Added by John Standing at Friends Reunited on 06/11/2001
The pictures contain “HOT SPOTS”. Details of each person in the photograph will be found by running the cursor over the faces. If you should know any details of any people shown in the photographs, we would be very happy to hear from you. Please contact the webmaster using the form on the Contact Us page, stating the page address and title. Details of pupils will be added or amended as we receive them.
Further information by Phil Bradley (2 Feb 2005)
David Sullivan says, “I’ve had an attempt at naming the people in the year photo for 1974 (I believe taken in early 1976). Perhaps people can correct any errors or fill in the blanks”. (10 May 2005)
Missing from photo
Mark HAMMONDS Astor Started School at later date
Andrew SMALE Astor Started School at later date
Nicholas WOODCOCK Astor Absent
Jonathan SWANN Astor Absent or left by this time
Brendan BASSETT Astor Absent or left by this time
Michael DEAL Astor Absent
Rex FLETCHER Astor Started School at later date
Glenn ENSOR Astor Started School at later date
Simon COLLIER Frith Started School at later date
Chris GOODMAN Frith Started School at later date
Michael MURPHY Frith Absent
Keith RICHARDS Frith Absent
Michael MACINTYRE Park Absent
Jason RIFAT Park Started School at later date
Tristan SOMERVILLE Park Absent
Mark SMITHARD Park Started School at later date
John WISHART Priory Started School at later date
Photo is dated circa January 1976 (Second year)
Hi to correct the added info from Dave Sullivan. Sorry Dave I ( Rex Fletcher. Frith) entered the school in 1970 the same intake year as Steven Talbot. My brother Darren entered the school in the year you describe and was in Astor House…he missed that photo session that day….take care Rex Fletcher. (27 Jan 2008).