OPA Newsletter July 1977
New Series No. 32
July 1977
B. A. Harrison, Esq., 50 Valley Road, River, Dover. (Kearsney 3066).
Rev. W. F. Kemp, The Rectory, Denton, Canterbury.
E. H. Baker, Esq., 24 Downs Road, Maidstone.
The A.G.M. will be held at the School on Saturday 17th September 1977, at 11.30 a.m. in the Staff Room.
- To read the notice convening the Meeting.
- To receive apologies.
- To read the Minutes of the A.G.M. on 18th September, 1976.
- To consider matters arising.
- To receive Treasurer’s report.
- To receive Secretary’s report.
- To elect Officers and Committee for 1977-78 8. Any other business.
Bernard Harrison (Hon. Secretary).
At the suggestion of the President-Elect (Mr. A. E. Coulson) who has close associations with Kent University, this year’s Re-union Dinner will be held in Darwin College, Canterbury.
7 p.m. Sherry in the Senior Common Room.
7.30 p. m. Dinner in the private dinning room.
The suggested menu, subject to availability, is Smoked Salmon, Steak in Wine Sauce, Lemon Gateaux, Cheese Board and Coffee, and tickets are £4 each inclusive of sherry and wine with dinner.
Wives/girl friends are always very welcome and early application is advised. Please send your cheque with the enclosed reservation slip to avoid money having to be collected on the night.
There is ample car parking space at Darwin and detailed maps, showing precise situation, will be sent to all subscribers.
Bernard Harrison.
Following the success of last year’s Social evening for recent school-leavers and younger members, your Committee has decided on a repeat performance on the 16th December 1977 at 8 p.m. As before, the venue will be the Cricket Pavilion at Crabble Athletic Ground, and bangers/meat pies/beans or some other kind of blotting paper will be served during the evening.
Reminders/acceptance slips will only be sent to those Old Boys who leave School in July, 1977. Other members should let me know if they are coming so that I can order the correct amount of food.
Bernard Harrison.
Whilst expenses increase each year, your subscription remains a modest 50p. This sum will not bear the cost of repeated reminders, so please pay up as soon as possible after 1st August.
For good value, send the Hon. Treasurer a cheque for £7.50 for LIFE membership, and then we’ll always keep in touch.
The death of Mr. Rowlands severed a personal link of 45 years for many Old Boys. A mature teacher, he was soon to prove a fitting successor to that able Art Master, Mr. E. Francis. In the 30’s he was a valued member of the O.Ps Cricket XI. Naturally he brought new ideas to benefit the School and Mr. Baxter was always grateful to Charles for the system of coloured discs he devised for constructing the yearly teaching time table. In 1949 he suffered a severe illness which restricted his mobility, but it proved, if proof were needed, the equable character of the man, his unfailing humour and ability to view life with a quiet smile. In 1976 he was compelled to cease car driving after over 50 years membership of the A.A. without ever needing to call on their services. A Quaker, he was a true friend. To work with him was a pleasure, to have known him a privilege. To Mrs. Rowlands we extend our sincere sympathy.
Charles Rowlands, Art Master at Dover Grammar School from 1932 to 1965, died on the 9th April, 1977, aged 85 years. As a young man, his training as an Art Teacher at Bristol and London, was interrupted by war service in Egypt and Palestine 1914-18. In 1920, after studying for a year at the Slade, he became Art Master at the Friends’ School, Sidcot where he stayed until he came to Dover. Many generations of pupils must have been deeply influenced and inspired by his love of art and his ability as an artist.
Charles was born into a Bristol Quaker family, many of whom were fine athletes and he was no exception. He played Soccer regularly for Gloucester County and obtained a number of County Caps. Some of us can remember him better as a cricketer and can visualise that peculiar crouching stance of his. He appeared a few times for Gloucester C.C., but perhaps his most interesting achievement was when, at the age of 17, he played in a club side which included W. G. Grace. There can be few cricketers living in 1977 who have had this distinction.
There will be many Old Boys who will remember his Puppet Group. In the years immediately after the last war he turned his artistic energies to the designing of puppets. For many years his puppet shows gave great pleasure to audiences in the School and outside, particularly the elderly. In his retirement he obtained great satisfaction in assisting with the illustrations for a book, soon to be published, on “Alien Plants” by David McClintock.
