OPA Newsletter June 1961
New Series No. 1
June 1961
President: A. H. GUNN
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
News Letter Editor:
D. G. WEAVER, 38 Castle Street, Dover
Dear” Old Boy”,
You are an Old Boy of either the Dover Grammar School for Boys, or of the Dover County School for Boys, as it was formerly known. In either case, you are doubtless aware that an association of old boys exists under the title of the Old Pharosians. But for an appeal to join it when you left school, you probably know little about it. You may have thought like many others, that it is a body which has just jogged along through the years, never very active, holding its annual dinner, and its annual re-union as matters of course, indulging in some sporting activities such as the annual football, rugger and cricket matches against the school; and I think you may be right.
But now it may come as a surprise to you to know that it is very much alive. Under its very energetic Chairman of Committee, the Headmaster, Dr. M. G. Hinton, things are happening! It is very conscious of the fact that the proportion of boys who leave school and join its ranks is very small. This letter is part of a scheme, for want of a better title, called the “President’s Appeal”.
It is an appeal for an old boys to join or rejoin the Association, and at last I am able to tell you of the advantages of becoming a member.
First of all the subscription – quite small, an annual one of 5/- a year. It could be paid by a Bankers’ Order if you wish. Or, of course, a life membership can be taken up. This costs you £4 4s. – and is well worth considering. For your convenience this is laid out in sections A, B and C of the accompanying form.
What do you get from the Association? Possibly a mercenary question, but nevertheless a very apt one. First of all, a copy of each Pharos as it is issued. If you have not seen the “New Look” Pharos you have missed something. It has ceased to be what I have called a “grandmotherly” production. It is right up-to-datesmart cover, new layout, a much more interesting magazine than before. Next, an Old Boys’ News Letter, the first issue of which this letter forms part. This is an innovation. There is no need for me to explain it it is self-explanatory. The News Letter will be issued as the material becomes available approximately twice a year, except where its place is taken by a volume of the Old Boys’ Register.
This is something quite new and is a major effort on the part of the Association. For some time it has been felt that a proper record of Old Boys should be compiled, showing the time they were at School, their achievements, what happened to them when they left School, and what they are doing now. Thus every old boy who receives the various volumes will be able to know what other old boys have done and are doing. The Register will be in such a form that they may be bound as a permanent record. Volume I will contain the names and careers of those who attended the School in 1905, 6 and 7 a long time before you were even a ‘new boy’ I expect! This is, you will see, a tremendous task and it will be expensive. The funds of the Association are insufficient to cover either the project or this appeal. May we therefore ask you, as an old boy, to help the Association with a donation for this purpose? Section D of the enclosed form will help you to do this. All you have to do is to enclose your cheque or postal order with section D, filling in the amount and your name.
I am afraid I have not quite finished. Will you also fill in section F and the enclosed biographical card with other details as requested. You may also be in contact with other old boys. Will you please either give us information about them, or ask them to do so? But please make sure they do. This will enable us to include their names in the Register.
If you have lost contact with your contemporaries at the School, the School is willing to institute a Forwarding Service, whereby you can address a letter to another old boy c/o the School and it will, if the present address is known, be forwarded to him.
This has been a long letter but it is a very important one. Please read it carefully and help us with information and the means to achieve our aim.
Yours sincerely,
Saturday, 22nd July, 1961 : Open Day. 2.30-6.45.
The 1st XI will be playing the Old Boys, the 2nd XI the Parents; there will be a gym display, two concerts, and exhibitions by departments, societies and the C.C.F.; teas and refreshments will be on sale. We hope that as many Old Boys as possible will visit the School. Any Old Boy who would like to play in the XI should get in touch with K. H. Ruffell, Esq., at the School.
Open Day will be held annually in future, on the last Saturday of the Summer Term.
Saturday, 25th November, 1961:
Annual General Meeting and Dinner of the Old Pharosians Association, at the Dover Stage Hotel, at 6.30 p.m. The guest of honour will be George Curry, O.P., Professor of History at the University of South Carolina. Those wishing to attend the dinner should contact H. R. Slater, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Road, Whitfield. The dinner will begin at 8.0 p.m. and tickets will cost 14/-.
