OPA Newsletter July 1966
New Series No. 10
July 1966
President: H. A STANWAY
H. R. SLATER, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Rd., Whitfield, Dover
To a country bumpkin like myself, who has never seen the foyer of the new London lIiIton or the old hanging gardens of Babylon. this Ball was rather special.
A fountain played in the entrance, surrounded by massed hydrangeas., The bar clinked with sociable business and the band was gently persuasive so that, under this double incentive, people were disposed to forgive their enemies, forget their own deficiencies and enjoy themselves.
The organisers. representing Old Boys. Parents and School, demonstrated the virtues of combined operations. They can sleep easily in their beds for they have found a formula.
NOTE FOR OLD BoYS By all means buy your former master a drink. but not at the cost of a conversation beginning” The only thing you taught me at school was. . . . . “. K.H.R.
It is hoped to join with the Parents’ Association again to hold a similar Ball next April or May at the School.
The ANNuAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday. 17th September at 6.30 p.m. at the School.
1. Read the notice convening the meeting 2. Minutes 3. Matters arising 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. Secretary’s Report 6. Election of Officers 7. Any other business HAROLD R. SLATER.
Hon. Secretary
The Annual Dinner will follow the meeting at 8 p.m. The cost will be one guinea and dress is informal.
Reservations to H. R. Slater, Meadow Cottage, Sandwich Road, Whitfield, Dover (Kearsney 2033) by 5 o’clock, Tuesday, 13th September.
The committee hopes you will make a special effort to attend this most enjoyable and informal function. The AG.M. itself is very short and there will be plenty of time to meet and have a chat with old friends.
Saturday, 17th September: AG.M. and Dinner. See notice elsewhere in this newsletter.
Friday, 18th November: Speech Day.
Saturday, 17th December: Old Boys’ Soccer Match. Will Old Boys who would like to play please get in touch with Mr.
Ruflell at the School?
Monday, 19th, Tuesday, 20th December: School Concert.
Thursday, 9th, Friday, 10th March, 1967: School Play. The Flies by J. P. Sattre.
Saturday, 18th March, 1967: Old Boys’ Rugby Match. Will Old Boys who would like to play please get in touch with Mr.
Denham at the School?
The Diamond Jubilee Fete at the School on Saturday, 16th July produced an excellent profit of approximately £300.
This is the more commendable because of the uncertain weather which culminated in a downpour at lunch time, and though the afternoon turned out quite bright a number of potential visitors to the Fete were undoubtedly deterred.
The Old Pharosians assisted by running the Bottle Tombola which was a centre of attraction all the afternoon.
Mr. Borne at the School would be very grateful for more news of Old Boys. Drop him a line to let him know what you have been doing since you left school.
FREER, MICHAEL on leaving School went to Reading University, but after completing the second year of the B.Sc. (Agriculture) course he moved to Melbourne University, where he was admitted to the course for the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Science.
This degree was conferred on him in 1952. In 1956 he was accepted as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Agriculture and in September, 1959 his thesis, “A Study of Pasture Utilization by Dairy Cows” was passed by the examiners and he was admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in December, 1959.
CROFTS, ERIC JOHN spent four years at Oriel College, Oxford after leaving school, although his term as an under-graduate was interrupted by call-up for military service. He was commissioned in the Cheshire Regiment and when released was a Lieutenant and Acting Captain. He graduated with 2nd Gass Honours and after a fourth year was awarded his Diploma in Education.
He immediately obtained the post of Science Master at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Bamet and after a few years was appointed Senior Science Master, a position he still holds.
LUCK, LESLIE ALEc (1921-22) in 1922 was transferred to Ilford County High School. In 1926, he secured the Geneml School Certificate with exemption from Matriculation. When he left in 1928, he took up a post as an insurance clerk.
SAYLE, RAY:MOND GEORGE (1935-41) on leaving school joined the G.P.O. (Telecommunications branch) at Dover, where he was stationed until the end of the war. On transfer to the radio section, he commenced further training at Dollis Hill and Cambridge. He gained further training experience at Portishead and Leafield.
before emigmting to New Zealand in March, 1950. In New Zealand, he was posted by the British G.P.O. to equip and test the new mdio receiving station at Makara (Wellington Province). Later he was given a permanent post. and inspected every radio beacon from Stewart Island to Cape Reinga. Later still, he supervised the installation of radio equipment on the Royal Yacht Britannia during Her Majesty the Queen’s visit to New Zealand.
He is at present. a partner in a private electronic firm. His hobbies are gold-prospecting, aqua-diving and fishing. He is married with two girls. living in the Linden area.
HOUGH, TERENCE STAFFORD (1956-58) left in 1958 to go to King’s School, Canterbury. On leaving school in 1963, he went to Manchester University where he is in his final year studying for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Economic and Social Studies.
HANDCOCK, JAMES WILLIAM (1941-48) on leaving school went to Queen Mary College with an open exhibition. There he obtained a Ph.D. Chemistry. From 1954-55, he held a research Fellowship at Chicago University as a post-doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry.
CHAPMAN. ARTHUR WILLIAM (1915-17) left school in 1917 and was transferred to Norwich City School. When he left, he became a junior clerk in the Surveyor’s Deparbnent of the Norfolk County Council.
RICHMOND. ERIC IVOR on leaving school in 1952 went to Queen Mary College, London. He left in 1955 after obtaining a B.Sc. degree in Engineering. He then began National Service with the Royal Signals and was seconded to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston. In 1957, he took a graduate apprenticeship at AW.R.E. Between 1959-63, he was with AW.R.E. electronic instrumentation department, whose job it is to record and diagnose underground explosions. From 1963 onwards he has been with Ferranti Ltd., in the Digital Systems department.
CROUCH, !AN J AMES after leaving school in 1956, went to Welbeck College for two years and followed this with two years at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Thus in 1960, he was commissioned in the Royal Signals.
After completing a Young Officers’ course at Catterick, he was posted to a Signal Regiment in Germany, where he also served with the Guards Brigade. This was followed by a period in Catterick training recruits, before going to Scotland to run an Army Youth Team. From Scotland, he joined the Trucial Oman Scouts at Sharjah where he will remain until the end of 1966.
FosTER, MICHAEL after being with the County Fire Office Insurance Company in Canterbury and London, during which time he gained his AC.!.!. and later F.C.!.!., joined the Reed Paper Group’s insurance department. He has recently returned to Dover and taken over The Star Newsagency in Ladywell with his wife and young daughter. His younger brother Alan is an officer on Townsend’s cross-channel ships.
DAMPIER, GEOFFREY on leaving school in 1949 joined the Dover firm of Warren & Reynolds, until his National Service in the R.AF. In 1951 he went to London with Roneo Ltd. and after 11 years took over the post of Southern Area Sales Manager with Constructors Ltd. In January of this year he returned to Dover and joined Old Pharosian Denis Weaver as Sales Manager, and has since also become Sales Director of Thanet Office Equipment Ltd.
He married in 1953 and has two daughters.
Giraud, Printer, Dover