OPA Newsletter February 1968
New Series No. 13
February 1968
President: E. H. BAKER, Esq.
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
I make no apology for repeating the headline of my predecessor. It is so easy to look back to 1927 but nearly impossible to visualise the School in 2007. If there is to be historical continuity then it can only be achieved through a strong Old Pharosians’ Association. This is the responsibility of all who have passed through the School. Only a fool or a knave would pretend that the Association is numerically strong today. There is a hard core of enthusiastic members to whom” Forty Years On ” is or soon will be a reality. A membership of 1 in 15 Old Boys and an attendance at the Dinner of 1 in 100 displays a ,lack of appreciation and gratitude to the School for the benefits it has bestowed on us.
Unless he is a self-opinionated fool wkere is the Old Boy who can say he would have achieved his success in life without the Education (in its broadest sense) freely given to him by the School and its Staff. One recent valid criticism has been” Why should I join the Association and what does it offer?” This your Committee are endeavouring to meet. So please note the following dates, and come and see at the School.
Saturday, 23rd March, 1968, 2.30-6 p.m.
SPRING FAm at School.
Wednesday. 3rd April. 1968,2.45 p.m. ‘
ANNuAL SCHOOL SERVICE, St. Macy”s Church, Dover.
Friday, 17th May. 1968, 8 p.m.-l a.m.
ANNuAL BALL. Dress Optional. Preferable that Old Pharosians should wear OuR TIE. Tickets 15/- obtainable from Mr. K. H.
Ruffell at the School. Tables can also be booked with Mr.
RuffeQ .
Saturday. 20th July, 1968 OLD BoYs’ CRICKET MATCH. You are invited to bring your wives and children. Staff (past and present) will be invited.
Tea wilt be provided for all and only adults will be expected to pay a nominal charge.
Saturday, 28th September, 1968 3.00 p.m. OLD BoYS’ SOCCER MATCH.
5.00 p.m. TEA. The Association acting as host to the School and its Friends.
6.15 p.m. ANNuAL GENERAL MEETING. In the Hall.
7.30 p.m. ANNUAL DINNER.
(The Bar will be open from 6 to 10.30 p.m.)
Your Committee are considering the question of subscriptions referred to them by the last AG.M. They are loath to recommend an increase, but the only alternative would appear to be an additional charge for the supply of the Pharos.
A pleasing feature of the 1967 Dinner was the increased attendance of Staff (past and present), the drastic cut in speeches, and the additional time permitted to meet Old Friends. An ever increasing attendance will ensure that .. Forty Years On ” does not cease to ring from the rafters of the Hall and is the most fitting Memorial to those Old Boys who” Gave their tomorrow for our today”. I therefore appeal to you to book the dates above and attend.
REGISTER OF OLD PHAROSIANS We hope to include further biographies of Old Pharosians now dead or retired in later issues of the Newsletter. Meanwhile, memo bers of the Association may care to be reminded that they can obtain all the biographies already published, together with a lace-up cover, if they write to the Historical Unit at the School.
CONGRATULATIONS Leslie Steggles who left VI Arts in 1948 is to be the next Mayor of Abingdon, Berks, where he has been living for the last 12 years and serving on the Council for 6 years. He is an executive officer with the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell.
NEWS OF OLD BOYS Broadhorst, J. H. (1916-1923). In 1962, he was awarded the M.B.E. (Civil Division), while holding the post of Senior Executive Engineer.
Bowley, E. F. (1932-1937). Since leaving school, he has worked for the South Eastern Gas Board, where he has now served for thirty years.
Cook, R. A. (1908-1914). On leaving school, he was enlisted in the Artists Rifles. After the war, he joined the staff of Clark’s Nurseries of Barton Road, Dover, and later left to join lC.!..
where he stayed for two years. He then became attached to the War Office as a lecturer to the troops at home and abroad, before starting his own Touring Agency in 1945. He now deals with an average of two hundred parties a year, at many holiday resorts. He is married, and is a local Methodist preacher.
