37) was teaching before he and his wife emigrated to Canada after the last war. They now have a large family and are very fond of life in Canada.
Mr. E. W. Lister (1949-69) called at school in October. His present address is 16 Balla Kneale Avenue, Port Erin, Isle of Man.
J. D. McNeil (1926-35) sent a photo of the Grand Canyon when on a world tour. When in San Francisco he had a phone conversation with Ian Watt. Mr. McNeil is at present the Association’s Vice-President. The care taken by world-wide Old Pharosians to refurbish the Editor’s fading geographical knowledge is much appreciated.
Rt. Rev. E. A. Mercer (1929-36) Bishop of Exeter is to retire. He has had a considerable amount of ill-health in recent years and we hope he will have a healthful and happy retirement.
Randolph Mercer (1935-38) has been elected to the Presidency of the Institute of British Foundrymen. Their three-day annual conference in Cambridge ended with a banquet at which he met Sir James and Lady Menter. He has retired at the age of 65 after 42 years on the staff of the Delta Group.
Tony Norman, Sqn. Ldr. R.A.F., has just retired from the service. He lives at Needingworth, St. Ives, Cambridge.
Adley Walter Palmer, (1910-14) visited England this year after an interval of sixty years. He was a pupil of Dover County School when a department was on Priory Hill. He left to join the Royal Marines and served in the Crimea. He returned home but in 1924 emigrated to Australia and during the second world war served with the Australian forces in the Middle East. He inherited from his father a love of band music, an interest he continues at the present time from his home at 271 Fifth St., Wonthella, Geraldton, W. Australia, 6530.
Michael Pursey (1944-49) came to the dinner with Ivor Weeks. Micheel is a Superintendent in the Maidstone Police.
Frank Seely, B.Sc., M.I.E.E. was known as Frank Szekely when at school. He is now managing director of a company in Berkhamstead and has renewed links with the school by becoming a Life Member of the Association.
David Simmonds (1942-50) renowned at school as an athlete and all-round games player, has left British Airways where there were “too many pilots” and is now flying for Saudi Airlines.
John Simmonds came to the dinner and recalled that on the clay the school returned to Astor Avenue he was duty corporal and raised the flag on the tower. John was architect for the cricket pavilion built in 1954 as a war memorial.
Peter Smithen works in Folkestone for the Institute of London Underwriters. Like many other Old Pharosians he now has a son in the school.
Bob Unstead published a book A History of the World last October, his 54th book and he says his swan-song. He has recovered from a severe operation in August and visited Frank Kendall.
Denis Weaver’s money raised for the treatment of blindness in India was reported in the last letter as £6,000. In fact the total, then £16,000, has since been raised to £23,000 and this sum has been sent where the need is greatest.
Brigadier W. M. E. White (1924-32) was reported in our last issue as having once scored two separate hundreds on the same day. The date was 23rd July, 1949 in a match between Aldershot Services and the M.C.C. After bowling unchanged through the M.C.C. first innings and taking 4 wickets for 45, on the second day of the match Michael scored 112 and 120 not out. Two years earlier he had played for Northamptonshire and he now shares our pleasure in the success of Aslett end Penn in the Kent side. He recalls that Eddie Crush and E. S. Cole previously played for Kent. Are there any other Old Pharosians who have played in county cricket?
Peter Wilberforce (1947-54) has had to retire early due to an eye injury and is planning to move to Argyll.
J. K. Thompson (1922-31) wrote expressing regret at inability to attend the Dinner as he would be on one of the minor islands in the Caribbean. He is a Commonwealth Secretariat consultant on disabilities.
Dr. Brian Willis called at school in July. He is a chemist living in New Jersey and working in Manhattan. But he is considering returning to work in the U.K. and was investigating the possibility of his sons getting their education in Dover Grammar School.
Philip Wright (1938-42) came to the A.G.M. attracted by the emphasis on years in Ebbw Vale. He lives in Brixham, Devon, is soon to retire and retains his enthusiasm for cricket. His son was christened Neil Harvey Wright.
Three Old Pharosians who were contemporaries at school in the late 1940s attended the official opening by the Queen of the Law Courts in Maidstone on 31st October: Ivor Weeks (1944-48) had a hand in organising the event as clerk to the Magistrates’ Courts Committee at County Hall; John Rooks (1946-49), personnel manager to the Invicta Cooperative Society and a magistrate at Dartford; and Denis Weaver (1939-50) who was there as chairman of the Kent Branch of the Magistrates’ Association and a member of the Dover Bench.
The Old Pharosians v. School rugby matches will be played on Crabble at 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 27th March. There will be 1st and 2nd XV matches and any Old Boy who would like to play in either should write to the Editor.