Friday, Saturday and Monday, 15th 16th and 18th December, 1961, at
7.15 p.m.:
The School Play: The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare. Tickets, at five shillings, three and sixpence, or half-a-crown, can be obtained from W. G. King, Esq., at the School. Saturday is to be Old Boys’ night. If you attend then you will have a good chance of coming across your contemporaries.
Saturday, 16th December, 1961:
1st XI v. Old Pharosians, 2.30 p.m. Any Old Boys wishing to play should get in touch with K. H. Ruffell Esq., at the School.
Thursday, 28th December 1961:
Old Pharosians’ Reunion at the Crypt Restaurant, Bench St., Dover, 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets, which will cost about 7/6d., can be obtained from H. R. Slater, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Road, Whitfield, or K. H. Ruffell, Esq., at the School. Only a hundred tickets will be issued, so early application is advisable.
Saturday, 7th April, 1962:
1st XV v. Old Pharosians, at 2.30 p.m. Old Boys wishing to play should get in touch with B. W. Denham, Esq., at the school.
The career of Old Boys is of great interest to us and we hope you will co-operate by filling in the “Biographical Card” enclosed herewith according to the instructions below.
1. Under “names of relations at school” include all relations, whether by marriage or not, giving their full names with the relationship in backets, thus: J ones, Henry George (grandson).
2. Under “distinctions at school”, mention distinctions obtained in Higher School Certificate or G.C.E. (A.); any scholarships obtained; if prefect or secretary of any school society; if member of school first team in any sport; if colours or trophies awarded, and for what; any other distinctions.
3. Under “record since leaving” include places o{ education attended and degrees, diplomas etc. obtained; national service–arm, unit, and rank obtained-campaigns fought, and decorations received: career followed with details of moves, promotions, etc., any major interest outside work (Freemasons, Rotary, etc.) with distinctions gained in them, with honours or decorations awarded; date of marriage, maiden name of wife, number and sex of children. In all cases, please give places and dates where appropriate.
4. When in doubt as to the relevance or importance of any piece of information, please include it.
Please send in your card as soon as possible.
The first volume of the Old Boys’ Register will contain biographies of all those Old Boys who entered the School in 1905, 1906 and 1907 and whose names are included in the School Register for that period. Their names are listed below, and we shall be most grateful for any information about any of them. The dates given before each name are those of entry to and leaving the school.
1905-09 Ernest Harry Gann | 1906-08 Arthur William Evans |
1905-09 David Morgan | 1907-09 William John George Faircloth |
1906-08 Francis Reginald Broad | 1905-12 Herbert Edwin Fisher |
1907-10 Sydney Herbert Smith | 1905-10 Archibald Robert Hall |
1905-09 Maurice Randall Fishwick | 1907-09 William Bruce Holland |
1905-09 Robert Collier Kay | 1906-08 Charles Philip Clayton Mills |
1905-09 Charles Edward Baldwin | 1907-10 Robert Reeder |
1905-09 Percy Campbell Morrison | 1907-09 Walter William Walter |
1907-10 Lionel Arthur Broadbridge | 1907-09 Frederick Arthur Billings |
1905-11 Stephen Ernest Clout | 1907-12 Robert Grimer |
1906-08 Sidney Richard Holmer | 1907-08 Frederick Augustus Koettlitz |
1906-10 Sidney Dixon Igglesden | 1907-12 Cyril Norman Walker |
1907-09 Gordon Keightley | 1906-09 Bernard Cecil Holmer |
1906-09 Reginald Charles Norris | 1905-09 Arthur Gerald Gooding |
1906-08 Reginald Charles Walker | 1906-09 Rowland Oliver Bond |
1906-10 Cecil Baldwin | 1906-09 Edward Watkins Wood |
1907-11 George Rodney French | 1906-09 Arthur Leslie Jones |
1907-12 Alexandre John Lannidey | 1905-09 Arthur Thomas Grimer |
1907-11 Ernest Victor Newing | 1907-11 Frank Percival Hardy |