Day, C. A. (1914-1921). He left school in 1921 to go to London University, and later to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital where he became a M.RC.S. and a LR.c.P. He has held posts as House Surgeon at Cambridge and Wolverhampton (Royal), and later became the Resident Surgeon at the latter. In 1929, he left hospital residence, although he continued as a Hospital anaesthetist. Later he started his own private practice, and now he has two partners.
Cockfield, F. A. (1924-1933). He entered the Civil Service in 1938 as a Junior Clerk, and in 1945 became Assistant S~cretary to the Board. He became a Commissioner in 1951, and also the Director of Statistics and Intelligence to the Board. He left the Civil Service in 1952 to join the Boots Pure Drug Co., and in 1961 became a Managing Director.
Clayson, J. A. M. (1917-1920). In 1962, he was made the Archdeacon of Croydon, previous to which he had been the Financial Adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Donald, Dr. K. W., D.Se. (1925-1930). Dr. Donald has been appointed Physician to the Queen in Scotland. He is also Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh University and Dean of the Faculty.
Comelius, D. W. (1947-1953). From September, 1954 until September, 1956, he did his National Service in the Royal Air Force, and he attained the rank of corporal with the Air Traffic Control in West Germany. On leaving the Air Force, he went to a Forester Training School in Perthshire, where he remained until 1958, when he completed his course and joined the Forestry Commission. Later that year, he joined the Forestry Commission of the Nyasaland Government as a forester. He completed a three year tour of Nyasaland in 1961, and after a holiday at home, returned again in January, 1962.
Collins, R. C. (1939-1946). Between 1946-48, he did his National Service with the Royal West Kents, where he reached the rank of LjCpl. From September, 1948, he worked as a scientific assistant with the Building Research Station at Garston near Watford. After a year, he went to the Northern Polytechnic in London where he got his B.Sc. In April, 1953, he joined the
Research Department of the British Nylon Spinners Limited, Pontypool, as a laboratory assistant. Our latest information is that he is now the Assistant Technical Officer in the X-ray laboratory of the same department.
Chidwick, B. G. (1946-1947). Our latest information is that he is now a lecturer at Liverpool College of Art.
Chapman, C. E. (1943-1950). In 1961, he was chosen to represent Great Britain in the Shark Angling International Festival held in Looe. He is at present manager of Currys in Bedford.
Chatfield, G. A. (1938-1945). He has recently been awarded a BA. and an ER.c.S.
Robinson, I. (1945-1951). Soon after leaving school, he emigrated to Rhodesia where he joined the Police Force. He left this in 1956 and learned to become a Diamond Digger.
Davies, A. T. (1945-1949). He went to the University of Aberystwyth on leaving school, where after two years, he passed his LLB. He is now deputy town clerk of a town in Wales.
Richards, R. J. (1949-1957). On leaving school, he went to the Imperial College, where, on the completion of his course in 1960, he obtained a B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering) with 1st Class Honours. He was also awarded the Salters Scholarship from the Salters Institute of Industrial Research in Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge.
Patrick, J. D. F. (1939-1946). After completing a two year training course, he is now employed by the c.W.S. Ltd. as a Senior Work Study Engineer at their largest factory which is in Manchester. He was married in December, 1953, and has two children aged 9 and 7.
Palmer, M. R. (1949-1954). From school he went to Norwood Technical College, London, where he spent two years. He obtained the P.M.G. Radio Certificate (1st Class) and the M.O.T. Radar Certificate. In June, 1956, he joined the Merchant Navy as a Radio Officer. At present he is employed by Elder Dempster Lines Limited of Liverpool, as a Radio Officer on the M.Y. Sekondi ;
running from the United Kingdom-West Africa-U.S.A.-the United Kingdom.
Oxford, R. I. (1951-1957). In January, 1958, he attended Portsmouth College of Technology, whilst in the employment of the British-India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. Whilst there, he obtained the Ordinary National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. He is now. at sea undergoing further Marine Engineering training. .