Boys whom he taught and colleagues with whom he worked will remember Charles Rowlands with affection and respect. Kindly and courteous to all, he was respected for his urbane yet firm personality and above all for his integrity.
Miss Rookwood still corresponds in her forthright manner from Ward 5, Haine Hospital, Ramsgate. On 27th February, her 91st birthday, she received numerous cards and gifts and several visitors from Dover. The Band of Ramsgate Salvation Army visited the ward to sing “Happy Birthday” to her, which brought a look of real joy to her face.
We are informed that two former Presidents have changed their addresses. Dr. R. A. Pelham (1915-21) has moved to Orchard End, Church Road, West Lavington, Midhurst, Sussex. Sir C. Jarrett (1920-8) is now living near his daughter at 1 The Coach House, Derry Hill, Menston, Ilkley, Yorks.
Following their recent wedding the best wishes of the Association go to our Vice President and Mrs. Coulson for a happy married life.
We heard with regret that Maurice S. Standring (1909-19), a Life Member, died suddenly on 16 May, 1977 aged 76 years. He was the son of Mr. R. S. Standring who taught at the School from 1905 untll his death in 1915, and his brother Gibbard gave his life with the R.A.F. in the 39-45 War.
We sympathise with Mr. K. F. Best who is retiring owing to ill health, and wish him a speedy recovery so that he may enjoy a long and happy retirement. His departure was suitably acknowledged at the excellent concert he presented on 13 May.
The best wishes of the Association go to Mr. E. C. Large who retires this year.
Our congratulations to Ken Ruffell on his well-merited appointment as Deputy Head in succession to Mr. Harris who is to be Headmaster of Simon Langton, Canterbury.
I. D. Pascall (1967-74) 72 Melbourne Avenue, Dover, is the new Treasurer of the Jubilee Trust Fund.
In addition to those mentioned in the last issue, the Editor appreciates the assistance received from “Rook”, Norman and Terry Sutton, Eddie Crush and Dan Grinsted for supplying news of Old Boys.
Our Vice-President, together with the Headmaster and Ken Ruffell, spoke to School Leavers on 20 May, 1977.
Norman Sutton has sent his complete collection of News Letters to the School and they should be available for reference by any Old Boy.
The next issue of the “Pharos” should be printed in September. Copies price 50p including postage, may be obtained from the School.
Response to the Son et Lumière letter was most encouraging, especially as many O.Ps travelled from a distance to attend.
Jason Hunnisett, the first recipient of the Association’s Prize for Outdoor Activities, has received the Duke of Edinburgh’s Silver Award.
Do you know? It costs approximately 50p per member per annum to print, post and despatch two copies of the News Letter and only one other letter.
Denis Weaver has been Chairman of the local Committee which organised entertainment in Dover in connexion with the Silver Jubilee celebrations.
The School Soccer Xl again won Div. 2 of the Dover Wednesday League, and will find promotion to Div. 1 provides stiffer opposition.
Please can you let the Editor have the current addresses of the u/n who have removed from addresses shown:
B. Sanders 31 South Road, Dover.
P. Wrightson 25 Crabble Lane, River.
Your attention is drawn to the forthcoming events:
20 Oct. School Choir at St. George’s Church, Walmer.
18 Nov. Guest Evening at School. Speaker Major-Gen. Lloyd Howell.
19 Dec. Carol Service at Charlton Church.
8, 9, 10 Dec. School Play (provisional).
All events commence at 7.30 p.m.
It has been a great pleasure to receive many letters from O.P’s and to know that the Newsletter is appreciated.
School V Old Boys, 2.30 p.m. Saturday 17 September 1977 at Astor Avenue. Your support as a spectator is requested.
The President and Secretary would like to thank all those members who returned their forms so promptly. At the time of writing, approx 25% have been received. These are being sorted and conclusions/suggestions will be published in a future Newsletter. It is impossible to reply individually to the numerous footnotes and messages and it is hoped you will accept this acknowledgement in lieu.
To those who have not returned the Questionnaire, do so now. It will greatly assist the School and Association in maintaining up-to-date records.