This year’s Graduation Examination Successes
Mervyn Cooke (1974-81) 1st class degree in Music at King’s College, Cambridge.
Stephen Groom (1974-81) 2 ii degree in Computing and Micro-processor systems at Essex.
Stephen Horne (1974-81) 2 ii degree in Archaeology at Newcastle.
Vince Leggett (1974-81) 1st class degree in Electronics at Southampton.
Tim Toole (1974-81) 2 i degree in Agriculture at Newcastle.
Jonathan Wright (1973-80) 2 i degree in Biology at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and doing research.
Byron Chatburn (1974-81) 2nd class in civil engineering at Loughborough.
Marcus Abbott has passed his Institute of Bankers examinations after four years of study.
Graham Bodell (1966-72) has gone to Hong Kong with his family to take charge of the traffic section of a planning consultancy. When he left school he went to a Polytechnic to take a degree in geology so he demonstrates the known truth that a degree can be the key to unexpected professional careers.
Philip Bradley (1974-79) has moved to Brighton on promotion. He now lives at 11 Wakefield Road and works in the Treasurer’s Department of Brighton Health Authority.
Paul Coleman (1971-75) is to receive £1000 a year while he studies mathematics at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. The money is to come from a Dover charity trust.
Clive Cottingham (1970-76) graduated in European Studies at the University of East Anglia and spent a year in Paris before joining an international firm of accountants. He has qualified as an accountant and with fluency in French and German is being posted to Paris. However, at time of writing, he was working for a couple of months in Papua, New Guinea and enjoying the experience. He can be contacted at 7 Old Park Road, Dover.
Stephen Dixon joined the Merchant Navy but left after an accident and is now working as a Security Guard in Eastbourne.
Peter Flood (1970-77) now works in Canada.
Paul Fox (1968-75) who was an accomplished games player at school has scored 1500 runs for Nonington in the past season, including five centuries. He also married a former Welsh international hockey player.
Jonathan Glanville (1973-80) obtained a B.Sc. Honours degree in Maths at Bristol: and M.Sc. at Lancaster in Operational Research. He has joined Barclay’s Bank in London as a business analyst.
Howard Golding trained in the catering business and has been learning his craft in the heady atmosphere of London’s Cafe Royal. In January he becomes one of the Head Waiters at the Park Lane Hotel. Any Old Pharosian tie should secure a good table.
Nicholas Headon (1967-73). It is reliably reported that he and the two Barnacle brothers all appeared on one TV performance of Top of the Pops.
Chris Herbert (1974-81), Ph.D. in chemistry at Southampton, is now doing research in genetics at Paris.
Graham Hood (1972-77) is a midshipman on a destroyer, HMS Bristol- He joined the Royal Navy six years ago and is to study at London University for a degree in systems management.
Richard Hopkinson has obtained a B.A. degree in Social Sciences. He has entered the National Westminster Bank as a graduate management trainee.
Leon Morgan (1976-81) must be one of the youngest to qualify as a Fellow of the Gemalogical Association. He is assistant manager of a shop in Deal.
Brian Rees (1973-80), a reporter with the Dover Express has now joined the staff of the North Western Evening Mail. Barrow in Furness.
David Sheasby (1969-76) has begun his ministry in a Methodist circuit in Leeds.
John Shepherd, an accomplished games player at school is at Christ Church College, Canterbury, training to be a teacher of P.E.
Jeremy Simison has tried law and accounting but eventually settled as an army officer. He holds the rank of Captain and will go to Staff College.
Andrew Soppitt (1975-82) is already at Birmingham reading medicine and will collect a B.Sc. after the earlier years of his course.
Richard Soppitt (1977-84) attended the A.G.M. He is off to Birmingham to study medicine.
Smither brothers, Nick (1969-76) and Tony (1972-77), won the Hallam Trophy from the Hornet open sailing meeting on the Essex coast. They won all three races, beating the world champion. They had previously been runners-up in the National Championships. They were world champions in 1981.
Andy Thomas (1972-79) does a good deal of sailing as well as instructing, on Dover sea front.
David Thomas (1970-77) has been awarded a D.Phil. degree at Oxford for the thesis resulting from his research work in southern Africa. He is now lecturer in geography at Sheffield University.
On this pleasing note the Editor can lay down his pen for the present and await your letters which make the Newsletter a living, two-way traffic.
In his letter at the beginning of this Newsletter, President asked members to write to him with their reminiscences.
His address is Dr. K. A. K. Lott, 10 Antrim Road, Woodley, Reading RG5 3NS.