1907-12 Lewis Palmer | 1907-09 Howard Frederick Morford |
1905-12 Ronald Charles Wilson | 1906-08 Harry Port |
1907-09 George Benjamin Trim | 1907-09 Arthur James Benfield |
1906-11 Leonard Baldwin | 1906-10 Arthur Cecil Bond |
1907-10 Leonard George Broadbridge | 1906-09 Robert Ernest Chambers |
1906-11 Harold Victor Gasson | 1906-10 Francis Michael Connellan |
1907-09 Francis George Graves | 1907-12 Edward Holyman Fry |
1907-11 Roland Noel Douglas Hamilton | 1907-09 Ernest Hayward Jones |
1906-10 William Burlington Highley | 1907-10 Hubert Maynard |
1907-08 Dennis Edward Keeler | 1907-12 Charles Edward Reeder |
1907-08 Reginald Arthur Koettlitz | 1907-09 Charles Thomas Chamberlain |
1907-13 Alexander Robert Amos Kyle | 1907-12 Harold Thomas Holman |
1907-08 Leopold John MacKenzie | 1907-09 John Robert Macwaller |
1907-11 Abraham Morrison | 1907-10 Coles Alexander Osborne |
1907-12 Thomas James Pritchard | 1907-09 Leonard Frederick Pearce |
1907-12 Robert William Wood | 1907-12 Daniel Henry Smith |
1907-08 Alfred William John Pryer | 1907-08 William Dixon Washford |
1906-10 Frank Ward Stevens | 1906-09 George Webster |
1907-12 George Patrick Harell | 1907-10 Harold Renier Bath |
G. S. ALLEN (1923-34) is now a Veterinary Surgeon practising in Devonshire.
S. E. ALLERTON (19:2-38) is now a Captain in the Blue Funnel Line.
G. L. BAILEY (1925-34) has his Ph.D. and is Head of the Research Department of the Mond Nickel Co.
B. A. BILBY (1931-40), is now Reader in Physics, University of Sheffield.
N. BLAXLAND (1926-27) trained at St. Mary’s Hospital and holds the following medical degrees: M.B., B.S. London, M.R.C.S. England, L.R.C.P. London, D.M.R.D. England. He is now Consultant Radiologist for the S.E. Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board.
MAJOR-GENERAL ALEX BOND (1912-18) is now Colonel Commandant of R.A.S.C. in succession to Major-General Sir Cecil Smith.
N. B. S. BRABHAM (1936-42) gained his B.Sc. at Battersea Polytechnic and in 1945 entered the G.E.C. research laboratories where he is now one of the Senior Scientific Staff (Television Group). He has published a paper on “An Intermediate Frequency for C.C.I.R. Television Standards”, and his work has included a study of monochrome and colour television receivers and special receiving problems for the Services. He is married and has one daughter.
A. W. BRADLEY (1945-52) now has a Junior Fellowship at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He lectures in Law.
S. BRADLEY (1933-43) went to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, on leaving school and served in the R.A.F. as a doctor, having qualified at King’s College Hospital. He holds the M.A., M.B., B.Chir. degrees. For some time he was House Surgeon at King’s College Hospital. Later appointments have been Orfett Hospital, Essex, where he was House Physician, and at the West Middlesex Hospital.
P. BUSS (1933-42) joined the Army on leaving school and served with the Gloucester’s in Korea. He is now at Reading serving with the Army Education Corps.
J. BUNYAN (1918-25) Harley Street Dentist, has acquired a house in Deal for research for B.O.A.C. He lectures in the U.S.A. every six weeks. He stood for Parliament at the last election but was not returned. He is married and has one son and two daughters.
M. P. G. CAPELLI (1925-32) is now a Section Head with Standard Telephones and Cables. He is married and has two daughters.
N. CHITTENDEN (1909-14) entered the Post Office service on leaving school, working in turn at Ramsgate, Sheerness and Dartford. Then he became Assistant Postmaster at Kingston-on-Thames, and in 1954 Head Postmaster of Hounslow, Middlesex. He will be retiring shortly, and hopes to return to the Kent coast.
E. P. CONNOR (1919-26) was articled to Messrs. Flashman, and then went to Goddard Smith, Auctioneers. He holds the A.A.I., F.S.I., F.S.R. During the war he served with the Royal Tank Corps as a Sergeant. He is now with Messrs. Tyler and Son, Inland Revenue Land Valuation. He is married and has three sons.