May I say how encouraging the response was to my appeal for Old Pharosians to offer careers advice to boys at the School. Among the first to offer were a student of medicine at Leeds University, and another older but now retired company director, experienced in the field of glass technology. Others included local government finance, dental surgery and civil engineering. There were also a good smattering of ministers and headmasters, which says much for the breadth of learning and experience the School engendered in the past. Altogether we have received offers of help from nearly 50 Old Pharosians. including one who offered the collective experience of his Rotary Club.
Thanks to all who have supported the idea, and I know the Headmaster and Staff welcome the information.
Lester Borley.
1927 to many who read this will seem like prehistoric times. A perusal of the “Pharos” for that year reveals that in many ways the ideas and events (except for name changes) vary little from 1977.
January saw the regrettable passing of Mr. G. D. Thomas whose understanding and patience were appreciated by all who were privileged to have known this kindly man. In March Capt. W. E. Pearce and his Corps were successful for the first time in gaining the Lucas Tooth Shield.
A loud speaker and wireless set were installed at a cost of £12.10s despite severe criticism of the usefulness of such equipment. The new lower playing field at Astor Avenue was taken into use for the Summer Term.
The silver wedding of the Headmaster and Mrs. Whitehouse was suitably marked by a presentation from the Parents Association.
J. Slater, T. E. Archer and C. Wilson were prominent members of the O.P’s Cricket XI. The Association A.G.M. was poorly attended and the Dinner postponed to December when the attendance was meagre.
In August we hastened to Frith Road to learn our fate in the O & C Joint Board Exams. The October American Sale raised £58 for the provision of a piano and gramophone records.
Dean Inge presented the prizes and gave the Speech Day Address. Mr. E. A. Halestrap left the Staff in December for a Headship in Northants.
J. Betts, A. Stanway and B. Taylor were prominent in the Cricket and Soccer XI’s.
1927 saw the beginning of a series of Articles on Careers in the “Pharos” by old Boys written from practical experience. R. A. Pelham obtained a 1st Class Hons Degree in Geography at Aberystwyth. D. G. A. Sanders and W. V. Carpenter gained Kitchener Scholarships. The Christmas Re-Union Dance at the Town Hall was a great successattendance 200.
Jubilee Year provided the opportunity to have a Dinner before the Ball, an innovation the Committee have had in mind for some years. When the usual 200 tickets came on offer, some 190 people chose to come to the Dinner and quite clearly everyone enjoyed themselves.
Previous to the Dinner, sherry was served by young gentlemen in the costume of the Yeomen of the Guard. After Dinner dancing of almost every conceivable style proceeded until 1 a.m.
Our President spoke during an interval, commenting as always on the splendour of the decorations mounted by Mr. Carter and his Art Department. They seem to maintain the flow of ideas year by year.
Lionel J. BACH (1923-7) The Gate House, Tidmarsh Road, Pangbourne, writes that he is enjoying retirement from the bank. He has visited Florida, California and Vancouver. He is Treasurer of his Lodge, President of the British Legion Branch and part-time secretary to a Farming company at Henley.
W. M. E. (Michael) WHITE (1924-31) Lands Down, Petworth Road, Haslemere, tells us that in 1976 he played in 45 cricket matches of good class. He is President of Incognitii C.C. This May he organised a cricket week in Cambridge, and in August is in charge of a seven day tour in B.A.O.R. Last December he spent a nostalgic weekend with Arthur Youden and went fishing on Dover Breakwater. Michael served a life-time in the Army, retired as Brigadier and was awarded the C.B.E.
J. R. E. (Dick) WHITE (1927-35) N 10 Pendragon, 150 Wong Ma Kok Road, Stanley, Hong Kong, writes that he and his wife arrived there in 1976 in a flurry of 6 typhoons during the first month. He works an 8 day cycle of shifts with 2 night duties. His wife is employed at the H. K. Police H.Q. After a 3 year stay he hopes to return to England via Tokyo, Honolulu, Frisco, Grand Canyon, Miami and New York – his retirement ‘grand tour’. He is looking forward to a visit from brother Mike in 1978.