Moseling, E. W. J. (1922-1930. In 1953, he was appointed Headmaster of Elm Grove Primary School, Worthing. Previously, he had been the Headmaster of Mere Junior School, Wiltshire, a
position which he took up in 1949. Before this time he had been on the staff of Elvington County Primary School.
de Rose, R. C. (1958-1960). He was transferred to Gillingham Grammar School in 1960, which he left in 1964, having passed three 0 level subjects. He is now an apprentice in H.M. Dockyard at Chatham.
Penley-Martin, J. R. (1945-1951). He left school in 1951 and took up a post as an Executive Officer in the Civil Service. In 1952, he commenced his National Service in the R.A.F. He was given an acting commission as a Navigator, and went to Winnipeg for training under the N.A.T.A. scheme. In 1953, he was fully commissioned as Pilot Officer and returned to the United Kingdom to take up a post as an instructor at a Flying Training School. He then accepted an eight year commission. In 1954 he joined Bomber Command, flying a Lincoln aircraft, and was promoted to Flying Officer in 1955. The following year he was posted to the 2nd T.A.F. (Germany) and returned to the United Kingdom and married in 1956. In May, 1958, he was posted to Brampton and is at present in V-force.
Marsh, M. E. (1945-1953). On leaving school, he went to University College, London, and left in 1956 with a BA. Honours Degree in Geography. He then underwent National Service in the Royal Artillery, 32nd Medium Regiment. He was a Bombardier.
He completed his National Service in 1958, and is now the Assistant Geography Master at Kettering Grammar School.
O’Brien, C. P. (1939-1944). For the first two years after he left school, he was employed as a clerk in the Rates Office of Chichester Rural District Council. From 1946-48, he did his National Service as a member of the Palestine Police Force in Nazareth. From July, 1948 to the present day, he has been employed as a clerk by British Railways. For the first three years he was in the Parcels and Goods Offices at Bognor Regis, and then in the Booking Office at Bognor Regis Station until 1960 when he was promoted to the position which he now holds in the Continental Division of the Audit Department at Dorking in Surrey.
Maidstone, R. (1936-1940). He worked in the timber trade for five years, and during this period he passed the T.D.A.
examination in Timber Technology. Also he studied accountancy with Pitmans College, and qualified in Book-keeping. He has since worked in the Building and Civil Engineering Industry, specialising in cost accountancy. Recently he was admitted as a Certificate Member to the Institute of Wood Science (c.M.I.W.Sc.).
Maggs, C. J. (1956-1958). He left to attend Alleyne’s Grammar School, Stone, Staffordshire. He is now serving as a musician at the Royal Marine School of Music at Deal.
or The Me’anderings of an Old Pharosian
It was with appreciabl~ shortening of wind that! scaled the Hill on Friday, 10th November, 1967. Mter thirty years I went with trepidation for the wind of change was with us and Speech Day was now Guest Evening and after 60 years the Town Hall had been deserted. My thoughts went back to the days when we assembled in Ladywell and by unknown corridors wound our way to the Maison Dieu’ and Connaught H;ills. The change I feared was not so fearsome as I anticipated. The Prefect who met me at the door in showing the same politeness and, deference was a facsimile of those of years gone by. The Orchestra and Choir were there, although not so. numerous. I felt even the old Maestro S.F. W.
would have agreed that the School’s reputation for music is very safe in the hands of Mr. Best. The Staff and Guests I feel sure are grateful that eveniDg dress is no longer the order of the day. The Academicals still bring a delightful splash of colour to the front rows, and I remembered one or two of the whites and reds from thirty years ago. The Chairman of the Governors appropriately began the proceedings (not much change from Canon Elnor). Except that the Choir occupy the stage and the Nobles (including the Mayor and Mayoress of Dover and the M.P. for the Division and Mrs. Ennats) occupy the front seats in the Hal:l, where is the change? The report that F.W. would have given. is excellently and eloquently presented by three boys and the Headmaster. Still status quo.
We sing Fiat Lux. Then the wind of change for alas no Forty Years On. Where is respect for History and Tradition!! I wonder ” Do. they stir in those foreign fields” .
The proceedings lasted 1 00 minutes, a welcome change. Then we adjourn to the Dining,Hall where the Catering Staff again rise to the occasion.