R. A. CROFTS (1920-29) has been fetched out of his retirement (farming in Suffolk) by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation to supervise food distribution in the Congo. At times he has to co-operate with B. S. JELL (1934- ?), First Secretary of the British Embassy in Leopoldvine.
B. CRUSH (1945-49) was transferred from Maidenhead Grammar School after evacuation to the Dover Grammar School. He is in the Housing Department under the Local Government.
B. CRUSH (1948-56) went to London University and took his B.Sc. He is now a mechanical engineer with Messrs. McAlpine’s.
E. CRUSH (1926-35) joined the Army in 1939 as a sapper in the R.E., went to Sandhurst, returned to R.E. and served in France. He was attached to Aldershot Headquarters as Captain Adjutant and rose to the rank of Major. He was twice wounded and was decorated on the field (M.C.) by Lord Montgomery. Crush played for Kent and is the only Old Boy to gain his County cap. He is an M.C.C. Advanced Coach and coaches at five schools, including Dover College and the D.Y.R.M.S. He is married with two sons. He opened the School Memorial Pavilion a few years ago.
K. CRUSH (1926-31) went to Ashford Railway Works for training and obtained his A.M.I.C.E. From there he went to Glasgow as Inspector Engineer with Messrs. Rendall, Palmer and Tritton. He is now in Germany, Dusseldorf, as Chief Engineer to an American firm.
BRIAN A. DAVIDSON (1948-56) did his R.A.F. National Service in the Medical Branch of the Far East Air Force. He is now in insurance in Canada, and is married.
BRUCE DAVIDSON (1948-53) has been with the Far East Air Force for the last 5 years. He was commissioned Pilot Officer on 27th April, 1961. He is married and has one daughter.
P. F. DELAHAYE (1932-?) is a Squadron-Leader with the R.A.F. in Suffolk.
R. L. DELAHAYE (1928-37) served in the war and contracted polio. He was appointed a Preventive Officer with H.M. Customs at Dover and was chosen several times to lecture to prospective candidates. He has just been appointed Chief Preventive Officer at Londonderry. He is married with three sons.
R. J. DIGGENS (1956-58) is now an R.A.F. radar mechanic stationed at Gibraltar.
R. F. EFEMEY (1939-46) is now Vicar of Upper Harley, Worcs.
V. G. ELLEN (1927-33) on leaving school entered the service of the Board of Inland Revenue and, apart from a period at the end of the war when he was seconded to the Ministry of Supply to assist with relief supplies to Europe under the U.N.R.R.A. programme, has continued with that Department. He is now a Senior Collector of Taxes and covers a large area of Middlesex, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
E. J. EWELL (1924-35) qualified in medicine at St. Mary’s Hospital, London in 1940. From 1940-46 he served with the R.A.M.C. and is now in general practice in Cowes, I.O.W.
R. FEA (1923-29) is Registrar of the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
E. FIELD (1935-45) now has his Dublin M.A. and is Senior History Master at Finchley Grammar School.
D. GRINSTED (1914-23) entered Lloyds Bank on leaving School, served in the R.A.F. during the war and returned to Lloyds Bank, Dover. He is married.
R. S. HARMAN (1929-?) joined the Army on leaving school and was a P.O.W. in a German Concentration Camp. On his release he was appointed manager of Messrs. H. Hart’s glass and china department. He is now buyer-manager at Cowell’s, a flourishing store in Ipswich. He is married and has one daughter.
C. HART (1914-19) Ph.D. He was Director of Education in Nigeria and in charge of the three colleges of Arts, Science and Technology. Mr. Nehru invited him to become the first Vice-Chancellor of India’s Technical University at Roorkee. This he declined, as he had just accepted his present post of Director of the London Master Builders’ Association.
M. HELLER (1928-36) studied at Imperial College, gaining his B.Sc. and A.R.C.S. He took a post with G.E.C. Radio Communications and in 1946 moved to the Bendix Corporation of America, Illinois, where he is now Chief Production Engineer and a member of the Board. He is married and has two daughters.