George E. FOX (1925-32) 36 Stafford Road, Sidcup, has written a long nostalgic letter. He retired after 40 years in the teaching profession at one School from its opening, where he taught or bossed everyone on the School Roll almost 8000. For 30 years his Head was J. W. Watts who was at Ladywell in the First World War. Deputy Head for 24 years, he spent much time on Music, organised Festivals and Concerts, and was also involved on various C.S.E. Committees of the S.E. Board at Tun. Wells, and on Road Safety work. He recalls listening to “Weary” Willis and L. C. Sparham talking about Beethoven at a Music Society Meeting, causing him to be late for a music lesson with H. J. Taylor. During the last War he spent 5 years minesweeping mainly based at Sheerness. “Most of the time I was ‘tail-end Charlie’ and given the nastiest jobs going, but I suppose the compensation was a reputation for being a ‘cock’ ship and a D.S.C.”
D. V. JAGO (1912-14) 41 Southbourne Coast Road, Bournemouth, says that on leaving School he joined H.M.S. Conway Training Ship for 2 years before entering the Royal Navy and still holds his Commission as Lieutenant. He also saw service with the Merchant Navy and obtained his Master’s Foreign going Steamship ticket for Competency (Deep water) and his first vessel was a square rigged sailing ship without motor. He then spent 32 years with the Post Office as Navigation Officer in their Cable Ships before retiring.
Commodore A. HENNEY O.B.E. (1918-23) Wynchlows, Middlesex Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, writes that he and his wife have recently sought refuge in a flat with a small garden. He escaped from two torpedoed ships during the last War. In 1966 when he retired he was Commodore of the British Petroleum Fleet. Since then he has been Chairman and Hon. Treasurer of the R.N.L.I. local branch, and has been involved with several other local and London Charities. He has been a member of Court and a Warden of his Livery Company, the Hon. Company of Master Mariners, and had a very busy year in 1971/2 when he was Master He joined the Dover Corinthian Lodge in 1936 and is a founder member of his local Lodge.
Frank G. WEST-ORAM (1926-33) 161 Chester Road, Northwich, has retired although he still does some consultancy work with I.C.I. and freelance. Last year he had a very enjoyable meeting with Frank Kendall.
M. J. DALE (1966-73) The Bungalow, Hammill Brickworks, Eastry, Sandwich, obtained his B.A. (Hons) Economics at Sheffield University in 1976 and is now employed as a Trainee Distribution Manager with the Beecham Group in the Birmingham area. He would like to hear from “any of his contemporaries wherever they may be”.
Cameron BRADBEER (1932-41) 43 Archers Court Road, Whitfield, writes that he recently visited Hawkinge School House and was surprised to meet Mrs. David Gower (nee Gwen Pearce) who told him that Mrs. W. E. PEARCE in now living at 7 Beech Court, South Walks, Dorchester, Dorset, surrounded by W.E.P’s books and apparatus. She is still active and continues to paint pictures. She will be pleased to meet any Old Boys who remember W.E.P. to talk about old times. Her son P. C. R. (Pip)-PEARCE (1924-34) lives nearby at Charminster with his wife and is in charge of surveying for Dorset C.C. His son is in the R.A.F. and his two daughters at College.
John MUMMERY (1950-8) Batchelor of Arts and of Civil Law Degrees at Oxford was called to the Bar in 1965. He has chambers in Lincoln’s Inn and was recently appointed Treasury junior counsel in charity matters. He is married with two children.
R. A. MARK (1966-74) is an Acting S/Lt in the Royal Navy in his final year at Hull University on a B.Sc (Hons) Geography/Geology course.
S. WELLBURN (1966-73) gained a B.Sc.Hons. in Mech. Engineering in 1976 at Brighton Polytechnic on a R.A.F. Cadetship. In 1977 he completes an Engin. course at R.A.F. College, Cranwell, and has played Soccer for the College XI which recently visited Munich, and then Colorado Springs U.S.A.
Michael NORTHCUTT (1949-57) is technical manager for an aircraft components firm. He gained his B.A. degree in Maths at the Open University and is now studying for his Honours degree.
Ian McCULLOCH (1967-74) completed Part 1 of his degree at Tees-side and is with International Computers Sheffield for industrial training.
Andrew P. JEWSON (1967-74) has taken Part 1 of his degree in Maths and Computer Sciences at Tees-side, and is with the Norwich Union Insurance for industrial training.