There were changes officially caused by the economic crisis, e.g. certificates of merit, fewer prizes, a stencilled programme and invitation cards, but really I felt desirable progress. Headmaster, Staff and Boys I congratulate and thank you for a most enjoyable and successft1l evening. But as I paused to study the Old Boys’ Book of Remembrance and thought of the morrow I could not forget Forty Years On.
. As I left the battlements I felt like shouting as the sentry did in years gone by on the Castle opposite “AIl’s well and a fine night “.
One finally thought” Will I ever again be allowed the privilege to attend a Speech Day (sorry, Guest Evening)” or is this “The Wind of Change” .
Deuis Weaver. Printer. 38 Castl. Street, Dova:
The Secretary would be very grateful if any inaccuracies are brought to his notice.
– A list of ordinary members wiU be published in a subsequent issue. ‘
R. J. ALLRIGHT, 43 Middle Deal Road, Deal A A ANDREWS, 98 Ware Road, Hertford A~ lP. tf/ ‘ B. E. ARGENT, ~1 V..Ii”y VIew Road, Rochester3r–:”‘7.Hnt..
R. H. ARNOLD, B.P. (Trinidad) Ltd., Palo Seco, Trinida6 C. F. ASKm, 25 Tavistock Road, Park North, Swindon L C. AUSTIN, East Court, Lyminge, Folkestone R. A BACK, 27 Monins Road, Dover, A J. BAKER, 12 Sollershott West, Lefchworth W. T. BEER, 89 Manor Road, Dover R.,P. BEG Bm, Box Cottage, Brede, Rye ‘ B. A BILBY, Department of Metallurgy, University of Sheffield E. J. BINFmLD, 28 Leyburne Road, DOver V,R. BISH, 5 Guthrie Gardens, Common Lane, Dover E. W. BISHOP, 78 Bassett Green Rd., Swaythling, Southampton H. C. BLACKFORD, 5 Dalton Road, Coventry’ , C. G. BLACKFORD; Bourne’s Pool, Bournes Green, Stroud :G. A BOND, Three, Horseshoes, Kirdford, Sussex J. R. BOOTH, c/020 Godwyne Close, Dover R. G. BOOTH, clo 20 Godwyne Close, Dover L. BORLEY, B.T.A., 64 St. James Street, London, S.W.l C. C. BRAD BEER, Strathayre, Archers Court Road, Whitfield L. F. BROMLEY, clo A J. Gunn, Esq.
J. E. C. BUSHELL, I Weaver’s Way, Dover L. CASTLE, 15 Charlton Avenue, Dover {/i//”t”U, ~,….l . !):;..j.
G. E. CHEESEMAN,.H Dat:tfw.d R.gad, eft6aks J. A. M. CLA YSON (Rev.), The Vicarage, Bisle)J St~oud L’ W. E. COLLARD, 99 Priest’s Lane, Brentwood ~ .flrt-r.-I “””” D. CONSTABLE, II Oughton Way, Broughton, Chester, Flint M. J. COOK, Vine House, Eythome, Dover R. A. COOK, 23 Lewisham Road, Dover R. A CROFTS, Holly Tree Farm, Seberton, Leiston, Suffolk D. F. CROUCH, 52 London Road, Canterbury E. CRUSH, 30 Marlborough Road, Dover R. H. CUFF (Sen.), 51 Valley Road, Dover R. H. CUFF (Jun.), 51 Valley Road, Dover G. G. CURRY, University of California, Berkley, QUifornia ,W. DANE, Archers Lodge, Archers Court Road, Whitfield CD. A. DEW AR, 42 Holmside, Gillingham, Kent~ J. W. DILNOT (Rev.), The Rector, Stafford S. DILNOT, 36 Upton Court Road, Slough ‘J. W. DRYNAN, Farthings, Hill Avenue, Shepherdswell, Dover V. G. ELLEN, 98 Bunn’s Lane, Mill Hili, London, N.W.7 ‘A. ELLENDER, 77a Boughton Lane, Maidstone rJ. E. ELLlS, cloThe Lodge, Dover College, Dover E. J. EWELL, Dotten’s