A. HENNEY, O.B.E. (1917-22) joined the Merchant Navy on leaving school. He is Chief Officer with the B.P. Oil Tankers. He was chosen as representative of the Merchant Navy to lay a wreath on the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day, 1959.
R. E. B. HICKMAN (1930-34) after working his way through various posts with the National Physical Laboratory, the General Electric Co., Taylor Electrical Instruments Ltd., R.C.A. Photophone Ltd., is now Editor of “Radio Retailing”, a monthly radio trade journal.
H. G. HOPKINS (1923-31) gained his A.R.C.S. and his B.Sc. (Hons. Physics 1st) while at Imperial College and his Ph.D. while working as a junior Scientific Officer in the Radio Department of the National Physical Laboratory. He is now a Senior Principal Scientific Officer. He has published numerous technical papers, mainly about radio direction finding, and is now engaged in work relating to satellites. He is married and has two sons.
C. JARRETT (1920-28) took a double First at Cambridge and became Permanent Under Secretary at the Admiralty. He was recently knighted and holds the C.B.E. and the K.C.B. His latest appointment is Secretary to the Admiralty. He was President of the Old Pharosians 1959-60.
B. SEDGEWICK JELL (1934-?) having finished his tour of duty in Bangkok, is now 1st Secretary (Commercial) British Embassy in Leopoldvllle where at times he has to work with R. A. CROFTS (1920-29).
E. J. H. KIRBY (1914-16) retired from the Royal Navy in 1956 with the rank of Captain. He was then Assistant Director of Naval Ordnance. He was awarded the D.S.C. in 1944 and C.B.E. (Mil.) in 1957. He has the qualification of M.I.Mech.E., and now works for Vickers-Armstrong Ltd. at Barrow-in-Furness.
G. F. LONG (1949-56) is now a Commercial Assistant in the Commercial Unit of the Packaging Division of Albert E. Reed and Co. Ltd., the producers of paper and associated products.
K. A. K. LOTT (1945-53) obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry at Southampton University and is now lecturing at Brunel College of Technology, London.
R. LOTT (1938-45) is now a Major in the Royal Corps of Signals.
E. C. MANTLE (1931-?) obtained his B.Sc. and has a post in the research laboratory of the Mond Nickel Co.
J. McCULLOCH (1933-39) gained his A.F.R.Ae.S. after four years at the De Havilland Aeronautical Technical School. Now, after various posts with de Havillands and Avro’s, being based in Toronto from 1948-52, he is Chief Administrative Engineer of the Advanced Projects Group of Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd. He is married and has one daughter.
J. D. McNEIL (1926-35) took his B.Sc. at Imperial College and worked for some time for the Standard Telephone Co. He later became O.C. communications, R.A.F. Middle East.
K. A. NEWING (1931-40) worked for a short time at the Westminster Bank, Ashford, before being conscripted into the army. In 1946 he was commissioned in the R.A.O.C., but he resigned his commission in 1949 to enter St. Augustine’s College, Canterbury. From there he went to Selwyn College, Cambridge (B.A. in Theology) and to the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield. He is now Assistant Curate at St. Mary and All Saints, Plymstock.
P. C. R. PEARCE (1924-34) on leaving school was articled to the Borough Surveyor, Dover. He obtained a commission in the R.G.A. and served in France, but was later transferred to the R.E. and sent to India. Here he built railways for Burma. After the war he was Chief Engineer at Watford. He is now Chief Engineer under the Beauminster Council and is responsible for an area of 100 square miles. He is a Major in the Territorials.
I. PENGELLY (1928-34) was a P.O. engineer in Australia for six years after the war. He now lives in Tonbridge.
J. LE PREVOST (1927-36) went to St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge, where he obtained his B.A. (Hons.) in 1939 and his Diploma of Education in 1940. He was on active service from 1940 to 1946 as an Adjutant in the R.A., and later in the Queen’s Royal Scots. He was a Staff Captain in Malaya. He joined the Overseas Civil Service (Education) in 1946 and served in Malaya and Singapore. He was an Inspector of Schools, a Staff Training Officer and a Chief Examinations Officer. He published some Malay Literacy Primers. He retired in 1957 and is now on the staff of Michael Hall School, Sussex. He is married and has four children.