Roger CUFF (1950-55) has relinquished the captaincy of Dover Rowing Club to devote more time to coaching. Since joining the Club in 1959 he has gained 21 firsts, 59 seconds, and 51 third prizes at regattas.
William S. LOVELY (1912-18) is now living at Thomas House, West Street, Rye Sussex.
George CURRY (1925-36) wrote appreciating the contents of the last issue. He is enjoying life as Secretary of the Board at the University of South Carolina.
Maurice C. WILSON (1935-43) 4 Saxon Drive, Maidstone, is sub-manager of a local Nat. West Bank.
Malcolm CRICK (1959-66) studied anthropology at Sussex and Oxford. He has now been appointed a Senior Tutor at the new Deakin Univ. Victoria, Australia and is involved in the development of their Open University programme. In 1978 he is to lecture on Sementic Anthropology and Malaby Press, London, recently published his book on the subject.
Douglas M. HELLER (1929-36) served with Bendix Co Baltimore 1947-66, and since then has been Director of Research, Markletta Corporation. His address is 4849 Langdown Lane, Chez Chase, MD 20015 USA.
John ATWOOD (1934-7) is a J.P. and lives at 32 Wheatlands Park, Redcar, Cleveland. His brother David G. ATWOOD (1935-7) resides at 16 Somerset Avenue, Wilpshire, Blackburn.
Bernard WILLIS (1923-7) 10 Park Avenue, Dover, has retired after service with R. E. Survey and O. S. & Meridian Airmaps Ltd.
J. MINIHANE (1927-31) 2 Bayview Road, Cowes I. of W., recently retired from the Iran Oil Services.
E. (Ted) GOLDFINCH (1917-23) visited Eddie Crush last Autumn. His address is 60 Ira Street Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand.
Trevor BENEY (1959-66) is a Flight Lieutenant weapons instructor with the R.A.F. in Germany. He recently completed the RAF Winter Survival School Course.
Eric PELHAM (1929-37) is Principal of Hertfordshire ColI. of Agric and Horticulture, St. Albans.
Claude Alexander SCARLETT (1916-22) B.Sc., F.R.I.C., late of the Ministry of Agriculture passed away on 3 April 1977.
Charles F. MOOR (1929-38) has died in Canada. At one time the first violinist with the Dover Orchestral Society and the Gipsy Players, he saw war service in France and Burma.
extracts from Questionnaire.
J. E. HALSEY(1946-52) 18 Parkhill Road, Blackwater, Camberley, employed as Group Economist for last 12 years by John Mowlem & Co.
John BAILE (1965-72) 80 Blantyre Road, Liverpool, obtained Joint Hons. Degree in French and Spanish. He is now taking a 3 year course at Liverpool to qualify as an A.C.A.
Philip J. BLACKMAN (1969-76) 9 Wellesley Ave., Walmer, is a clerical officer with Brit. Rly at Headcorn.
A. G. BRIGHAM (1925-31) Post Office, Fulbourn, Cambridge. Worked with scrap metal merchants at Eastern Docks until 1966. Then purchased this P.O. and works from 5.45 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. for financial benefit.
Roger F. CONSTABLE (1953-60) joined Lloyds Bank on leaving School, and after service at various branches, is now Asst. Manager, Ashford.
Ernest J. EWELL (1924-36) 3 Marine Court, Cowes I. of W. served with R.A.M.C. 1940-6, since when he has been in General Practice, and is G. P. Tutor and Post Graduate Adviser at Southampton University.
Fred GOLDSMITH (1934-7) 15 Devon Rise, London N2, after war service 40-6 with rank of Major, became a Chartered Accountant and joined the Family business. Now Managing Director. President Rotary Club of London 74/5.
Michael E. MARSH (1945-53) 15 Cambridge Road, Uxbridge, obtained Hons. degree in Geography, London. After teaching at Kettering Grammar and Harrow County Schools, since 1967 at Dr. Challoner’s Grammar, Amersham, where he is Deputy Head.
Chris MERRETT (1966-73) 32 Station Road, Walmer, has seen service with Royal Navy in many parts of the world, and has taken a course in “Environmental Sciences” at East Anglia University.