Farm, Cowes, Isle of Wight .p. J. FISH, Silverly, Egecton Road, Kearsney, Dover {Q. E. FOX, 36 Stafford Road, Sidcup ‘K. GILL, 16 Valley Road, Dover F. GOLDSMITH, 15 Devon Rise, London N.2 ‘W. M. C. GOSBY, 21 Abercom Place, London, N.W.8 iG. GRAEME, 61 Fail’view Avenue; Wigmore, GiIlingharn, Kent fL. N. GREEN, S9uthlands, High Street, Cranbrook, Kent ,F. GREENSTREET, 18 Bench Street, Dover ~A H. GUNH, Longmead, Pavilion Meadow, River, Dover ,D. M. GUNN, 29 Singledge Lane, Whitfield, Dover . E. W. HAMPSHIRE, 39 Langboume Avenue, London, N.6 ~. E. HARROW, Sunacre, Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield <M. S. HARROW, clo Sunacre, Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield ,0. F. HART, 138 Markland Road, Dover A. J. HALL, 81 Brighton Road, Newhaven, Sussex P. J. HALL, Wingreen, Nutburn Rd., N. Baddesley, Southampton ~. R. HAYDON, British Bmb~sbiD.gt9n, D:C., U.S.l_~ M, E. HEARN, Nestles Milk Products (Export) Inc., P.O. Box 155, Manilla, Philipine Islands A HENNEy, 7 Nora Close, Bexhill on Sea L. W. H. N. HOOKHAM, 21 Orchard Avenue, Gravesend “G. HOPE, Ashleigh, Church Hill, Shepherdswell, Dover , H. HOPKlNS, 143 Canterbury Road, Folkestone IC, G. JARRETT (Sir), 21 Yester Road, Chislehurst, Kent K. W. JAR VIS, Avon,dale, Eythome Road, Shepherdswell ‘,W. P. ffiFFREY, 6 Chevalier Road, Dover , W. JOHNSON, 10 Farthingloe Roa,d, Dover R. D. KNOTT, 10 Vera Avenue, Grange Park, London, N.21 R. D. LANGFORD, 10 Carlton Gate, Poulton-Ie-Fylde, Lancs.
, J. LE PROVESf, Millfield, Windmill Lane, East Grinstead E. F. LEGG, 165 Colney Heath Lane, St. Albans 1 fA. W. LEVENDEN, Seafield, Dover Road, Ringwould, Deal .
lA. S. LEWIS, Uplands, Bushy’Ruff, Kearsney, Dover G. E. LEWIS, Kynance, London Road, River, Dover (W. S. LOVELY, liS Africa House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2
H. H. MADAMS, 34 Crabtree Lane, Bodmin R. MAIDSfONE, 62 Astley Avenue, Dover . J. A MAKEY (Rev.), II Hewitts Place, WiIlesborough, Ashford A MALAIS, 79 Rue Elanger, Paris 16 C. MARSH, Hawthomes, Reach Road, St, Margaret’s, Dover ‘J.
M. E. MARSH, 7 Spencer Close, Cowley, Uxbridge /ft~/t.1 ‘P. E. MARSH, 31 Peak Drive, Eastry, Sandwich , J. R. MARTIN, 4 Monins Road, Dover [J. W. MENTER, Pampisford Lodge, Pampisford, Cambridge .R. MERCER, 18 Camaby Road, Broxboume, Herts M. W. A. MOORE, 14 Chadbury Court, Watford Way, N.7 ‘N. MORECROFT, 11 King’s Road, Dover S. H. MORRIS, 215 Shornecliffe Road, Folkestone ,E. W. J. MOSELING, Elm Grove C.P. School, Worthing ‘J. F. MUMMERY, Parsonage Farm, Coldred, Dover ,P. J. W. McVEY, clo 10 High Street, Dover P. W. McVEY, clo 10 High Street, Dover (Confirmation) K. A. NEWING (Rev.), The Rectory, Plympton-St.-Maurice, S. Devon H. C. NEWMAN, 250 Dower Rd., Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield A. NORMAN, clo The Lodge, Dover Grammar School, Astor A venue, Dover F. W. OCKENDEN, Sunnyside, WCI$haiton, Halesworth, Suffolk ‘ , D. R. OVENDEN, 423 Folkestone Road, Dover L. R. OVENDEN, I Nines Springs Way, Hitchin Herts.