C. REED (1917-20) took up commercial art and was for some years on the staff of Messrs. Pawson and Leaf, St. Paul’s Churchyard, where he executed catalogues and window display cards. He is now an Executive Director of Messrs. G. Street and Co., Berkeley Street, W.1. He has been with this London Advertising Agency for 28 years. His chief work is advertisement designing, book covers and T.V. He is married and has two sons.
S. A. R. RIGDEN (1935-41) is now on the Senior Experimental Staff at the G.E.C. Research Laboratories, N. Wembley. He has published two papers on Sodium Vapour Discharge Lamps. He is married and has two daughters.
W. W. ROBSON (1935-?) is now a Fellow and Tutor of Lincoln College, Oxford.
M. SAUNDERS (1922-28) retired from the army as Lieut.-Colonel and now has an administrative post in Australia.
M. G. SAVERS (1939-42) was articled to George Youden of Messrs. Stilwell & Harby, and is Deputy Magistrates’ Clerk. Qualified in the Final Law Examination 1961 for admission as a solicitor of the Supreme Court. Former Captain of both the Dover Rugby Club and the Dover Swimming Club.
R. SCOTCHMER (1919-26) joined the Commonwealth and Dominion Line as an officer apprentice on leaving school. He now has his Master’s ticket and is a Ship’s Master in the Huddart Parker Line plying between Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. He is married and has one daughter.
D. M. M. SCOTT (1930-32) left school because his father, a Customs Officer, was transferred to Brighton. He holds the LL.B. of London University and has practised both as a barrister and a solicitor. He is now a lecturer to the Law students at Gray’s Inn.
R. G. SIMMONDS (1925-32) is now on the Senior Experimental Staff of G.E.C. He is married and has two sons and two daughters.
A. M. SMITH (1927-35) is Headmaster of Northbourne School.
E. SMITH (1918-26) was apprenticed to the East Kent Road Car Co., and then joined Messrs. John Thorneycroft, Ship Builders and Engineers. In their service he went to South America and Australia. He is now stationed in Singapore as Personal Representative of John Thorneycroft in the Far East.
L. C. SPARHAM (1923-31) M.A. Oxford. On leaving school went to Keble College and later to Cuddesden for his theological training. He was Curate of St. Elmswell from 1936 to 1940. During the war he served as a Chaplain to the Forces for seven years and was mentioned in Despatches. He was then Vicar of Hooton Pragnell till 1950 when he went to Tanganyika with the U.M.C.A. He is still there and is the Headmaster of a large school for native boys, St. Joseph’s College, Masasi.
H. A. STANWAY (1921-29) went to Selwyn Col1ege, Cambridge, and took his B.A. During the war he served as a Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. He was for a year in Australia. He returned to Buckland Press in 1945.
V. C. SUTTON (1919-25) since 1945 has been manager of Boots at Reading.
He is a qualified pharmacist, is married and has two sons.
G. J. TOOK (1933-?) went to Rhodesia to work on a Tobacco Farm. Later he joined the R.A.F. and then became a Navigator in Silver City Air Line. Now he is attached to the Air Ministry at London Airport.
C. M. R. TYRRELL (1925-32). On leaving school entered the Police Force and became a plain-clothes C.I.D. officer. In 1959 he was promoted Detective-Inspector, Scotland Yard. He is married and has one daughter.
R. J. UNSTEAD (1926-34) went to Goldsmith’s Teachers’ Training College on leaving school and taught in Hertfordshire till 1940 when he joined up. He secured a headship when only 31 and for ten years was Headmaster of a school of 600 juniors at Letchworth. After his marriage and the arrival of three daughters he began writing stories and articles. This lead to the writing of history books. His series “Looking at History” sold more than a million copies in four years. He resigned his headship and is now General Editor and Adviser to Messrs. A. and C. Black for their junior and secondary modern lists.
A. VARRELL (1928-35) went to Wye College on leaving school and is now farming near Hawkhurst.
MARTIN WATTS (1935-45), after gaining his B.Sc. (Mining Eng.) from the Royal School of Mines, has been mining in Canada, Peru, Yukon, Tanganyika, Rhodesia and Persia. He visited the School in January of this year.