Sydney MORRIS (1920-7) 215 Shorncliffe Road, Folkestone. With Barclays Bank 1927-63 when he was forced to retire through ill-health. 1941-6 held Direct Commission with R.A.F.V.R. Glad to know he is enjoying life.
Douglas C. SHARP (1932-7) Three Gables, New Road Hill, Midgham, Reading, is Chairman/Managing Director of Engineering Co. In 1964 he gave a lecture to United States Weather Bureau in Washington on new system of Aneroid Barometry on which he held Patents in 6 countries.
R. J. WEST (1947-54) 195 New Dover Road, Capel-Ie-Ferne, is Manager of Systems Research Development, Barclaycard, Northampton.
Derek F. CROUCH (1941-8) 52 London Road, Canterbury. Qualified as Dental Surgeon at Guys Dental School 1955 and now has own practice. Lives about one mile from his younger brother at Stelling Minnis.
W. E. ADAMS (1973-6) 7 The Marina, Deal. Reading Physics at East Anglia and has “fine sporting success with the University Table Tennis Team”.
Brian AINGER (1969-75) in second year at Cheltenham College. Edits College geographical magazine (Profile) and involved in union work.
E. W. BISHOP (1928-36) Bassett Green Road, Southampton. After 23 years in the Army (Int.Corps) is now Head of Languages Dept. at a Southampton School.
James WEIR (1970-5) West Court Farm, Shepherdswell is a student at Hadlow Agric. College.
David WEYMOUTH (1970-5) 38 Church Road, Dover, has taken his B.A. (Hons) French degree exam this June and will be joining Barclays Management Developments Programme in September.
Guy WILLS (1968-76) is studying for a Production Engin. Sandwich Degree at Aston University sponsored by Leylands.
J. Clyde BINFIELD (1951-8) 22 Whiteley Wood Road, Sheffield, has recently returned from a visit to relations in Hong Kong.
H. C. BLACKFORD (1924-32) 5 Dalton Road, Coventry, is a Group Purchasing Co-ordinator with Associate Eng. Ltd. Since 1947 he has been a member of the Council of Coventry Cathedral.
Rev. John DILNOT (1948-56) The Vicarage, Leeds, Maidstone, has had a varied experience as parish priest in the Potteries and Kent over the past 15 years.
Paul COOPER (1965-72) obtained Upper 2nd B.Sc. Hons(Eng) and M.Sc. in Industrial Sociology at Imperial College. Now seeking his fortune in the world of music touring with a Group called “Spring”.
Charles BRADBEER (1932-41) has been a School Dental Officer since 1953. His wife’s brother Arthur MAKEY (1930-40) is a Consultant Thoracic Surgeon at Charing Cross Hospital.
Tim HARRIS (1969-76) 413 Dover Road, Walmer is enjoying his Geography course at Bristol. He says “many boys at School don’t have or get enough information about the Universities they apply for – perhaps O.P’s could fill the gap”.
Paul FREATHY (1969-76) studying for B.Sc (Hons) in Aeronautical Engineering at Bristol has been accepted for a place in the University Air Squadron.
K. MARSH (1948-57) 50 Marlborough Park Ave., Sidcup, is a Director of Rush & Tompkins (Civil Eng) Ltd.
I. McKENZIE (1966-73) has taken a degree course in Business studies at the Polytechnic of Wales and joined British Steel as Graduate Commercial Trainee in September 1977.
Arthur Gerald GOODING (1905-09) staying at the White Cliffs Hotel called at the School on 27th June. At 86 years of age he may be the oldest of living old boys. He spoke of memories of Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Coopland. He was among the pupil teachers who began their training in the new County School, starting in a drill hall and transferring to Ladywell.
He remembers playing centre half for the school soccer team and has promised to let the School have photos of the 1907 and 1908 XI’s. He went into accountancy which took him to Saigon, Yokohama and Kobe, coming home in 1925.
The President has just written to say “I know the Headmaster would like to know if any Old Boy would accept a visit from a pupil to see an industrial undertaking at work, and thus gain a better insight into its potential as a career”.
Queen’s Birthday Honours List. We congratulate Surgn. Rear-Admiral (D) A. E. CADMAN (1929-37) on the award of the C. B. (Military Division).
The Editor would like to know the current address of R. D. Knott (1943-50)