J. A. P A TERSON, 17 High Cross Ave., Poulton-Ie-Fylde, Lancs.
~W. E. PEARCE, North Lodge, Kearsney Court, Dover ‘R. A. PELHAM, The Old Court House, West Moon, Hants.
R. T. PELHAM, West Cross P.O., Mumbles, Swansea . R. D. PILCHER, 10 Elms Vale Road, Dover rI. H. PITTOCK, St. Dupstan School House, Cranbrook, Kent J. (”G. N. fLEWS, 12 PeFlt Hill Reed, EItII£ Croydon /3 OJ.JN,~ r :.S. J. PRA TT, 23 Cherry Tree A venue; Dover W. PRESCOTT, Muritrison East Station, Victoria, Austratia ‘ ‘E. W. PUDNEY, .. Crabble Road, Dover 310:
J. T. RELF, 77 The Chase, Clapham, London, S.W.4 D. E. RELF. 41 Farthingloe Road, Dover . ‘ ~.I 1/1) R. J. RICHARDS, 38 Manor Road, Dover ~./~ . (t ‘0. M. ROOKWOOD (Miss), 13 BftUlo vf Brlumllfuu…., I)g.uer G. E. SADDLETON, Eastbourne A W. SALMON, 19 Stanley Village Road, Hong Kong’ B. SANDERS, clo 31 South Road, Dover.
D. G. A. SANDERS, Potters, Worth, Sussex J. M. SAUNDERS, Unknown-Help wanted, , R. S. SCANES, 63 Elms Vale Road, Dover , L. W. T. SCOTT, I Crilbble Close, Dover W. T. SHOLL, Bramber, Kingston, Lewes, Sussex J. M. SIMMONDs, 13 Fellowes Way, Hildenborough, Tonbridge ~ H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Whitfield Hall, Whjtfie1d ‘D. H. SMITH, 18 Astley Avenue, Dover .>H. J. SMITH, 72 Graham Avenue, Brighton 6 I R. SPEAR, clo Johnson’ & Johnson, 2155 Pie IX Boulevard, Quebec ” R. G. STANDEN, 22 Chatsworth Drive, Frinsbury, Kent L. R. STEGGLES, 10 ,The GrOve, Abingdon, Berks.
J; P. SUTTON, clo 29 Waterloo Mansions, Dover ~N. V. SUTTON, 60 The Gateway, Dover ,T. A. SUTTON, 17 Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield, Dover J. R. TA YLOR, II Hollytree’Qose, Inner,Park Road, S.W.19 . R. G. THORPE, 20 King’s Road, Dover R. A. N. TURNER, 7 Marroway, Weston Turville, Aylesbury “L. F. TURNPENNY (Mrs.), 14 Park Avenue, Dover, (R. J. UNSTEAD, Reedlands, Lakeside, Thorpeness, Leiston, Suffolk (1. H. T. W AIGHT, 180 The Gateway, Dover ~H. R. W. WATKINS, 2 Bromwich Lane, Highgate, London,’N.6 I. P. WATT. 12(98 La, Costa Drive, Los Atlas Hills, California A W. S. WEBBER, 11 Robinson Road, Tooting, London, S.W.17 . W. J. F. WELLARD, Windy Ridge, Sykes Ings, !ver, Bucks.
r S. J. WENBORN, 88 Minnis Lane, Dover “‘R. S. WEST, 22 Prioress Walk, Dover F. G. WEST-ORAM, White Lodge, Norley Road, Cuddington, Northwich ” ,W. M. E. WHITE, Muir House, TIdworth,..Hants.
J. D. WlLLIAMS, 3 Bridgewater Qose, Chislehurst, Kent C. J. WlLSON, clo 198 Downs Road, Deal
Addresses unknown: W. S. BORTHWICK, A J. BRIGHAM.