OPA Newsletter March 1966
New Series No. 9
March 1966
President: H. A. STANWAY .
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
A dinner to celebrate the school’s sixtieth year was held in the school hall on Saturday, 2nd October, 1965. Mr. J. C. Booth, Headmaster from 1937 to 1961, presided over a company of 145 diners.
Grace was said by the Rev. W. F. Kemp, Rector of Denton and now Vice-President of the Old Pharosians.
After dinner he was followed as first speaker by a fellow cleric, the Rev. Llewellyn Langley who, in proposing the toast of the Association, expanded entertainingly upon his career in education, including the telling phrase” when I interviewed Fred Whitehouse for the job here “, a phrase none would wish to controvert.
Mr. Booth replied with characteristic brevity and Sir Clifford J arrett proposed the toast to the School. He reminisced and anecdoted gracefully, as required by the occasion, and Dr. Hinton, in his reply, included significant references to impending changes of great consequence to the school. He congratulated the Mayor, Alderman J. E. C. Bushell, on timing his year of office to coincide with the school’s jubilee and the Mayor, the first Old Pharosian to hold this office, replied to Arnold Stanway’s toast to the visitors. .
Those who planned and those who attended could feel that this dinner was worthy of the occasion. Such a special. effort can not be mounted annually and the thought arose that perhaps an Old Boys’ Dinner should only occur every three years and that a less formal supper might accompany the Annual General Meeting in intervening years.
We are again very grateful to the members of the School’s Historical Unit who have collated more news of Old Pharosians for publication.
W. JOhnsOD (1950-58) went to the London School of Economics on leaving schol and gained an upper second in 1961. He then took a one-year post-graduate teacher’s course at the Institute of Education, London.
M. D. Hare (1930-31) qu~lified as an obstetrician from St.
Thomas’s Hospital in 1942. After six months as obstetric house physician at St. Thomas’s he went into the navy in 1943. On release in 1946 he worked at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Bournemouth and the Rowley Bristow Orthopaedic Hospital, Pyrford, before entering general practice in Bournemouth in 1947.
P. G. H. Ewer (1932-38) worked in the Home Office until 1941 when he joined the R.N.V.R. and reached the rank of lieutenant.
He was awarded the Atlantic and Burma Stars. On release in 1946 he returned to the Home Office for two years before transferring to the Ministry of Pensions where he is at present a senior executive officer.
This social highlight of Jubilee Year is being organised as a joint venture by the Staff, Parents’ Association and Old Pharosians.
It. will be held at the School on Friday, 13th May, 1966 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., music being provided by AI Clark and there will be a bar and buffet supper.
Tickets, at .15/- each, may be obtained from Ted Maynard, 1 Woodland Close, River, Dover, or, nearer the date, from Gunn’s in Worthington Street and Eddie Crush in Biggin Street.
– – – – – – – – – –
To: E. J. MA YNARD, I Woodland Close, River, Dover.
(a) Please reserve me a table for……………………………………………….
(b) Please send me “””‘.””‘” tickets for the Jubilee Ball.
(Money with order, please !)
NEWS OF OLD BOYS (continued)
B. R. Hopper (1950-55) studied at Norwood Technical College, and obtained certificates of proficiency in radio communications, after a short spell with the English Electric Co. In 1960 he joined the marine division of the Marconi Radio Co. and is at present radio officer on M.V. Barton Maclay in the Far East.
S.S. Hale (1943-46) studied at London University before emigrating to Canada. Here he was the only master at Big Creek School in British Columbia. Later he became librarian at two schools, one at PowelI River, the other in Montreal. He is now reading for an M.A at the University of British Columbia.
N. Plews (1922-30) was a clerk at BuckIand Hospital from July 1930 to October 1938. Then he went as senior clerk to Eastry Institution where he stayed until August 1939. He then went to work for the K.c.C. at Maidstone until January, 1940 and thence to Orpington Hospital until October, 1940. He was in the RAO.c.
and the Royal Corps of Signals until 1945. He entered the civil service in April, 1948 as a temporary clerk in the Ministry of Food, and in January, 1949 he was promoted to clerical officer. Now he is clerical officer with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in London.
G. E. SaddletoD (1945-49). As an apprentice with the S.B.
Electricity Board he obtained his Higher National Certificate in Electrical Engineering in 1954 and was appointed general assistant distributing engineer at Dover in 1955. He did his national service with the R.AF. 1956-58 as an electrician and he obtained the rank of corporal technician. He was elected a member of the Institution of ElectriCal Engineers in 1957. After national service he joined the S.E.E.B. at Dorking as Assistant District Engineer. He returned to Dover in May, 1960. He married in December 1957 and has a son.
A. J. Wellard (1952-59) was employed as a student apprentice by the English Electric Co. Ltd., Stafford. He did first year work for his Higher National Diploma at Stafford College of Technology but transferred to a Diploma in Technology Course (Electric Engineering) at Loughborough.
D. R. Wellard (1952-59) wnrked for on.. “A,>r “,:th .”‘~ “”T~’:~_~J
J. Woodhouse (1941-47) was made curate of St. Hilda’s, Whitby in 1961 and the following June was ordained at York Minster by the Archbishop of York. In 1953 he had graduated from University College, London.
D. N. Jerns (1946-53). On leaving school he went to Oxford University where he gained second class honours in Italian. He took up a career in librarianship, his first post being with Kent County Library at Maidstone where he was an assistant. He was there from 1960 to 1963 when he began a year’s course in librarianship. He then took up the post of assistant librarian to the Zoological Society in London.
J. W. Ward (1952-58) went to Nottingham University and graduated in 1961 with an honours degree in pharmacy.
This year’s edition of ” The Pharos” will be a special Diamond Jubilee issue and will include a history of the School by Miss Rookwood and Mr. Lister. However, following the custom of recent years, we shall only send it to those Old Pharosians who specially ask the secretary to do so. If you would like to have a copy of this souvenir edition send the slip below to the secretary by 30th June.
COMING EVENTS Saturday, 2nd April, 1966: Old Pharosians v. the School Rugby.
Those wishing to play should contact Mr. Denham at the School.
Friday, 13th May, 1966: Diamond Jubilee Ball in the School Hall, 8 pm. to 1 a.m. Further details below.
Saturday, 16th July, 1966: School Jubilee Fete, opening at 2.30 p.m. The Old Pharosians’ Association will be assisting with this and would be glad to have volunteers to run some stalls.
Saturday, 17th September, 1966: Old Pharoshins’ Annual General Meeting and Dinner at the School. Full details will be given in the next News Letter.